91 Family Is Forever Quotes

Mehak Sharma
Mar 14, 2023 By Mehak Sharma
Originally Published on Feb 27, 2023
Edited by Smriti Chaudhary
Family Is Forever Quote by M. Russell Ballard

Why family is forever quotes?

We are perishable, but our family's love for us is imperishable. They hold us close to their hearts till their last breath.

Their love is like a whirlwind of infinity that stays with us forever in the form of blessings, support, care, and memories. No matter how intense a storm we are stuck in, our family is always there for us.

Even if we haven't been on good terms with them lately, the moment trouble arises, we can find them standing right alongside us. Indeed, family is forever.

Whether you aspire to teach your little angel about the value of a family or let them know how much everyone loves them, family is forever quotes can serve the purpose. These quotes can also serve a vital role in helping your little one reconcile with a sibling or family member who is angry with them.

What Parents Should Know

  • If we aspire for our kids to value the family, it has to start with us.
  • Reading about family plants the seeds of affection in the hearts of kids, but they sprout only when sprinkled with the water of family time.
  • By replacing scolding with gentle teaching whenever possible, we can make kids believe they can count on us for support even during challenging times.

What To Discuss With Kids

  • Examples when your family members supported you despite being angry at you for making a mistake.
  • The importance of family.
  • Who do they think they can count on in times of need and why?

Best Family Is Forever Quotes

Family is God's gift. Without the love of our family and a sweet family life, how would we survive alone! Here are some best family is forever quotes that depict the beauty and divinity of a family.

"What matters most is what lasts the longest, and our families are for eternity." - M. Russell Ballard

"Other things may change us, but we start and end with the family." - Anthony Brandt

"Stick to the basics, hold on to your family and friends - they will never go out of fashion." - Niki Taylor

"You go through life wondering what is it all about but at the end of the day it's all about family." - Rod Stewart

"Family is your most reliable source of support in any situation because love from your family is unconditional." - Auliq Ice

"You can put miles between you and your family but you carry them with you; you live in a world and a world lives in you." - Frederick Buechner

"The truth is, no matter how lonely you might feel, you're never going through anything alone... you can choose your family." - Jennifer Lopez

"You can't see air, but you need it to breathe and it is always there. Likewise, your family may not be in sight, but we need each other and will always be there." - Unknown*

"To the outside world, we all grow old. But not to brothers and sisters. We know each other as we always were, we know each other's hearts, we share private family jokes. We remember family feuds and secrets, family griefs and joys." - Clara Ortega

"Family is a unique gift that needs to be appreciated and treasured, even when they're driving you crazy. As much as they make you mad, interrupt you, annoy you, curse at you, try to control you, these are the people who know you the best and who love you." - Jenna Morasca

"Family is the support you will never have to pay for because come rain, or shine, they will be there to cheer you on with every of your life goals." - Unknown*

"You need a strong family because at the end, they will love you and support you unconditionally. Luckily, I have my dad, mom, and sister." - Esha Gupta

"Siblings - the definition that comprises love, strife, competition, and forever friends." - Byron Pulsifer

"No family is perfect, we argue, we fight, we even stop talking to each other at times but in the end, family is family... the love will always be there." - Unknown*

"The world, we'd discovered, doesn't love you like your family loves you." - Louis Zamperini

"The depth of the love of parents for their children cannot be measured. It is like no other relationship. It exceeds concern for life itself. The love of a parent for a child is continuous and transcends heartbreak and disappointment." - James E. Faust

"Family, the people who love you unconditionally. Because they would simply rather keep you in their lives, because you will always and forever remain in their hearts." - Karen Madewell

"Of all the rocks upon which we build our lives, we are reminded today that family is the most important." - Barack Obama

"Everyone needs a house to live in, but a supportive family is what builds a home." - Anthony Liccione

"A family makes a house a home." - Jennifer Hudson

Inspiring Family Is Forever Quotes

Here are some inspiring family is forever quotes to motivate you to prioritize family life.

