35+ Lisa Bevere Quotes To Empower Women

Luca Demetriou
Dec 12, 2023 By Luca Demetriou
Originally Published on Feb 11, 2021
Group Of American Businesswomen collaborating in a meeting around table

Much of Lisa Bevere’s journey from being a mother to a profound global woman speaker and bestselling author is accredited when she was pregnant with her fourth child.

She saw a dream about a lioness on a platform inscribed with the Roman numeral 23. In search of this dream’s significance, Lisa opened the Bible and looked for the number 23.

The prayer spoke of the faithfulness in God and the spiritual path connected to it. The prayer also said: “These people rise up like a lioness, like a majestic lion rousing itself.” You'll find quotes, love and more in this list of quotes from Lisa Bevere.

Lisa Bevere’s journey is one that every woman should listen to, it speaks volumes about courage, rising from one’s lowest point in life, and overcoming struggles that every woman has experienced in some form or the other. This is the reason that quotes from Lisa Bevere are widely read and appreciated including her encouraging Bible quotes and God quotes.

Let’s walk ahead and drown ourselves in soul-striking and empowering Lisa Bevere quotes.

If you like this article and Lisa Bevere Lioness quotes, then  check out Joyce Meyer quotes and Leo Buscalia quotes after this.

Best Lioness Quotes From Lisa Bevere

Lionesses in the jungle are often known for their majesty, strength, passion, and beauty. A lioness is a symbol of empowerment, creativity, and strategic power.

In her book, 'Lioness Arising', Lisa Bevere sees a lioness within every woman that represents fierceness, tenderness, and strength. This has given rise to some of the most impactful 'Lioness Arising' quotes. Awaken the lioness within you as these Lisa Bevere women empower you, with women quotes.

1. “There is a lioness within every one of god’s daughters and it is time that she awakens.”

- Lisa Bevere, ‘Lioness Arising: Awaken The Power Of The Untamed Life’.

2. “God is not looking for people who act like a Christian. He wants us to be Christians! The word Christian means “anointed or Christlike one.” Jesus did not go around “being good”; he went around “doing good” and releasing all who were oppressed. What has he anointed you to do?”

- Lisa Bevere, ‘Lioness Arising: Awaken The Power Of The Untamed Life’.

3. “The attacks against your life have much more to do with who you might be in the future than who you have been in the past.”

- Lisa Bevere.

4. “God didn’t save you to tame you.”

- Lisa Bevere, ‘Lioness Arising: Awaken The Power Of The Untamed Life’.

Lisa Bevere Quotes About Women

Lisa Bevere, a mother of four boys herself, never imagined influencing women globally. From books like ‘Girls With Swords’ and ‘Fight Like Girls’, Lisa Bevere has proved to be the voice of women globally.

Women need to understand that there is a power within them that is yet unleashed.

With her women of God and faith quotes, Lisa Bevere offers not only logical awareness but also a collection of empowered women quotes through her books and sayings. Let’s dig deeper into some of powerful Lisa Bevere quotes on being a hero.

5. “There were many times when truth spoke to me, but I did not listen. Often it called to me, but I did not hear it. I was too busy listening to lies. Unfortunately, if you listen to lies long enough, when truth speaks you cannot hear or bear it.”

- Lisa Bevere, ‘Fight Like A Girl: The Power Of Being A Woman’.

6. “Satan had made it his aim to distract you from who you really are and what the purpose of your life really is. It is his focused objective to lure you out of the path of strength, life, and authority and into a course of intentional destruction.”

- Lisa Bevere, ‘Girls With Swords: Why Women Need To Fight Spiritual Battles’.

7. “Never imagine that what you do for others or what you do in private doesn’t matter. It counts more than we know. God watches how we steward what is not our own before He entrusts us with more.”

- Lisa Bevere, ‘Girls With Swords: Why Women Need To Fight Spiritual Battles’.

8. “I don’t need to roar, for I hold the power of the whisper. I don’t have to be black or white ... for I am the color and beauty of creation!”

- Lisa Bevere, ‘Fight Like A Girl: The Power Of Being A Woman’.

9. “Without the involvement of women, there are many battles that cannot be won.”

- Lisa Bevere.

'Without Rival' Lisa Bevere Quotes

‘Without Rival’ is one of the masterpieces written by Lisa Bevere that speaks about how we limit ourselves by seeing others as rivals or enemies. All of us have a negative side within us attacking our minds, will, and emotions to turn ourselves against each other.

However, it is a path that is self-defeating. It robs us off of creating deep connections and infests confusion about our own Identity. Read along for Lisa Bevere quotes.

10. “Knowing who you are is vastly more important than knowing where you are going or even what you can do. Because he is your Creator, God has quite a bit to say to you about who you are. And who you truly are carries within it the revelation of what you could be.”

- Lisa Bevere, ‘Without Rival’.

11. “There are very real forces that whisper lying innuendos that assault your mind, your will, and your emotions in the hope of causing you to turn on yourself and then to turn on others.”

- Lisa Bevere, ‘Without Rival’.

12. “The wise do not classify. The wise do not want to be classified. Classifying people is not classy.”

- Lisa Bevere, ‘Without Rival’.

Lisa Bevere Authenticity Quotes And Sayings On Purity

There is much to learn about Purity from Lisa Bevere. Lisa Bevere has mentioned how many paths she had chosen in her life had turned her into the person she despised.

