150 Best Spiderman Quotes That Are Full Of Great Power

Srija Chanda
Dec 12, 2023 By Srija Chanda
Originally Published on Feb 10, 2021
Edited by Monisha Kochhar
Spiderman in the Madame Tussauds museum in Amsterdam.


Spiderman is a fictional superhero character created by Marvel Comics.

Many versions of Spiderman movies have been made to this date. Toby Maguire, Andrew Garfield, Tom Holland all have delivered incredible performances as the superhero.

The phrase most used by Spiderman is, "with great power comes great responsibility". He uses the phrase "web barrage" whenever he's shooting webs. Read up on these quotes from the 'friendly neighborhood Spider-Man' to know more about the superhero.

If you liked our Spiderman quotes go check out Superman quotes and Captain America quotes

Quotes From 'The Spider-Man' Trilogy

A font similar to 'Homoarakhn' was used for the movie posters. Here are a few of the best Spiderman inspirational quotes from the movies.

1. "Remember, with great power comes great responsibility."

- Uncle Ben, 'Spider-Man', 2002.

2. "Peter Parker: Some spiders change colors to blend into their environment. It's a defense mechanism.

Harry Osborn: Peter, what possibly makes you think I would want to know that?

Peter Parker: Who wouldn't?"

- 'Spider-Man', 2002.

3. "Love should never be a secret. If you keep something as complicated as love stored up inside, it could make you sick."

- Dr. Otto Octavius, 'Spider-Man 2', 2004.

4. "You know, I guess one person really can make a difference... 'Nuff said!"

- Man in Times Square, 'Spider-Man 3', 2007.

5. "No matter what I do, no matter how hard I try, the ones I love will always be the ones who pay."

- Peter Parker, 'Spider-Man', 2002.

6. "The great thing about MJ is... when you look in her eyes … everything... feels... not quite normal."

- Peter Parker about Mary Jane, 'Spider-Man', 2002.

7. "I believe there's a hero in all of us, that keeps us honest, gives us strength, makes us noble, and finally allows us... Even our dreams."

- Aunt May, 'Spider-Man 2', 2004.

8. "Amazed Kid: How'd you do that?

Peter Parker: Uh... Work out, plenty of rest. You know, eat your green vegetables."

- Peter Parker, 'Spider-Man 2', 2004.

9. "Who am I? You sure you want to know? The story of my life is not for the faint of heart. If somebody said it was a happy little tale… somebody lied."

- Peter Parker, 'Spider-Man', 2002.

10. "Not everyone is meant to make a difference. But for me, the choice to lead an ordinary life is no longer an option."

- Peter Parker, 'Spider-Man', 2002.

11. "Whatever life holds in store for me, I will never forget these words: 'With great power comes great responsibility.' This is my gift, my curse. Who am I? I'm Spider-Man."

- Peter Parker, 'Spider-Man', 2002.

12. "Hey Kiddo, Let Mom And Dad Talk For A Minute, Will Ya?"

- Peter Parker, 'Spider-Man', 2002.

13. "Go, Web! Fly! Up, Up, And Away, Web! Shazam! Go! Go! Go, Web, Go! Tally Ho!"

- Peter Parker, 'Spider-Man', 2002.

14. "I Believe There’s A Hero In All Of Us."

- Aunt May, 'Spider-Man 2', 2004.

15. "Intelligence Is Not A Privilege, It's A Gift. And You Use It For The Good Of Mankind."

- Otto Octavius, 'Spider-Man 2', 2004.

16. "...The One Thing They Love More Than A Hero, Is To See A Hero Fail, Fall... Die Trying."

- Green Goblin, 'Spider-Man', 2002.

'The Amazing Spider-Man' Quotes

Marc Webb directed two of 'The Amazing Spider-Man' movies, which gained a fair bit of popularity. These are a few famous quotes from the movies.

17. "Electro: You're too late, Spider-Man. I designed this power grid. Now I'm gonna take back what is rightfully mine. I will control everything. And I will be like a god to them.

Spider-Man: A god named Sparkles?"

- 'The Amazing Spider-Man 2', 2014.

18. "Secrets have a cost. They're not free. Not now, not ever."

- Aunt May, 'The Amazing Spider-Man', 2012.

19. "Aleksei Sytsevich: You fight me! You fight me now!

Spider-Man: You want me to come down there so you can kill me?