"The family is the most important organization in time or in eternity. Our purpose in life is to create for ourselves eternal family units." - Joseph Fielding Smith

"Life is beautiful. It's about giving. It's about family." - Walt Disney

"If you are too busy to enjoy quality time with your family, then you need to re-evaluate your priorities." - Dave Willis

"Family forever, for always, and no matter what." - Unknown*

"We must take care of our families wherever we find them." - Elizabeth Gilbert

"You leave home to seek your fortune and, when you get it, you go home and share it with your family." - Anita Bake

"Yeah you just have to be true to yourself, know where you come from, make sure that your relationships with family members back in country, back home, are really strong so that connection is always there." - Adam Goodes

"Family faces are magic mirrors. Looking at people who belong to us, we see the past, present, and future." - Gail Lumet Buckley

"Family is a gift that lasts forever." - Unknown*

"At the end of the day, a loving family should find everything forgivable." - Mark V. Olsen

Hilarious Family Is Forever Quotes

"Family ties mean that no matter how much you might want to run from your family, you can't." - Unknown*

"When your mother asks, 'Do you want a piece of advice?' it's a mere formality. It doesn't matter if you answer yes or no. You're going to get it anyway." - Erma Bombeck

Famous Family Is Forever Quotes

Here are some famous family is forever quotes depicting what family means, how human society can't thrive without families, and the importance of spending time with one's own family.

"A family is forever. We could never truly leave each other, even if we tried." - Wanda Maximoff

"When all the dust is settled and all the crowds are gone, the things that matter are faith, family, and friends." - Barbara Bush

"The love of family and the admiration of friends is much more important than wealth and privilege." - Charles Kuralt

"In family life, love is the oil that eases friction, the cement that binds closer together, and the music that brings harmony." - Friedrich Nietzsche

"A family is what you make it. It is made strong, not by number of heads counted at the dinner table, but by the rituals you help family members create, by the memories you share, by the commitment of time, caring, and love." - Margie Kennedy

"When trouble comes, it's your family that supports you." - Guy Lafleur

"My family is everything. I am what I am thanks to my mother, my father, my brother, my sister." - Ronaldinho

"The only rock I know that stays steady, the only institution I know that works, is the family." - Lee Iacocca

"Respect, brotherhood - the family comes first, and everything else falls in place after that." - Jadakiss

"Death ends a life, not a relationship." - Mitch Albom

"I'm so lucky to have such a great family. I respect them so much professionally, and they've been unconditionally supportive in the choices that I've made. It's been very good having them on my side." - Jack Huston

"A man who doesn't spend time with his family can never be a real man." - Vito Corleone, 'The Godfather'

"When I go home, it's an easy way to be grounded. You learn to realize what truly matters." - Tony Stewart

"I got a lot of support from my parents. That's the one thing I always appreciated… They told me I was being funny." - Jim Carrey

"Friendships come and go. But families are forever..." - Kenny Rogers

"I sustain myself with the love of family." - Maya Angelou

"Happiness is my family; no matter what's going on, if you are just hanging out with your family it just seems like everything goes away." - Kim Kardashian

"The memories we make with family is everything." - Candace Cameron Bure

"We may have our differences, but nothing's more important than family." - Coco

"Families are the tie that reminds us of yesterday, provide strength and support today, and give us hope for tomorrow. No government, no matter how well-intentioned, or well-managed can provide what our families provide." - Bill Owens

"Tennis is just a game, family is forever." - Serena Williams

"Young women, the family unit is forever, and you should do everything in your power to strengthen that unit." - Ezra Taft Benson

"Being a family means you are a part of something very wonderful. It means you will love and be loved for the rest of your life." - Lisa Weed

"Family is forever and the most important foundation in life." - Kristen Taekman

"The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other's life." - Richard Bach

"Family means no one gets left behind or forgotten." - David Ogden Stiers

"It's always easier if you have the support of your family, if you're not alone. I came from a country that has been through a lot of troubles in the last 20 to 30 years, but we have been together through them." - Novak Djokovic

"Build traditions of family vacations and trips and outings. These memories will never be forgotten by your child." - Ezra Taft Benson

"Death may indeed be final but the love we share while living is eternal." - Donald E. Williams Jr.

