65 Best Frodo Quotes From The Lord Of The Rings

Rajnandini Roychoudhury
Dec 12, 2023 By Rajnandini Roychoudhury
Originally Published on Mar 02, 2021
Edited by Jacob Fitzbright
The Lord of the Rings shows Frodo

Frodo Baggins is one of the most important characters of the Third Age, created by J. R. R. Tolkien, who was a Hobbit from the Shire and plays a titular role as a ring-bearer.

He is the nephew of Bilbo Baggins who becomes one of the prime ring-bearers after Bilbo and is the best friend of Samwise Gamgee. In the movie adaptations, he is played by Elijah Wood who delivers his role perfectly.

Here is a list of quotes by Frodo which shows the world that strength and bravery are not determined by size but by sheer willpower.

If you like our content, you can check out other amazing articles like 'Lord Of The Rings' quotes and Samwise Gamgee quotes.

'Lord Of The Rings' Frodo Quotes

If you are looking for some of the greatest quotes by Frodo Baggins as well as quotes said to him, here is a list of the best quotes to rule them all.

1. "Frodo: I wish it need not have happened in my time.

Gandalf: So do I, and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."

-'The Fellowship Of The Ring'.

2. "Frodo: He deserves death.

Gandalf: Deserves it! I daresay he does. Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the very wise cannot see all ends."

-'The Fellowship Of The Ring'.

3. "I wish the Ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened."

-Frodo, 'The Fellowship Of The Ring'.

4. "Short cuts make delays but inns make longer ones."

-Frodo, 'The Fellowship Of The Ring'.

6. "There is no real going back. Though I may come to the Shire, it will not seem the same; for I shall not be the same. I am wounded with knife, sting, and tooth, and a long burden. Where shall I find rest?"

-Frodo, 'The Return of the King'.

7. "Gollum: Master must go inside the tunnel.

Frodo: Now that I'm here, I don't think I want to."

-'The Return of the King'.

8. "Maybe he does deserve to die, but now that I see him I do pity him."

-Frodo, 'The Two Towers'.

9. "It is useless to meet revenge with revenge: it will heal nothing."

- Frodo, 'The Return of the King'.

10. "Bilbo used often to say there was only one Road; that it was like a great river: its springs were at every doorstep, and every path was its tributary."

-Frodo, 'The Fellowship Of The Ring'.

11. "Go not to the Elves for counsel, for they will say both no and yes."

-Frodo, 'The Fellowship Of The Ring'.

12. "I feel that as long as the Shire lies behind, safe and comfortable, I shall find wandering more bearable."

-Frodo, 'The Fellowship Of The Ring'.

13. "There is no real going back."

-Frodo, 'The Return of the King'.

14. "I know what you would say, and it would seem like wisdom, but for the warning in my heart."

-Frodo, 'The Fellowship Of The Ring'.

15. "'I have come,' he said. 'But I do not choose now to do what I came to do. I will not do this deed. The Ring is mine!' And suddenly, as he set it on his finger, he vanished from Sam's sight."

-'The Return of the King'.

16. "I will take the ring though I do not know the way."

-Frodo, 'The Fellowship Of The Ring'.

18. "It is useless to meet revenge with revenge: it will heal nothing."

-Frodo, 'The Return of the King'.

19. "I shall know that somewhere there is a firm foothold, even if my feet cannot stand there again."

-Frodo, 'The Fellowship Of The Ring'.

20. "But do you remember Gandalf's words: Even Gollum may have something yet to do?"

-Frodo, 'The Return Of The King'.

21. "I can see the Shire. The Brandywine River. Bag End. The Lights in the Party Tree."

-Frodo, 'The Return Of The King'.

22. "Frodo: What do you want?

Aragorn: A little more caution from you, that's no trinket you carry.

Frodo: I carry nothing."

-Frodo, 'The Fellowship Of The Ring'.

23. "You're late!"

-Frodo, 'The Fellowship Of The Ring'.

24. "Thirteen months to the day since Gandalf sent us on our long journey... we found ourselves looking upon a familiar sight."

-Frodo, 'The Return Of The King'.

25. "I feel that as long as the Shire lies behind, safe and comfortable, I shall find wander more bearable."

-Frodo, 'The Fellowship Of The Ring'.

26. "And thus it was. A fourth age of middle-earth began. And the fellowship of the ring... though eternally bound by friendship and love... was ended."

-Frodo, 'The Return Of The King'.

27. "Frodo: Gandalf, I'm glad you're back.

Gandalf: So am I, dear boy. So am I."

- 'The Fellowship Of The Ring'.

Best Frodo Baggins Quotes

These Frodo quotes from 'Lord Of The Rings' are some of the best Frodo Baggins quotes around!

28. "It's a pity Bilbo didn't kill him when he had the chance."

-Frodo, 'The Fellowship Of The Ring'.

29. "All right. We'll put it away. We'll keep it hidden, we'll never speak of it again. No one knows it's here, do they?"

-Frodo, 'The Fellowship Of The Ring'.

30. "I know what I must do. It's just... I'm afraid to do it."

-Frodo, 'The Fellowship Of The Ring'.

31. "Whatever you did, you've been officially labeled a disturber of the peace."

-Frodo, 'The Fellowship Of The Ring'.

32. "All right then keep your secrets. Before you came along we Bagginses were very well thought of."

'The Fellowship Of The Ring'.

33. "Frodo: Are you saying there's another way into Mordor?

Gollum: Yes. There's a pass, and some stairs, and then…tunnel."

-'The Two Towers'.

34. "There are some things that time cannot mend... some hurts that go too deep... that have taken hold."

-Frodo, 'The Return of the King'.

35. "My own adventure turned out to be quite different. I'm not like you, Bilbo."

