90+ Spine-Tingling X-Files Quotes For Budding Special Agents

Georgia Stone
Dec 12, 2023 By Georgia Stone
Originally Published on Jan 22, 2021
Some of the most inspirational X-files quotes are by Dana Scully and Fox Mulder.

'The X-Files' is a TV series revolving around two FBI agents, one who believes in paranormal phenomena, while the other is more realistic.

The series ran for 11 seasons and was created for television by Chris Carter. Together, both Dana Scully played by Gillian Anderson, and Fox Mulder played by David Duchovny, create an iconic crime-fighting duo which is still loved and remembered by fans.

Gillian Anderson, David Duchovny and Chris Carter gave the audience a wonderful TV show which is still considered a cult hit among fans.

'The X-Files' takes inspiration from the paranormal phenomena that was the main storyline in various TV shows such as  'The Twilight Zone', 'Night Gallery', 'Tales From The Darkside', 'Twin Peaks' and 'Kolchak: The Night Stalker'.

But, apart from the paranormal storyline, the TV show's creator, Chris Carter, also decided to break the typical stereotype that occurred in TV shows during the '90s by making the lead male character the believer in paranormal phenomena while presenting the female lead as practical and skeptical.

This was a refreshing partnership to see on our TV screens.

We have put together a great list of famous 'X-Files' quotes, including the famous 'X-Files' slogan and 'The X-Files' catch phrase, just for you. Including Mulder quotes, Scully quotes and more, this list of the best 'X-Files' quotes is sure to entertain you.

And, if you like our suggestion for 'The X-Files' quotes, then you can also check out our articles about 'Supernatural' quotes and ['Buffy: The Vampire Slayer' quotes] for more of the best quotes from the world of TV.

Dana Scully Quotes

One of the best things about 'The X-Files' is the character of Agent Dana Scully. Played brilliantly by  actress Gillian Anderson, she was the perfectly logical and practical counterpart to the paranormal and alien believer, Fox Mulder.

She was the one person that kept Mulder grounded and motivated him to take on the more mainstream cases.

In the science fiction-supernatural television series 'The X-Files', Gillian Anderson excelled in the role of Dana Katherine Scully,  a fictional character that worked as an FBI agent. Apart from being an FBI agent, Scully is also a medical doctor (M.D.).

She is practical and believes only in what science can explain.

However, her beliefs are continuously challenged, especially when she was partnered with fellow Special Agent Fox Mulder played by David Duchovny (in the first seven seasons), and with John Doggett, played by Robert Patrick (in the eighth and ninth seasons).

So, in case you need a more practical approach to life to explain those seemingly unexplainable incidents, we have some famous and funny Scully quotes from 'X-Files' just for you.

1. "I’m not gonna ask you if you just said what I think you just said"

- Dana Scully, 'The X-Files'.

2. "The truth is out there, but so are lies."

- Dana Scully, 'The X-Files'.

3. "I want you to do me a favor. it’s not negotiable."

- Dana Scully, 'The X-Files'.

4. "Baby, me and you'll be peeing through a catheter."

- Dana Scully, 'The X-Files'.

5. "Nothing happens in contradiction to nature."

- Dana Scully, 'The X-Files'.

6. "I don’t have time for your convenient ignorance."

- Dana Scully, 'The X-Files'.

7. "It wasn't even real cream cheese, it was light cream cheese!"

- Dana Scully, 'The X-Files'.

8. "Sure. Fine. Whatever."

- Dana Scully, 'The X-Files'.

9. "I want to remember how it was. I want to remember how it all was."

- Dana Scully, 'The X-Files'.

10. "Please explain to me the scientific nature of the whammy."

- Dana Scully, 'The X-Files'.

11. "I believe they have to do with unexplained phenomena."

- Dana Scully, 'The X-Files'.

12. "Actually, I'm looking forward to working with you. I've heard a lot about you."

- Dana Scully, 'The X-Files'.

13. "You believe it all, don't you?"

- Dana Scully, 'The X-Files'.

14. "Director: The reason you’re here, Agent Scully, is we want you to assist Agent Mulder on these X-Files. You will write field reports on your activities along with your observations on the validity of the work.

Scully: Am I to understand that you want me to de-bunk the X-Files project, sir?"

- 'The X-Files'.

15. "This looks like an X-File"

- Dana Scully, 'The X-Files'.

16. "It probably has to do with your reputation."

- Dana Scully, 'The X-Files'.

17. "Oh my god, Mulder. It smells like... I think it's bile."

