32 Frank Herbert Quotes From The Famous 'Dune' Author

Deepthi Reddy
Dec 12, 2023 By Deepthi Reddy
Originally Published on Mar 15, 2021
Edited by Monisha Kochhar
Frank Herbert image on a ticket

Frank Patrick Herbert was a renowned American writer noted for his highest-selling science fiction novel 'Dune' series.

Frank Herbert wore many hats like being a novelist, short story writer, photographer, lecturer, and journalist. His works explore themes like ecology, genetic manipulation, mystical and psychic possibilities, and human evolution.

Frank Herbert was born in Washington. The idea for his famous work 'Dunes' came when he researched the Oregon dunes for a news article. He got too engrossed and collected many research materials that eventually evolved into 'Dune World' in 1963 and 'Prophet of Dune' in 1965.

'Dune' was not an overnight commercial success. Initially, many publishers rejected it but it was later published by Chilton Book Company. It has sold in millions worldwide and has won the two most prestigious science fiction prizes, the Nebula and Hugo awards.

Frank left his job in 1970 and became a full-time novelist. He achieved both fame and money with his work.

His book 'Dune' adapted into a film and a television miniseries. Herbert also wrote five sequels to the novel, including 'Dune Messiah,' 'Children of Dune,' 'God-Emperor of Dune,' 'Heretics of Dune', and 'Chapterhouse: Dune'. He continued working and wrote many more until he died on 11 February 1986 due to his pancreatic cancer surgery complications.

Below are our collection of Frank Herbert quotes for you. If you want similar quotes, also visit Quotes From ‘Dune’ and Sci-Fi Quotes.

Frank Herbert Quotes From 'Dune' Book

Even to this day, Frank Herbert's work, 'Dune', is considered to be legendary and a science-fiction masterpiece. Here are some thought-provoking quotes from 'Dune' by Frank Herbert.

1."A beginning is the time for taking the most delicate care that the balances are correct."

-Frank Herbert, 'Dune.'

2."When you think to take determination of your fate into your own hands, that is the moment you can be crushed. Be cautious."

-Frank Herbert, 'Chapterhouse: Dune.'

3."Every civilization depends upon the quality of the individuals it produces."

-Frank Herbert, 'Children of Dune.'

4."The mind goes on working no matter how we try to hold it back."

-Frank Herbert, 'Dune.'

5."The vision of time is broad, but when you pass through it, time becomes a narrow door."

-Frank Herbert, 'Dune.'

6."Seek freedom and become captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find your liberty."

-Frank Herbert, 'Chapterhouse: Dune.'

7."It is so shocking to find out how many people do not believe that they can learn, and how many more believe learning to be difficult."

-Frank Herbert, 'Dune.'

8."It is impossible to live in the past, difficult to live in the present and a waste to live in the future."

-Frank Herbert, 'Dune.'

9."Do actions agree with words? There's your measure of reliability. Never confine yourself to the words."

-Frank Herbert, 'Chapterhouse: Dune.'

10."The mystery of life isn't a problem to solve, but a reality to experience."

-Frank Herbert, 'Dune.'

11. "Life is a game whose rules you learn if you leap into it and play it to the hilt."

-Frank Herbert, 'Chapterhouse: Dune.'

12."Things we do without thinking — there's the real danger."

-Frank Herbert, 'God Emperor of Dune.'

13."Without change, something sleeps inside us and seldom awakens. The sleeper must awaken."

-Frank Herbert, 'Dune.'

14."Most deadly errors arise from obsolete assumptions."

-Frank Herbert, 'Children of Dune.'

15."Enemies strengthen you. Allies weaken."

-Frank Herbert, 'God Emperor of Dune.'

Frank Herbert Government Quotes

Frank Herbert was a thinker, and the then government policies also influenced his works. Below are some Frank Herbert quotes about the ideal role of government from his novel.

16."The undeserving maintain power by promoting hysteria."

-Frank Herbert, 'God Emperor of Dune.'

17."A ruler must learn to persuade and not to compel."

-Frank Herbert, 'Dune.'

18."Power attracts pathological personalities. It is not that power corrupts but that it is magnetic to the corruptible."

-Frank Herbert, 'Chapterhouse: Dune.'

19."The concept of progress acts as a protective mechanism to shield us from the terrors of the future."

-Frank Herbert, 'Dune.'

20."When religion and politics travel in the same cart, the riders believe nothing can stand in their way. Their movements become headlong – faster and faster and faster."

-Frank Herbert, 'Dune.'

21."The most important element of government, therefore, is the method of choosing leaders."

-Frank Herbert, 'Children of Dune.'

22."Governments can be useful to the governed only so long as inherent tendencies toward tyranny are restrained."

-Frank Herbert, 'God Emperor of Dune.'

23."Good governance never depends upon laws, but upon the personal qualities of those who govern."

-Frank Herbert, 'Children of Dune.'

Frank Herbert 'Dune' Quotes About Fear And Writing

Frank Herbert always believed in the freedom of creativity, imagination, and freedom of speech. Check out some Frank Herbert quotes on this philosophy in his writings.

24. "I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.

I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain."

-Frank Herbert, 'Dune.'

25."There is no real ending. It’s just the place where you stop the story."

-Frank Herbert, Interview with Willis McNelly.

26."A process cannot be understood by stopping it. Understanding must move with the flow of the process, must join it and flow with it."

-Frank Herbert, 'Dune.'

27."Try looking into that place where you dare not look! You'll find me there, staring out at you!"

-Frank Herbert, 'Dune.'

28."The gift of words is the gift of deception and illusion."

-Frank Herbert, 'Children of Dune.'

29."You don't write for success. That takes part of your attention away from the writing. If you're really doing it, that's all you're doing: writing."

-Frank Herbert, 'Heretics of Dune.'

30."To attempt seeing Truth without knowing Falsehood. It is the attempt to see the Light without knowing the Darkness. It cannot be."

-Frank Herbert, 'Dune.'

31."There's an unwritten compact between you and the reader. If someone enters a bookstore and sets down hard-earned money (energy) for your book, you owe that person some entertainment."

-Frank Herbert, 'Heretics of Dune.'

32."When your opponent fears you, then’s the moment when you give the fear its own rein, give it the time to work on him. Let it become terror. The terrified man fights himself. Eventually, he attacks in desperation."

-Frank Herbert, 'Dune.'

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotes for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for Frank Herbert Quotes, Be sure to also check  Ursula K Le Guin Quotes and Philip K Dick Quotes.

Main image credit:  Olga Popova / Shutterstock.com

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Written by Deepthi Reddy

Master of Business Administration

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Deepthi ReddyMaster of Business Administration

With an MBA under her belt, Deepthi has discovered her true calling in content writing. Her writing repertoire is diverse, covering travel, movies, pet care, parenting, animals and birds, and more. Her joy of learning and creating has helped her craft well-written and engaging articles. When she isn't writing, Deepthi enjoys exploring new cultures, trying different foods, and spending quality time with her two children aged 7 and 12.

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