40 Thought-Provoking Weaving Quotes

Anusuya Mukherjee
Sep 25, 2023 By Anusuya Mukherjee
Originally Published on Jan 10, 2023
Weaving is a fascinating activity. Here are some weaving quotes just for you!

Weaving is a delicate art form.

To weave strands of thread into a piece of cloth is nothing short of having magical ability. It has evolved over the centuries and is an art form perhaps as old as humanity.

Basket Weaving Quotes

Here are some baskets weaving quotes for you to enjoy.

"In the tapestry of life, we're all connected. Each one of us is a gift to those around us helping each other be who we are, weaving a perfect picture together."

-Anita Moorjani.

"I realized early on, maybe better than some of my competitors did, that a textile business can run only if you have scale. I decided to horizontally and vertically integrate, adding everything from spinning, dyeing, weaving, and stitching to processing and packing."

-Mian Muhammad Mansha.

"I assure you that there's a lot involved in compositions with figures. ... It's like weaving... you must control and keep an eye on several things at once."

-Vincent Van Gogh.

Handloom Weaving Quotes

Handlooms are one of the most vital pieces of machinery that have been used to weave a piece of cloth for decades. Here are some handlooms weaving quotes for you!

"I do regard spinning and weaving as a necessary part of any national system of education."

-Mahatma Gandhi.

"Luddites were those frenzied traditionalists of the early 19th century who toured wrecking new weaving machines on the theory that if they were destroyed . . . old jobs and old ways of life could be preserved .

. . At certain times in his life each man is tempted to become a Luddite, for there is always something he would like to go back to. But to be against all change-against change in the abstract-is folly."

James A. Michener.

"Life is a loom, weaving illusion."

-Vachel Lindsay.

"We sleep, but the loom of life never stops, and the pattern which was weaving when the sun went down is weaving when it comes up in the morning."

-Henry Ward Beecher.

"The day will come when you will review your life and be thankful for every minute of it. Every hurt, every sorrow, every joy, every celebration, every moment of your life will be a treasure to you, for you will see the utter perfection of the design.

You will stand back from the weaving and see the tapestry, and you will weep at the beauty of it."

-Neale Donald Walsch.

"Crochet can be your best partner on this journey."

-Priya Asthana.

"He who is false to the present duty breaks a thread in the loom, and you will see the effect when the weaving of a lifetime is unraveled."

-William Ellery Channing.

"And he was gesturing up through the trees above to show them how it was woven across the sky or how the sky was woven into the trees, he wasn‘t sure which. But there it was, he smiled, and the weaving went on, green and blue if you watched and saw the forest shift its humming loom."

-Ray Bradbury.

"We weave the majority of our problems on the loom of our decisions."

-Craig D. Lounsbrough.

"Quilters never grow old, they just go to pieces."

- Unknown*

*Do you know where this quote originated? Please let us know at hello@kidadl.com.

"In Old Europe and Ancient Crete, women were respected for their roles in the discovery of agriculture and for inventing the arts of weaving and pottery making."

-Carol P. Christ.

"I make yarn disappear. What's your magic?"

- Unknown*

*Do you know where this quote originated? Please let us know at hello@kidadl.com.

"You see, when weaving a blanket, an Indian woman leaves a flaw in the weaving of that blanket to let the soul out."

-Martha Graham

"We cannot live only for ourselves. A thousand fibers connect us with our fellow men; and among those fibers, as sympathetic threads, our actions run as causes, and they come back to us as effects."

-Herman Melville.

"Yesterday's weaving is as irrevocable as yesterday. I may not draw out the threads, but I may change my shuttle."

-Muriel Strode.

Weaving Mesh Quotes

Here are some weaving mesh quotes that will make you think!

"The world is a fabric we weave daily on the great looms of information, discussions, films, books, gossip, little anecdotes."

-Olga Tokarczuk.

"Nature uses only the longest threads to weave her patterns so that each small piece of her fabric reveals the organization of the entire tapestry."

-Richard P. Feynman.

"Weaving is a work of mindfulness, of taking time to give attention to the details that will contribute to the woven piece’s unity."

- Unknown*

*Do you know where this quote originated? Please let us know at hello@kidadl.com.

"Sometimes strands spend a long time seeking each other, fumbling without light, and interweaving without knowing that it is exactly what the web wants."

-Emmi Itranta.

"Destiny itself is like a wonderful wide tapestry in which every thread is guided by an unspeakably tender hand, placed beside another thread, and held and carried by a hundred others."

