Mooji Anthony Paul Moo-Young is a United Kingdom and Portugal-based Jamaican spiritual preacher.
He conducts 'satsangs' and also delivers speeches to people. Mooji shares his words of wisdom through these retreat sessions.
Mooji is an absolute seeker of truth in this real world. In his satsangs, Mooji encourages the masses to achieve mental freedom and never feel demotivated by any hurdles of life.
He also speaks about how everyone should be a follower of their dreams and passions and how important it is to lead a happy and greedless life to achieve mental peace. This article contains a list of quotes by the spiritual leader Mooji that will inspire you to achieve anything in life.
Check out the articles on Sai Baba quotes and Sufi quotes.
Quotes On Life And Death By Mooji
These Mooji quotes on life and Mooji quotes on death will make you feel grateful for being present in such a wonderful world:
1. "Relax a little, give life a chance to flow its own way, unassisted by your mind and effort. Stop directing the river's flow!"
- Mooji.
2. "Know that within your heart that your life is tailor-made for awakening."
- Mooji.
3. "Don't expect things to be different or people to be in service to you or your own life or projections. It's natural that things go wrong sometimes—they go wrong so that they can go right."
- Mooji.
4. "In the land of 'I know,' there is always competitiveness, jealousy, pretence, pride and arrogance. It is an aggressive realm - the realm of the ego."
- Mooji.
5. "If you take yourself to be the body and mind only, you will die! When you discover yourself as awareness, the fear of death will not trouble you any longer."
- Mooji.
6. "Once you begin to recognize the divine gifts in life, you come to see that there are so many. Your life is abundant."
- Mooji.
7. "There is power in you that manifests all activities in life."
- Mooji.
8. "Life cannot be against you, for you are life itself."
- Mooji.
9. "However, the mind is very much a key player in the drama called life."
- Mooji.
10. "Dying to your own attachments is a beautiful death. Because this death release you into real life. You have to die as a seed to live as a tree."
- Mooji.
11. "The mind has a dilemma. It is afraid of change, deeper change, yet the mind is attracted to life, which is change."
- Mooji.
Self Discovery Quotes By Mooji

Awaken your heart and soul by going through these Mooji quotes about spirituality.
12. "Step into the fire of self-discovery."
- Mooji.
13. "You say you want to get rid of the noise, but you and the noise go together."
- Mooji.
14. "You don't have to go to some place else to find peace. It is right where you are."
- Mooji.
15. "Such an intense self-focusing comes without any effort then, by itself, out of nowhere, wisdom and insights come."
- Mooji.
16. "To change the world is not your business. To change yourself is not your duty. To awaken to your true self is your opportunity."
- Mooji.
17. "Life is so much wiser and kinder than your mind imagines. Trust and Be still."
- Mooji.
18. "The serpent-mind loses its tongue in the presence of the real self. You are the self."
- Mooji.
Mooji Quotes On Love
Here is a list of Mooji quotes on love and quotation on feelings that will inspire you to love yourself the most.
19. "If it speaks to your heart, allow space for that."
- Mooji.
20. "Feelings are just visitors, let them come and go."
- Mooji.
21. "If my words are true, it is you who make them true. They come alive inside you because you listen inside your heart and accept them."
- Mooji.
22. "At the end of the day, you can have something in your head, something in your hand, or something in your heart."
- Mooji.
23. "Your heart is the light of this world. Don't cover it with your mind."
- Mooji.
24. "Everything is magical when you see it with your heart."
- Mooji.
25. "Let every thought come and hug you, but you don't hug anything."
- Mooji.
26. "If you wish to find Love, don't look for the object of love but rather for the source of love. There you will find the beloved."
- Mooji.
27. "Learn to keep quiet in your heart and trust that it is the Universal power, that is unfolding this body and this body's existence and not your mind."
- Mooji.
28. "When you don't want to be interesting, you are free."
- Mooji.
29. "The minute you say yes in your heart; your life goes on fire. "
- Mooji.
Spiritual Mooji Void Quotes
Here are some mundane Mooji quotes about stillness and the void that every human being looks forward to filling in.
30. "There is a presence, a silence, a stillness which is here by itself."
- Mooji.
31. "You have to be you without 'you' and all noise will stop. The real you is the formless witness within. The person, the noisy one, is only imagined. To recognize this is freedom."
