90+ Satchel Paige Quotes From The Influential Baseball Pitcher

Writvik Gupta
Dec 12, 2023 By Writvik Gupta
Originally Published on Feb 19, 2021
Edited by Isobel Murphy
Baseball champion Satchel Paige on postage stamp

Satchel Paige was one of the best baseball players in the major league for Kansas City Monarch.

His jersey number was 25, and perhaps the most famous of all Satchel Paige quotes says, "Don't look back. Something might be gaining on you." This is an iconic line!

Leroy Satchel Paige is famous because of the numerous records he set. He was the oldest rookie to play the major league at 42 years old, and these Satchel Paige quotes celebrate that.

This list of Satchel Paige quotes is all about inspiration, including one of the most inspirational Leroy Satchel Paige quotes: "You win a few, you lose a few. Some get rained out. But you got to dress for all of them."

If you like these Satchel Paige quotes, you can check out more inspirational baseball player quotes, like these Jackie Robinson quotes and inspirational baseball quotes.

Satchel Paige Quotes On Age

Ready to discover the best Satchel Paige quotes? Here are some of the best and most famous Satchel Paige quotes about age. Age was one of the most discussed topics in Satchel Paige quotes.

1. "Age is a case of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it don't matter."

-Satchel Paige.

2. "How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are?"

-Satchel Paige.

3. "I've said it once and I'll say it a hundred times, I'm forty-four years old."

-Satchel Paige.

Satchel Paige Quotes On Being A Pitcher

Here are some of the best Leroy Satchel Paige quotes about baseball. Paige was one of the legendary pitchers in the game, and these Satchel Paige quotes show why!

4. "Throw strikes. Home plate don't move."

-Satchel Paige.

5. "I ain't as fast as I used to be, but I'm a better pitcher."

-Satchel Paige.

6. "Throw high risers at the chin; throw peas at the knees."

-Satchel Paige.

7. "My pitching philosophy is simple- keep the ball away from the bat."

-Satchel Paige.

8. "I sure get laughs when I see in the papers where some major league pitcher says he gets a sore arm because he's overworked and he pitches every four days. "

-Satchel Paige.

9. "It's funny what a few no-hitters do for a body."

-Satchel Paige.

10. "They said I was the greatest pitcher they ever saw... I couldn't understand why they couldn't give me no justice."

-Satchel Paige.

11. "You ain't seen no speed yet. Just wait until the weather warms up."

-Satchel Paige.

12. "There never was a man on Earth who pitched as much as me."

-Satchel Paige.

Satchel Paige Quotes On Motivation

Are you enjoying these Satchel Paige quotes? Here are some motivational quotes by Satchel Paige, the legendary baseball player. Enjoy these Satchel Paige quotes!

13. "Work like you don't need the money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching."

-Satchel Paige.

14. "Ain't no man can avoid being born average, but there ain't no man got to be common."

-Satchel Paige.

15. "You win a few, you lose a few. Some get rained out. But you got to dress for all of them."

-Satchel Paige.

16. "Never let the odds keep you from pursuing what you know in your heart you were meant to do."

-Satchel Paige.

17. "Never give up and sit down and grieve. Find another way."

-Satchel Paige.

18. "Smile well and often, it makes people wonder what you've been up to."

-Satchel Paige.

19. "No man can avoid being born average, but no man has to stay average."

-Satchel Paige.

Satchel Paige Quotes On Baseball

As a baseball player, many Satchel Paige quotes are all about baseball. Here are some Leroy Satchel Paige quotes on baseball, which he played throughout his life.

20. "My feet ain't got nothing to do with my nickname, but when folks get it in their heads that a feller's got big feet, soon the feet start looking big."

-Satchel Paige.

21. "The Crawfords played everywhere, in every ballpark. And we won, won like we invented the game."

-Satchel Paige.

22. "I never threw an illegal pitch. The trouble is, once in a while I toss one that ain't never been seen by this generation."

-Satchel Paige.

22. "Within the baselines, anything can happen. Tides can reverse; oceans can open."

-Satchel Paige.

23. "You gotta keep the ball off the fat part of the bat."

-Satchel Paige.

24. "Never let your head hang down."

-Satchel Paige.

25. "Nobody likes the ball low and away, but that's where you're going to get it from me."