Aleksei Sytsevich: Yes!

Spider-Man: Okay, I'll be right there."

- 'The Amazing Spider-Man 2', 2014.

20. "I thought it was great what you did out there. Stupid, but great."

- Gwen Stacy, 'The Amazing Spider-Man', 2012.

21. "Every day I wake up knowing that no matter how many lives I protect, no matter how many people call me a hero, someone even more powerful could change everything."

- Peter Parker, 'The Amazing Spider-Man 2', 2014.

22. "We all have secrets: the ones we keep... and the ones that are kept from us."

- Peter Parker, 'The Amazing Spider-Man', 2012.

23. "My wish for you is to become hope; people need that. And even if we fail, what better way is there to live?"

- Gwen Stacy, 'The Amazing Spider-Man 2', 2014.

24. 'You are a lot like your father. You really are, Peter, and that's a good thing … you had a moral obligation to do those things! That's what's at stake here. Not choice. Responsibility."

- Uncle Ben, 'The Amazing Spider-Man', 2012.

25. "It's easy to feel hopeful on a beautiful day like today, but there will be dark days ahead of us too… you must promise me that you will hold on to hope."

- Gwen Stacy, 'The Amazing Spider-Man 2', 2014.

26. "If anyone's destined for greatness, it's you, son... You're my hero... and I love you!"

- Uncle Ben, 'The Amazing Spider-Man', 2012.

27. "Peter Parker, If There's One Thing You Are, It's Good. Anyone Has A Problem With That, Can Talk To Me."

- Aunt May, '

28. "All These Souls, Lost And Alone. I Can Save Them. I Can Cure Them. There's No Reason To Stop Me, Peter."

- Dr. Connors, 'The Amazing Spider-Man', 2012.

29. "You're Spider-Man, And I Love That, But I Love Peter Parker More."

- Gwen Stacy, The Amazing Spider-Man 2', 2014.

30. "You Don't Give People Hope. You Take It Away. I'm Gonna Take Away Yours."

- Aunt May, The Amazing Spider-Man 2', 2014.

31. "On Behalf Of The Fine People Of New York City,... Put Your Mechanized Paws In The Air."

- Peter Parker, The Amazing Spider-Man 2', 2014.

Spiderman Quotes From MCU Movies

Here are a few 'Spiderman: Homecoming' quotes and Avengers quotes that show his importance.

32. "Tony Stark: So, you're the Spiderling. Crime-fighting Spider. You're Spider-Boy?

Peter Parker: S-Spider-Man.

Tony Stark: Not in that onesie, you're not.

Peter Parker: It's not a onesie."

- 'Captain America: Civil War', 2016.

33. "Peter Parker: I'm Peter, by the way.

Dr. Strange: Dr. Strange.

Peter Parker: Oh, we're using our made-up names. Um...I'm Spider-Man then."

- 'Avengers: Infinity War', 2018.

34. "Peter Parker: Everywhere I go, I see his face. I just really miss him.

Happy Hogan: Yeah, I miss him too. I don't think Tony would've done what he did, if he didn't know you were gonna be here after he was gone."

- 'Spiderman: Far From Home', 2019.

35. "Ned Leeds: [to Peter] Can you summon an army of spiders?

Peter Parker: No, man!"

- 'Spiderman: Homecoming', 2017.

36. "Peter Parker: You're head of security and your password is 'password'?

Happy Hogan: I don't feel good about it either."

- 'Spiderman: Far From Home', 2019.

37. "Just a typical homecoming, on the outside of an invisible jet, fighting my girlfriend's dad."

- Spiderman, 'Spiderman: Homecoming', 2017.

38. "Adrian Toomes: Peter, you're young. You don't understand how the world works.

Peter Parker: Yeah, but I understand that selling weapons to criminals is wrong!"

- 'Spiderman: Homecoming', 2017.

39. "Wait a minute... You guys aren't the real Avengers! I can tell. Hulk gives it away."

- Spiderman, 'Spiderman: Homecoming', 2017.

40. "Peter Parker: How could you do all of this?

Quentin Beck: You'll see, Peter. People... need to believe. And nowadays, they'll believe anything."

- 'Spiderman: Far From Home', 2019.

41. "Spiderman: That thing does not obey the laws of physics at all.

Captain America: Look, kid. There's a lot going on here that you don't understand.

Spider-Man: Stark said you'd say that."

