Amazing Aztec Mythical Creatures You Haven't Heard Of Before!

Anusuya Mukherjee
Oct 27, 2023 By Anusuya Mukherjee
Originally Published on Dec 06, 2021
Aztec mythical creatures are of great interest to every creature on the Earth.

Mythology makes up a large portion of histories related to different civilizations.

The Aztec civilization is one of the most fascinating ancient civilizations on the planet with very detailed and fascinating mythology.

The Aztec civilization ruled over most of central Mexico city from the 1400s to the 1500s and believed in mythical powers of several deities that often warred among themselves and that each deity had a connection to normal everyday things.

From historical evidence, we infer that Aztecs were deeply religious and each house had small clay deities that they worshipped to along with large ceremonies and religious gatherings that included sermons, chanting, animal and human sacrifice.

The Aztec civilization was composed of various different ethnic groups but similar mythological beliefs were spread throughout the kingdom, the Aztecs believed that human life was very insignificant creatures that were a creation of the Gods to serve them and feed them.

They tried to connect natural calamities and disasters with the wrath of the Gods, they did not however believe in any favors or exceptional protection from the Gods and believed that everything was predetermined and nothing that humans did would affect the outcome.

They believed that if humans were not able to feed God at any time in the year, it would lead to widespread starvation and disease, according to the Aztec mythology the God fed on a precious substance that was found within human blood and therefore they performed seasonal human sacrifices to please the Gods and stay alive.

If you’re someone who's interested in Aztec mythology, then you’ve come to the right place, read till the end to unravel some amazing Aztec mysteries.

Read further to know about some amazing Aztec mythical creatures. Afterward, also check Aztec facts for kids and Bogle creature.

Mexican Mythological Creatures

Mexico has a very rich history and a vast mythology that contains detailed descriptions of innumerous creatures with powers and abilities that are beyond human comprehension. These creatures have different purposes and legends written about them, here we have a list of the most popular Mexican mythological creatures.


Nahuales are one of the most highly misunderstood creatures of Mexican mythology, it was believed that all humans are born with a spirit animal that guides them, the one who were born nahual could transform into animals and make better use of their abilities, this ability however was connected with witchcraft and they were considered shamans who stole spirits.


The Ahuizotl has been known to live in the lakes as a servant of the rain lord in order to take away the souls of the people that the divine Gods chose.

The monkey-like creature with short yet strong legs and long tail ripped off the eyes, teeth, and nails of the chosen people before they drowned, and this is how the bodies were identified to have been taken by the Gods.


The Atotolin is also popularly known as the king of birds in Atotolin, whose name translates as “water hen”.

He had long claws and was believed to be the most difficult bird to hunt in the world and it was believed that if any hunter set out to kill the bird and was unable to do that in three days, his death was inevitable on the fourth day.

If the hunter could kill the bird, then he had to rip open the bird’s stomach to unravel facts about his fate, a lump of coal would mean bad luck while a precious stone signified a golden future.


The cheneques are considered to be tiny mischievous beings that work to maintain the natural environment and reside in the mountains and forests. It is believed that they were capable of stealing a part of people’s souls and therefore it was advised to wear clothes inside out in order to avoid them.


The Cipactli was a voracious creature that was also known as the black liard and was known to have 18 months, his body was a mixture of an alligator and a fish and he was used by the Gods to create heaven and hell.

Mayan Mythological Creatures

Mayan mythology was to a large extent similar to that of the Aztecs and overlapped at various points in time; they were firm believers that humans were put on Earth for the sole purpose of nourishing the Gods. The Myan mythology comprises a wide range of mythological creatures on Earth that are closely related to the Aztecs.

Some of the most popular Mayan mythological creatures are as follows.


The Alux were tiny creatures that were created to take care of the underworld. The underworld refers to nature and these tiny creatures were very gentle unless not given proper respect. Their body resembled elves in appearance and was believed to be older than the sun in age.