"My parents are my backbone. Still are. They're the only group that will support you if you score zero or you score 40." - Kobe Bryant

"One's family is the most important thing in life. I look at it this way: one of these days I'll be over in a hospital somewhere with four walls around me. And the only people who'll be with me will be my family." Robert Byrd

"Although I really like the people I travel with, family is just different, and having them around at all times is a really nice thing - and a luxury." - Nick Jonas

"There is no doubt that it is around the family and home that all the greatest virtues, the most dominating virtues of human, are created, strengthened, and maintained." - Winston S. Churchill

"At the end of the day, it's important to know what really matters most in life... your sanity, your health, your family, and the ability to start anew." - Les Brown

"Family always gonna be there. The material things, they come and go." - Romeo Miller

"The family is the center of life and it is the key to eternal happiness." - L. Tom Perry

"A parent will only ever be in 1 of 3 places: in front of you to cheer you on, behind you to have your back, or next to you so you aren't walking alone." - S. Turner

"The most important thing in the world is family and love." - John Wooden

"Family is the most important thing in the world." - Princess Diana

Family Is Forever Quotes By Famous Writers

Writers know how to play with words and come up with the most wonderful quotes expressing what family means.

"Home is a place you grow up wanting to leave, and grow old wanting to get back to." - John Ed Pearce

"Family is family. Friends aren't forever. Everything will break. People say goodbye. Get too close and you get hurt." - Leylah Attar

"The family - that dear octopus from whose tentacles we never quite escape, nor, in our inmost hearts, ever quite wish to." - Dodie Smith

"Family is a life jacket in the stormy sea of life." - J.K. Rowling

"The family is the essential presence, the thing that never leaves you, even if you find you have to leave it." - Bill Buford

"If there is any immortality to be had among us human beings, it is certainly only in the love that we leave behind. Fathers like mine don't ever die." - Leo Buscaglia

"Love as powerful as your mother's for you leaves its own mark to have been loved so deeply... will give us some protection forever." - J.K. Rowling

"My mother used to tell me that when push comes to shove, you always know who to turn to. That being a family isn't a social construct but an instinct." - Jodi Picoult

"People come and go in our lives, but a beauty of life is that our family is always there." - Catherine Pulsifer

"This is part of what a family is about, not just love. It's knowing that your family will be there watching out for you. Nothing else will give you that. Not money. Not fame. Not work." - Mitch Albom

"As siblings we were inextricably bound, even though our connections were loose and frayed. And each time we met, we discovered to our surprise and dismay how quickly the intensity of childhood feelings reappeared - No matter how old we got or how oft." - Jane Mersky Leder

"That's what people do who love you. They put their arms around you and love you when you're not so loveable." - Deb Caletti

"Sticking with your family is what makes it a family." - Mitch Albom

"No matter how far we come, our parents are always in us." - Brad Meltzer

"A sibling represents a person's past, present, and future." - John Corey Whaley

"A happy family is but an earlier heaven." - George Bernard Shaw

"I feel like I finally understand how family love is. Tangled, wounded, and wonderful. Imperfect. A forever love." - Hannah Tunnicliffe

"In every conceivable manner, the family is a link to our past, bridge to our future." - Alex Haley

"Our most treasured family heirloom are our sweet family memories. The past is never dead, it is not even past." - William Faulkner

"Those who love you are not fooled by mistakes you have made or dark images you hold about yourself. They remember your beauty when you feel ugly, your wholeness when you are broken, your innocence when you feel guilty, and your purpose when you are confused." - Alan Cohen

*We could not verify the original source of these quotations, if you know where they came from, please get in touch with us at hello@kidadl.com

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Written by Mehak Sharma

Bachelor of Engineering specializing in Mechanics

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Mehak SharmaBachelor of Engineering specializing in Mechanics

With a Mechanical Engineering Degree from PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur, Mehak has proven herself as a versatile writer with a particular passion for education. She has amassed extensive experience in crafting education-related blogs for a variety of companies, demonstrating her ability to create content that is both engaging and informative. Beyond her professional endeavors, Mehak also dedicates her time to volunteering, reflecting her commitment to community service. Further showcasing her creative side, she is an award-winning playwright with a deep love for theater.

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