170+ Fast And Furious Quotes

John Akinrinade
Mar 14, 2023 By John Akinrinade
Originally Published on Feb 27, 2023
Edited by Anupama Ghosh
Fast And Furious Family Quote by Dominic Toretto

Fast And Furious has been a successful franchise since the release of its first movie series in 2001.

The movie has since been released in ten sequels as of 2022, with another release expected in 2023. Apart from the franchise's success, the series has been acknowledged for its timeless lines and quotations.

Fast And Furious quotes are eclectic; hence they cut across many aspects of human endeavor. Thus, they are viable sources of life lessons for interested readers. These quotes are reflective of each character's power of will.

Fast And Furious Family Quotes

These fast and furious quotes about family will modify your relationship with your inner circle if you meditate on them.

"You're loyal to a fault. Your code is about family. And that's great in the holidays, but it makes you predictable. And in our line of work, predictable means vulnerable. And that means I can reach out and break you whenever I want." – Shaw.

"Mia: You know, my brother likes you. Usually, he doesn't like anybody.

Brian: Yeah, he's a complicated guy."

"I don't have friends, I got family." - Dominic Toretto.

"Salute mi familia. You'll always be with me... And you'll always be my brother." - Dominic Toretto.

"You know, nothing's more powerful than the love for family. But you turn that into anger and resentment, nothing's more dangerous." - Magdalene Hobbs.

"The worst thing you can do to a Toretto is to take away their family. That's what you did to Jakob." - Buddy.

"You Don't Turn Your Back On Family, Even When They Do." - Dominic Toretto.

"We're all risking something. Dom, listen to me. My kids and yours are in the safest hands possible." - Mia.

"We got some rough times ahead, but it's going to be okay. Because we're family" - Young Dom.

"Letty: Seeing little brian hiding in a hole because we had unexpected company, that got to me. We never used to hide.

Mia: Hey, Dom's my brother, but you will always be my sister.

Letty: Funny how we all have secrets."

"Father, we thank you for the gathering of friends. Father, we give thanks for all the choices we have made because that's what makes us who we are. Let us forever cherish the loved ones we've lost along the way. Thank you for the little angel, the newest addition to our family.

Thank you for bringin' Letty home. And most of all, thank you for fast cars". - Roman.

"Letty: This isn't who we are.

Dominic Toretto: Brian and Mia got out of the game when they became parents.

Letty: We are not them."

"You get involved here, you put everything you have at risk. Your kids and the whole world that you built." - Dominic Toretto.

"Roman: Oh, my bad. I'm sorry. I am just processing. Brother? You got a brother? who also happens to be some kind of super spy with his own private army? Who preplanned an aerial jump and landed at the bottom of an airplane? Who does that?

Tej: Who does that? A Teretto."

"Jakob's my brother too. I need to be here." - Mia.

"You've got people who love you, count on you, care for you. He ain't got no one. You get in his way, this ain't going to end until one of you guys are in the ground." - Buddy.

"Whoever Jakob has become, and whatever he's up to, it's on me. And me alone." - Dominic Toretto.

"Magdalene Shaw: This geezer was about your height, actually. Similar features. Oh! bloody, he's not your cousin or something, is he?

Dominic Toretto: He's my brother."

"You break her heart, I'll break your neck." – Dominic Toretto.

"And you know something? I'll always be in your heart." - Dominic Toretto.

"I'm looking for the team that crippled my brother." - Deckard Shaw

"I used to say I live my life a quarter mile at a time and I think that's why we were brothers- because you did, too. No matter where you are, whether it's a quarter mile away or halfway across the world." - Dominic Toretto.

"Letty: You knew about Jakob?

Tej: Who is Jakob?

Letty: Jakob is or was Dom's brother."

"Here's how this goes. You win, you can come back home. You lose, you keep driving, you don't stop, you don't ever come back home." - Young Dom.

"All I see is the same sacred little kid that killed our father." - Dominic Toretto.

"Jakob: You know the only good thing about dad dying? If he hadn't, I'd spent my entire life in your shadow. And now you're going to spend the rest of yours in mine.

Dominic Toretto: Only good thing about dad dying was he didn't have to watch what you became. You never deserved the Toretto name."

