31+ Davy Crockett Quotes From The 'King Of The Wild Frontier'

Srija Chanda
Dec 12, 2023 By Srija Chanda
Originally Published on Mar 13, 2021
Edited by Isobel Murphy
A stamp printed in USA shows (1786-1836), Scrub Pines, American Folklore Issue, 1967

Davy Crockett was an American politician, soldier, and frontiersman who served in Congress for the state of Tennessee.

Davy Crockett was considered a legend and was called 'King of the Wild Frontier' because of the legendary stories associated with him. He was also a dedicated representative from the state of Tennessee.

Davy Crockett was famous for not supporting the Indian Removal Act proposed by President Andrew Jackson, an act which many perceived as genocidal. For his bold stand on this, many see him as a hero.

Learning about Davy Crockett quotes will tell you more about a crucial time in history. This article has the best Davy Crockett quotes to inspire any strong person.

If you liked these Davy Crockett quotes, you can also check out the articles on Stonewall Jackson quotes and Chuck Yeager quotes.

Popular Quotes From Davy Crocket

Davy Crockett quotes are very inspiring because they tell us about the man's life and his experience as a representative from Tennessee. This subcategory has lots of popular Davy Crockett quotes including some of his views on politics.

1. "The power of collecting and disbursing money at pleasure is the most dangerous power that can be entrusted to man."

- Davy Crockett.

2. "The entreaties of my wife were thrown in the way of my going, but all in vain; for I always had a way of just going ahead at whatever I had a mind to."

- Davy Crockett.

3. "I have always supported measures and principles and not men."

- Davy Crockett.

4. "Sorrow, it is said, will make even an oyster feel poetical."

- Davy Crockett.

5. "We gaze with admiration upon the glories of the setting sun, yet scarcely bestow a passing glance upon its noonday splendor."

- Davy Crockett.

6.  "We only want to do away prejudice and give the people information."

- Davy Crockett.

7. "Go ahead! Liberty and Independence forever."

- Davy Crockett.

8. "... run down the Mississippi till you come to the Oberon River. Run a small streak up that; jump ashore anywhere, and inquire for me."

- Davy Crockett.

9. "In peace or in war I have stood by thy side —

My country, for thee I have lived, would have died!"

- Davy Crockett.

10. "Look at my neck, you will not find there any collar... But you will find me standing up to my rack, as the people's faithful representative, and the public's most obedient, very humble servant."

- Davy Crockett, 'A Narrative Of The Life Of David Crockett'.

11. "I had been elected by a majority of three thousand five hundred and eighty-five votes, and I believed they were honest men, and wouldn't want me to vote for any unjust notion, to please Jackson or any one else..."

- Davy Crockett.

Davy Crockett Famous Quotes

Davy Crockett was very fond of Texas and this was apparent in many Davy Crockett Texas quotes. he famously said, "I must say as to what I have seen of Texas, it is the garden spot of the world."

He also said, "You may all go to Hell, and I will go to Texas." This subcategory has some more Davy Crockett quotes from the American legend and frontiersman who also served in Congress.

12. "I want people to be able to get what they need to live: enough food, a place to live, and an education for their children."

- Davy Crockett.

13. "If one man in the country could take all the money, what was the use of passing any bills about it?"

- Davy Crockett.

14. "In the land of the stranger, I rise or I fall."

- Davy Crockett.

15. "But it will be a source of astonishment to many, who reflect that I am now a member of the American Congress... that at so advanced an age, the age of fifteen, I did not know the first letter in the book."

- Davy Crockett, 'A Narrative Of The Life Of David Crockett'.

16. "... all my misfortunes grew out of my want of learning."

- Davy Crockett, 'A Narrative Of The Life Of David Crockett'.

17. "Although our great man at the head of the nation, has changed his course, I will not change mine."

- Davy Crockett.

18. "I shall commence my book with what little I have learned of the history of my father... Mine was poor, but I hope honest, and even that is as much as many a man can say."

- Davy Crockett, 'A Narrative Of The Life Of David Crockett'.

19. "... if this petty, un-patriotic scuffling for men, and forgetting principles, goes on, it will be the overthrow of this one happy nation, and the blood and toil of our ancestors will have been expended in vain."

- Davy Crockett.

20. "I have never knew what it was to sacrifice my own judgement to gratify any party and I have no doubt of the time being close at hand when I will be rewarded for letting my tongue speak what my heart thinks."

- Davy Crockett.

21. "You may all go to Hell, and I will go to Texas."

- Davy Crockett.

22. "I hope to see our once happy country restored to its former peace and happiness, and once more redeemed from tyranny and despotism..."

- Davy Crockett.

23. "I ain't used to oily words; I am used to speak what I think, of men, and to men."

- Davy Crockett.

24. "Fashion is a thing I care mighty little about, except when it happens to run just exactly according to my own notion..."

- Davy Crockett, 'A Narrative Of The Life Of David Crockett'.

Inspirational Quotes By Davy Crockett

Davy Crockett's personal motto was, "I leave this rule for others when I'm dead, Be always sure you're right — then go ahead!" This subcategory has some motivating Davy Crockett quotes from the American legend.

You may also be looking for some Davy Crockett Alamo quotes, as he participated in the Battle of the Alamo. It is not clear whether he died defending the Alamo or if he was taken hostage after the battle.

25. "I would rather be politically buried than to be hypocritically immortalized."

- Davy Crockett.

26. "The General refused to let us go. We were, however, determined to go."

- Davy Crockett.

27. "Pop, pop, pop! Bom, bom, bom! Tthroughout the day. No time for memorandums now."

- Davy Crockett.

28. "It was expected of me that I was to bow to the name of Andrew Jackson... even at the expense of my consciences and judgment. Such a thing was new to me, and a total stranger to my principles."

- Davy Crockett.

29. "I know not whether, in the eyes of the world, a brilliant death is not preferred to an obscure life of rectitude."

- Davy Crockett.

30. "They said it was a favorite measure of the President, and I ought to go for it. I told them I believed it was a wicked unjust measure..."

- Davy Crockett.

31. "... I am at liberty to vote as my conscience and judgment dictates to be right, without the yoke of any party on me."

- Davy Crockett, 'A Narrative Of The Life Of David Crockett'.

32. "... we all had our flints ready picked and our guns ready primed, that, if we were fired on, we might fight our way through, or all die together."

- Davy Crockett

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotesfor everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for the best Davy Crockett quotes from the 'King of the Wild Frontier', then why not take a look at these Civil War quotes or Von Clausewitz quotes for more quotes to learn from?

main image credit: Olga Popova / Shutterstock.com

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Written by Srija Chanda

Master of Arts specializing in Mass Communication/Media Studies

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Srija ChandaMaster of Arts specializing in Mass Communication/Media Studies

An aspiring media professional, Srija is currently pursuing her Master's degree in Mass Communication at St. Xavier's University, Kolkata, after completing her degree in journalism. With experience in PR and social media, she has also honed her leadership skills through her participation in a youth parliament. Srija's interests include devouring books, watching movies, and exploring new places through travel.

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