Bill Johnson is a Christian minister and evangelist hailing from the U.S.A.
Bill Johnson is the senior leader of the Bethel Church situated in Redding, California. Johnson is closely associated with the charismatic movement and has featured in multiple documentaries.
When it comes to the media, Bill Johnson is widely known for his views about Christianity. He has written several books on the topic of God, his latest being 'The Way Of Life.'
Bill Johnson quotes are essential for Christians who want to know about their faith. Read on about Bill Johnson to know some of the most well-known Christian sayings from Bill Johnson.
If you like the Bill Johnson quotes, do check out worship quotes and Chuck Swindoll quotes for more insights into Christianity.
Bill Johnson Quotes On God And Faith

In this section, you will find some Bill Johnson quotes that will help to open up your heart to the Holy Spirit. He is one such person who can show you the right path for having a renewed mind.
Check out the grace quotes that will help you during prayer and while reading 'The Bible', also to experience the impossible.
1. "The fruit of the spirit are the artistic expressions of God to enhance the believer."
‒ Bill Johnson.
2. "It's not smart to use something as powerful as an invitation into the throne room of God, for any other purpose than relationship."
‒ Bill Johnson.
3. "Complaining proves nothing but that you can hear the voice of the Devil."
‒ Bill Johnson.
4. "Jesus did not command us to pray for the sick. He commanded us to heal them."
‒ Bill Johnson.
5. "If you assign ten new believers the task of studying the Bible to find God's heart for this generation, not one of them would conclude that spiritual gifts are not for today. You have to be taught that stuff!"
‒ Bill Johnson.
6. "God wants people to meet Him when they meet us."
‒ Bill Johnson.
7. "The Bible was meant to be read by those in love. It's sad when it's not."
‒ Bill Johnson.
8. "When Jesus performed miracles, he wasn't demonstrating what God can do, but what God can do through a man."
‒ Bill Johnson.
9. "God gives us opportunities to turn opposition into gates of breakthrough."
‒ Bill Johnson.
10. "If you believe you will not be free from sin until you die, you have just made death your savior instead of Jesus."
‒ Bill Johnson.
11. "You cannot hold God hostage to your questions."
‒ Bill Johnson.
12. "Heaven is filled with absolute, perfect, confidence in God. This world is filled with absolute mistrust."
‒ Bill Johnson, 'Manifesto For A Normal Christian Life'.
13. "The walk of Faith is to live according to the revelation we have received, in the midst of the mysteries we can't explain."
‒ Bill Johnson.
14. "We've been designed as a resting place for the spirit of God. In doing so, we change every environment that we walk into. "
‒ Bill Johnson.
15. "Bible study without Bible experience is pointless."
‒ Bill Johnson.
Inspiring Bill Johnson Quotes
Do you want to find the path that leads to God? Take one Bill Johnson quote from this collection and use it as a daily affirmation to reach God. Check out Bill Johnson's quotes about identity because of their essential meaning about being a good human being.
16. "If you knew who God made you to be, you'd never want to be anyone else."
‒ Bill Johnson.
17. "Royalty is my identity. Servanthood is my assignment. Intimacy with God is my life source."
‒ Bill Johnson.
18. "Rule with the heart of a servant. Serve with the heart of a king."
‒ Bill Johnson.
19. "Gifts are free, but maturity is expensive."
‒ Bill Johnson, 'Spiritual Java'.
20. "Divine favor causes you to rise to the top in your sphere of influence, and the reality is that favor can be recognized more easily is your start at the bottom."
‒ Bill Johnson.
21. "Jesus didn't accomplish everything so that you could accomplish nothing."
‒ Bill Johnson.
22. "My destiny is to go to heaven, my responsibility is to bring heaven."
‒ Bill Johnson.
23. "Being willing to do what you are not qualified to do is sometimes what qualifies you."
‒ Bill Johnson, 'Hosting The Presence: Unveiling Heaven's Agenda'.
24. "Every miracle brings the release of glory."
‒ Bill Johnson.
25. "The biggest enemy to prayer is praying for something you already have."
‒ Bill Johnson.
26. "Faith is not the result of striving. It is the result of surrender."
‒ Bill Johnson.
27. "When you keep it within the walls, it dies. When you take it out where Jesus intended it to be, it happens."
‒ Bill Johnson.
28. "I finally discovered something - it's all about Jesus."
‒ Bill Johnson.
29. "Nothing compares with the satisfaction of pleasing the heart of our heavenly Father."
‒ Bill Johnson.
30. "Having a renewed mind is often not an issue of whether or not someone is going to heaven, but of how much of heaven he or she wants in his or her life right now."
‒ Bill Johnson.
31. "Abiding in peace makes us a threat to any storm."
‒ Bill Johnson.
32. "The only true worship is extreme worship, and only extreme worship brings extreme results – transformation."
‒ Bill Johnson.
33. "Evangelism, in its purest form, is an overflow of worship."
‒ Bill Johnson.
34. "You have authority over every storm you can sleep in."
‒ Bill Johnson.
35. "Responding to truth will keep you safe. Reacting to error will only create another error."
‒ Bill Johnson.
'Dreaming With God' Bill Johnson Quotes
'Dreaming With God' is one of the bestselling books written by Bill Johnson. In this section, you will find some of his quotes that deal with the notions of heaven, prayer, 'The Bible,' and the Holy Spirit. These quotes will help you to experience the impossible that might not have been known by anyone else.
36. "We were born to create, to build, and to advance."
‒ Bill Johnson, 'Dreaming With God'.
37. "True grace always creates a place for those with evil in their heart to come to the surface through increased opportunity."
‒ Bill Johnson, 'Dreaming With God'.
38. "God loves to build on our wishes and desires, as He embraced David's desire for the temple."
‒ Bill Johnson, 'Dreaming With God'.
39. "Our dreams are not independent from God, but instead exist because of God."
‒ Bill Johnson, 'Dreaming With God'.
40. "Not understanding is OK. Restricting our spiritual life to what we understand is not. It is immaturity at best."
‒ Bill Johnson, 'Dreaming With God'.
41. "...truth is risky from our perspective because we see those who live independent of God and only want Him to validate their dreams."
‒ Bill Johnson, 'Dreaming With God'.
42. "Our minds become renewed through divine encounter, making it the perfect canvas for Him to paint on."
‒ Bill Johnson, 'Dreaming With God'.
43. "To embrace the privilege of creative expression is consistent with being made in the image and likeness of our Creator."
‒ Bill Johnson, 'Dreaming With God'.
44. "He delights in seeing all that He made come into its identity in Him by embracing its divine purpose."
‒ Bill Johnson, 'Dreaming With God'.
45. "I believe that Adam was actually assigning to each animal its nature, its realm of authority, and the dimension of glory it would enjoy."
‒ Bill Johnson, 'Dreaming With God'.
Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotes for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for Bill Johnson quotes then why not take a look at faith in God quotes and David Wilkerson quotes.