105+ Steven Furtick Quotes About Faith, Love And Music

Jacob Fitzbright
Dec 12, 2023 By Jacob Fitzbright
Originally Published on Feb 26, 2021
picture of Praying Hands

Steven Furtick, born 19 February, 1980 is a pastor of Elevation Church, a Baptist multi-site church located in Charlotte.

He received a Master's of Divinity from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Through technology, television, and music Steven is expanding the reach of Elevation Chruch.

Along with his wife, Holly, Steven Furtick lives with their two sons and daughter in Charlotte, NC. Find below are a collection of Steven Furtick quotes, if you are interested in similar articles, please read our recent posts on Tim Keller quotes and Toby Mac quotes.

Pastor Steven Furtick Quotes

Pastor, songwriter, and Christian author Steven Furtick has been an excellent communicator. 'Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire' by Jim Cymbala is the book that made Steven start a ministry. Here we bring the best Steven Furtick quotes that originated from his writing, music, and speeches.

1."Many people never reach greater because they don’t leave good enough behind."

- Steven Furtick.

2."My joy is not determined by what happens to me, but what Christ is doing in me and through me."

- Steven Furtick.

3."Sometimes things don’t work out the first time so that you’ll learn to lean on God the next time."

- Steven Furtick.

4."You do the natural. Trust God for the super."

- Steven Furtick.

5."You cannot endure what you never enjoy!"

- Steven Furtick.

6."Your greatest weakness may actually be God’s greatest platform to display His power and glory in your life."

- Steven Furtick.

7."Don't allow the enemy to use your moments of pain to distract you from the purpose God has for your life."

- Steven Furtick.

8."If your life is under attack right now, it could be a sign that you’re carrying something of value."

- Steven Furtick.

9."True creativity is fresh, but not always original."

- Steven Furtick.

10."The reason why we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind the scenes with everyone else's highlight reel."

- Steven Furtick.

11. "When you know the builder, you can have complete confidence in the quality of his work."

- Steven Furtick.

12."The voice you believe will determine the future you experience."

- Steven Furtick.

13."Being brave doesn’t mean we have no fear - it means we refuse to be overcome by it."

- Steven Furtick.

14."You can't fulfill your calling in your comfort zone!"

- Steven Furtick.

15."Stop waiting for what you want, and start working what you have."

- Steven Furtick.

16."He deals with us, not according to what our sins deserve, but according to what His love decided—on the cross."

- Steven Furtick.

17."You must follow Jesus for yourself, but you can’t follow Him by yourself."

- Steven Furtick.

18."Lots of times, our main problem isn’t our problem. Our biggest problem is our perspective on our problem."

- Steven Furtick.

19."The death of contentment is comparison."

- Steven Furtick.

20."Failure isn't final until you quit!!"

- Steven Furtick.

21."Every heart has an atmosphere. What is the atmosphere of your heart? Nothing good develops in an atmosphere of anxiety."

- Steven Furtick.

22."Don’t you dare let the magnitude of your fears send you back to dry land."

- Steven Furtick.

23."I’m not raising my kids to survive the world. I’m raising them to change it."

- Steven Furtick.

24."Perfectionism is the enemy of progress."

- Steven Furtick.

25."Audacity is not an activity. Audacity is an approach."

- Steven Furtick.

26."Be governed by your calling, not your circumstance."

- Steven Furtick.

27."Winning the war of words inside your soul means learning to defy your inner critic."

- Steven Furtick.

28."Nothing gets stronger without resistance."

- Steven Furtick.

29."Etch your vision in stone-but sketch your strategy in pencil."

- Steven Furtick.

30."Even if your life is filled with unstable, unreliable, undependable people, you have one Source in your life who is constant."

- Steven Furtick.

31."But we must develop the habit of separating our sense of worth from our appraisal of our behavior."

- Steven Furtick.

32."Your greatest message will be spoken by your life, not your lips."

- Steven Furtick.

33."I have nothing to prove, because I am already approved."

- Steven Furtick.

Steven Furtick Quotes On Love

Steven Furtick is well known for his online sermons. He spreads faith towards God through his 'feel good' preaching. Find below are some Steven Furtick quotes.

34."Even if you mess up, God’s disappointment with your sin will never be greater than His love for you."

- Steven Furtick.

35."Love is not words, it’s actions, and love isn’t feelings, it’s a decision."

- Steven Furtick.

36."It is the experience of love that enables us to change."

- Steven Furtick.

37."Jesus will always move away from religious drama and toward the needs of people who are hurting. Jesus will always go out of his way to find and minister to people who others will go out of their way to avoid. I love him for that."