The Dzulum was a jaguar who was seen as a guardian of lands and crops and was a very wise animal with a long luscious white beard.

He was feared by all the other felines in his territory due to the strong white body and he only attacked females, as they were attracted to the beast and even made pacts with him to turn into witches and give him their soul to avoid getting killed.

Over time, this mighty beast has come to identify as a popular symbol of suicide by the Europeans.


Sisemite was an ugly and savage humanoid who lives in the underworld, these giants are thought to be the original inspiration of the bigfoot. It is believed that he didn’t have the ability to communicate and was only capable of letting out howls and screams.

Although he was known to abduct women, he was highly misunderstood and was gentle at heart.

Aztec Gods And Goddesses

As we mentioned earlier, the Aztecs worshipped a variety of deities and gave a significant meaning and connection to everything, even everyday household objects and natural phenomenons. Here is a list of popular Aztec Gods and Goddesses.


Huitzilopochtli was one of the primary gods that the Aztecs prayed to, he was the lord of war and sun and was often represented through the symbol of an eagle or a hawk.


The name Tlaloc literally means “the one who makes things sprout”. He was the God of rain and was responsible for inducing fertility in the soil to enable the growing of crops for humans to consume.


Quetzalcoatl was also known as the feathered snake and was revered by the people as one of the primary deities who was the patron of priests, was identified with the planet Venus. The male creature was seen as the inventor of calendars and as a protector of skills and was represented by a snake symbol.


Tezcatlipoca was one of the major deities that the Aztecs worshipped, he was seen as the God of the night sky and was represented by the bear constellation in the sky. He was known to rule the predecessor universe which was destroyed before the making of this one.


Chalchiuhtilicue is considered the Goddess of water bodies, she is always represented as wearing very heavy headgear and a dress laded with tassels that have a stream of water flowing out of it. Chalchiuhtilicue is also seen as a protector of newborn children.


Chantico is known as the Goddess of hearth and fire, it is believed that she dwells within people’s homes and brings wealth and stability to the household. She is also popularly regarded as the Goddess of pleasure and pain and fertility to bring children into the household.

What is the mythical homeland of the Aztec people?

Aztec mythology not only mentions the various deities and mythical creatures that existed, but also mentions of the place of origin of the Aztecs and how they came to be settled in Central Mexico.

The mythological evidence suggests that Aztecs believed in a place known as Aztlan, where they originally came from on the orders of their king Huitzilopochtli. The mythology describes the kingdom as a very luxurious and comfortable one and everyone who lived there was immortal.

The legend also mentions how difficult the journey from Aztlan to Tenochtitlan for conquest was as the land was filled with spikes and dangerous snakes that bit them. The existence of the mythical Aztec city of Tenochtitlan is still up for debate.

What role did the mythical creature play in the Aztec culture?

As we mentioned earlier in the article, the Aztecs were highly religious people who believed in a lot of prophecies and mythological beings and their connection with the divine world.

The Aztecs believed that the Gods created the universe and everything within it, the mythical creatures were also created by the Gods to serve them and help them maintain the world by living in it.

Each mythical creature had its own mission which had to be lived and explored and humans did not deserve to come in any contact with them.

The Aztecs considered humans to be very insignificant beings who were meant to keep the Gods happy through hard work and sacrifice.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for Aztec mythical creatures then why not take a look at biggest sea creature, or dangerous sea creatures.

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Written by Anusuya Mukherjee

Bachelor of Arts and Law specializing in Political Science and Intellectual Property Rights

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Anusuya MukherjeeBachelor of Arts and Law specializing in Political Science and Intellectual Property Rights

With a wealth of international experience spanning Europe, Africa, North America, and the Middle East, Anusuya brings a unique perspective to her work as a Content Assistant and Content Updating Coordinator. She holds a law degree from India and has practiced law in India and Kuwait. Anusuya is a fan of rap music and enjoys a good cup of coffee in her free time. Currently, she is working on her novel, "Mr. Ivory Merchant".

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