-Frodo, 'The Fellowship Of The Ring'.

36. "We were home."

-Frodo, 'The Return of the King'.

37. "I don't think I'm going to be returning."

-Frodo, 'The Return of the King'.

38. "The Ring was entrusted to me. It's my task. Mine! My own!"

-Frodo, 'The Two Towers'.

39. "We are bound to an errand of secrecy. Those that claim to oppose the enemy would do well not to hinder us."

-Frodo, 'The Two Towers'.

40. "Bilbo's story was now over. There would be no more journeys for him... save one."

-Frodo, 'The Return of the King'.

41. "I think in his heart Frodo is still in love with the Shire: the woods, the fields…little rivers. I'm old Gandalf. I know I don't look it, but I'm beginning to feel it in my heart."

-Bilbo, 'The Fellowship Of The Ring'.

42. "I miss the Shire. I spent all my life pretending I was off somewhere else. Off with you, on one of your adventures."

-Frodo, 'The Fellowship Of The Ring'.

43. "We were home. How do you pick up the threads of an old life? How do you go on?"

-Frodo, 'The Return of the King'.

Frodo and Sam Quotes

Here is a list of some of the best 'The Fellowship Of The Ring' quotes and quotes from other movies and books that the two hobbits, Frodo and Samwise share between them.

44. "I know what I have to do, Sam. The ring was entrusted to me. It's my task, mine, my own!"

-Frodo, 'The Two Towers.'

45. "Sam: Go on! Now! Throw it in the fire!... What are you waiting for? Just let it go!

Frodo: The ring is mine."

-Frodo, 'The Return Of The King'.

46. "I am glad that you are here with me,' said Frodo. 'Here at the end of all things, Sam."

- 'The Return Of The King'.

47. "I could not have destroyed the Ring. The Quest would have been in vain, even at the bitter end. So let us forgive him! For the Quest is achieved and now all is over."

-Frodo, 'The Return Of The King'.

48. "Your time may come. Do not be too sad Sam. You cannot be always torn in two. You will have to be one and whole for many years."

-Frodo, 'The Return Of The King'.

49. "I am naked in the dark, Sam, and there is no veil between me and the wheel of fire."

-Frodo, 'The Return Of The King'.

50. "So I thought too, once. But I have been too deeply hurt, Sam. I tried to save the Shire, and it has been saved, but not for me."

-Frodo, 'The Return Of The King'.

51. "It must often be so, Sam. But you are my heir: all that I had and might have had I leave to you."

-Frodo, 'The Return Of The King'.

52. "You have so much to enjoy and to be and to do."

-Frodo, 'The Return of the King'.

53. "Your hands and your wits will be needed everywhere. You will be the Mayor, of course, as long as you want to be, and the most famous gardener in history."

-Frodo, 'The Return Of The King'.

55. "Frodo wouldn't have got far without Sam, would he?"

-Frodo, 'The Two Towers'.

56. "You left out one of the chief characters: Samwise the Brave. I want to hear more about Sam."

-Frodo, 'The Two Towers'.

57. "Come now, ride with me!"

-Frodo, 'The Return Of The King'.

58. "Frodo: Go back Sam! I'm going to Mordor alone!

Sam: Of course you are, and I'm coming with you!"

-Frodo, 'The Fellowship Of The Ring'.

59. "No, Sam. I can't recall the taste of food... nor the sound of water... nor the touch of grass."

-Frodo, 'The Return Of The King'.

60. "You will read things out of the Red Book, and keep alive the memory of the age that is gone so that people will remember the Great Danger, and so love their beloved land all the more."

-Frodo, 'The Return Of The King'.

61. "Frodo: What are we holding on to, Sam?

Sam: That there's some good in this world, Mr. Frodo. And it's worth fighting for."

-'The Two Towers.'

62. "The last pages are for you, Sam"

-Frodo, 'The Return of the King'.

63. "Frodo: Why do you do that?

Sam: What?

Frodo: Call him names, run him down all the time.

Sam: Because... because that's what he is, Mr. Frodo. There's naught left in him but lies and deceit. It's the ring he wants; it's all he cares about."

-'The Two Towers'.

Quotes About Frodo Baggins

Here are some quotes about Frodo Baggins.

64. "Do not tempt me! For I do not wish to become like the Dark Lord himself. Yet the way of the Ring to my heart is by pity, pity for weakness and the desire of strength to do good."

-Gandalf, 'The Return Of The King'.

65. "It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out of your door. You step into the Road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no knowing where you might be swept off too."

-Bilbo Baggins, 'The Return Of The King'.

66. "If by my life or death I can protect you, I will."

- Aragorn, 'The Fellowship Of The Ring'.

67. "I give you the light of Eärendil, our most beloved star. May it be a light for you in dark places, when all other lights go out."

- Galadriel, 'The Fellowship Of The Ring'.

68. "His love for Frodo rose above all other thoughts, and forgetting his peril he cried aloud: 'I'm coming Mr. Frodo!"

- Sam, 'The Return Of The King'.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotes for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for Frodo Baggins quotes then why not take a look at Tolkein quotes Gandalf quotes.

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Second image credit: Burdun Iliya / Shutterstock.com

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Written by Rajnandini Roychoudhury

Bachelor of Arts specializing in English, Master of Arts specializing in English

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Rajnandini RoychoudhuryBachelor of Arts specializing in English, Master of Arts specializing in English

With a Master of Arts in English, Rajnandini has pursued her passion for the arts and has become an experienced content writer. She has worked with companies such as Writer's Zone and has had her writing skills recognized by publications such as The Telegraph. Rajnandini is also trilingual and enjoys various hobbies such as music, movies, travel, philanthropy, writing her blog, and reading classic British literature. 

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