- Steven Furtick.

38."The only force in the world powerful enough to overtake fear is the full-grown love of God."

- Steven Furtick.

39."Our purpose statement is: So that people far from God will be filled with life in Christ."

- Steven Furtick.

Steven Furtick 'Crash The Chatterbox' Quotes

'Crash The Chatterbox: Hearing God's Voice Above All Others' is a written book by Steven Furtick. Through his writings, Furtick tries to enlighten readers to listen to God's supernatural truths and overcome insecurity, fear, and discouragement. Find some Steven Furtick quotes from his book 'Crash The Chatterbox.'

40."The thing is, you can’t un-sin. You can only repent."

- Steven Furtick.

41."When you know who you are, you will know what to do."

- Steven Furtick.

42."Every second you spend wishing God would take away a struggle is a forfeited opportunity to overcome."

- Steven Furtick.

43."Gratitude begins where our sense of entitlement ends."

- Steven Furtick.

44."The more deeply we reinforce our identity in Christ, the more fortified we will be against the onslaught of opposing voices in our lives."

- Steven Furtick.

45."You can’t be afraid to stare into the pupils of the possibility of pain and see it for what it is."

- Steven Furtick.

46."What is the fear of God, then? It is being terrified of ever being outside of His protection."

- Steven Furtick.

47."The only opportunity the chatterbox ever has to download lies into our heads is if we have allowed it first to delete the memory of who we are in Christ."

- Steven Furtick.

48."Chatterbox wants to inundate us with logorrhea."

- Steven Furtick.

49."Satan’s main job isn’t temptation. It’s accusation."

- Steven Furtick.

50."The world of what-ifs is a black hole, and it will suck your joy, peace, and hope into its vortex if you venture near its vicinity."

- Steven Furtick.

51."God is your very present help in times of trouble, and each one of your days has been ordained."

- Steven Furtick.

52."There is solid rock at the bottom. If you have built your life on confidence in the promises of Christ, then you can dive into your what-ifs, and although you may lose your breath."

- Steven Furtick.

53."The nature of your calling does not indicate the level of God’s approval of you."

- Steven Furtick.

Steven Furtick Unqualified Quotes

Steven was called 'unqualified' by his critics and hence he wrote a book titled, '(Un)Qualified: How God Uses Broken People to Do Big Things'. 'Unqualified' is also a TV series that reveals how to defeat one's inadequacy and live a victorious and secure life.

54."God knows everything about you—including the ugly parts, the broken parts, and the dysfunctional parts—yet he still believes in you. He still has a future and a hope for you."

- Steven Furtick.

55."Maybe God wants to do something beyond your abilities, and he is far less intimidated by your failures and limits than you are."

- Steven Furtick.

56."If you’ve ever been frustrated by your failures or exasperated by your weaknesses, this book is for you."

- Steven Furtick.

57."At some point we all have to get over our pride and own our deficiencies and dependencies."

- Steven Furtick.

58."I had learned over time that the gospel isn’t about what God wants from us but what he wants for us."

- Steven Furtick.

59."True freedom in Christ comes when you realize you have nothing to prove to anyone, because in Christ, God fully approves of you."

- Steven Furtick.

Steven Furtick Quotes About God

Old and young holding hands on.

Furtick presented numerous talks at various events all over the world, spreading the faith in God. Here is a compilation of Steven Furtick quotes that may change the way of your thinking.

60."God will arrange every experience in your life to serve His purpose."

- Steven Furtick.

61."Opposition doesn’t prevent the presence of God, it provides an opportunity to prove the presence of God."

- Steven Furtick.

62."Our sin is our personal responsibility, but in Christ it is no longer the center of our identity."

- Steven Furtick.

63."But no matter who pays your salary, you’re a full-time employee of the kingdom of God."

- Steven Furtick.

64."The only thing harder than waiting on God, is wishing that you had!"

- Steven Furtick.

65."God cannot bless who you pretend to be."

- Steven Furtick.

66."Jesus sets me free to believe I have nothing to prove and only One to please."

- Steven Furtick.

67."Sometimes God will bypass what you hope for to give you what you really need."

- Steven Furtick.

68."God’s will doesn’t have to seem perfect to me to be perfect for me."

- Steven Furtick.

69."Our aim should be pointing others to Christ, not impressing them with our Christ likeness."

- Steven Furtick.

70."Whatever God does next in your life will emerge from what you’re doing right now."

- Steven Furtick.

71."Stop trying to be impressive to people and start being effective for God."

- Steven Furtick.

72."Just because you’re in a storm doesn’t mean that God isn’t there. The proof of God’s presence is that He’s never left you through it all."