- Dana Scully, 'The X-Files'.

18. "He's a jerk. He's not a jerk. He's, um... he's obsessed with his work."

- Dana Scully, 'The X-Files'.

19. "Dana Scully: I think Howard Graves fabricated his own death.

Mulder: Do you know how difficult it is to fake your own death? Only one man has pulled it off. Elvis."

- 'The X-Files'.

20. "How can the esophagus be crushed without the neck even being touched?"

- Dana Scully, 'The X-Files'.

21. "It's not exactly as if you've ever tried to fit into the program."

- Dana Scully, 'The X-Files'.

22. "Must be nice not having someone question your every move, poking holes in all your theories."

- Dana Scully, 'The X-Files'.

23. "Nothing happens in contradiction to nature, only in contradiction to what we know of it. And that's a place to start. That's where the hope is."

- Dana Scully, 'The X-Files'.

24. "I'm asking you to trust my judgment. To trust me."

- Dana Scully, 'The X-Files'.

25. "Why do I get the feeling they'd be happy if we never found him at all?"

- Dana Scully, 'The X-Files'.

26. “I’m old-school, Mulder. Pre-Google.”

- Dana Scully, 'The X-Files'.

27. "Dana Scully : [after tricking Mulder into the door being locked]  I had you.

Fox Mulder : No, you didn't.

Dana Scully : Oh, yeah. I had you big time."

- 'The X-Files'.

Paranormal Quotes From 'The X-Files'

As we know, the TV show 'The X-Files' is based on science fiction and paranormal stories, so it is only logical that we include some of the most famous Fox Mulder quotes all about paranormal activity in our list of 'The X-Files' famous quotes.

Despite being an FBI agent, Mulder has always been interested in the supernatural presence and how they affect our lives.

However, being partnered with Scully, we saw a new sense practicality in his approach to these subjects. These 'X-Files' quotes have been said by Mulder, Scully, or even some other characters that appeared in the show.

Will an 'X-Files' quote change your views on aliens, ghosts and other paranormal phenomena? Let's find out!

28. “Let's just say this case has a... distinct smell to it. A certain... Paranormal bouquet.”

— Fox Mulder, 'The X-Files'.

29. “Scully, this is a classic case of demon fetal harvest.”

— Fox Mulder, 'The X-Files'.

30. “Have you checked everywhere?”

— Fox Mulder, 'The X-Files'.

31. "I was hoping you could help me solve the mystery of the beast."

— Fox Mulder, 'The X-Files'.

32. "Scully: Just because I can’t explain it doesn’t mean I’m going to believe they’re UFOs.

Mulder: Unidentified Flying Objects. I think that fits the description pretty well. Tell me I’m crazy.

Scully: Mulder, you’re crazy."

— 'The X-Files'.

33. "Dreams are the answers to questions that we haven't yet figured out how to ask."

— Fox Mulder, 'The X-Files'.

34. "Fox Mulder : Scully, you gotta see this. Scully

Dana Scully: I saw it. I saw it, too."

— 'The X-Files'.

35. "Dana Scully: You’re saying that time disappeared? Time can’t just disappear. It’s a universal invariant!

Fox Mulder: Not in this zip code."

— 'The X-Files'.

36. "Dana Scully: Mulder, look, Colton plays by the book and you don't. They feel your methods, your theories are...

Fox Mulder: Spooky? Do you think I'm spooky?"

— 'The X-Files'.

37. “Did you really think you could call up the Devil and ask him to behave?”

— Fox Mulder, 'The X-Files'.

38. "Mulder: They’re here, aren’t they.

Deep Throat: Mr. Mulder, they’ve been here for a long long time."

—'The X-Files'.

39. "Alien technology being used against us, not by aliens, not with aliens, but by a venal conspiracy of men against humanity."

— Fox Mulder, 'The X-Files'.

Funny Quotes From 'The X-Files'

Fox Mulder is a funny character and if you are in dire need of some iconic and funny Fox Mulder quotes, then we can help you. These funny 'X-Files' quotes are compiled from all the seasons of the show, which makes it the perfect list of  'X-Files' funny quotes just for you.

If you are in a mood for some light-hearted humor, then keep on reading!

40. “Scully was doing the driving, which she preferred. Mulder knew only two speeds: fast and faster.”

― Les Martin, 'The X-Files'.

41. “Mulder gave a crooked smile of welcome. 'Sorry', he said, 'nobody down here but the FBI most unwanted'.”

