66 Patrick Mahomes Quotes

Kitan Folami
Mar 10, 2023 By Kitan Folami
Originally Published on Feb 24, 2023
Edited by Oluwapelumi Iwayemi
Patrick Mahomes in black t-shirt.

Patrick Mahomes is a widely celebrated American football player who played for the Kansas City Chiefs in the National Football League.

The 2018 NFL Most Valuable Player Award winner and the 2020 Super Bowl MVP is known for vocally supporting various charities and social justice initiatives. He addresses young people equally, with the majority of his remarks aimed at motivating and inspiring talented individuals.

He comes from a sporting family and is the son of Pat Mahomes, a former Major League Baseball (MLB) pitcher. Mahomes began his college baseball and football careers at Texas Tech University.

He later left baseball to concentrate on football. Despite being very young, he led all NCAA Division I FBS players in several categories.

His background demonstrates passion, commitment, and interest in football. He is widely accepted as one of the most skilled active American sportspeople. He has used his sporting accomplishments as a platform to support various charities and social justice initiatives vocally.

Some of Patrick Mahomes' comments about his career can serve as a source of motivation for both young and established athletes. Young talents can learn a lot from his words based on his experiences on and off the field.

Patrick Mahomes Quotes On Success

Here are some quotes by Patrick Mahomes on success:

"I want to be great."

"I tried to dream it, and I tweeted it."

"My dream came true. It's such an iconic thing. I didn't even remember tweeting it until it came back out before the Super Bowl."

"If you want to win, you have to be efficient."

"The best thing about it is you're showing kids that no matter where you grow up, what race you are, that you can achieve your dream."

"The bricks of consistency and repetition are laid on the route to the glory of hoisting a trophy over your head."

"I have to make those tight-window throws, and trying to make those plays is the reason I have had success."

"All you have to do is trust the process and don't try to do too much, and things will start to happen, and success will come your way."

"The road to the glory of raising a trophy over your head is paved in the blocks of consistency and repetition."

Patrick Mahomes Quotes About Life

In these quotes, Patrick Mahomes speaks on life:

"I just try to be the best Patrick Mahomes I can be."

"You have to take in the hurt; you have to accept it. This hurts; it's supposed to hurt!"

"You can't have a good Thanksgiving meal without a little bit of ketchup on the side."

"The biggest thing I've done is to lean on people I respect, and I was lucky enough to grow up with a lot of role models around me. I've been given this platform, and I want to make sure I can do whatever I can to make the world a better place in whatever way that is."

"You have to learn and develop from every experience you see on the field. I might see an unscouted blitz. I might see different coverages than I'm expecting. So I need to process and make those adjustments as I go."

 "When you're a youngster, you fantasize about things like this."

"Any dog can be aggressive; it's basically the way they're raised."

"Until you get there, you never know what to expect."

"Never change who you are, and be the best you can be."

"I have a lot of guys around me that help make my job easier."

"I'm just proud of who I am. And I've always had that confidence in myself. The more I mature, I've learned that I was blessed to be in the situation that I was in."

"I like being in Kansas City. People are extremely nice, extremely passionate about the Chiefs."

"You must learn from every event, good or bad."

"All I try to do is learn from every mistake I make so that I don't do it again."

"Not a lot of people see that when you're growing up. You don't get to see that people really have to work hard to become as good as they are."

"I aspire to be amazing. I want to leave a lasting impression. But I see how much effort that will require."

"I just try to learn from every mistake that I make so that I never make them again."

 "I'm definitely not for any haunted houses. They're all scary to me."

"Every experience, good or bad, you have to learn from. You have to learn and develop from every experience you see."

"You dream about this stuff when you're a kid."

"For me, being a black quarterback—having a black dad and a white mom—it just shows that it doesn't matter where you come from. I have been blessed to be accepted for who I am my entire life, but that isn't the case for everyone."

"I was a good student and stuff like that."

Patrick Mahomes Quotes About Football

Below are quotes from the American football quarterback on football:

"I was never really on the football circuit. I wasn't the type of guy that put my name out there."

"Texas isn't known for producing quarterbacks. I was never really on the football circuit. I wasn't the type of guy that put my name out there."

"I think, as a quarterback and as a football player, you always want to get better."

"In the pocket, I usually keep two hands on the ball."

"It's going to be awesome getting to learn from a guy like Alex Smith, who's had a ton of success in the league."

"I bet it feels amazing to be the quarterback who says I'm going to Disney World after winning a Super Bowl."

"You're playing football and enjoying the life you've always wanted."

"To be in this moment in this game against that team, to make a play to walk off a game at Arrowhead - I'll remember this game for the rest of my life."

"Coach Reid is a great teacher. He understands how people learn, understands how to get people to get the concept of what the play is and why we're running it."

