54 Green Goblin Quotes

Martha Martins
Sep 29, 2023 By Martha Martins
Originally Published on Jan 11, 2023
Keep reading for interesting Green Goblin quotes.


Norman Osborn is the infamous Green Goblin and Spiderman's arch-nemesis!

Dive into quotes from the father of Spider-Man's best friend, Harry. Spider-man is one of the most popular Marvel characters, which makes his first villain even more exciting.

Green Goblin is best known for his sinister quotes, but some quotes can also be silly and entertaining. One thing we can count on is that he will be laughing at the end of every quote.

Green Goblin enters the Marvel universe as Norman Osborn and is Peter Parker's arch-nemesis.

Harry Osborn and Peter Parker are best friends but have a very complicated relationship because of Peter's feelings for Mary Jane. Green Goblin grows to hate Spider-Man, which comes out through his words making for some chilling and memorable quotes.

The Spider-Man movies have come a long way since the first release, with Norman Osborn appearing in the most recent ‘Spiderman: No Way Home’.

In this article, you'll find Green Goblin's last words, quotes from ‘Spiderman: No Way Home', and many more. Some of Green Goblin's most famous words are 'Peter don't tell Harry' and 'The one thing they love more than a hero is to see a hero fail'.

Iconic Green Goblin Quotes

The Green Goblin represents Spider-Man's double identity which makes this villain quintessential for Spider-Man fans. Norman Osborn by day and Green Goblin by night symbolize the dual nature of Peter Parker and Spider-Man. He is Spider-Man's first enemy, which makes him iconic. Here are the most iconic Green Goblin quotes.

“Peter don't tell Harry.”

- 'Spider-Man'

“You know how much I sacrificed?!”

- 'Spider-Man'

“You know, I”m something of a scientist myself.”

- 'Spider-Man'

“Peter. You're struggling to have everything you want while the world tries to make you choose.”

- 'Spider-Man: No Way Home'.

“Norman”s on sabbatical, Honey.”

- 'Spider-Man: No Way Home'

“Your weakness, Peter, is morality. It's choking you. Don't you feel it?”

- 'Spider-Man: No Way Home'

“The one thing they love more than a hero is to see a hero fail.”

- 'Spider-Man'

“Green Goblin: I've been like a father to you. Be a son to me.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: I have a father. His name was Ben Parker.

Green Goblin: God's speed, Spiderman.”

'Spider-Man: No way home'

- 'Spider-Man'.

“No one says no to me!”

- 'Spider-Man'

“Peter, you're struggling to have everything you want while the world tries to make you choose.”

- 'Spider-Man: No Way Home'

“First, we attack his heart!”

- 'Spider-Man'

“Sometimes, I”m not myself. I”m… someone else.”

- 'Spider-Man: No Way Home'.

Short Green Goblin Quotes

(Green Goblin was Spider-Man's first villain, making these quotes exciting and memorable)

Short, snappy, and silly are the quotes we might remember most easily from the movies. These quotes show Green Goblins' quick thinking!

He always has a comeback line or something smart to say to Peter Parker. Although Green Goblin is very smart, he is not smarter than Spider-Man. Spider-Man takes action and never lets the words of Green Goblin get him down.

  “Back to formula?”

-  'Spider-Man'

“Coward. We have a new world to conquer.”

- 'Spider-Man: No Way Home'

“I didn't know where else to go.”

- 'Spider-Man: No Way Home'

“Quiet, lapdog.”

- 'Spider-Man: No Way Home'

“You've spun your last web, Spider-Man.”

- 'Spider-Man'

“We'll meet again, Spider-Man!”

- 'Spider-Man'

“Peter? ...What have I done?”

- 'Spider-Man: No Way Home'

“You can”t escape yourself!”

- 'Spider-Man: No Way Home'

“You don't know me.”

- 'Spider-Man: No Way Home'

“Finish It!”

- 'Spider-Man'

“The itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout. Down came the goblin and took the spider out.”

- 'Spider-Man'

“Oh, Peter, thank God for you...”

- 'Spider-Man'

"I would never hurt you."

- 'Spider-Man'

"Believe in me, as I believed in you."