She has said how she sought happiness and contentment in external things. Once she was exposed to spirituality, she could find all that she was looking for within herself. Read along for more Lisa Bevere quotes on purity and beyond.

13. “Purity doesn’t mean avoiding mistakes. It means being virtuous.”

- Lisa Bevere.

14. “God’s Word had the power to light our way and to clear the debris that had covered the path so we can walk in it.”

- Lisa Bevere, ‘Girls With Swords: How To Carry Your Cross Like A Hero’.

Lisa Bevere Quotes About Religion

While Lisa faced some of the toughest challenges bestowed upon her in the form of an identity crisis, heartbreaks, and trauma; religion, and spirituality instilled within her the wisdom and awareness to discover the power that lies within her. Here are some of the best Lisa Bevere quotes about religion and women of faith quotes for you.

15. “If you are not praying the type of prayers that scare you, your prayers are certainly not frightening our enemy.”

- Lisa Bevere, ‘Girls With Swords: Why Women Need To Fight Spiritual Battles’.

16. “God longs to speak to you even more than you want to hear from him.”

- Lisa Bevere.

17. “God’s Word has the power to light our way and to clear the debris that has covered the path so we can walk in it.”

-  Lisa Bevere, ‘Girls With Swords: How To Carry Your Cross Like A Hero’.

18. “Running to God should be your first response, not your last resort.”

- Lisa Bevere.

19. “Praying scary prayers means surrendering control and letting go of our idea of “better” in exchange for God’s best for us.”

- Lisa Bevere.

20. “If you think you’ve blown God’s plan for your life, rest in this: you, my beautiful friend, are not that powerful.”

- Lisa Bevere.

21. “Women you are a God-breathed answer. Not a problem.”

- Lisa Bevere.

22. “Pray in a way that makes room for god’s answer to astound you.”

- Lisa Bevere.

23. “Jesus is truth. And I propose that Jesus is the Adamant.”

- Lisa Bevere, ‘Adamant: Finding Truth In A Universe Of Opinions’.

24. “In a world gone harsh, you must have the courage to be tender as a blossom and tough as a diamond.”

- Lisa Bevere, ‘Adamant: Finding Truth In A Universe Of Opinions’.

25. “We are meek in the way we follow and fierce in the way we fight. In this manner, gentle and fierce meet and are comfortable.”

- Lisa Bevere, ‘Lioness Arising: Awaken The Power Of The Untamed Life’.

26. “God’s kindness is always an invitation to return to truth rather than the endorsement of sin.”

- Lisa Bevere.

27. “There is one thing God cannot do: lie.”

- Lisa Bevere.

'Girl With Sword' Lisa Bevere Quotes

Warrior quotes, Lisa Bevere, and Lisa bevere quotes about fasting is something that everyone relishes. In her widely acclaimed book 'Girl With Sword,' Lisa Bevere has authored some most impressive quotes of today.

Here are some of the best Lisa Bevere quotes that you must enjoy today. Which Lisa Bevere quote is your favorite? Is it a fight like a girl quote or maybe women empowering women quotes?

28. “Words are invisible, but if misused, can prove deadly.”

- Lisa Bevere, ‘Girls With Swords: Why Women Need To Fight Spiritual Battles’.

29. “Our God loves triumphing over what looks impossible; therefore, he calls an ambush without any means of escape “an opportunity”!”

- Lisa Bevere, ‘Girls With Swords: Why Women Need To Fight Spiritual Battles’.

30. “Lovely One, if you dare to dream, you must be brave enough to fight.”

- Lisa Bevere, ‘Girls With Swords: How To Carry Your Cross Like A Hero’.

31. “As awesome as life in Eden must have been like, our life in him will ultimately be far better.”

- Lisa Bevere, ‘Girls With Swords: Why Women Need To Fight Spiritual Battles’.

32. “Live what is within you out loud.”

- Lisa Bevere, ‘Lioness Arising: Awaken The Power Of The Untamed Life’.

33. “Outward pressure is always an opportunity to be inwardly transformed.”

- Lisa Bevere, ‘Girls With Swords: How To Carry Your Cross Like A Hero’.

34. “Gender was created to express divine beauty. An attack on gender is an attack on God’s image.”

- Lisa Bevere.

35. “Identity is intimately attached to destiny. You cannot know what you’re made to do until you first learn who God made you to be.”

- Lisa Bevere.

36. “You don’t have to fight for your place at the table or win God’s love. No one can take you out or replace you - you have no rival.”

- Lisa Bevere.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotes for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for Lisa Bevere quotes, then why not take a look at Leonard Ravenhill quotes, or [let your light shine quotes].

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Written by Luca Demetriou

Bachelor of Arts specializing in English and Drama, Master of Arts specializing in Performance: Design and Practice

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Luca DemetriouBachelor of Arts specializing in English and Drama, Master of Arts specializing in Performance: Design and Practice

Experienced in writing and sub-editing, Luca holds a Bachelor's in English Literature and Drama from the University of Birmingham, where he served as the culture editor at Redbrick Paper. He is currently pursuing a Master's in Performance: Design and Practice at the University of the Arts in London, showcasing his passion for the arts, performance, and history. With a keen interest in traveling, Luca enjoys exploring new cultures and experiencing diverse perspectives.

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