120+ Best Window Quotes

Srija Chanda
Dec 12, 2023 By Srija Chanda
Originally Published on Jan 28, 2021
Edited by Luca Demetriou
Bird sitting on the window

A window is a vacant space on our walls.

The chief purpose of a window is to allow light and air to come in and pass by. Windows are usually built in different shapes and sizes.

Numerous varieties of windows are found ranging from lancet to bay to sash windows, all can be found in a home. For all of us, windows are essential objects in life.

Poets even refer that windows are not only part of a home but our heart, and if we want, we can open them for special company. Thus, without further ado, let us breathe in the fresh air and go through these window quotes. Let's open them up for the day for good company!

If you find our content interesting then do check out our [house quotes] and [door quotes].

Best Window Quotes

Here you will find the best quote for windows, secret window quotes, and a window quote about home. You will also find the eyes are the window to the soul quotes.

1."The Eyes are the window to your soul."

-English Proverb, attributed partially to Cicero.

2. "I sit at my window gazing the world passes by, nods to me, and is gone."

-Rabindranath Tagore.

3. "Your days are numbered. Use them to throw open the windows of your soul to the sun. If you do not, the sun will soon set, and you with it."

- Marcus Aurelius.

4. "An evil person is like a dirty window, they never let the light shine through."

- William Makepeace Thackeray.

5. "Looking out a window from different vantage points changes what you see and therefore what you write."

- Martha Ronk.

6."There's a world out there. Open a window, and it's there."

-Robin Williams.

7. "I have forgotten your love, yet I seem to glimpse you in every window."

-Pablo Neruda.

8. "Outside the open window, the morning air is all awash with angels."

-Richard Wilbur.

9. "Life is much more successfully looked at from a single window."    

-F. Scott Fitzgerald.

10. "People are like stained-glass windows. "    

-Elisabeth Kubler-Ross.

11. "Everything is but a path, a portal, or a window opening on something other than itself."    

-Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.

12. "Sometimes the best of God's gifts arrive by the shattering of all the window panes."

- Paulo Coelho.

13. "A morning-glory at my window satisfies me more than the metaphysics of books."    

-Walt Whitman.

14. "A short story is what you see when you look out of the window."

-Mavis Gallant.

15. "The window frame is not that important. What is important is the light that comes through the window."

- Eckhart Tolle.

16. "The window of heaven is what all truth seekers are trying to open."

- Harold Klemp.

17. "Truly it has been said, that to a clear eye the smallest fact is a window through which the infinite may be seen."    

-Thomas Huxley.

Retrospective Quotes On Windows

This category has quotes about windows which can make us look back at our actions and can even inspire us to move forward.

18. "The marvel of consciousness -- that sudden window swinging open on a sunlit landscape amidst the night of non-being."

- Vladimir Nabokov.

19. "The Window is not without a certain visual spell that makes it a first-rate artistic achievement."

- Andrew Sarris.

20."To make it right, pain and suffering is the key to all windows, without it, there is no way of life."

- Angelina Jolie.

21."Sometimes you just have to jump out the window and grow wings on the way down."

- Ray Bradbury.

22. "Faith goes up the stairs that love has built and looks out the windows which hope has opened."

-Charles Spurgeon.

23. "Such a deep silence surrounds me, and I think I hear moonbeams striking on the windows."    

-Lucian Blaga.

24. "Stop the blame game. Stop! Stop looking out the window and look in the mirror!"

- Eric Thomas.

25. "I barricaded myself and stared out the window, without seeing anything but my own unhappiness."

-Thomas Bernhard.

26. "Freedom is the open window through which pours the sunlight of the human spirit and human dignity."

-Herbert Hoover.

27. "Losing love is like a window in your heart. Everybody sees you're blown apart. Everybody feels the wind blow."

-Paul Simon.

28. "The window has a wonderful view of a lake, but the view doesn't view itself."

-Wisława Szymborska.

29. "A breeze, a forgotten summer, a smile, all can fit into a storefront window."

-Dejan Stojanovic.

30. "If a window of opportunity appears, don't pull down the shade."

-Tom Peters.

31. "A smile is the light in your window that tells others that there is a caring, sharing person inside."    

-Denis Waitley.

32. "Originality houses many rooms, and the views from the windows are all different."

- Guy Davenport.

33. "That would be my theme, I thought: once I came out, the world was all windows."    

-Paul Monette.

34. "...we were just looking at ideas of each other, like looking at your window shade but never seeing inside. But once the vessel cracks, the light can get in. The light can get out."

- John Green.

35. "So I stared out that cold window, watching my breath collect on the glass, trying not to think about my life after the thaw."

-Ally Carter.

36. "Out my window... I see everything I dream about and wished I had!"

- Kevin Gates.

