26 A Mother's Prayer Quotes

Anuoluwa Soneye
Mar 13, 2023 By Anuoluwa Soneye
Originally Published on Feb 27, 2023
Edited by Oluwapelumi Iwayemi
Lovely mother's prayer quotes to send to your mother.

Motherhood is not an easy thing, and that's why we must always appreciate our mother at all times.

One virtue of a great mother is always praying for her child in her heart. You must value your mother for her prayers and sacrifices because not every parent does that for their children.

These mother's prayer quotes will show the secret prayers that mothers pray. They do this as part of their efforts to mold their children's character. They also believe they can only access the supernatural force that enables them to be the most incredible parents via prayer.

Why mother's prayer quotes?

Children need to learn quotes about the prayers of mothers. Quotes about a mother's prayer can help children understand the importance and power of prayer in one's life.

Children can also find comfort and solace in the words of these quotes, particularly if they face difficult challenges or struggles. Quotes about mothers' prayers can help children understand the depth of love and devotion that mothers have for their children.

What Parents Should Know

  • Mother's prayer quotes can inspire and guide children as they navigate challenges.
  • Sharing mother's prayer quotes with children can help teach them about the importance and power of prayer in life.
  • They can be a source of comfort and solace: Mother's prayer quotes can provide comfort and solace to children. Particularly during difficult times.
  • Reciting mother's prayer quotes can be a way to honor and appreciate mothers and their love and devotion for their children.

What To Discuss with Kids

  • The types of things that mothers might pray for, such as the well-being and happiness of their children or protection and guidance for their family.
  • Prayer can be a source of strength and comfort, especially during difficult times.
  • Some common themes that may be found in mother's prayers are love, devotion, protection, and gratitude.
  • Some ways kids can show appreciation for their mothers' prayers, such as by expressing gratitude or by trying to be obedient and respectful.

A Mother's Prayer Quotes For her son

These mother prayer quotes show how much a mother adores her son and prays for him.

"Eric, it shows moral and spiritual growth when we can adopt some good habits which our parents did not. Now your son will run with the praying habit, thanks to you." ― Dora Weithers, 'The Caribbean', 2020

"Some of my earliest and fondest memories of my mother are of her kneeling at the side of her bed every night and praying . . . but I never could make out the words. Today, being married to an addict myself, I'm pretty sure I know exactly what she was praying." ― Barbara Bice

"You shared some very wise quotes here, Dora. My mother passed when I was very young. I don't remember her praying, but I know she did. It's every mother's privilege - and responsibility." ― William Kovacic, Pleasant Gap, 2020.

"A precious little boy tucked in his mother’s armListens as she asks her Lord to keep him safe from harmHe looks at her in wonder as he hears his momma prayFor God to bless the baby girl who will marry him someday:Keep her safe, make her strong...For she’s the one who will grow into the womanWho will stand beside my son."

― Bonnie J. Barbey

I always feel better about life after I read one of your uplifting hubs. Thank you for the flood of memories this morning. ― Bill Holland, Olympia, 2020.

"To this day, even though I am grown and have two children of my own, whenever I travel somewhere distant or am undertaking a major project, my mother will sit me down, lay hands on me, and say a prayer of blessing." ― Francisco J. García Jr.

"From the time of my earliest memories, she impressed upon me one rule above all others: when I woke from sleep, my first duty was to pray to God for spiritual nourishment and blessings . . . my mother would never relent .

. . She planted in me, and tended in my early life, a profound love and fear of God." ―Sadhu Sundar Singh

A Mother's Prayer Quotes For Her Daughter

Read these mother's prayer quotes to find out more about a mother's love for her daughter.

(Acknowledge your mother's prayers and sacrifices.)

"Thank you, Peggy. We appreciate our parents for giving us a good start in our prayer lives. Our prayers as well as theirs also support us in our adult lives." ― Dora Weithers, 'The Caribbean', 2020.

"Guide her with your grace, to a place where she'll be safe." ― Carole Bayer Sager

"My mother knew when to listen and when to pray and when to help. I wonder how many people knew the compassion [my mother] held for them and how hard, in the privacy of her God Box, she prayed for them and their struggles." ― Mary Lou Quinlan

Emotional Mother's Prayer Quotes

These mother's prayer quotes will get you really emotional and make you almost tear up.

Bill, I'm sorry that you missed out on sharing your life with your mom. Thank God for her prayers and for the prayers of the mother figures who compensated. Dora Weithers, 'The Caribbean', 2020.

"I was also told that there is no greater prayer than that of a mother for her children. These are the purest prayers because of their intense desire and, at times, sense of desperation. A mother has the ability to give her heart to her children and to implore mightily before God for them." ― Betty J. Eadie

"Before you close your eyes to sleep
I have a promise still to keep
As I hold you in my arms
I pray your little frame grows strong
And faith take hold while you are young
This is my prayer for you." ― Keith Getty et al.

"My mother taught me a prayer as a child that I prayed at night. . . 'Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep.

If I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take . . . The choice was not whether to fall into sleep but how: in trust and hope or in fear and despair." ― Ben Patterson

"Good mothers know all about patience . . . they know about keeping a vigil over a cot all night, praying that the doctor's medicine will work." ― Adaobi Tricia Nwaubani

Beautiful Mother's Prayer Quotes

A mother's prayer is one of the most beautiful things you can get.

"Mothers and aunts tell us about infancy and early childhood, hoping we won't forget the past when they had total control over our lives and secretly praying that because of it, we'll include them in our future." ― Rita Mae Brown

"I would get on my knees with by boys at night and to the "Now I lay me down to sleep" prayer, then we would ask God to bless family members. I certainly was not the perfect mom but I did want my boys to learn to pray." - Pamela Oglesby

"I never can forget the voice
That always made my heart rejoice;
Tho’ I’ve wandered, God knows where,
Still I remember mother’s prayer." ― W. S. Weeden

"Thank you for a wonderful start for my day. I cannot remember a single prayer my mom gave me. But when she became too old and feeble to live at home, she would ask me to pray with and for her." ― Eric Dierker

"Thanks, Manatita, for your advice, and for introducing to many of your valued, spiritual teachers." ― Dora Weithers, 'The Caribbean'

"God does hear and answer prayers. . . From childhood, at my mother's knee where I first learned to pray . . . I know without question that it is possible for men and women to reach out in humility and prayer and tap that Unseen Power." ―Ezra Taft Benson

"From the north to the south
from the west to the east
hear the prayer of the mothers
bring them peace
bring them peace" ― Yael Deckelbaum et al.

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Written by Anuoluwa Soneye

Bachelor of Arts specializing in English

Anuoluwa Soneye picture

Anuoluwa SoneyeBachelor of Arts specializing in English

With a Bachelor's in English from Obafemi Awolowo University and extensive experience as an editor and tutor, Anuoluwa is an award-winning poet who now serves as a content writer for Kidadl. In his spare time, he enjoys online gaming, playing the piano, table tennis, writing poetry, and graphic design. Anuoluwa also serves as vice president of his local branch of the National Youth Service Corps (CDS).

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