51 Joe Kenda Quotes From The Famous Homicide Detective

Martha Martins
Sep 19, 2023 By Martha Martins
Originally Published on Aug 03, 2021
Man posing Detective

Joe Patrick Kenda is a retired police department detective.

He worked for the Colarado Springs police force over an illustrious period of 23 years. A television show called 'Homicide Hunter' is based on his life.

Carl Marino plays the role of homicide hunter Lt. Joe Kenda in the series. Post the success of the series, now he is referred to as homicide hunter Lt. Joe Kenda and that has made him a known figure among audiences. In this article you will find the best of lieutenant Joe Kenda quotes.

If you like this article, check out detective quotes and Louis Brandeis quotes.

Best Joe Kenda Quotes

Here are the best lt. Joe Kenda quotes.

1. "In murder cases, it’s not about speed. Speed doesn’t help."

- Joe Kenda.

2. “If you’re going to be a liar, you should at least have the decency to be good at it.”

- Joe Kenda.

3. "People seem to connect in a more positive way with me now. When I worked as a policeman, I didn’t feel a lot of love or respect."

- Joe Kenda.

4. “Guilty people love to talk. Who am I to stop them?”

- Joe Kenda.

5. “I want you to remember something. Maybe you should even write this down: I don’t forgive, and I don’t forget.”

- Joe Kenda.

6. "I used the animosity on the streets to drive myself, to do a better job."

- Joe Kenda.

7. "I served under five different police chiefs during my career. Each had his own leadership style, but they were all wonderful professionals whom I learned from."

- Joe Kenda.

8. “Any policeman who says he’s not afraid is out of his mind or lying.”

- Joe Kenda.

9. "Another thing you never see on my television show is my smile. You may think that is part of my Homicide Hunter shtick, and to some degree that is true."

- Joe Kenda.

10. “When a kid says I’m going to kill you, it would be in your best interest to believe them.”

- Joe Kenda.

11. "A solid grasp of human nature is also an asset. I don’t claim to understand people, but they do interest me. They usually behave in predictable ways."

- Joe Kenda.

12. "Fear is your body’s way of telling you you’re about to engage in something potentially fatal. Fear is a good thing. It alerts you, focuses the mind."

- Joe Kenda.

13. “Never mind the bullet with your name on it. Beware of the bullet that says, to whom it may concern.”

- Joe Kenda.

14. "I’d had moments during the investigation when I had to stop and center myself to keep from feeling overwhelmed. I’d controlled my emotions and relied on my understanding of human nature."

- Joe Kenda.

15. "A page recently featured a Where’s Waldo poster and the message: Lt. Joe Kenda is the reason Waldo is hiding. What, me? A folk hero?"

- Joe Kenda.

16. "More people live in squalor than you might imagine, and not all of them do so because they are poor, uneducated, or out of their minds. Rich people can be slobs, too."

- Joe Kenda.

17. "The network that airs our show is in the entertainment business, and while shocking viewers to a certain extent is acceptable, we all agree that there is no need to sicken them."

- Joe Kenda.

18. "Motive matters, but it should never be allowed to guide an investigation. So many killings make no sense at all if motive is the only consideration."

- Joe Kenda.

19. "True psychopathic serial killers can be quite charming, the life of the party, and the death of you."

- Joe Kenda.

20. "I’d take into account that maybe messy was normal in this domicile. It could belong to a contender for the world’s worst housekeeper."

- Joe Kenda.

21. "Killers like to think they are clever, but most follow basic patterns."

- Joe Kenda.

22. "I learned early on to tamp down my emotions and remain calm inside the yellow tape."

- Joe Kenda.

23. "The questions I asked were based on observation and common sense, which are a detective’s best tools."

- Joe Kenda.

Inspirational Joe Kenda Quotes

Here are the most motivational quotes about Joe Kenda.

24. "I wanted to solve the worst of the worst crimes. They throw you in jail for life or execute you for murder, so, I reasoned, murder must be the worst offense."

- Joe Kenda.

25. "I wanted to put away the worst of our species. I did put a lot of them away; not enough, but a lot."

- Joe Kenda.

26. "I was a police officer for the city of Colorado Springs, Colorado. For nineteen years of my career there, I was a homicide detective. I was involved in 387 homicide investigations. I solved 92 percent of them."

- Joe Kenda.

