35+ Best Monica Geller Quotes From Friends

Supriya Jain
Dec 12, 2023 By Supriya Jain
Originally Published on Feb 09, 2021
Edited by Luca Demetriou
Courteney Cox in white background

'Friends' is an American television sitcom created by David Crane and Marta Kaufman, which had ten seasons comprising many episodes.

'Friends' is one such series that people can watch numerous times without getting bored. People vibe while talking about 'Friends'.

There are many epic scenes that people watch over and over again and do not forget about it. People of all age groups widely like 'Friends' and the pandemic has made it even more popular with people posting the photos on different social media platforms.“I needed a plan, a plan to get over my man.

And what’s the opposite of man? Jam.” is one of Monica Geller's iconic quotes and can be used as an Instagram caption.

Monica Geller is one of the six characters in 'Friends', and Courtney Cox portrayed Monica Geller’s role. She is a character that is energetic, hyper, and obsessive-compulsive. Monica is also the mother of the group and can be overbearing and domineering. She is a practical friend who helps others through their irrational moments.

Monica Geller, sister of Ross Geller and wife of Chandler Bing, is one of those characters that some people can relate to while watching 'Friends'. Courtney Cox has graced viewers worldwide with relatable, eclectic, warm, and lovable characters.

Monica Geller is presents the most memorable portrayal that she ever contributed to as an actor.

Between the endearingly odd Phoebe and the successful yet pushover Rachel, Monica was perhaps the most together and the most unraveling female character from one of the most famous sitcoms of all time. Find the funniest Monica Geller quotes here.

If you like this article, take a look also look at [Joey Tribbiani quotes] and Phoebe Buffay quotes after this.

Best Monica Geller Quotes

Monica Geller knew how to handle everyone in the group accordingly. She knew where her heart lied, and never compromised on it. Not only in love, but she also compromised when she was faced with a professional opportunity that can change her career landscape. Here are some funny Monica Geller quotes.

1. “Now, I need you to be careful and efficient. And remember: If I am harsh with you, it’s only because you’re doing it wrong.”                                      

- Monica Geller, 'Friends', Season 10, Episode 16, ‘The One With Rachel’s Going Away Party.’’

2. “If you’re too afraid to be in a relationship, then don’t be in one.”                      

- Monica Geller, 'Friends', Season Five, Episode 15, ‘The One With The Girl Who Hits Joey’.

3. “Then three years ago, at another wedding, I turned to a friend for comfort, and instead I found everything that I’ve ever been looking for my whole life. And now, here we are, with our future before us, and I only want to spend it with you, my prince, my soul-mate, my friend.”

- Monica Geller, 'Friends', Season Seven, Episode 24, 'The One With Monica and Chandler's Wedding'.

4. “Why didn’t you make a copy and keep it in a fireproof box and keep it at least a hundred yards from the original?”                                                            

- Monica Geller, 'Friends', Season Seven, Episode 3, ‘The One with Phoebe’s Cookies’.

5. “Having a heart attack is nature’s way of telling you to slow down.”                  

- Monica Geller, 'Friends', Season Six, Episode 16, ‘The One That Could Have Been’.

6. “Do you really think the best reason to get married is because you’re sorry?”                                                    

- Monica Geller, 'Friends', Season Five, Episode 15, ‘The One with the Girl who hits Joey’.

7. “They’re as different as night and... later that night.”                                                

- Monica Geller, 'Friends', Season Two, Episode 10, ‘The One with Russ’.

8. “You’re supposed to double the tax, not double the tax of Romania.”                  

- Monica Geller, 'Friends', Season Three, Episode 18, 'The One With the Hypnosis Tape'.

9. “Here’s the last of your boxes. I’m just going to label it ‘What were you thinking?’”                                                                                                                        

- Monica Geller, 'Friends', Season Six, Episode Six, ‘The One on the Last Night’.

10. “We better stick to the routine; we don’t want to look stupid.”                  

- Monica Geller, 'Friends', Season Six, Episode 10, ‘The One With the Routine’.

11. “Why don’t you stop worrying about sounding smart and just be yourself.”                                                  

- Monica Geller, 'Friends', Season 10, Episode Five, 'The One Where Rachel's Sister Babysits'.

12. “Your little Harmonica is hammered.”                                                              

- Monica Geller, 'Friends', Season Seven, Episode 14, ‘The One Where They All Turn Thirty’.

13. “Okay, hypothetically, why won’t I be married when I’m 40?”

- Monica Geller, 'Friends', Season One, Episode 23, 'The One With The Birth'.

14. “It’s never taken you more than a shower to get over a relationship.”

- Monica Geller, 'Friends', Season Three, Episode 17, 'The One Without The Ski Trip'.

15. “Welcome to the real world. It sucks. You’re gonna love it.”                          

- Monica Geller, 'Friends', Season One, Episode One, 'The One Where Monica Gets A Roommate'.

16. “Still... It’s just such reckless spending.”                                                            

- Monica Geller, 'Friends', Season One, Episode 21, ‘The One with Fake Monica’.

