55+ Siddhartha Quotes From The Spiritual Hermann Hesse Novel

Moumita Dutta
Dec 12, 2023 By Moumita Dutta
Originally Published on Mar 10, 2021
Edited by Monisha Kochhar
buddha statue in calm rest pose

Hermann Hesse's 'Siddhartha', published in 1922, is a tale of a man's quest for spirituality and self-discovery.

Hermann Hesse was a German-Swedish poet and novelist. He weaves a tale of spirituality and enlightenment in his soul-stirring book.

The book follows Siddhartha, a Brahman, as he traverses a world of knowledge, love, lust, illusion to seek enlightenment. He is accompanied by his friend Govinda in his goal to attain enlightenment.

He comes across the Samanas, who teach him self-denial; Gautama, who shows him his inner-self; Kamala, who teaches him the materialistic pleasures of the love and the heart and, finally Vasudeva, the wise ferryman whose teachings, inspired from the river, ultimately guide Siddhartha to reach his one goal of ultimate knowledge.

Hermann Hesse raises important questions on life and its path and the serenity of knowledge that time offers.

We have curated quotes from the novel just for you. Read on and let Hermann Hesse steer your thoughts!

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Siddhartha Quotes From The Novel

Here's a list of quotes to enhance your spiritual wisdom in life.

1. "That I know nothing of myself, that Siddhartha has remained so alien and unknown to me, this comes from a cause, from one single cause: I was afraid of myself, I was fleeing myself!"

-Siddhartha, Chapter: Awakening.

2. "Many people, Govinda, must go through a lot of changes, must wear all sorts of robes, I am one of them, dear friend."

-Siddhartha, Chapter: Govinda.

3. "He has robbed me, the Buddha."

-Siddhartha, Chapter: Gotama.

4. "But I, who wanted to read the book of the world and the book of my own being, I have, for the sake of a meaning I had anticipated before I read it, scorned the symbols and letters, I called the visible world a deception."

-Siddhartha, Chapter: Awakening.

5. "Wisdom cannot be imparted."

-Siddhartha, Chapter: Govinda.

6. "When someone seeks then it easily happens that his eyes see only the thing that he seeks, and he is able to find nothing, to take in nothing because he always thinks only about the thing he is seeking, because he has one goal, because he is obsessed with his goal."

-Siddhartha, Chapter: Govinda.

7. "Seeking means: having a goal. But finding means: being free, being open, having no goal."

-Siddhartha, Chapter: Govinda.

8. "I have no gift I could give you for your hospitality, my dear, and also no payment for your work. I am a man without a home, a son of a Brahman and a Samana."

-Siddhartha, Chapter: Kamala.

9. "And if time is not real, then the gap which seems to be between the world and the eternity, between suffering and blissfulness, between evil and good, is also a deception."

-Siddhartha, Chapter: Govinda.

10. "I had to experience despair, I had to sink to the greatest mental depths, to thoughts of suicide, in order to experience grace."

-Siddhartha, Chapter: By the River.

11. "I do not seek to walk on water."

-Siddhartha, Chapter: With The Samanas.

River Quotes From 'Siddhartha'

The river plays a pivotal role in the path of Siddhartha's transformation in this Hermann Hesse novel. Check out some of the 'Siddhartha' river quotes that will teach you everything about life.

12. "He saw: this water ran and ran, incessantly it ran, and was nevertheless always there, was always at all times the same and yet new in every moment!"

-Narrator, Chapter: The Ferryman.

13. "The river is everywhere at the same time"

-Vasudeva, Chapter: The Ferryman.

14. "They both listened silently to the water, which to them was not just water, but the voice of life, the voice of Being, the voice of perpetual Becoming."

-Narrator, Chapter: The Ferryman.

15. "See, you've already learned this from the water too, that it is good to strive downwards, to sink, to seek depth."

-Vasudeva, Chapter: The Ferryman.

16. "This he had learned by the river, this one thing: waiting, having patience, listening attentively. "

-Narrator, Chapter: The Son.

17. "The river sang with a voice of suffering, longingly it sang, longingly, it flowed towards its goal, lamentingly its voice sang."

-Narrator, Chapter: Om.

18. "You cannot love."

-Kamala, Chapter: The Son.

19. "The Om was floating in the air over all the voices of the river."

-Narrator, Chapter: Om.

20. "The river has spoken to you. It is your friend as well, it speaks to you as well."

-Vasudeva, Chapter: The Ferryman.

21. " Much can be learned from a river."

-Vasudeva, Chapter: Kamala.

'Siddhartha' Gautama Quotes

If you are looking for words from the wise man himself, look no further. Here's a list of thoughts that might lead you to enlightenment.

22. "You know how to speak cleverly, my friend. Be on guard against too much cleverness!"

-Buddha, Chapter: Gotama.

23. "But the teachings, you've heard from me, are no opinion, and their goal is not to explain the world to those who seek knowledge. They have a different goal; their goal is salvation from suffering."

-Buddha, Chapter: Gotama.

24. "There is nothing to opinions, they may be beautiful or ugly, smart or foolish, everyone can support them or discard them."