Aesthetic Window Quotes

Below are window quotes that are close to the heart.

37. "That silent gap between your thoughts is your window to the cosmic mind."

- Deepak Chopra.

38. "His beautiful, light imagination is the wing that on the autumn evening just brushes the dusky window."    

-Henry James.

39. "All spiritual life begins with a sense of wonder, and nature is a window into that wonder."

-Richard Louv.

40. "Art is the window to man's soul.  Without it, he would never be able to see beyond his immediate world; nor could the world see the man within."

- Lady Bird Johnson.

41. "A habit cannot be tossed out the window; it must be coaxed down the stairs a step at a time."

- Mark Twain.

42. "May I kiss you then? I might as well open the window and kiss the night air."

- Franz Kafka.

43. "A good book is like a seed: it produces fruit that has in its seed for more fruit. It is not a picture on the wall; it is a window that invites us to wider horizons."

- Warren W. Wiersbe.

44. "You can't make an architect. But you can open the doors and windows toward the light as you see it."  

-Frank Lloyd Wright.

45. "Busy old fool, unruly Sun, why dost thou thus through windows and through curtains call on us?"

-John Donne.

46. "Two men look out a window. One sees mud, the other sees the stars."

-Oscar Wilde.

47. "Where ever I am I always find myself looking out the window wishing I was somewhere else."

- Angelina Jolie.

48. "What light through yonder window breaks?"

- William Shakespeare.

49. "Falling asleep while the rain is clashing down on the window is nature’s best lullaby."

-Kim Pape.

50. "There are possibilities that dreams are our little windows upon a parallel timeline."

-Tom DeLonge.

51. "I want my paintings to look like what's going on outside my window rather than what's inside my studio."

-Robert Rauschenberg.

52. "I can sit alone by an open window for hours if I like, and hear only bird songs, and the rustle of leaves."

-Virginia Woolf.

53. "...Look out of the window and you have a finer sight than any painter has ever placed on a piece of canvas."

-Iain Pears.

54. "Even through the shut window pane, the world looked cold."

-George Orwell.

55. "Birds will give you a window, if you allow them."

-Lyanda Lynn Haupt.

56. "I missed my mother. In my window, maple leaves rusted, young fall blooming."

-Aspen Matis.

57. "I want to say I win a hundred times a day, a thousand, by loving the sunrise, and the wind, and the way raindrops sound on my window."

-Mia Sheridan.

58. "...Then looked out the window at the rain. And gave over. Put myself entirely in the keep of this rainy morning."

- Raymond Carver.

59. "Blank face in the windowpane

Made clear in seconds of light..."

- Opeth.

Window Quotes That Depicts Life

Here you will find all the window quotes that depict life and a window quote about how to know what is best for you.

60. "Calmly in the precious present, be a light for love and wisdom in the window on your world."

- Kevin Flynn.

61. "We are all dreaming of some magical rose garden over the horizon instead of enjoying the roses that are blooming outside our windows today."

-Dale Carnegie.

62. "Good prose should be transparent, like a window pane."

-George Orwell.

63. "You are the window through which you must see the world."

-George Bernard Shaw.

64. "Set wide the window. Let me drink the day."

-Edith Wharton.

65. "I look out the window sometimes to seek the color of the shadows and the different greens in the trees..."

-Grandma Moses.

66. "I can't tell you why there's a delay, but stick your head out of the window and you'll know why."

-Dizzy Dean.

67. "People ask me what I do in winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring."

-Rogers Hornsby.

68. "Why do you stand by the window

abandoned to beauty and pride?"

- Leonard Cohen.

69. "If the house of the world is dark, Love will find a way to create windows."    


70. "We are all prisoners but some of us are in cells with windows and some without."    

-Khalil Gibran.

71. "In my head, there are several windows, that I do know, but perhaps it is always the same one, open variously on the parading universe."    

-Samuel Beckett.

72. "Books were my window on the world."

- Michael Caine.

73. "A window covered with raindrops interests me more than a photograph of a famous person."    

-Saul Leiter.

74. "The windows of my soul are made of one-way glass, don't bother looking into my eyes."    

-Ani DiFranco.

75. "Most people are mirrors, reflecting the moods and emotions of the times; few are windows, bringing light to bear on the dark corners where troubles fester."

- Sydney J. Harris.

76. "The window of her sadness was so vast that it almost opened a path to her soul."    


77. "Throw open your window and let the scenery of clouds and sky enter your room!"    

-Yosa Buson.

78. "Enlarge your windows till you get a window where you can see the whole universe with one look!"    

-Mehmet Murat ildan.

79. "Open the window of your mind. Allow the fresh air, new lights and new truths to enter."    

-Amit Ray.

80. "Those who enter through the back door can expect to be shown out through the window"


81. "Losing a parent is something like driving through a plate-glass window."

