126 SZA Quotes

Lydia Samson
Sep 27, 2023 By Lydia Samson
Originally Published on Oct 28, 2022
Discover famous and interesting SZA quotes in this article here at Kidadl.

Solána Imani Rowe, popular as SZA, is an American R&B singer and songwriter.

SZA's songs mainly talk about doing the right thing and empowering beautiful women. She also the Grammy Award for Best Pop Performance in 2021.

Most of her singles have also topped the Billboard charts. SZA started her career in 2010 by releasing two EPs. In 2014 she collaborated with global hip-hop label Top Dawg Entertainment to release her third EP, 'Z', which became a worldwide hit.

Her debut studio album 'Ctrl' earned double-platinum status and was listed on Rolling Stone's 500 Greatest Albums Of All Time. SZA's powerful song lyrics and personality make her a youth icon. In this article, you will read some of the most famous quotes by SZA on life and love.

Famous SZA Quotes

The most famous SZA quotes have been compiled together, below. In these quotes, SZA talks about her way of making music and her love for honest things.

“Good day in my mind, safe to take a step out, get some air now, let your edge out.”

- 'Good Day'.

"I love folk. I love rap."

“No one sets an impossible beauty standard like ya own mama lmao.”

"I feel like every outfit I have ever planned ahead is trash."

"Wearing a hijab never made me feel any more conservative – it made me feel safe. Then, after 9/11, I became the butt of a joke on the playground, so I stopped wearing it. Kids can be really cruel when you’re the only black girl in your Girl Scout troop."

“I worry so much. Like, 'Damn, how can I be excellent?' But it’s a journey.”

"Control is not real, and I’m really understanding that every day. It’s about the acceptance of relinquishing control that makes it powerful for you."

“I love empowering women. I think it’s crazy: if you ever try to belittle women, you’re playing yourself – I ride with whoever rides with me”

"I love cuffing season. It’s a very inspiring season for those who want to be inspired."

“Music is my form of cleansing and introspection, so I have to grow in order to accomplish it.”

"I make bad decisions frequently. They’re fun."

“I gotta say I'm in the mood for a little bit more of that.”

- 'The Weekend'.

“People grapple with labeling me as hip-hop, R&B, or pop, and it's interesting to me. I'm just making music.”

"Weird took us so long to separate/ I feel, it's permanent like a riptide, this time"

- '20 Something', 2017

"Need you for the old me, need you for my sanity, need you to remind me where I come from."

"When I just decided to be myself, that’s when you get questions like, ‘How do you feel about feminism?’ And I have no idea; this is just when I decide what I’m not tolerating and what I genuinely think and a little bit in between."

"When I sing full voice, I get nervous because I get nasal and abrasive and a little scratchy."

"I've been known to wear pajamas onstage for the sole reason of wanting to make sure I'm free enough to execute new things vocally onstage and give my best performance possible."

"Only loving energy please, don't surround me if you covet Ms. Nomad."

"I’m a Scorpio with a Pisces moon. I am very critical of myself. I’m actually way less critical of others than I am of myself. I’m in my own head a lot. It’s hard and really discouraging."

“I think we all do: I think we wonder if we’re supposed to be here, if we’re doing the right thing, if we even want to be here. At least, I do all the time.”

"20 something, all alone still/ not a thing in my name."

- '20 Something', 2017.

"Reading makes me so sleepy. Honestly, I’m a visual learner."

"We’re changing little girls’ lives across the world, and we didn’t even know what we were doing when we started."

"You can take care of your body, and it will low-key show you respect in turn."

“I live in my imagination, so sometimes movies help me get lost. I feel like I'm in it.”

“In one way, I want to heal people.”

"I’ve always loved playing with hair. I used to want dreads like Lauryn Hill, but my mom wouldn’t let me."

"I just make music however I feel and pray that it connects, and if it does, I’m super thankful. I think genres are more for other people, not for yourself."

“Father if you don’t take me any further I honor the gifts you’ve given me thus far.”

“Searchin for peace be like fishing for water.”

"On Halloween, because we don’t celebrate it, my dad would drive me somewhere, anywhere different. Like Little Italy in New York to walk around and teach me all about the food and culture."

"As long as you’re being honest and there’s intention in what you’re doing, then I think that energy permeates your field and becomes like a homing signal for other people with like energies."

"I feel like when you say ‘activist,’ you have to have so much clarity, and I don’t always necessarily have so much clarity on how I want to help others, I just have this weird, deep urge to help other people.