- ‘Spider-Man’

Green Goblin Quotes From Spider-Man

From Peter Parker's relationship with Mary Jane to his uncle Ben Parker, Green Goblin always finds ways to toy with Peter Parker. Some famous lines include 'Like a moth to a flame,' Spider-Man is drawn into a battle over and over again.

“You're predictable, like a moth to the flame.”

- ‘Spider-Man’

“I surrender!”

- 'Spider-Man'

“Can Spider-Man come out to play?”

- 'Spider-Man'

“You never know when some lunatic will come along with a sadistic choice.”

- 'Spider-Man'

“In spite of everything you've done for them, eventually, they will hate you. Why bother?”

- 'Spider-Man'

'Green Goblin: Mary Jane?
MJ: It's Michelle Jones, actually.
Norman Osborn: Fascinating.”

- 'Spider-Man: No Way Home'

“Strong enough to have it all. Too weak to take it.”

- 'Spider-Man: No Way Home'

“Poor Peter. Too weak to send me home to die.”

- 'Spider-Man: No Way Home'

“Harry Osborn: Out, am I?

Green Goblin: Out, am I?”

- 'Spider-Man'

“The little spider went up the water spout then came the Goblin to take the spider out!”

- 'Spider-Man'

“I offered you friendship, and you spat in my face.”

- 'Spider-Man'

“They're all beautiful until they're snarling after your trust fund like a pack of ravening wolves.”

- 'Spider-Man'

“The cunning warrior attacks neither body nor mind.”

- 'Spider-Man'

“Green Goblin : [lands in front of Spider-Man on a rooftop]  Wake up little spider, no you're not dead yet just paralyzed. You're an amazing creature, Spider-Man. You and I are not so different.

Spider-Man: I”m not like you."

- 'Spider-Man'

"Forty thousand years of evolution and we've barely even tapped the vastness of human potential."

- 'Spider-Man'

"Misery, misery, misery - that's what you've chosen."

- ‘Spider-Man’

Terrifying Green Goblin Quotes

Spider-Man always wins the fight, but sometimes we are left wondering if he will win, and we see fear in the eyes of Peter Parker. The Green Goblin can be terrifying, saying things like "no good deed goes unpunished," leaving us sitting at the edge of our seats hoping that Spider-Man will once again triumph over evil.

These chilling quotes reveal the horrifying nature of Norman Osborn as the Green Goblin.

“I may have struck the blow, but you are the one that killed her.”

- 'Spider-Man: No Way Home'

“These are not curses, they're gifts.”

- 'Spider-Man: No Way Home'

“Gods don't have to choose. We take.”

- 'Spider-Man: No Way Home'

“Peter, Peter, Peter. No good deed goes unpunished. You can thank me later.”

- 'Spider-Man: No Way Home'

“If you had not been so selfish..."

- 'Spider-Man'

"I'm gonna finish her nice and slow.”

- 'Spider-Man'

“A word to the 'not-so-wise' about your little girlfriend. Do what you need to with her, then broom her fast!”

- 'Spider-Man'

“Follow the cold shiver running down your spine."

- 'Spider-Man'

“Finish it! Finish it!"

- 'Spider-Man'

“No more darker half? Did you really think that I'd let that happen? That I'd let you take away my power, just because you're blind to what true power can bring you?”

- 'Spider-Man: No Way Home'

“Spider-Man is all but invincible; but Parker, we can destroy him.”

- 'Spider-Man'

“Instruct him in the matters of loss and pain. Make him suffer, make him wish he were dead.”

- ‘Spider-Man’

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Written by Martha Martins

Bachelor of Arts specializing in Linguistics

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Martha MartinsBachelor of Arts specializing in Linguistics

Martha is a full-time creative writer, content strategist, and aspiring screenwriter who communicates complex thoughts and ideas effectively. She has completed her Bachelor's in Linguistics from Nasarawa State University. As an enthusiast of public relations and communication, Martha is well-prepared to substantially impact your organization as your next content writer and strategist. Her dedication to her craft and commitment to delivering high-quality work enables her to create compelling content that resonates with audiences.

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