"When you're in this league, you have to do something every single day. You have off days, but those off days are usually watching film."

"The quarterbacks that win… those are the quarterbacks that are talked about for being great."

"It's a challenge for all quarterbacks, though: You want to make the big play; you want to throw a touchdown every single play. But at the same time, you have to know that it's a process."

"You can always regret just missing it, but as a football player, you have to move on to the next play."

"You want to make the big play; you want to throw a touchdown every single play. But at the same time, you have to know that it's a process."

"Playing the scout-team quarterback in practice really helped develop my game."

"When I scramble and do those things, I try to look downfield, look for the playmakers, put it in their hands, and let them make all the big plays happen."

"I had a lot of stats in college, and they didn't count for wins. So whatever it takes to win football games is the goal that I set."

"I didn't start playing football a lot until I was in high school. I played it in seventh and eighth grade, but I didn't play Pop Warner or anything."

"You want to be in the first round. That's the dream. That's what you see on draft night."

"You dream of your first NFL start when you're a little kid, playing football in the backyard, but until you get there, you never know what to expect."

"You can have the big arm, and that's good, and it helps out in the games, but it doesn't help you necessarily win games."

"I'm not a Packers fan. I just like football. I do respect those guys. You respect great football. I'm a Cowboys fan, or I was a Cowboys fan. You just respect great football."

"You have to be secure with the ball. You can't lose it."

"The furthest I have even thrown the ball was 85 yards. But I had a little wind at my back, so I don't claim that one."

"You have to be able to do everything in this league, and I try to get better at every single one of those throws every single day."

"When people talk about me, they talk about just the arm and that I have a big arm. I want to be able to change that mindset too, 'He's a great quarterback who just happens to have a great arm.'"

"They were the better team today; they beat us pretty good. The worst, I think, that I've been beaten in a long time."

"When you're in this league, you have to do something every single day."

"All I can think about is how I grew up in a locker room where people from every race, every background, and every community came together and became brothers to accomplish a single goal."

"You want to be drafted high, but to be drafted high into an organization like the Kansas City Chiefs, it's like a dream to me."

"Throughout my whole football career, I have always known I wasn't the fastest guy."

"Good third-down teams are teams that usually have success in this league."

"I didn’t do any football stuff when I was a kid… Mostly baseball and basketball the whole time. That’s all I did. I played football starting in seventh grade. As I got older, I started playing a little bit more. Then in high school, I really fell in love with it."

"I want to bring a Big 12 championship to Tech."

"Look at guys like Tom Brady and Aaron Rodgers. Those guys have great arms, but people talk about them more as a quarterback and the intellectual side of the game and how they really dissect defenses – and then the arm is something else that helps them with that."

"There's always plays that Coach Reid just draws up every single week. I always say that they always work. He just gets on the board in his room and just starts drawing plays. The possibilities are endless."

Patrick Mahomes Quotes On Sports

Here are Patrick Mahomes' quotes on sports curated just for you:

"You see Tom Brady, you see Alex Smith, and you see all those guys in the pocket and how quick they are with their footwork and how they get the ball out fast. I have to get like that."

"You get older, and you want to be a professional athlete; you want to win on the biggest stage."

"I want people to know that I'm going to leave every single thing on the field."

"I feel like, even if something goes wrong, I have confidence in myself and my team that we'll fix it."

"No one really sees pro athletes behind the scenes. They don't know how hard they work. They don't see how you work on the basics. They couldn't possibly know. You wouldn't think that someone who hits like Alex Rodriguez needs to use a tee every day. But that's how he stayed on top of it."

"Champions are forged in the wee hours of the morning when everyone else is still sleeping." They remain beyond practice to obtain more repetitions with their key receivers so they can locate each other in the midst of 65,000 screaming fans on game day."

"Definitely, as a competitor, you want to get out there and play."

"Kids in sports – it makes such an impact in life with the lessons that you learn."

"I try to stick to the same daily routine as much as possible."

"You have to keep learning, keep doing those things every single day, and you learn more and more no matter if you're in your second year of your career or in the 18th year of your career, you're going to be learning."

"It's great to be able to come in every day and work out, review videos, and practice with guys who all have the same objective in mind."

"You can tell when coaches have confidence in you."

"I was that little kid: I was the one that was looking up to athletes and getting to see them and getting to be a part of it, and I remember those experiences."

"I know the history, but we are a different generation."

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Written by Kitan Folami

Bachelor of Arts specializing in Geography

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Kitan FolamiBachelor of Arts specializing in Geography

With three years of experience in creative writing across sectors including finance, education, and gaming, Kitan is a highly skilled and passionate writer. As she pursues a degree in Geography at the University of Lagos, Kitan remains committed to broadening her knowledge and skills in order to deliver high-quality content that captivates and educates readers.

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