"But it was your brother's shadow that turned you into this. Isn't it? So your whole life, you pushed yourself to be faster than Dom. Smarter than Dom. Stronger than Dom. Tell me, do you hate him enough that it keeps you up at night? Still? All these years later?" - Cipher.

"I watched my father burn to death. I can still remember him screaming. The people who were there said my father died long before the tanks blew. They said it was me that was screaming." – Dominic Toretto.

"Our world's grown, Dom. I got this one." Mia.

"Jakob: So here's my offer. It's the same one you gave me. You leave. Now! You drive away, and you never come back. Ever.

Dominic Toretto: A deal? I showed you mercy! And I won't show it to you again."

"The brother you're looking for, he's from an old life. He's long gone." - Jakob.

"I know what you did. The day we lost him, dad kept talking about misfire. Remember? You were the last one under his hood that day. A minute later, he was gone. Tell me why you killed dad. Now let's race." -Young Dom.

"Just like a family, Dom. Build it right, you take care of it, it'll live beyond you." - Jack Toretto.

Your chin, its's distinctive. I know the Torettos have quite the mixed bloodlines, but I never detected a Nordic strain." - Cipher.

"Glad I'm not the only one with a family full of eccentrics" - Magdalene Shaw.

"A good son would've said no. And a real brother would've come to me." Dominic Toretto.

"You know, dad wasn't perfect. And he loved us all the same. Someone once gave me a ten-second car as a second chance. I owe you that, little brother." - Dominic Toretto

"None of this is worth a thing if I lose you. Do you hear me?" - Letty.

Fast And Furious Quotes About Life

These Fast And Furious quotes are not just about life behind the wheel; they teach valuable real-life lessons.

"Life's simple. You make choices and you don't look back." - Han Lue.

"No matter how fast you are, no one outruns their past." – Dominic Toretto.

"In life, things happen. you may not want them to, but they do. You just got to do your best and move on." Luke Hobbs.

"Remember what your daddy told you. Be precise in life. It can make all the difference." - Dominic Toretto.

"I live my life a quarter mile at a time. Nothing else matters: not the mortgage, not the store, not my team. For those ten seconds or less, I'm free." - Dominic Toretto.

"Everything I needed to know about life, I learned on this track." - Dominic Toretto.

"It's all going to be okay, Jakob." - Dominic Toretto.

"Letty: I'll take point.

Dominic Toretto: Careful.

Letty: Careful's when you get hurt."

"When are they going to learn? Some birds can't be caged?" - Dominic Toretto.

"Mia: We need help. Otherwise, we have no chance.

Dominic Toretto: We do it ourselves."

"I simply cannot believe that the magnet trick actually worked." - Otto.

"Funny thing about street fights? The street always wins." – Dominic Toretto.

"Tej: Ramsey, what happens when you test a theory over and over again, only to come to the same result?

Ransey: A hypothesis becomes fact."

"There's peace for me in the chaos." - Letty.

"One thing I learned from Dom is that nothing really matters unless you have a code." - Brian O'Conner.

"Roman: Are we supposed to drive across that?

Ramsey: Well, I said it looked like a bridge!"

"Dominic Toretto: The word on the street is you got locked up.

Magdalene Shaw: Yeah, well, in and out, you know."

"You snatched me off Mr. Nobody's plane midair without a scratch, and you took him down. Money well spent." - Cipher.

"Look at all those people down there. They follow the rules for what? They're letting fear lead them." - Han Lue.

"We are not invincible. We probably just been lucky this whole time." - Roman.

"Dominic Toretto: You miss the old life?

Letty: Do you?

Dominic Toretto: every day."

"No one outruns their past. And yours just caught up with you." - Dominic Toretto.

"You keep digging around the past, Dom, you're not going to like what you find." - Jakob.

"How are you not dead?" - Tej.

"Just as I was remembering who I was, everything change. It slowed down." - Letty.

"Buddy: Dom, I hope you find your peace.

Dominic Toretto: The chance for peace died that day on the track."

"You know, I look at her, and I feel creeped out. And sort of Turned on at the same time. Is that weird?" - Otto.

"Roman: Are you really patching yourself with duct tape?