27. "As I approached the crime scene, I consciously entered into a zone, focusing my mind, tightening down the screws."

- Joe Kenda.

28. "We recently began filming our seventh season of Homicide Hunter for the Investigation Discovery network. Initially we did six shows per season. Now we are filming twenty. We’ve hit almost 30 million viewers in the United States, and the show is seen in 178 territories around the world."

- Joe Kenda.

29. "I want the murderer brought before the bar of justice to answer why this life was taken. I can do that, but not if I hurry too much, overlook evidence, and make hasty assumptions."

- Joe Kenda.

30. "I always tried to understand the person and the behavior and then I tried to get a feel for the personality and type of individual I was looking for."

- Joe Kenda.

31. "Getting excited never helped. I’d calm myself, put my hands in my pockets, and made myself relax."

- Joe Kenda.

32. "My process was always the same. As I stepped under yellow tape, I’d take a deep breath. Then I’d flip the switch on my hearing to shut out the din on the other side of the yellow tape."

- Joe Kenda.

33. "Everyone wanted to yap in my ears. I just wanted to catch the bad guy."

- Joe Kenda.

34. "I’d just keep walking, looking ahead, taking in only what was relevant to the investigation."

- Joe Kenda.

35. "I was there for the victims. I wanted to honor their lives by solving their deaths."

- Joe Kenda.

Quotes About Crime

Here are some detective Joe Kenda quotes on crime.

36. "My job was to answer the Who, What, Where, When, and How questions at every crime scene."

- Joe Kenda.

37. "Picture a murder case as a spinning top on a table. It is made to spin. It spins perfectly. You as a detective should admire it for as long as necessary to determine the parameters of the case."

- Joe Kenda.

38. "Most burglary victims are insured against loss of property. I’m not minimizing that they are crime victims. It can be very disturbing to have a stranger go through your personal things."

- Joe Kenda.

39. "Viewers don’t want to be witnesses to the worst of what I saw. They shouldn’t be."

- Joe Kenda.

40. "There were good, hardworking people in the neighborhood, but I never got to meet them unless they’d become victims of a crime."

- Joe Kenda.

41. "I was never surprised at the motives for murders I investigated. Disappointed maybe, but not surprised."

- Joe Kenda.

42. "The other cops present often worried that I’d blown out a frontal lobe when I asked questions of the suspect into thin air."

- Joe Kenda.

43. "Why a murder happened is not nearly as important to investigating a crime as the question of what happened. Establishing the what leads to the why."

- Joe Kenda.

44. "It can twist you up to see what humans are capable of doing to each other and to themselves, and particularly to those who trust them and love them."

- Joe Kenda.

45. "I loved working in solving crimes and taking criminals off the street. I would have done it for free, though my wife might have objected."

- Joe Kenda.

46. "Kids are just so vulnerable. Most of the cases that still torment me involved children. Some have lingered longer than others."

- Joe Kenda.

47. "My brain and all my senses were focused on reading the crime scene. I was extended another invitation to evacuate, but I made one last, long scan before departing with it imprinted on my brain."

- Joe Kenda.

48. "Crime scenes whisper to you, but you have to be smart enough to listen."

- Joe Kenda.

49. "Humans are capable of incredible cruelty against each other, including their young. If you work in law enforcement, emergency medicine, and other fields that expose you to the harshest aspects of life and death, none of these tales will surprise you."

- Joe Kenda.

50. "I could pick out basic patterns and choose between them. Those patterns reveal themselves through observations of the crime scene."

- Joe Kenda.

51. "Many cases in private homes revolve around proprietary interest. The victim possesses something that the killer wants, or claims ownership of. The visit is made to reclaim that property."

- Joe Kenda.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotes for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for Joe Kenda quotes then why not take a look at 'True Detective' quotes, or Sherlock Holmes quotes

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Written by Martha Martins

Bachelor of Arts specializing in Linguistics

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Martha MartinsBachelor of Arts specializing in Linguistics

Martha is a full-time creative writer, content strategist, and aspiring screenwriter who communicates complex thoughts and ideas effectively. She has completed her Bachelor's in Linguistics from Nasarawa State University. As an enthusiast of public relations and communication, Martha is well-prepared to substantially impact your organization as your next content writer and strategist. Her dedication to her craft and commitment to delivering high-quality work enables her to create compelling content that resonates with audiences.

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