-Saul Bellow.

82. "There is a window from one heart to another heart."    


83. "If you want the people to understand you, invite them to your life and let them see the world from your window!"    

-Mehmet Murat ildan.

84. "The window of opportunity opens and closes as fast as a camera's shutter."    

-Warren Criswell.

85. "If one were given a single window from which to look upon the changing Eastern world, it should face, I think, the road."

-Freya Stark.

86. "As the fly bangs against the window attempting freedom while the door stands open, so we bang against death ignoring heaven."    

-Douglas Horton.

87. "Things changed, people changed, and the world went rolling along right outside the window."

- Nicholas Sparks.

88. "...Hope is the window, by means of which mortals are permitted to see, as through a glass darkly, the things which God is preparing."

-William Mountford.

89. "Roll down the window and let the wind blow back your hair. "

-Bruce Springsteen.

90. "Go forth to find it, and it is gone: 'tis only a mirage as you look from the windows of diligence."

- Ralph Waldo Emerson.

91. "When Wealth walks in at the Door, the Press Agent comes in through the Window."

- George Ade.

92. "A face at the window, a tap on the pane, who is it that wants me tonight in the rain?"

- Richard Henry Stoddard.

93. "One of my students had written wistfully of a dream-school that would have "windows with trees in them."

- Bel Kaufman.

94. "I don't know what's meant by Know thyself, which seems to ask a window to look at a window."

- James Richardson.

95. "Sometimes, especially in the last six months, I still feel like going to the window and singing out all my troubles."

- Christina Aguilera.

Quotes That Symbolises Windows

A window symbolizes opportunities, beginnings, perceptions, and fresh starts.

96. "A man can be himself only so long as he is alone; and if he does not love solitude, he will not love freedom..."

-Arthur Schopenhauer.

97. "I have found both freedom and safety in my madness; the freedom of loneliness and the safety from being understood..."

-Kahlil Gibran.

98. "If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all."

-Noam Chomsky.

99. "I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them."

-Robert A. Heinlein.

100. "Reality doesn't impress me. I only believe in intoxication, in ecstasy, and when ordinary life shackles me, I escape, one way or another. No more walls."

-Anaïs Nin.

101. "Expose yourself to your deepest fear; after that, fear has no power, and the fear of freedom shrinks and vanishes."

-Jim Morrison.

102. "If you actually learn to like being a beginner, the whole world opens up to you."

- Barbara Shur.

103. "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

-Benjamin Franklin.

104. "Declare out loud to the universe that you are willing to let go of struggle and eager to learn through joy."

–Sarah Ban Breathnach.

105. "The most perfidious way of harming a cause consists of defending it deliberately with faulty arguments."

-Friedrich Nietzsche.

106. "I hope you realize that every day is a fresh start for you."

-Juansen Dizon.

107. "When you’re clear about your purpose and your priorities, you can painlessly discard whatever does not support these."

-Victoria Moran.

108. "Believe in yourself. Believe in your capacity to do good and great things."

-Gordon B. Hinckley.

109. "It’s the ‘everyday’ experiences we encounter along the journey to who we wanna be that will define who we are when we get there."

-Aaron Lauritsen.

110. "Because one believes in oneself, one doesn't try to convince others."

-Lao Tzu.

111. "Nourish beginnings, let us nourish beginnings."

- Muriel Rukeyser.

112. "If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is, Infinite."

- William Blake.

113. "All things are subject to interpretation. Whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth."

- Friedrich Nietzsche.

114. "I am no bird; and no net ensnares me: I am a free human being with an independent will."

- Charlotte Brontë.

115. "There are two mistakes one can make along the road to truth… not going all the way, and not starting."

- Buddha.

Window Quotes And Sayings

These are some commonly used captions about windows.

116. "I've been looking out the window so much I'm starting to feel like my cat."

- Unknown*.

117. "Many open a door to shut a window."

- Dutch Proverb.

118. "Adventure is just outside this window… too bad I'm in quarantine."

- Unknown*.

119. "Counting down the days where windows and walls won't separate us!"

- Unknown*.

120. "When a sad song comes on and you pretend you're in a music video and look out the window…"

- Unknown*.

*Do you know where this quote originated? Please email us to let us know at hello@kidadl.com.

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Written by Srija Chanda

Master of Arts specializing in Mass Communication/Media Studies

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Srija ChandaMaster of Arts specializing in Mass Communication/Media Studies

An aspiring media professional, Srija is currently pursuing her Master's degree in Mass Communication at St. Xavier's University, Kolkata, after completing her degree in journalism. With experience in PR and social media, she has also honed her leadership skills through her participation in a youth parliament. Srija's interests include devouring books, watching movies, and exploring new places through travel.

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