Tej: Yes! I don't know if you noticed or not, but this whole operation is Band-aids and duct tape."

"Just say whatever is in your heart." - Dominic Toretto.

"You guys really think you've won? This code you live by, it's the very reason why you weren't even in the game." – Owen Shaw.

"Brian O'Conner: So, what up, man, you ready for this?

Roman: Come on, man. Guns, murderers, and crooked cops? I was made for this, bro!"

"Have you heard of choice theory, Dom?" - Cipher.

"That's your mistake. The spy game, that's my world." - Jakob.

"It's like I need to face the world head-on or something to feel alive." - Letty.

"I mean, look at my jacket. Those are bullet holes from fourteen dudes trying to take my head clean off its shoulders." - Roman.

"Cipher: I was thinking, if this was a movie, this would be the moment where the villain has an unexpected setback, overcompensates without thinking it through, and gets crushed by the good guys.

Otto: No offense, but you have no idea what we're about to do. And for the record, we're the good guys."

"You've got to make peace with the past if you want to hope for the future." - Buddy.

"Man, what is it with you Torettos where you're all the heroes in your own stories?" - Kenny Linder.

"Dominic Toretto: There's going to be a lot of people coming after you, Jake.

Jakob: Yeah. This is the world I chose, Dom."

"Cipher: I should've just hired you instead of coercing your brother a couple of years back.

Jakob: I don't work for the competition.

Cipher: That's true. You thinking you're the competition.

Jakob: Says the woman in the box."

"If We're going to go out, Let's go out on top of the world" - Roman.

"They Open At The Same Time I Pull This Trigger. Want Me To Open Them?" – Gisele.

"You Just Earned Yourself A Dance With The Devil, Boy." – Hobbs.

"Dominic Toretto: My thieving days are over.

Magdalene ShawMine ain't. You coming?"

"I don't pick a target from a mile away. I stand face to face and look them dead in the eye." – Dominic Toretto.

"Tsoi: Who are you?

Luke Hobbs: Ohh! I'm what you call an ice-cold can…"

"East LA is a tough enough place to grow up." - Cipher.

"Tej: As long as we obey the laws of physics, then we'll be fine, okay? It's just all math and science.

Roman: I knew I should've listened to my teachers."

"All right, listen up. The men we're after are professional runners. They like speed and are guaranteed to go down in the hardest possible way, so make sure you got your underwear on. We find them; we take them as a team and we bring them back." - Luke Hobbs.

"I don't know, but when the improbable happens, again and again, that's more than luck." - Tej.

"Dominic Toretto: We're not on call anymore.

Roman: Wait! wait! Dom, this is Cipher. The woman that killed the mother of your child.

Dominic Toretto: Things change."

"Roman: So who's got a plan B?

Tej: Plan B? Plan B? We need a plan C, D, E. We need more alphabets!"

"It's not about being the stronger man, Dom. It's about being the bigger one." - Jack Toretto.

"Money will come and go." - Dominic Toretto.

"Han: Well, after Gisele died, I don't know what to do. I was aimless. Lost!

Roman: Absolutely. But can you get to the part where the car exploded, and you're still alive?"

"I don't feel like I'm under arrest." – Dominic Toretto

"You Might Wanna Keep Your Eyes On The Road, Playboy" – Monica

"Maybe you're lying to yourself. Maybe you're not the good guy pretending to be the bad guy. Maybe you're the bad guy pretending to be the good guy. Did you ever think about that?" - Mia Toretto.

"You're Not That Charming" – Kara

"There's an old saying: For want of a nail, the horseshoe was lost. For want of a horseshoe, the steed was lost. For want of a steed, the message was not delivered. For want of an undelivered message, the war was lost." – Uncle Kamata.

"Little Brian: Daddy, do you know where God is?

Dominic Toretto: Where is God?

Little Brian: In your heart.

Dominic Toretto: He's in your heart too."

"Dude I Almost Had You!" – Brian O'Connor

"Roman: But you got killed in a car crash, Han.

Han: Mr. Nobody has a way of making things look real."

"You Know I Would've Won That Race If You Didn't Cheat, Right?" – Brian O'Conner

"There are a lot of axioms, but only two you really need to concern yourself with. One: the only person's behavior we can control is our own. And two: the only true thing we can give another person is information." - Cipher.