- Peter Parker, 'Captain America: Civil War', 2016.

42. “Look, when you can do the things that I can, but you don't, and then the bad things happen, they happen because of you.” - Peter Parker ( Captain America: Civil War)

43. “I'd rather just stay on the ground for a little while. Friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. Somebody's got to look out for the little guy, right?” - Peter Parker (Spider-Man: Homecoming)

44. “Mr. Stark, I don’t feel so good.” - Peter Parker (Avengers: Infinity War)

45. “Please, I don't wanna go. I don't wanna go. I'm sorry.” Peter Parker (Avengers: Infinity War)

46. “We won. You did it, sir, you did it. I'm sorry… Tony…” - Peter Parker (Avengers: Endgame)

47. “Everywhere I go, I see his face. And the whole world is asking who is going to be the next Iron Man? I don’t know if that’s me, Happy; I’m not Iron Man.” (Spider-Man: Far From Home)

48. "Oh, I love Led Zeppelin!" (Spider-Man: Far From Home)

49. “You can’t be a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man if there’s no neighborhood… Okay, that didn’t really make sense. But you get what I’m trying to say.” (Avengers: Infinity War)

50. "You have a metal arm? That is awesome, dude.” (Captain America: Civil War)

'Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse' Quotes

These are a few of the best quotes from the movie.

51. "You can’t think about saving the world. You have to think about saving one person." - Peter Parker.

52. "Miles Morales: When will I know I'm ready?

Peter B. Parker: You won't. It's a leap of faith. That's all it is, Miles. A leap of faith."

53. "Miles, the hardest thing about this job is you can't always save everybody." - Spider-Ham.

54. "Jefferson Davis: With great ability comes great accountability.

Miles Morales: That's not how it goes."

- 'Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse'.

55. "That person who helps others simply because it should or must be done, and because it is the right thing to do, is indeed without a doubt, a real superhero." - Stan.

56. "When I feel alone, like no one understands what I'm going through, I remember my friends who get it." -Miles Morales

57. "This could literally not get any weirder." -Peter B. Parker

58. "One thing I know for sure: don't do it like me. Do it like you." -Peter B. Parker

59. "Above all, no matter how many times you get hit, can you get back up?" -Gwen Stacy

60. "Einstein said time was relative, right? Maybe I'm not late. Maybe you guys are early." -Miles Morales

Spiderman Quotes From Comic Books

Below are a few of the best Spiderman comic quotes.

61. "Playing a superhero isn't a game. It's fate. We choose to do good. Choose to do bad. We had a choice."

- Spiderman, 'Spider-Man', Vol 1 #7, 1991.

62. "Talk to me, lady. Tell me - all your plans. Isn't that what you - bad guys live for? "

- Spiderman, 'Spider-Man', Vol 1 #4, 1990.

63. "Before I go - a little helpful hint - breathe through your nose. 'Cause those webs can taste pretty hideous! Heh-heh."

- Spiderman, 'Spider-Man', Vol 1 #1, 1990.

64. "Hehh... I guess it's easy to laugh in the face of danger when you don't take anything too seriously."

- Spiderman, 'Peter Parker: Spider-Man', Vol. 1 #20, 2000.

65. "Thanks for the God lesson. I'll be leaving now! Good luck subjugating the will of all humanity."

- Spiderman, 'Peter Parker: Spider-Man', Vol. 1 #11, 1999.

66. "Getting caught in a battle between two god-like beings is not how I planned on spending my day, but... I guess it never is!"

- Spiderman, 'Peter Parker: Spider-Man', Vol. 1 #2, 1999.

67. "No matter how small I am - no matter how hopeless everything seems-... without a struggle!"

- Spiderman, 'Amazing Spider-Man', Vol. 1 #67, 1968.

68. "If the cost of silence is the soul of the country...If the cost of tacit support is that we lose the very things that make this nation the greatest in human history, then the price is too high."

- Spiderman, 'Amazing Spider-Man', Vol. 1 #536, 2006.

69. "Anyone can win a fight - when the odds--are easy! It's when the going's tough - when there seems to be no chance - that's when - it counts!"

- Peter Parker, 'Amazing Spider-Man', Vol. 1 #33, 1966.

