National Train A Teacher Day

Rajnandini Roychoudhury
Dec 22, 2023 By Rajnandini Roychoudhury
Originally Published on Feb 11, 2022
Fact-checked by Vikhaash Sundararaj
National Train A Teacher Day is an annual event to celebrate your instructor and the course!

Where is National Train A Teacher Day Celebrated?

National Train A Teacher Day is celebrated across the United States.

Who is National Train A Teacher Day celebrated by?

National Train A Teacher Day is celebrated by school staff, including teachers, administrators, and youth leaders across the United States.

When did National Train A Teacher Day first start?

The first National Train A Teacher Day was on May 19, 2018. This movement started soon after the Parkland tragedy.

Who started National Train A Teacher Day?

Klint Marco and Grant Gallagher are the co-founders of National Train A Teacher Day. The defense and firearm safety instructors, Grant Gallagher and Klint Macro, set about finding instructors from all over the country to offer free training.

History And Timeline

Let's explore the timeline and intention behind this movement. Hundreds of educators come together every year to participate in this training.

Horrific Parkland Shooting

A high school in Parkland, Florida, was faced with a tragedy when a former student opened fire on the school campus.

February 2018

Firearms Trainers Team Up

After this incident, training counselors Grant Gallagher and Klint Marco decided that the firearms training community must step up. They wanted to create awareness and teach others about firearms safety. They registered the domain name and went live the very next day.


Official US Holiday

The first National National Train Your Teacher Day took place on May 19, 2018. It was a nationwide initiative by defense instructors, firearm safety professionals, and coaches for the school staff, administrators, and youth leaders.

May 2018

More Support For The Cause

The United States Concealed Carry Association and Taser became the official sponsors of the National Train Your Teacher Day. Sabre Red joined the team soon after, and they continue to strive to offer free training and resources to certified instructors.


Training With Pandemic Precautions

National Train Your Teacher Day was moved from its original date in 2020 from June to August due to the pandemic. Despite the restrictions, they offered training to hundreds of teachers and instructors.


Traditions And Customs

If you are a trainer, teacher, or instructor, you can volunteer yourself for this program. Simply visit the website.

Youth leaders, school staff and administrators, and teachers are encouraged to take this training. Private firearms training companies also offer a free training course to teachers, instructors, school staff, and youth leaders on this day. The course provides more information on specific topics, like firearms safety, to prepare them to fight back and protect the students.

Ways To Celebrate National Train A Teacher Day

If you are an educator, the first thing you can do is check if there are any training sessions in your area that you can volunteer for. Or, if you know any teachers, administrators, youth leaders in your circle, you inform them about this day and movement.

Many organizations and schools sponsor a workshop or courses to empower teachers. You can share your own experience or support the cause by posting on social media under the relevant hashtags.

Facts And Stats

  • In 2020, the date for the event was moved from its original date in June to August.
  • Many private firearms companies participate in National Train A Teacher Day and offer free training to school administrators.
  • June 18, 2022, will be the 5th annual National Train A Teacher Day. You can visit the website and explore training options.

Who inspired National Train A Teacher Day?

National Train A Teacher Day was in response to the horrific incident in Florida.

What are the conditions in celebrating national train a teacher day?

There is no information regarding this.

What are some disadvantages of National Train A Teacher Day?

Of course, there are no such disadvantages in training an instructor about firearms and safety measures for firearms.

What is the importance of National Train A Teacher Day?

The importance of this day is that it empowers educators and teachers to protect students in case of emergency situations.

When Is This Day Celebrated

  • Saturday, August 01, 2020
  • Saturday, June 19, 2021
  • Saturday, June 18, 2022

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Written by Rajnandini Roychoudhury

Bachelor of Arts specializing in English, Master of Arts specializing in English

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Rajnandini RoychoudhuryBachelor of Arts specializing in English, Master of Arts specializing in English

With a Master of Arts in English, Rajnandini has pursued her passion for the arts and has become an experienced content writer. She has worked with companies such as Writer's Zone and has had her writing skills recognized by publications such as The Telegraph. Rajnandini is also trilingual and enjoys various hobbies such as music, movies, travel, philanthropy, writing her blog, and reading classic British literature. 

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Fact-checked by Vikhaash Sundararaj

Bachelor of Fine Arts specializing in International Business

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Vikhaash SundararajBachelor of Fine Arts specializing in International Business

With a background in International Business Management, having completed his degree at the University of Hull. Vikhaash has volunteered with 'Teach For India' to help students create a monthly newsletter. In his free time, he enjoys sports and was the assistant captain of his school's hockey team. He has also gained marketing experience through an internship at Decathlon Sports India.

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