― Les Martin, 'The X-Files'.

42. “This office was her notion of a nightmare. She had no idea how Mulder ever found anything he wanted. But he always seemed to.”

― Les Martin, 'The X-Files'.

43. “Scully could see that Mulder might be a nice guy... With his heart in the right place. But his head was definitely screwed on wrong.”

― Les Martin, 'The X-Files'.

44. “An assistant? Nice to know I'm suddenly so highly regarded."

― Fox Mulder, 'The X-Files'.

45. "You got it, spooky.”

― Kennedy, 'The X-Files'.

46. “Do you think there's any way I can quickly get it off my finger without betraying my cool exterior?”

― Fox Mulder, 'The X-Files'.

47. “And the... Sangre Viento?”

― Fox Mulder, 'The X-Files'.

48. “No matter how paranoid you are, you're not paranoid enough.”

— Susanne Modeski, 'The X-Files'.

49. “There’s a lot of money to be made in scaring people.”

— Dana Scully, 'The X-Files'.

50. “Mulder: It's hot.

Garson: It's July, Mulder. It's in New Mexico. What did you expect?

Mulder: Heat I can get at home. An oven I already have in my apartment.”

― 'The X-Files'.

51. “Conspiracy sells…it pays for bulletproof limousines.”

― Fox Mulder, 'The X-Files'.

52. “Mulder, the Internet is not good for you.”

— Dana Scully, 'The X-Files'.

53. “All we can do, Scully, is pull the thread, see what it unravels.”

― Fox Mulder, 'The X-Files'.

54. “Some jobs keep pulling you back.”

— Dana Scully, 'The X-Files'.

55. “It looks like this person was born without footprints. Which is impossible, by the way.”

― Fox Mulder, 'The X-Files'.

56. “Notice they didn’t get a picture of it, which is odd, because everybody always has a camera on them these days.”

― Fox Mulder, 'The X-Files'.

57. “I’ve controlled you since before you knew I existed.”

— Cigarette Smoking Man, 'The X-Files.

58. "Mulder: This woman claims to have been taken aboard a spaceship and held in an anti-gravity chamber without food and water for three days.

Scully: Anti-gravity is right."

― 'The X-Files'.

59. "Scully: It’s headline news how much this guy despised Drake.

Mulder: That just seems too obvious. To kill Drake would be so brazenly egomaniacal.

Scully: And fully consistent with Jerry’s excellent behavioral profile."

― 'The X-Files'.

60. "Scully: It must be for the visually-impaired.

Mulder: How do you like that? A politically-correct elevator."

― 'The X-Files'.

61. “‘Back in the day.’ Scully, ‘back in the day’ is now.”

― Fox Mulder, 'The X-Files'.

62. “I have never met anyone so passionate and dedicated to a belief as you. It’s so intense that sometimes it’s blinding.”

— Dana Scully, 'The X-Files'.

63. “The science that we were taught takes us but a distance towards the truth.”

— Dana Scully, 'The X-Files'.

64. “You see a man lying here, a seemingly weak man, but I’m the most powerful man in the world.”

— Cigarette Smoking Man, 'The X-Files'.

65. “The world will go on. Just in my image instead of God’s.”

— Cigarette Smoking Man, 'The X-Files'.

66. “We must ask ourselves…are they really a hoax? Are we truly alone? Or are we being lied to?”

― Fox Mulder, 'The X-Files'.

67. “I didn’t set out to destroy the world, Mulder. People did.”

— Cigarette Smoking Man, 'The X-Files'.

68. “That which makes miracles can also make great evil.”

— Cigarette Smoking Man, 'The X-Files'.

69. “I just changed the timetable. Everyone still dies in the end.”

— Cigarette Smoking Man, 'The X-Files'.

70. “I'm afraid. I'm afraid to believe.”

— Dana Scully, 'The X-Files'.

71. “We overpopulate the world and create new technologies to kill each other with. Maybe we're just beasts with big brains.”

— Fox Mulder, 'The X-Files'.

72. “You'll only win the war if you pick the right battles, Agent Mulder. This is a battle you can't win.”

— Mr. X, 'The X-Files'.

73. “I've often felt that dreams are answers to questions we haven't yet figured out how to ask.”

— Fox Mulder, 'The X-Files'.

74. “You can't protect the public by lying to them.”

— Fox Mulder, 'The X-Files'.

75. “Sometimes the only sane answer to an insane world is insanity.”

— Fox Mulder, 'The X-Files'.