70. "I'm Spiderman. Weird thing happens to me all the time." - Spider-Man Unlimited #9

71. "Yes. I'm Batman." -Runaways (Vol. 2) #11

72. "I Guess It's Easy To Laugh In The Face Of Danger When You Don't Take Anything Too Seriously." - Peter Parker: Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #20

73. "Is This The End Of Spider-Man?" - Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #132

74. "I Don't Want To Know, Cap. I Need To Know." - Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #537

75. "My Name Is Peter Parker And I've Been Spider-Man Since I Was 15 Years Old." - Civil War (Vol. 1) #2

76. "Nothing Will Stop Me Now! For I Know At Last That A Man Can't Change His Destiny... And I Was Born To Be Spider-Man!" - Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #18

77. "Playing Super Hero Isn't A Game. It's Fate. We Choose To Do Good. Choose To Do Bad. We Had A Choice." - Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #7

78. "But No Matter How Hard I Try... People... Die!" - Amazing Spider-Man: Soul Of The Hunter (Vol. 1) #1

79. "We Save As Many As We Can To Make Up For The Ones We Couldn't. That's All We Do." - All-New Captain America Special (Vol. 1) #1

80. "My Fault, All My Fault! If Only I Had Stopped Him When I Could Have! But I Didn't, And Now... Uncle Ben... Is Dead." - Amazing Fantasy (Vol. 1) #15

81. “I Know That Look. I Had It A Lot When I Was Your Age... There's No Stopping You. I Want You To Run Because You Don't Have Your Armor. But You Won't... 'Cause You're A Hero.” - Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #300

82. “That’s What I Love About This City. Every Time I Need To Hit Someone Really, Really Hard, Some Jerk Steps Up And Volunteers.” - son of M (Vol. 1) #1

83. “Uncle Ben. I Couldn’t Save Him… No Matter What I Did. But I Saved You. I Did It. I Did…” - Ultimate Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #160

84. “Except The Dignity Of Knowing I Never Carried A Man-Purse.” - Superior Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #31

85. “You Killed The Woman I Love, And For That, You're Going To Die!” - Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #121

'Spider-Man: No Way Home' Quotes

Take a look at these quotes from a recently released superhero movie.

86. "I Know A Couple Of Magic Words Myself, Starting With The Word ‘Please" -MJ

87. "Zip it! I’ve been dangling over the Grand Canyon for twelve hours!" - Doctor Strange

88. "Some suggest that Parker’s powers include the male spider’s ability to hypnotize females."-MJ

89. "You know MAGIC, but I know MATHEMATICS!" - Peter Parker

90. "Nah, no thanks. I’ll pass on that." - Max Dillon

91. "I told you there’d be consequences!" - The Lizard

92. "We tire, of your questions, boy!" - Otto Octavius

93. "A wizard’s dungeon." - MJ

94. "I saw Spider-Man in an ad for this place. And I thought he could help me. But you’re not him." - Norman Osborn

95. "Who? Who’s in control?" - Aunt May

96. "Hiding in the shadows. Hiding from who you truly are." - Green Goblin

97. "I generally don’t go around advertising it. Kind of defeats the whole anonymous superhero thing." - Peter Parker

98. "Here’s your web cartridges." - Ned

99. "Freshwater or salt? You know, because you’re an octopus." - Aunt May

100. "What have I done." - Norman Osborn

101. "You're telling Us what to do even though all of this is kinda your mess." - MJ

102. "Poor Peter... too weak to send me home to die." - Green Goblin

103. "If I can fix what happened to you then when you go back things will be different and you might not die fighting Spider-Man." - Peter Parker

104. "You think your fancy new suit's gonna save you?" - Doctor Ock

105. "Here's your web cartridges."- Ned Leeds

106. "So, Peter... to what do I owe the pleasure?" - Doctor Strange

107. "Please. We've saved half the universe together. I think we're beyond you calling me "sir"." - Doctor Strange

108. "No, let's just focus on the bad news. As of now, you have detected zero multiversal trespassers. So, get on your phones, scour the Internet, and Scooby-Doo this shit." - Doctor Strange

109. "Cast a new spell, only this time, make everyone forget who Peter Parker is. Make everyone forget... me." - Peter Parker

110. "But you gotta understand, that would mean everyone who knows and loves you, we... we'd have no memory of you. It would be as though you never existed." - Doctor Strange

111 “Look around you. This is what we do. We help people.” – Aunt May

112. “Wait a minute. Is that an Archimedean spiral? The Mirror Dimension is just geometry? You’re great at geometry! You can do geometry!” – Peter Parker