I’m trying to let God guide my body and use it as whatever kind of vehicle or vessel it needs to be."

"I wasn’t popular in high school; I had no friends."

“I do a lot of strange things.”

"Maybe I should pray a little harder/ Or work a little smarter/ This time baby promise I have learned my lesson, ooh"

- 'Anything', 2017.

SZA Quotes About Life

These SZA quotes about life will fill you with good vibes.

“All the while, I'll await my armored fate with a smile.”

- 'Good Day'.

“I don’t want to speak negativity into existence.”

"Sugar makes me feel crazy – like, makes my body hurt kind of a thing. I don’t really eat fruit because it has a lot of sugar. I try not to eat a lot of red meat, but every now and again, I feel like I need iron or something – something that I’m missing."

"I love classical jazz."

“I belong to nobody.”

- 'Go Gina'.

"It starts with trusting yourself, even if people are telling you you’re too young to trust yourself."

"Why is it so hard to accept the party is over?"

- 'Drew Barrymore'.

"It’s so hard for me to focus on things for a long time that I’m not incredibly passionate about."

"I’ve fried my hair off. I’ve shaved my hair off. I’ve done it all."

"As long as you’re being honest and there’s the intention in what you’re doing, then I think that energy permeates your field and becomes like a homing signal for other people with like energies."

"My mom didn't let me eat sugar or candy until I was older. I went through this phase of Spandex, high heels, and fur coats when I was my late teens and early twenties; before then, I lived in overalls and baggy T-shirts."

"I drink a lot of water."

"My mom was an executive at AT&T, a global account lady. I have no idea what she did. I just know she was never home and speaks several languages."

“In the real world, I kind of, like, thrived a little bit. The things that were awkward about me at school, like being hyper passionate. I realized, ‘Oh, I'm my own person, and I have my own idiosyncrasies and nuances that I don't mind.'”

"I was a funky kid."

"I just think I have too much anxiety to listen to music. Sometimes it feels like noise, and sometimes it’s so affecting that I can’t recover from it."

“God forever working harder than satan.”

"Waves crashing fast, I try/ Think of the past, please stay/ How could it be?"

- '20 Something'.

"I don’t have a primary doctor, a primary hairstylist, a primary anything. I don’t even have a primary address! Everything is just whenever I can find one."

“Desperately yearning to accept its all as it should be.”

"I got a lot of crap for being named SZA but not being affiliated with Wu-Tang, and being a girl."

"I was born in St. Louis, but I’m from Maplewood, New Jersey. Maplewood is completely different than the rest of New Jersey. It’s very small. It’s quietly affluent but more low-key. Lauryn Hill is from my town, though."

"Promise I won't cry over spilled milk."

- 'Love Galore'.

"I love Obama, and I just want to reiterate it again to everyone from every hilltop and every mountain: I love him!"

"I used to be very figurative and also just kind of scared to talk about the way I felt in a literal way."

“I think music is honest and will make you do honest things.”

"All that I've got, pieces and pages."

- 'Broken Clocks', 2017.

"I don’t enjoy being interviewed. I feel like it exhausts a lot of my energy. I feel empty after."

"When you’re, like, 190 pounds, dark-skinned, and a new artist that no one really cares about, people don’t really take the time to make you look beautiful."

"I was unpopular my whole life."

“I always used to be like, ‘I don’t need to meditate.’ And it’s not true.”

"I wasn’t one of those girls who sang at church."

"I try to think of myself as a chic fishing grandpa aesthetically."

“Promise to get a little better as I get older.”

- 'Promise'.

"This time next year, I'll be living so good/
Won't remember your name, I swear"

- 'Normal Girl', 2017.

SZA Quotes About Success

(American singer SZA loves classical jazz.)

SZA is a powerful singer who talks about relinquishing control through music. These fierce SZA quotes are an embodiment of her personality.

“Gotta get right, tryna free my mind before the end of the world.”

- 'Good Day'.

"I love the comparison with Aaliyah and Timbaland, because Aaliyah is a legend, and there is a large cinematic feel to Timbaland’s sound, but what I do is different."

“I listen to Stevie Nicks.”

"I could be your supermodel if you believe if you see it in me."

- 'Supermodel'.

"Got a shift at 10 a.m/ Gotta dip at 10 p.m/ Gotta get that cash"

- 'Broken Clocks', 2017.

"I don’t have any control over what actually happens except for that I have full control over my will for myself, my intention, and why I’m there. That’s all that matters."

“My music is touching people in whatever spaces they need to be touched in.”