"I've got nothing but time." - Dominic Toretto.

"Every day for the last three weeks you've been coming in here and you've been asking me how the tuna is." – Mia Toretto.

"Tej: Did I hear that right? You a runner and you afraid of flying?"

"I lied to you. I lied to Dom, I lied to everybody. That's what I do best. That's why the feds recruited me." – Brian O'Conner

"Your mistake? Thinking you're in America. You're a long way from home. This is Brazil!" - Dominic Toretto.

"You've got balls, man. I've been told." – Dominic Toretto

"It starts with the eyes. She's gotta have those kind of eyes that can look right through, to the good in someone. Twenty percent angel, eighty percent devil. Down to earth." Dominic Toretto.

"I'm So Good, Man, I Could Sell Rubbers To A Monk." – Twinkie

"Ask any racer. Any real racer. It don't matter if you win by an inch or a mile. Winning's winning." - Dominic Toretto.

"Words Ain't Even Been Invented Yet." – Dominic Toretto.

"Ramsey, we're looking everywhere. I just grew a new bunion. This is hopeless." - Roman.

"You know this ain't no 10-second race." – Sean Boswell.

"Y'all ever thought about how many wild missions we been on? How we somehow always survive?" - Roman.

"I Smell…Skanks. Why Don't You Girls Just Pack It Up Before I Leave Tread Marks On Your Face?" – Letty.

"Just don't cheat this time." – Brian O'Conner.

"Cipher: There's something much greater at work here. This is fate.

Dominic Toretto: I choose to make my own fate.

Cipher: Not today."

"Feels like we looking for where's Waldo in Harry Potter world." - Tej.

"I feel like I'm in Transylvania or somewhere…" - Roman.

“Deckard Shaw: I'm what you might call a champagne problem.”

"Tej: Please don't tell me you're thinking what I think you're thinking.

Roman: Why? What does 'peligro minas' mean?

Dominic Toretto: Tej, how fast?

Tej: I don't know, man.

Roman: Somebody answer me! What does 'peligro minas' mean?

Ramsey: 'Peligro minas' means danger, land mines!"

"Where do I start? First of all, all of this looks a little spooky. I even seen these two ladies walking with George Washington wigs on their head for the 17000s." - Roman.

Fast And Furious Quotes About Cars

These fast and furious quotes about cars will change your perception of cars and their handling.

"A real driver knows exactly what's in his car." - Dominic Toretto.

"I'm one of those boys who appreciates a fine body regardless of the make." - Dominic Toretto.

"Hey, we do what we do best. We improvise, all right?" – Brian O'Conner.

"And above all else, we don't ever– ever– let them get into cars." – Luke Hobbs.

"It doesn't matter what's under the hood. The only thing that matters is who's behind the wheel." - Dominic Toretto.

"It's not how you stand by your car; it's how you race your car." – Edwin.

"We've taken out cars, trains, tanks. I'm not going to even mention the submarine." - Roman.

"Roman: My Speedometer only goes up to seventy. What do I do?

Tej: You put your foot to that floor, and you pray."

"Now, me and the mad scientist got to rip apart the block and replace the piston rings you fried." - Dominic Toretto.

"Letty grew up just down the street. She was into cars since she was like ten years old." - Mia.

"Sean: Hey, fellas! Y'all seen ten-second cars? Well, say hello to the two-second car.

Tej: Is it Pontiac Fiero strapped to a rocket engine?

Earl: Impressive, I know.

Tej: No! No! That's not impressive."

"You almost had me? You never had me! You never had your car!" – Dominic Toretto.

"Cars don't make the driver." Young Dom.

"You do the driving, I'll cut you in for fifteen percent." - Magdalene Shaw.

"Cipher: Say you get what you're after. A weapon so dangerous it shouldn't exist for another half-century. What would you do with it? Launch some global attack? Sell it to the highest bidder? Or maybe you see yourself as a necessary shock to the system. I bet all you ever wanted was a hug.

Jakob: You read my psych eval. Good of you.

Cipher: I read your second-grade report card. That's what I do."

"Tej: Look, we heard y'all could get us some wheels. Preferably the kind that don't explode. Is that possible?