-Rainer Maria Rilke.

"Knitting is very conducive to thought. It is nice to knit a while, put down the needles, write a while, then take up the sock again."

-Dorothy Day.

"Feminism is not a patch; it is a whole new pattern which can only be realized by weaving a new garment, seamless from top to bottom and multicolored from the beginning."

-Sandra Marie Schneiders.

"Nowhere on the shore is the relation of a creature to its surroundings a matter of a single cause and effect; each living thing is bound to its world by many threads, weaving the intricate design of the fabric of life."

-Rachel Carson.

"We gave the Future to the winds, and slumbered tranquility in the Present, weaving the dull world around us into dreams."

-Edgar Allan Poe.

"Man does not weave this web of life. He is merely a strand of it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself."

-Chief Seattle.

"And so, she comes to dream herself the tree, The wind possessing her, weaving her young veins, holding her to the sky and its quick blue, Drowning the fever of her hands in sunlight. She has no memory, nor fear, nor hope Beyond the grass and shadows at her feet."

-Hart Crane.

Best Weaving Quotes

Weaving is an intricate art, one that sees you weave yarn into a piece of cloth. It is nothing short of pure magic.

"Our weaving in the cosmic web is not self-contained. Rather, they are part of the design of our collective humanity."

-Lisa Hunt.

"I am spinning the silk threads of my story, weaving the fabric of my world."

-Laurie Halse Anderson.

"We don't accomplish anything in this world alone... and whatever happens is the result of the whole tapestry of one's life and all the weavings of individual threads form one to another that creates something."

-Sandra Day O'Connor.

"It will be very interesting one day to follow the pattern of our life as it is spread out like a beautiful tapestry. As long as we live here, we see only the reverse side of the weaving, and very often the pattern, with its threads running wildly, doesn't seem to make sense.

Someday, however, we shall understand. In looking back over the years, we can discover how a red thread goes through the pattern of our life: the Will of God."

-Maria Von Trapp.

"In Silence there is eloquence. Stop weaving and see how the pattern improves."


"Everything can happen, everything is possible and probable. Time and place do not exist; on a significant basis of reality, the imagination spins, weaving new patterns; a mixture of memories, experiences, free fancies, incongruities and improvisations."

-August Strindberg.

"That old black magic has me in its spell, that old black magic that you weave so well; Icy fingers up and down my spine, The same old witchcraft when your eyes meet mine."

-Johnny Mercer, 'The Old Black Magic'.

"What Reason weaves, by Passion is undone."

-Alexander Pope.

"Chance. It weaves through our lives like a golden thread, sometimes knotting, tangling, and breaking along the way. Loose threads are left hanging, but the in and out, the back and forth continues, and the weaving goes on. It doesn’t stop."

-Mary E. Pearson.

"O, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice deceiving!"

-Walter Scott.

"Weave in faith and God will find the thread."

-Kabir Das, a German proverb.

"This is what art is all about. It is weaving fabric from the feathers you have plucked from your own breast. But no one must ever see the process - only the finished bolt of goods. They must never suspect that that crimson thread running through the pattern is blood."

-Katherine Paterson.

"Think of all your experiences as a huge tapestry that can be laid out in whatever pattern you wish. Each day you add a new thread to the weaving. Do you craft a curtain to hide behind, or do you fashion a magic carpet that will care you to unequaled heights?"

-Tony Robbin.

"Moment by moment throughout our lifetime, our brains hum with the work of making meaning: weaving together many thousands of threads of information into all manner of thoughts, feelings, memories, and ideas."

-Daniel Tammet.

"We all should know that diversity makes for a rich tapestry, and we must understand that all the threads of the tapestry are equal in value no matter what their color."

-Maya Angelou.

I spent all night weaving a poem for you to wear. You look so beautiful when you wear my light.”
― Kamand Kojouri

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Written by Anusuya Mukherjee

Bachelor of Arts and Law specializing in Political Science and Intellectual Property Rights

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Anusuya MukherjeeBachelor of Arts and Law specializing in Political Science and Intellectual Property Rights

With a wealth of international experience spanning Europe, Africa, North America, and the Middle East, Anusuya brings a unique perspective to her work as a Content Assistant and Content Updating Coordinator. She holds a law degree from India and has practiced law in India and Kuwait. Anusuya is a fan of rap music and enjoys a good cup of coffee in her free time. Currently, she is working on her novel, "Mr. Ivory Merchant".

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