-Buddha, Chapter: Gotama.

25. "And do you believe, oh stranger, oh Samana, do you believe that it would be better for them all to abandon the teachings and to return into the life the world and of desires?"

-Buddha, Chapter: Gotama.

Vasudeva's Quotes From The Book

Take a quick look at this list of important quotes which always sound soothing to the ear and pleasant to the eyes.

26. "This too I have learned from the river: Everything returns! You, too, Samana, will come back."

-Vasudeva, Chapter: Kamala.

27. "Let your friendship be my reward."

-Vasudeva, Chapter: Kamala.

28. "Gentleness is stronger than severity, water is stronger than rock, love is stronger than force."

-Vasudeva, Chapter: The Son.

29. "But even if you would die ten times for him, you would not be able to take the slightest part of his destiny upon yourself."

-Vasudeva, Chapter: The Son.

30. "Water chooses water, youth chooses youth, your son is not in a place where he can thrive. Go and ask the river too, go and listen to what it tells you!"

-Vasudeva, Chapter: The Son.

31. "I understand only to listen and be pious, I have learned nothing else."

-Vasudeva, Chapter: The Ferryman.

32. "He's doing what you've failed to do yourself. He's taking care of himself, he's taking his course."

-Vasudeva, Chapter: The Son.

33. "That is so, all of the voices of creation are in its voice."

-Vasudeva, Chapter: The Ferryman.

34. "I'm going into the forests, I'm going into the oneness."

-Vasudeva, Chapter: Om.

35. "For a long time, I have waited for this moment, for a long time I have been Vasudeva the ferryman. Enough now, the time has come. Farewell, hut, farewell, river, farewell, Siddhartha!"

-Vasudeva, Chapter: Om.

36. "You have heard it laugh. But you have not heard everything. Let us listen together, there is more that you will hear"

-Vasudeva, Chapter: Om.

37. "Alas, Siddhartha, I see you suffering, but you're suffering a pain at which one would like to laugh, at which you'll soon laugh for yourself."

-Vasudeva, Chapter: The Son.

38. "Oh yes, he too is called upon, he too is of the eternal life."

-Vasudeva, Chapter: The Son.

39. "But you haven't heard everything. Let's listen, you'll hear more."

-Vasudeva, Chapter: Om.

40. "You've experienced suffering, Siddhartha, but I see: no sadness has entered your heart."

-Vasudeva, Chapter: The Ferryman.

Other Quotes From The Book

If you face difficulties in life, here's a list of important quotes that will help you face them.

41. "Because salvation and virtue as well, Sansara and Nirvana as well, are mere words, Govinda."

-Siddhartha, Chapter: Govinda.

42. "You are Kamala and no one else, and within you, there is a stillness and sanctuary to which you can retreat at any time and be yourself"

-Siddhartha, Chapter: With The Childlike People.

43. "But is that what you call 'things', actually something real, something which has existence?"

-Govinda, Chapter: Govinda.

44. "If they are illusion, then I also am illusion, so they are always of the same nature as myself.”

-Siddhartha, Chapter: Govinda.

45. "Your soul is the whole world."

-Narrator, Chapter: The Son Of The Brahman.

46. "The world, my friend Govinda, is not imperfect, or on a slow path towards perfection: no, it is perfect in every moment"

-Siddhartha, Chapter: Govinda.

47. "We are not going around in circles, we are moving up, the circle is a spiral, we have already ascended many a level."

-Govinda, Chapter: With The Samanas.

48. "Surely, I am without possessions. But I am so voluntarily, and therefore I am not destitute."

-Siddhartha, Chapter: With The Childlike People.

49. "I can think. I can wait. I can fast."

-Siddhartha, Chapter: With The Childlike People.

50. "Knowledge can be communicated, but not wisdom."

-Siddhartha, Chapter: Govinda.

51. "Time is not real, Govinda, I have experienced this often and often again."

-Siddhartha, Chapter: Govinda.

52. "Never I'll stop searching, this seems to be my destiny."

-Siddhartha, Chapter: Govinda.

53."The opposite of every truth is just as true!"

-Siddhartha, Chapter: Govinda.

54. "This world of unity is invaded by something alien."

-Siddhartha, Chapter: Gotama.

55. "Salvation from the self is what we Samanas search for, oh exalted one."

-Siddhartha, Chapter: Gotama.

56. "A person is never entirely holy or entirely sinful."

-Siddhartha, Chapter: Govinda.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotesfor everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for Siddhartha quotes then why not take a look at worship quotes, or spiritual awakening quotes.


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Written by Moumita Dutta

Bachelor of Arts specializing in Journalism and Mass Communication, Postgraduate Diploma in Sports Management

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Moumita DuttaBachelor of Arts specializing in Journalism and Mass Communication, Postgraduate Diploma in Sports Management

A content writer and editor with a passion for sports, Moumita has honed her skills in producing compelling match reports and stories about sporting heroes. She holds a degree in Journalism and Mass Communication from the Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management, Calcutta University, alongside a postgraduate diploma in Sports Management.

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