76. "Dana Scully: You lied. You have seen it before, I can tell. You lied to them.

Fox Mulder: I would never lie. I willfully participated in a campaign of misinformation."

— 'The X-Files'.

77. “If this thing looks like those drawings, I’m emptying my clip into it. Even if it is in its underwear.”

— Fox Mulder, 'The X-Files'.

78. "Dana Scully: Is that your profile?

Fox Mulder: Forget it. No."

— 'The X-Files'.

79. “Cutler’s eye-line is trained above the door, about Tim Duncan height. We can eliminate any 76ers, ’cause those guys can’t find the rim.”

— Fox Mulder, 'The X-Files'.

80. "Phoebe Green: Oh come on, don’t tell me you left your sense of humor in Oxford ten years ago.

Fox Mulder: No, actually. It’s one of the few things you didn’t drive a stake through."

— 'The X-Files'.

81. “We have a small problem. They’ve reopened the X-Files.”

— Cigarette Smoking Man, 'The X-Files'.

82. "Dana Scully: What do you think it is?

Fox Mulder: Ten to the one you can’t dance to it."

— 'The X-Files'.

83. "Luther Lee Boggs: Mr. Boggs must be made redemptive for his transgressions.

Fox Mulder: That’s exactly what the state of North Carolina intends to do next week."

— 'The X-Files'.

84. "Dana Scully: Did Boggs confess?

Fox Mulder: No. No, it was five hours of Boggs’ channeling. After three hours I asked him to summon up the soul of Jimi Hendrix and requested 'All Along The Watchtower'. You know the guy’s been dead twenty years, but he still hasn’t lost his edge."

— 'The X-Files'.

85. "Dana, open yourself up to extreme possibilities, but only when they’re the truth. That goes for Boggs and your father."

- Fox Mulder, 'The X-Files'.

86. “Sometimes they need to mess with their heads. It outweighs the millstone of humiliation.”

- Fox Mulder, 'The X-Files'.

87. “Scully, I gave up profiling before I gave up monsters. You’ve seen one serial killer, you’ve seen ’em all.”

- Fox Mulder, 'The X-Files'.

88. “We send those men up into space to unlock the doors of the universe, and we don’t even know what’s behind them.”

- Fox Mulder, 'The X-Files'.

89. "Fox Mulder: Max could tell them. Do you know why you collapsed don’t you, Max?

Max Harden: Yeah, too much teen spirit.

Fox Mulder: You think? Smells like murder to me."

- 'The X-Files'.

90. "To doubt it is a failure of more than the imagination. It is a failure to recognize the limits of our own stupidity, the nascency of our science, the rudiment of our tools."

- Cigarette Smoking Man, 'The X-Files'.

91. "Dana Scully: Mulder, toads just fell from the sky!

Fox Mulder: I guess their parachutes didn't open."

- 'The X-Files'.

92. "And a lie, Mr. Mulder, is most convincingly hidden between two truths."

- Deep Throat, 'The X-Files'.

93. "Cigarette Smoking Man: What is this?

Skinner: This is where you pucker up."

- 'The X-Files'.

94. "Please tell me you're here with severe chest pains."

- Fox Mulder, 'The X-Files'.

95. "No matter how paranoid you are, you're not paranoid enough."

- Susanne Modeski, 'The X-Files'.

96. "If coincidences are coincidences, why do they feel so contrived?"

- Fox Mulder, 'The X-Files'.

97. "Scully: Well it’s not hard to see why they mistook you for a vagrant.

Mulder: You gonna rag on me or you gonna take me to get me something to eat?

Scully: Am I buying or did you manage to panhandle some spare change while you were at it?"

- 'The X-Files'.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotes for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for 70+ spine-tingling 'X-Files' quotes for budding Special Agents then why not take a look at these [matrix quotes], or ghost quotes for more?

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Written by Georgia Stone

Bachelor of Arts specializing in French with Film Studies, Bachelor of Arts (Year Abroad) specializing in Literature, History, Language, Media, and Art

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Georgia StoneBachelor of Arts specializing in French with Film Studies, Bachelor of Arts (Year Abroad) specializing in Literature, History, Language, Media, and Art

Georgia is an experienced Content Manager with a degree in French and Film Studies from King's College London and Bachelors degree from Université Paris-Sorbonne. Her passion for exploring the world and experiencing different cultures was sparked during her childhood in Switzerland and her year abroad in Paris. In her spare time, Georgia enjoys using London's excellent travel connections to explore further afield.

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