- Mooji.
32. "You need nothing to just 'happen', as it were. You are there behind the listening mind."
- Mooji.
33. "Whatever comes, don't push it away. When it goes, do not grieve."
- Mooji.
34. "Some people know they are dreaming when they are asleep. You must also know you are dreaming when you wake-up."
- Mooji.
35. "Just keep quiet. My encouragement would always be: never think anything is against you, everything is a blessing. Why should it be different? Just be quiet."
- Mooji.
36. "Every thought, every emotion is only a tourist and I am not a hotel let them come and let them go."
- Mooji.
37. "Face your fears and stop allowing the mind to hold you captive."
- Mooji.
38. "The ocean does not require that the waves are still to be more ocean-like."
- Mooji.
39. "Love lives inside the one who is free."
- Mooji.
Best Quotes By Mooji
Here is a collection of best quote by Mooji that include Mooji quotes on happiness, body, truth, life etc.
40. "You are the unchanging manifesting as the changefulness."
- Mooji.
41. "Don't be too quick to interpret the moment. Just keep quiet."
- Mooji.
42. "Attempting to understand consciousness with your mind is like trying to illuminate the sun with a candle."
- Mooji.
43. "Open your mind, your eyes, and your heart to truth. Openness is a prerequisite on the path to freedom. Open up and let grace enter at will."
- Mooji.
44. "Within your own being is the only 'real' there is."
- Mooji.
45. "Enjoy the dream, but enjoy the dream being free."
- Mooji.
46. "Leave everything for one moment, in unending time and just be. This is the majesty of being."
- Mooji.
47. "If you seek approval from others in this world, you will not know happiness."
- Mooji.
48. "The ways of the mind are ancient but your self is timeless."
- Mooji.
Mooji Surrender Quotes
Take a look at how Mooji inspires us to leave the toxic past behind by going through these let go quotes and Mooji quotes on surrendering.
49. "Surrender is not a weakness it is strength. It takes tremendous strength to surrender life to the supreme - to the cosmic unfolding."
- Mooji.
50. "The final bridge to cross is to let go of the mind-created 'spiritual' self. Burn that bridge behind you. Stay empty of self-image and cease looking.
- Mooji.
51. "You don't know how things are going to work out. Don't make premature conclusions."
- Mooji.
52. "I love this stepping out of the shadow of myself into the bright light of my Self."
- Mooji.
53. "Be no-body and see if you lose anything but delusion."
- Mooji.
54. "Discovering your true nature doesn't require that you suffer hardships or give up the things you enjoy."
- Mooji.
55. "When you can bear your own emptiness, you are free."
- Mooji.
Quotes About Spirituality
In this category, you will find some quotes by Mooji that can best describe his spiritual beliefs.
56. "All that you see in life emerges from the womb of God."
- Mooji.
57. "The nature of illusion is that, when you see through it, it disappears."
- Mooji.
58. "Marinate in your own being, grow in your wisdom, mature in understanding, be firm in your conviction, be strong in your Self."
- Mooji.
59. "Stop and sink into this timeless moment!"
- Mooji.
60. "Be in the spirit of Truth and any words you speak are in alignment with that spirit."
- Mooji.
61. "Ultimately, there are no dialogues in the world; it is all a divine monologue."
- Mooji.
62. "There is no doer of it, no creator of this stillness. It is simply here in you, with you. It is the fragrance of your own self. There is nothing to do about this, it is naturally present. This fragrance of peace, this spaciousness, it is the fragrance of your own being."
- Mooji.
63. "Out of the formless, the forms appear."
- Mooji.
64. "If your choice is for truth, then the whole universe supports you."
- Mooji.
65. "Seal my unity with you for all time and beyond Amen."
- Mooji.
66. "If you are open to Truth, then you are continuously expanding into greater and greater seeing."
- Mooji.
67. "When you are free from delusion, you can enjoy illusion."
- Mooji.
68." The world is full of Buddhas, but they're sleeping."
- Mooji.
69. "I pray today, Father, that the human mind and consciousness will open up more and more and be directed to you, our origin, our mighty God."
- Mooji.
70. "God cannot be infinite everywhere else except you."
- Mooji.
Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotes for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for Mooji quotes then why not take a look at spiritual awakening quotes, or soul searching quotes.