17. “He used to have this recurring nightmare. It really freaked him out...that I was going to eat him.”                                                                                    

- Monica Geller, 'Friends',  Season Nine, Episode Three, 'The One With The Pediatrician'.

18. “Chandler, what is wrong with your face?”                                                    

- Monica Geller, 'Friends', Season Seven, Episode Five, ‘The One With The Engagement Picture’.

19. “I wonder what age it is that you stop being able to put both legs behind your head.”

- Monica Geller, 'Friends', Season Six, Episode Five, ‘The One With Joey's Porsche’.

20. “We only ordered one!”

- Monica Geller, 'Friends',  Season 10, Episode 18, 'The Last One Part 2'.

TV Show Friends Monica Quotes

Monica Geller is well remembered in 'Friends' for some memorable quotes. Monica Geller’s crazy moments did bring a lot of hilarity to the show, and fans love to revisit some of her scenes with Chandler. Here are some of the funniest Monica Geller quotes. You will also find Monica Geller cleaning quotes here.

21. “You don’t tell me what to do. I tell you what to do!”

- Monica Geller, Season Nine, Episode 23, 'The One In Barbados'.

22. “I really think I might kill someone tonight.”  

- Monica Geller, : Season Six, Episode Seven, 'The One Where Phoebe Runs'.

23. “That’s how it starts. I don’t need to eat the cake, I’ll just smell the icing.”

- Monica Geller, Season Seven, Episode Eight, 'The One Where Chandler Doesn't Like Dogs'.

24. “I know you all hate me, and I’m sorry, but I don’t care.”

- Monica Geller, Season Eight, Episode 21, 'The One With Cooking Class'.

25. “Okay, then. I don’t stink. I’m a good chef!”

- Monica Geller, Season Eight, Episode 21, 'The One With Cooking Class'.

26. “By the way, how did that feel, losing to a girl?”

- Monica Geller,  Season Nine, Episode 23, 'The One In Barbados'.

27. “I hope by maid you mean mistress, because if some other woman was here cleaning...!”

- Monica Geller,  Season Eight, Episode Seven, 'The One With The Stain'.

28. “What’re you laughing at, pampers?”

- Monica Geller, Season Seven, Episode Four, 'The One With Rachel's Assistant'.

29. “Shut up! The camera adds ten pounds.”

- Monica Geller, Season Two, Episode 14, 'The One With The Prom Video'.

30. “Get out and stop annoying me.”

- Monica Geller,', Season One, Episode Nine, 'The One Where Underdog Gets Away'.

31. “Why I am attracted to guys where there’s no future?”

- Monica Geller, Season Three, Episode 19, ‘The One With The Tiny T-Shirt’.

32. “Does anybody care what kind of potatoes I want!”

- Monica Geller, Season One, Episode Nine, 'The One Where Underdog Gets Away'.

Heartbreaking Monica Geller Quotes

Monica Geller is an emotional person who compromises when it comes to doing anything right. Here are some of the quotes by Monica Geller that are emotional.

33. “We may not be who she thinks we are, but no-one will ever love that baby more than us.”

- Monica Geller, Season 10, Episode Nine, 'The One With The Birth Mother'.

34. “I just thought he was nice, you know...”

- Monica Geller, Season One, Episode Three, 'The One With The Thumb'.

35. “Getting over you is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do...”

- Monica Geller, Season Three, Episode Three, 'The One With The Jam'.

Famous Friends Quotes By Monica Geller

Monica Geller is a fictional character remembered by people for how she has portrayed the character so accurately. Here are some of the 'Friends' TV show quotes by chef Monica Geller.

36. “Chandler… In all my life… I never thought I would be so lucky. As to…fall in love with my best…my best… There’s a reason why girls don’t do this!”

- Monica Geller, Season Six, Episode 24, 'The One With The Proposal Part 1'.

37. “This has been like my dream ever since I got my first Easy-Bake Oven and opened “Easy Monica’s Bakery.”

- Monica Geller, Season Three, Episode 21, 'The One With A Chick And A Duck'.

38. “Oh! Relinquish is just a fancy word for lose!”

- Monica Geller, Season Eight, Episode 7, 'The One With The Stain'.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created some interesting family-friendly quotes for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestion Monica Geller quotes, why not look at [Rachel Green quotes] and Ross Geller quotes.

‍Main image credit: Everett Collection / Shutterstock.com

Article image credit: neftali / Shutterstock.com

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Written by Supriya Jain

Bachelor of Commerce, Master of Business Administration specializing in Marketing

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Supriya JainBachelor of Commerce, Master of Business Administration specializing in Marketing

As a skilled member of the Kidadl team, Shruti brings extensive experience and expertise in professional content writing. With a Bachelor's degree in Commerce from Punjab University and an MBA in Business Administration from IMT Nagpur, Shruti has worked in diverse roles such as sales intern, content writer, executive trainee, and business development consultant. Her exceptional writing skills cover a wide range of areas, including SOP, SEO, B2B/B2C, and academic content.

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