- Steven Furtick.

73."God’s Word is perfect and powerful, but if we don’t make it personal, it will not change our lives."

- Steven Furtick.

74."God wants people to be able to look at your life and get a glimpse of who He is."

- Steven Furtick.

75."God’s strength is made perfect in your weakness – not in spite of your weakness but because of it to reveal His glory."

- Steven Furtick.

76."Extraordinary moves of God begin with ordinary acts of obedience."

- Steven Furtick.

77."You can’t make God move in your life, but you can make room for God to move in your life."

- Steven Furtick.

78."One of the Enemy's most effective strategies is to get you to focus on what you don't have, what you used to have, or what someone else has that you wish you had. He does this to keep you from looking around and asking, 'God, what can You do through what I have?'"

- Steven Furtick.

79."Let’s thank God for where we are and who we’re becoming on the way to where we’re going."

- Steven Furtick.

80."God gets the greatest glory in your life in the face of your greatest resistance."

- Steven Furtick.

81."What if the thing that produces your pain, is the very thing that God will use to release His power?"

- Steven Furtick.

82."You don’t have to wait for a special occasion to celebrate how far God has brought you. THIS is the day!"

- Steven Furtick.

83."Just because you’re not visible doesn’t mean you’re not valuable. You can be left out by others but set apart by God for His special purpose."

- Steven Furtick.

84."If your problem is too big for you, it’s just the right size for God."

- Steven Furtick.

85."When your perspective is preloaded with the Word of God, lies lose their power over your life."

- Steven Furtick.

86."You have a personal birthright to believe in a God-given mission for your life."

- Steven Furtick.

87."Great moves of God are usually preceded by simple acts of obedience."

- Steven Furtick.

88."I dont believe God's called me to survive the world but to change it for His glory."

- Steven Furtick.

89."God gives the exact experiences he wants them to have in order to shape the specific destiny he designed for them."

- Steven Furtick.

90."In your struggle, God gives the gift of comfort so that later, you can give others the gift of empathy."

- Steven Furtick.

91."Your obedience is what activates God’s will long before the support of others confirms it."

- Steven Furtick.

92."It shouldn't freak you out to realize that God's eyes are on you. Because He doesn't see you through eyes of disapproval or disappointment. His presence is not a sign of condemnation."

- Steven Furtick.

Steven Furtick Quotes On Faith

Being a lead pastor in Elevation Church, Steven composed numerous songs and some of which were nominated for the GMA Dove Awards. Find a collection of best Steven Furtick quotes that bring a positive outlook.

93."The faith to step out is worthless without the faithfulness to stick it out."

- Steven Furtick.

94."Prayer is the arena where our faith meets God's abilities."

- Steven Furtick.

95."Obedience is your responsibility, the outcome is God’s!"

- Steven Furtick.

96."The minute I start being afraid of what people might say is the minute I become useless to God."

- Steven Furtick.

97."People who walk in audacious faith don’t stop and pray. Audacious faith teaches us to push and pray."

- Steven Furtick.

98."God performs the most impressive feats through the most unimpressive people."

- Steven Furtick.

99."Did you know it’s possible to have the right passion, but have the wrong expression of the right passion?"

- Steven Furtick.

100."The difference between a vision and a daydream is the audacity to act."

- Steven Furtick.

101."Your praise is contagious – So is your complaint. What are you carrying today?"

- Steven Furtick.

102."When you focus on everything that could possibly be missing, you miss everything that could be possible."

- Steven Furtick.

103."It’s easy to criticize context you’ve never experienced."

- Steven Furtick.

104."Enjoy the journey, because the destination is a mirage."

- Steven Furtick.

105."Accomplishing the impossible is all about seeing the invisible."

- Steven Furtick.

106."Faith will tell you to have patience when everything else is telling you to panic. Faith will tell you to hold on when everything else is telling you to let go. Faith will tell you to push forward when everything else is telling you to pull back."

- Steven Furtick.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotes for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for Steve Furtick quotes then why not take a look at worship quotes, or Halsey quotes?

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Written by Jacob Fitzbright

Bachelor of Arts specializing in English Literature and Philosophy

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Jacob FitzbrightBachelor of Arts specializing in English Literature and Philosophy

A highly motivated individual with a passion for writing and a talent for engaging with people. Jacob has a degree in English literature and philosophy from Oxford Brookes University, he has a strong academic background in critical thinking and analysis. He has honed his communication skills through his experience in hospitality, where he ran a successful bar and restaurant and developed his writing skills by creating weekly quizzes. In his free time, Jacob enjoys skateboarding, playing soccer, and solving puzzles.

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