"Pain plus love and time = power."

"I want to excel at something, to follow through, to not be afraid."

“Kicked myself out of the algorithm”

“I used to be very revenge-motivated, but that's just because I'm a Scorpio. Now I'm more so, like, practice honesty just because it makes you feel better.”

“Listening to Alabama Shakes made me less self-conscious about my voice”

"I’m very into details, so I watch movies just for the details."

"I learned everything the hard way – like, literally, everything. I know that God does that to people that he has lessons for. I just wish that I had learned less extreme lessons."

“I definitely get inspiration from the ‘gram. I mean, Instagram is Google, essentially. I love looking at pictures of beautiful women.”

“I don't think I'm inherently feminist. I think the universe wants me to be a feminist, and I think I resonate with that. I think it just chose me to be this female energy thing. And I'm very drawn to female energy, but I don't really have any prerequisites in feminism. I just roll with it.”

"Can't beat ‘em, just join the party."

- 'Broken Clocks'.

"Don’t get discouraged with your skin when it doesn’t do what you want it to do… Give it some time. That’s the only way to get to know yourself."

“I’m a visual learner, so the film is a huge inspiration to me.”

"Maybe I should kill my inhibition/ Maybe I'll be perfect in a new dimension"

- 'Anything', 2017.

"I use Ecoco EcoStyler gel, but the alcohol-free protein one. That’s the key."

"I love food, so having a lot of food allergies now and just having a really sensitive body, it forces me to be very mindful and conscious and eat when I’m hungry, not just when I’m bored, and just really slow down. Everything in moderation."

"When I think of Afropunk, I think of the best of the best. I think of, like, D’Angelo."

"When your parents regulate everything you hear and everything you intake, it forces you to get creative in other ways. It sparked the writing bug and the very overactive imagination. Because I’ve had a lot of time by myself and a lot of time isolated from regular culture, I created my own."

"Only write rhythm to the tardiest of tempos, only ride shotgun when the car is a limo."

- 'Child's Play'.

SZA Quotes About Love

These SZA quotes about love will heal people and make them want to fall in love again.

“You a wild one, and I'm wadin' in you like it's cool water.”

- 'Hit Different'.

“You like 9 to 5, I'm the weekend.”

- 'The Weekend'.

"Why you bother me when you know you don't want me?"

- 'Love Galore'.

“Gettin' all in your love, fallin' all over love.”

- 'The Weekend'.

"I'm onto new things, new sounds, new feels, new times and you old news"

"It made me feel good for temporary love, you was a temporary lover."

"I have an abundant amount of love in my life, and I'm grateful for that."

“My anxiety stems from my lack of control no matter what.”

"And if it's an illusion, I don't wanna wake up. I'm gonna hang on to it."

- '20 Something'.

"Music, or the type of music that I’m writing, is very personal."

"Acting like we wasn't more than a summer fling, I said farewell, you took it well."

- 'Love Galore'.

"I'm never going back, never going back, you can't make me."

- 'Broken Clocks', 2017.

"Why I can't stay alone just by myself? Wish I was comfortable just with myself."

- 'Supermodel'.

"I don’t feel ashamed to be loud, which is an argument I’ve had with lots of men, who thought I was too sassy and unladylike."

“Only break the rules baby or whatever Ja said.”

“Every day I grapple between ‘I’m going to get married’ and ‘I’m going to spend the rest of my life alone with a poodle.'”

“Your energy told me what your mouth couldn’t.”

"But I need you, I need you, I need you."

- 'Supermodel'.

"Down for the ride, down for the ride, you could take me anywhere."

- 'Anything'.

"I have a really strong gluten allergy, and I’m pretty lactose-intolerant, like, in a big way, but I love cheese."

"So many people meet and become friends at my shows that didn’t know each other before."

"I love when things that I’m involved in really matter and when people like me back and don’t just think I’m corny."

"Love me even if it rain, love me even if it pain you."

"But memories keep coming back, all the nights that we used to laugh."

- 'Child's Play'.

"Keeping up is hard to do/ Even harder feeling heavy, steady chasing you"

- 'Anything', 2017.

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Written by Lydia Samson

Bachelor in Science specializing in Mass Communication

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Lydia SamsonBachelor in Science specializing in Mass Communication

A diligent and driven mass communications graduate from Caleb University, Lydia has experience in media and a passion for digital marketing and communications. She is an effective communicator and team-builder with strong analytical, management, and organizational skills. She is a self-starter with a positive, can-do attitude.

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