20+ Count Dooku Quotes

Wisdom Eze
Mar 15, 2023 By Wisdom Eze
Originally Published on Feb 27, 2023
Fact-checked by Oluwapelumi Iwayemi
Action figurine of Count Dooku

Fantastic villains with sophisticated and straightforwardly harmful motivations may be found throughout the Star Wars universe. Villains play a significant role in Star Wars, from the utterly iconic Darth Vader to the always-changing and developing Maul.

Count Dooku, a graceful fallen Jedi, is one of the most underappreciated galactic villains. Count Dooku is a significant force in the Star Wars series.

Count Dooku's knowledge about many things (war and life) made him worthy of emulation. One of his significant skills was his ability to bring his thoughts into well-written words.

Dooku was one of the numerous characters who, despite being excellent in the prequels, was made far better by 'Star Wars: The Clone Wars'. In this article, you will find some interesting quotes that were said by the knowledgeable character Count Dooku in the 'Star Wars' series.

Star Wars Count Dooku Quotes

Here are some quotes Dooku made in the Star Wars series.

"The whispering of his name can rekindle hope, and hope is something we cannot allow our enemy to possess." - 'Star Wars Villains'

"A failed apprentice makes a foolish Master." -'Star Wars'

"The Sith control everything, You just don't know it." - 'Star Wars'

"Master Kenobi, you disappoint me. Yoda holds you in such high esteem. Surely you can do better!" - 'Star Wars', May 29, 2007

"Count Dooku (to Semage): I don't condone your methods, but you had every right to protect your planet. Make sure your people don't lose heart and evolve, Semage. It is the only way you will truly have victory. I say that for all of us." - 'Star Wars'

"Count Dooku: You have done well, Savage. I'll have much use for you.

Savage Opress: Thank you, my Lord.

Count Dooku: I foresee we will do great things together. I shall teach you the ways of the dark side. Soon your powers will rival that of the great Sith Lord Darth Maul. We will be even more powerful than Lord Sidious.

We shall rule the galaxy together, my apprentice. Savage Opress: I am your servant, Master." - 'Star Wars'

"Count Dooku: Geonosians don't trust bounty hunters.
Obi-Wan: Well, who can blame them?" - 'Star Wars', May 29, 2007

Famous Count Dooku Quotes

Here are some famous quotes that Dooku said.

"Master Windu! You have fought gallantly. Worthy of recognition in the archives of the Jedi Order. Now, it is finished. Surrender and your lives will be spared." - 'Star Wars', ‘Attack of the Clones’

"Master Kenobi, you disappoint me. Yoda holds you in such high esteem. Surely you can do better!" - 'Star Wars', ‘Geonosis’

"The whispering of his name can rekindle hope, and hope is something we cannot allow our enemy to possess." - 'Star Wars'

"I sense great fear in you, Skywalker. You have hate. You have anger. But you don't use them." - 'Star Wars'

"Count Dooku: I assure you my web is strong enough to catch your insignificant little Padawan.

Anakin Skywalker: She’s more skillful than you think." - 'Star Wars'

"It is obvious that this contest cannot be decided by our knowledge of the Force... but by our skills with the lightsaber." - 'Star Wars', May 29, 2007

"As you can see, my Jedi powers are far beyond yours. Now, back down. - 'Star Wars', May 29 2007

"Count Dooku: May I ask why a Jedi Knight is all the way out here on Geonosis?

Obi-Wan: I'm tracking a bounty hunter named Jango Fett. Do you know him?

Count Dooku: There are no bounty hunters here that I am aware of. The Geonosians don't trust them." - 'Star Wars', May 29, 2007

Best Count Dooku Quotes

Here are some of Dooku's best Quotes.

"It is obvious that this contest cannot be decided by our knowledge of the force, but by our skills with a lightsaber." - 'Star Wars', ‘Geonosis’

"Good. twice the pride, double the fall." -'Star Wars', 'Revenge Of The Sith'.

"Count Dooku: That was brave, boy, but foolish. I would have thought you'd have learned your lesson.

Anakin: I'm a slow learner." - 'Star Wars', Episode two, 'Attack of the Clones', May 29, 2007

"Do control your protegé's insolence so I can concentrate." - 'Star Wars'.

"Well done, Master Kenobi. You are a worthy adversary. I cannot say the same about your young apprentice." - ‘Star Wars’

"Count Dooku: I sense you are one who respects strength, your highness. Our droid armies outnumber the Republic clones 100 to 1.

King Katuunko: Perhaps, but I have heard, that a single Jedi equals 100 battle droids." - 'Star Wars'

"Yoda: Powerful you have become Dooku, the dark side I sense in you.

Count Dooku: I have become more powerful than any Jedi. Even you.

Yoda: Much to learn, you still have." - 'Star Wars', May 29, 2007

Count Dooku Quotes About The Republic

"Count Dooku:What if I told you that the Republic was now under the control of a dark lord of the Sith?

Obi-Wan: No, that's not possible. The Jedi would sense it.

Count Dooku:The Dark Side has clouded their vision. Hundreds of senators are now under the influence of a Sith lord called Darth Sidious.

Obi-Wan: I don't believe you." - 'Star Wars'

"Count Dooku: [sees Grievous's lightsaber] Hmm, a new one?

General Grievous: Your training has served me well. It has awarded me many trophies.

Count Dooku: Don't let your pursuit of trinkets cloud your reality. Remember what I taught you, General. If you are to succeed in combat against the best of the Jedi, you must have surprise, and intimidation on your side. if any one element is lacking, retreat." - ‘Star Wars’

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Written by Wisdom Eze

Bachelor of Applied Science specializing in Electrical Engineering

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Wisdom EzeBachelor of Applied Science specializing in Electrical Engineering

An experienced writer with a degree in Electronics and Computer Engineering from Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Wisdom has been writing for various companies for the past three years and has a keen interest in sharing his knowledge with children as a writer for Kidadl. With his expertise in all things tech-related, he brings a unique perspective to his writing.

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Fact-checked by Oluwapelumi Iwayemi

Bachelor of Science specializing in Systems Engineering

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Oluwapelumi IwayemiBachelor of Science specializing in Systems Engineering

Iwayemi is a creative content writer and editor studying for a Bachelor of Science specializing in Systems Engineering from the University of Lagos. He is skilled in research and has experience writing and editing content for different organizations.

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