Sean: Well, the Honda dealership's about three thousand miles that way."

"I'll have the tuna. No crust." – Brian O'Conner.

"Keep your car. Your respect is good enough for me." – Dominic Toretto.

"Granny shifting, not double clutching like you should. You're lucky that 100-shot of NOS didn't blow the welds on the intake!" - Dominic Toretto.

"So, Dunn looks like we're gonna be partners, bro. Could you tell me right quick what would be a better motor for my Skyline, a Gallo 12 or a Gallo 24?" – Brian O'Conner.

"One car in exchange for knowing what a man's made of? That's a price I can live with." – Han

"... Ain't afraid to get a little engine grease under her fingernails." - Dominic Toretto.

"Young Dom: What are you guys in for?

Young Leo: Driving while brown."

"Roman: I'm confused. Y'all didn't actually beat the jet.

Twinkie: It didn't explode.

Sean: Yeah, or melt. Teah! She's still in one piece.

Tej: You mean 'pieces?"

"Get the hand brake for me, would you, darling?" - Magdalene Shaw.

"Dom, Tell me what you see, son. See, cars like this are immortal.' 70 Chargers are designed so well that if you take care of them, They'll run for a hundred years." - Jack Toretto.

Fast And Furious Quotes About Friendship

Fast And Furious quotes reveal that the gift of ride-or-die friends is sometimes worth more than a race trophy. Meditation over these Fast And Furious quotes would rejuvenate your friendship goals.

"The most important thing in life will always be the people in this room. Right here, right now." - Dominic Toretto.

"It's On The House." – Hobbs.

"…Go to Hollywood Boulevard. You want an adrenaline rush? That'll be two large." – Letty Ortiz.

"You're Like The Justin Timberlake Of Japan." – Deckard Shaw.

"When people believe in you, you can do miraculous things." – Dominic Toretto.

"No! Whatever's on you, it's on us." - Roman.

"Dom, don't get yourself killed, okay? You're my favourite American." - Magdalene Shaw.

"I have faith in you but this isn't a junkyard, it's a garage!" – Dominic Toretto

"You asked me why I let Dom go? I think it's because, at that moment, I respected him more than I did myself." - Brian O'Conner.

"It's trust and character that I need around me. You know who you choose to be around you lets you know who you are." - Han.

"Hey! You thought you could leave without saying goodbye?" - Brian O'Conner.

"Tej: Maybe we're not so normal.

Roman: That's what I'm saying. We are not normal.

Ramsey: Just to clarify, are you two maybe suggesting that we're what, invincible?

Tej: Maybe."

"Look, I'm going to tell you a secret. You, your dad, and me, we're all stuck, going round and round in the same s**tty circle. And we ain't getting out." - Kenny Linder.

"Ride or die, remember?" – Dominic Toretto.

"Think about this. We've now been on insane missions around the world, doing what most would say is near impossible. And I ain't got one single scare to show for it?" - Roman.

"You risk life and limb to save the free world, and what does it give you? Jello and a bad ’70s TV show." – Dominic Toretto.

"I have money, it's trust and character I need around me. You know, who you choose to be around you lets you know who you are." - Han.

"If a Ninja Turtle pop out on me, tell you right now, I'm out." - Roman.

"Dom always had her attention." – Mia.

"You Weren't Anyone's Friend." – Dominic Toretto.

"We just went from the middle of the most wanted list to the very top." - Brian O'Conner.

"They say to live in the hearts of those we leave behind is not to die. But he put you in this grave, so now, I'll do the same to him." – Dominic Toretto.

"Tej: And yet we're still here.

Roman: Exactly."

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Written by John Akinrinade

Bachelor of Science specializing in Public Administration

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John AkinrinadeBachelor of Science specializing in Public Administration

John is a highly qualified professional, holding a degree in Public Administration and a Diploma in Local Government Studies from Obafemi Awolowo University. He is also a qualified Chartered Accountant. With a diverse background in finance and writing, John has been producing high-quality copy as a content producer and copywriter for several years, both in the UK and Nigeria. John's unique combination of financial expertise and writing prowess allows him to produce compelling, well-researched content that is both informative and engaging. 

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