-Satchel Paige.

26. "I am not gonna throw this smoke at your yoke, but a pea at your knee."

-Satchel Paige.

27. "I ain't ever had a job, I just always played baseball."

-Satchel Paige.

Satchel Paige Quotes On Men

Here are some Leroy Satchel Paige quotes on men, which are inspirational and motivating to everyone. The Satchel Paige quotes on men include many Satchel Paige quotes about his fellow teammates.

28. "Not to be cheered by praise, not to be grieved by blame, but to know thoroughly one's own virtues or powers are the characteristics of an excellent man."

-Satchel Paige.

29. "But the more I pitched, the stronger my arm would get."

-Satchel Paige.

30. "He [Bill Veeck] asked me to throw at a cigarette as a plate and I threw four out of five over it."

-Satchel Paige.

31. "Smokey Joe [Williams] could throw harder than anyone."

-Satchel Paige.

32. "One time he [Cool Papa Bell] hit a line drive right past my ear."

-Satchel Paige.

33. "If they treat you bad, you got to take care of your pride, no matter what."

-Satchel Paige.

Satchel Paige Quotes On Knowledge

Are you enjoying these Satchel Paige quotes? Here are some more Leroy Satchel Paige quotes on knowledge. What can you learn from these Satchel Paige quotes?

34. "Don't go to college, unless to get knowledge."

-Satchel Paige.

35. "Don't look back. Something might be gaining on you."

-Satchel Paige.

36. "Don't pray when it rains if you don't pray when the sun shines."

-Satchel Paige.

37. "Money and women. They're two of the strongest things in the world."

-Satchel Paige.

38. "What's scary in life is not what people know (or don't know), but what they know that ain't so."

-Satchel Paige.

Satchel Paige Quotes On Health And Fitness

Here are some Satchel Paige quotes on health and fitness which will motivate people to lead a healthy and fit life. Satchel Paige quotes can be really motivating, do these Satchel Paige quotes motivate you to be a better baseball player?

39. "When a batter swings and I see his knees move, I can tell just what his weaknesses are."

-Satchel Paige.

40. "I believe in training by rising gently up and down from the bench."

-Satchel Paige.

41. "I don't know what you're going to do, Mr. Dizzy Dean, but I'm not going to give up any runs if we have to stay here all night."

-Satchel Paige.

42. "The crowd was surprised when I struck out the side. I wasn't, I did that lots of times. And I expect to do it more, too."

-Satchel Paige.

43. "I don't generally like running."

-Satchel Paige.

44. "It kind of hurts me when folks say I’m an old man."

-Satchel Paige.

45. "If your stomach disputes you, lie down and pacify it with cool thoughts."

-Satchel Paige.

46. "Avoid running at all times."

-Satchel Paige.

47. "Avoid fried foods, which angry up the blood."

-Satchel Paige.

Satchel Paige Quotes On Life

Here are some Satchel Paige quotes on life, for readers to gain some life lessons from the Major League baseball pitcher. Read these Satchel Paige quotes to learn more!

48. "I know I can pitch – I been stopping major leaguers all my life."

-Satchel Paige.

49. "But when I put the ball suit on, I don't know where I got the spark to save my life."

-Satchel Paige.

50. "I never rush myself. See, they can't start the game without me."

-Satchel Paige.

51. "Go light on the vices, such as carrying on in society. The social life ain't restful."

-Satchel Paige.

Satchel Paige Quotes By Others

Here are some Satchel Paige quotes by other players and interviewers discussing Satchel. In these Satchel Paige quotes, one can understand how he was one of the best baseball players in the Major League. Do you recognize any of these Satchel Paige quotes?

52. "I hope that someday the names of Satchel Paige and Josh Gibson in some way could be added [to the Hall Of Fame]."

-Ted Williams.

53. "The best I've faced, and the fastest."

-Joe DiMaggio.

54. "Bob Feller thinks [Paige] might have been the greatest ever, who am I to disagree with him?"

-Larry Tye.

55. "And boom! Strike three, he threw that ball knee-high. About 100 mph. The ballgame was over."

-Buck O'Neil.

56. "Me and Satch could win 60 games in one season."

-Dizzy Dean.