113. “It wasn’t crazy, Max. It was the next step in human evolution.” – The Lizard

114. “I’m a really good lawyer.” – Matt Murdock

115. “You know, I’m something of a scientist myself.” – Norman Osborn

116. “The problem is you trying to live two different lives. The longer you do it, the more dangerous it becomes!” – Doctor Strange

117. “She was there… because of you. I may have struck the blow, but you… You are the one that killed her.” – Green Goblin

118. “You’re flying out into the darkness to fight ghosts.” – Otto Octavius

119. “Can the Spider-Man come out to play?” – Green Goblin

120. “They all die fighting Spider-Man. It’s their fate. I’m sorry, kid.” – Doctor Strange

121 “I was whoopin’ Spider-Man’s ass, he’ll tell you! And then, he caused an overload. And I was stuck in the grid, absorbing data. I was about to turn into pure energy, and then… oh shit. I was about to die.” – Max Dillon

122. “Did you not hear me say don’t lose him? I want incriminating footage of Spider-Man! I already called Damage Control, they’re on their way.” – J. Jonah Jameson

123. “So long, kid.” – Doctor Strange

124. “Speaking of which, what happened to you? Last I recall, you had bad teeth, glasses, and a comb-over. Did you get a makeover? You know I can give you a real makeover.” – The Lizard

125. “Hiding in the shadows. Hiding from who you truly are.” – Green Goblin

126. “Well, I do. I have been in a team, okay? Look I don’t wanna brag, but I will. I was in the Avengers.” – Peter Parker

127. “Norman’s on sabbatical, honey!” – Green Goblin

128. “You have a gift. You have power. And with great power, there must also come great responsibility.” – Aunt May

129. “You know, Max was like the sweetest guy ever before he fell into a pool of electric eels.” – Peter Parker

130. “You can take the guy out of the chair, but you can’t take the chair out of the guy.” – Ned

131. "Welcome to the spiritual oasis." -Happy Hogan

132. "I am a glass-half-full kind of gal." -MJ

133. "Go get them, tiger. Or should I say "spider"?" -Betty Brant

134. "Frankly, the multiverse is a concept about which we know frighteningly little." -Stephen Strange

135. "I know this is my mess, and I swear to you I'll fix it, but I'm gonna need help." -Peter Parker

136. "So how did you know you were a man of magic? Because my nana says that we have it in our family, and I get these tinglings in my hands…" -Ned Leeds

137. "I genuinely don't know how you do this without throwing up." -MJ

138. "Are you getting the tingle thing? Is the tingle happening? Is your tingle tingling?" -MJ

139. "No way that's his girlfriend. No way." -The Lizard

140. "We don't need you to save us. We don't need to be fixed. These are not curses. They're gifts." -The Green Goblin

141. "You're right. I AM magic." -Ned Leeds

142. "You're a deeply mistrusting person… and I respect it." -Webb-Verse Peter Parker

143. "I promise, I won't turn into a supervillain and try to kill you." -Ned Leeds

144. "World, if you're watching… wish me luck. Your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man could really use some." -Peter Parker

145. "Can we rewind it back to the 'I'm lame' part? 'Cause you are not." -Raimi-Verse Peter Parker

146. "I don't carry an ID with me, you know? Kind of defeats the whole anonymous superhero thing." -Webb-Verse Peter Parker

147. "Hey. What are, like, some of the craziest villains that you guys have fought?" -Peter Parker

148. "I know, I know. We suck. I don't know how to work as a team." -Webb-Verse Peter Parker

149. "'No more darker half'? Did you really think that I'd let that happen?" -The Green Goblin

150. "We have a new world to conquer." -The Green Goblin

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotes for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for Spiderman quotes then why not take a look at superhero quotes, or 'Avengers: Endgame' quotes.

Main image credit: Olena Znak / Shutterstock.com

Article image credit: Urbanscape / Shutterstock.com

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Written by Srija Chanda

Master of Arts specializing in Mass Communication/Media Studies

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Srija ChandaMaster of Arts specializing in Mass Communication/Media Studies

An aspiring media professional, Srija is currently pursuing her Master's degree in Mass Communication at St. Xavier's University, Kolkata, after completing her degree in journalism. With experience in PR and social media, she has also honed her leadership skills through her participation in a youth parliament. Srija's interests include devouring books, watching movies, and exploring new places through travel.

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