57. "If Satch and I were pitching on the same team, we'd clinch the pennant by the Fourth of July and go fishing until World Series time."

-Dorothy Rochon Powers.

58. "Satchel Paige is not old and no man's got any business sticking his nose on the moon."

-Dizzy Dean.

59. "Satchel Paige was one of the greatest pitchers in the history of baseball, and he knew it."


60. "It's mind-boggling to think that Satch at the age of 59, pitched three innings in the Big Show. "


61. "Satchel Paige is authentically one-of-a-kind."

-Alexander Fitzgerald.

62. "A player that should be even more known than he is."


63. "He made his living by throwing the ball to a spot over the plate the size of a matchbook."

-Cool Papa Bell.

64. "Of course, the stories about Satchel Paige are legendary, and some of them are even true."

-Buck O'Neil.

Satchel Paige Quotes On His Life

Here are some Leroy Satchel Paige quotes on his own life that will help readers get a view of the baseball player's life. These Satchel Paige quotes will help readers know more about the life of Satchel Paige. Which of these Satchel Paige quotes is your favorite?

65. "Nobody paid much attention when us kids by the bay was born."

-Satchel Paige.

66. "My invention wasn’t a smart-looking thing, but it upped my income."

-Satchel Paige.

67. "Since I threw those rocks so straight, I guess it was just natural that I started firing a baseball."

-Satchel Paige.

68. "Mother always told me, if you tell a lie, always rehearse it."

-Satchel Paige.

69. "I was so scared that the pilot and me was like husband and wife until we landed."

-Satchel Paige.

70. "Sometimes I sit and think and other times I just sit."

-Satchel Page.

71. "I never had three meals in my life."

-Satchel Paige.

72. "If I'm throwing them right, [the Worcester batters] won't even get a loud foul off me."

-Satchel Paige.

73. "The idea of giving tryouts is a lot of bunk."

-Satchel Paige.

74. "When I got to the place where I could have three meals, I had six children - and I had to give it to them."

-Satchel Paige.

75. "They didn't put the moon up there: they got no business seeing what's there."

-Satchel Paige.

76. "The only change is that baseball has turned Paige from a secondclasscitizen to a secondclass immortal."

-Satchel Paige.

77. "There were so many of us I guess it just didn’t matter much."

-Satchel Paige.

78. "You always got to be thinking to make money. "

-Satchel Paige.

79. "People trying to get to the moon now."

-Satchel Paige.

80. "The things you do for a woman you wouldn't do for anything else. Same with money."

-Satchel Paige.

81. "You might say I traded five years of freedom to learn how to pitch."

-Satchel Paige.

82. "I'm not going to knock you down."

-Satchel Paige.

83. "There never was a man on earth who pitched as much as me."

-Satchel Paige.

84. "That's why they say, we don't stop playing because we get old. We get old because we stop playing."

-Satchel Paige.

85. "I used to feel so bad before I got to the clubhouse, I didn't know what to do."

-Satchel Paige.

86. "If a man can beat you, walk him."

-Satchel Paige.

87. "Then I just put the ball where I know he can't hit it."

-Satchel Paige.

88. "Just take the ball and throw it where you want to."

-Satchel Paige.

89. "Throw it here when they're lookin' there; throw it there when they're lookin' here."

-Satchel Paige.

90. "I used to overpower them; now I out-cute them."

-Satchel Paige.

91. "I was born in August, no July 1908."

-Satchel Paige.

At Kidadl, we have curated lots of family-friendly quotes for everyone! If you liked these Satchel Paige quotes, why not take a look at these Tommy Lasorda quotes or Tim Tebow quotes too?

*Do you know where this quote originated? Please email us to let us know at hello@kidadl.com

Main image credit: spatuletail / Shutterstock.com

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Written by Writvik Gupta

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Writvik Gupta

A professional content writer hailing from Kolkata, India, with extensive experience in the corporate sector, Writvik Gupta has worked with several reputed companies, including ITC WelcomHotel Jodhpur, Bharti AXA Life Insurance, Aryan Imaging, and Eduquity. He also serves as a consultant for a startup based in Bangalore. With a passion for the outdoors, Writvik enjoys trekking and traveling to remote destinations. He also has a keen interest in exploring various cuisines and regularly volunteers for social causes.

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