Are you someone who loves Italy and its authors and works?
Italy and its language are sweet and known not only for their cuisine and wine but for their amazing sayings. However, if you are someone learning the language, then you may enjoy having the English translation of the sayings as well.
Quotes from Italy or about it may not only be relatable to the population of Italy alone. Many people may find the English equivalent relevant and may even wish for that an article to provide the English equivalent of the quotes.
These include Italian quotes in English, Italian quotes about food and about Italians to give you a brief look into their life.
We have the best quotes from Italy brought to you with the translation and the meaning. Feel free to share these quotes with friends or open a bottle of wine and enjoy these on your own.
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Best Italian Quotes
These are some amazing inspirational Italian quotes in the Italian language with the English translation of it. These are Italian quotes about life and Italian quotes about strength and even in the English translation, these quotes do not lose their value.
These include meaningful Italian quotes, great Italian quotes and popular Italian quotes from major authors to help your learning process.
1. "Nessun maggior dolore
Che ricordarsi del tempo felice
Nella miseria."
(There is no greater sorrow
Than to be mindful of the happy time
In misery.)
- Dante Alighieri.
2. "La semplicità è l’ultima sofisticazione"
(Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.)
- Leonardo Da Vinci.
3. "Amor, che a nullo amato amar perdona,
Mi prese del costui piacer sì forte,
Che, come vedi, ancor non m'abbandona..."
(Love, which pardons no beloved from loving,
took me so strongly with delight in him
That, as you see, it still abandons me not...)
- Dante Alighieri.
4. "A quel pietoso fonte, onde siam tutti,
S'assembra ogni beltà che qua si vede,
Più c'altra cosa alle persone accorte."
(That font of mercy, whence we all exist,
Every beauty seen here on earth resembles,
More than anything else to knowing persons.)
- Michelangelo.
5. "Non puoi insegnare niente a un uomo. Puoi solo aiutarlo a scoprire ciò che ha dentro di sé."
(You cannot teach a man anything, you can only help find it within himself.)
- Galileo.
6. "Se non hai mai pianto, i tuoi occhi non possono essere belli."
(If you haven’t cried, your eyes can’t be beautiful.)
- Sophia Loren
7. "Copiare il vero può essere una buona cosa, ma inventare il vero è meglio, molto meglio."
(To copy the truth can be a good thing, but to invent the truth is better, much better.)
- Giuseppe Verdi.
8. "Non sempre ciò che vien dopo è progresso."
(What comes after is not always progress.)
- Alessandro Manzoni.
9. "Debbe un uomo prudente entrare sempre per vie battute da uomini grandi, e quelli che sono stati eccellentissimi, imitare..."
(A prudent man should always follow in the path trodden by great men and imitate those who are most excellent.)
- Niccolò Machiavelli.
Italian Proverbs And Italian Sayings
Here are some of the famous Italian proverbs and sayings. We know that you will love these sayings and each proverb may help you improve your vocabulary as you learn the phrases most used in Italy.
These are some of the cute Italian quotes and short Italian quotes and phrases that will help you talk with people in Italy or if you are learning Italian. Since a proverb can be universal, we tried to give the English equivalent of each proverb too.
These proverbs include Italian quotes about love, Italian quotes about family and all of these Italian proverbs are given in the original language as well in the English equivalent (or close to that).
Hence, if you learn the language, you will find these proverbs and their English translation useful. These can come up as good Italian wishes too.
10. "La troppa bonezza finisce nella monnezza."
(Too much goodness ends up in the trash.)
- Italian Proverb.
11. "Si dice sempre il lupo più grande che non è."
(The wolf is made bigger than it is.)
- Italian Proverb.
12. "Senza tentazioni, senza onore."
(Where there is no temptation there is no glory.)
- Italian Proverb.
13. "Quando finisce la partita il re ed il pedone finiscono nella stessa scatola."
(When you finish the game, the king and pawn end up in the same box.)
- Italian Proverb.
14. "La famiglia è la patria del cuore."
(Home, family, is where the heart is.)
- Italian Proverb.
"A chi fa male, mai mancano scuse."
(He who does evil, is never short of an excuse.)
- Italian Proverb.
15. "Chi non va non vede, chi non vede non sa e chi non sa se lo prende sempre in culo."
(If you don’t go you won’t see, if you don’t see you won’t know, if you don’t know you’ll get into trouble every time.)
- Italian Proverb.
16. "Il dolce far niente."
(It is sweet to do nothing.)
- Italian Proverb.
17. "Ride bene chi ride ultimo."
(He who laughs last, laughs longest.)
- Italian Proverb.
18. "Mangia bene, ridi spesso, ama molto."
(Eat well, laugh often, love much.)
- Italian Proverb.
19. "Cuando l’amico chiede, non v’è domani."
(When a friend asks, there is no tomorrow.)
- Italian Proverb.
Romantic Italian Quotes
Italy is known as a place of love and their gentle vocabulary shows it. It may not be captured well in English translation, however, these are some beautiful Italian quotes that you can share with your loved ones.
Perhaps the most beautiful quote is "Siamo angeli con un’ala sola, solo restando abbracciati possiamo volare" (we are angels with only one wing; only embracing each other are we able to fly) by Luciano De Crescenzo.
20. "Amor, ch'al cor gentile ratto s'apprende
prese costui de la bella persona
che mi fu tolta; e 'l modo ancor m'offende"
(Love, which quickly arrests the gentle heart,
Seized him with my beautiful form
That was taken from me, in a manner which still grieves me.)
- Dante Alighieri.
21. "Siamo angeli con un’ala sola, solo restando abbracciati possiamo volare."
(We are angels with only one wing; only embracing each other are we able to fly.)
- Luciano De Crescenzo.
22. "Rimani! Riposati accanto a me.
Non te ne andare.
Io ti veglierò. Io ti proteggerò."
(Stay! Rest beside me.
Do not go.
I will watch you. I will protect you.)
- Gabriele D’Annunzio, 'Rimani'.
23. "Bocca baciata non perde ventura, anzi rinnuova come fa la luna."
(A kissed mouth doesn't lose its freshness, for like the moon it always renews itself.)
- Giovanni Boccaccio.
24. "Forse perché della fatal quiete
tu sei l’immago, a me si cara vieni,
o Sera! E quando ti corteggian liete
le nubi estive e i zeffiri sereni."
(Perhaps because you are the image of that fatal quiet
so dear to me, you have come,
O Evening! And when happy summer clouds
and the gentle west wind are your escort.)
- Niccolò Foscolo, 'Alla Sera'.
25. "Il piacere è sempre o passato o futuro, non mai presente."
(Pleasure is always in the past or in the future, never in the present.)
- Giacomo Leopardi.
26. "Avanti a lui tremava tutta Roma."
(Before him all Rome trembled.)
- Giacomo Puccini.
27. "In te ravviso - il sogno ch'io vorrei sempre sognar!"
(In you, I see the dreams that I have always longed for!)
- Giacomo Puccini.
Italian Quotes About Death
Here are some popular Italian quotes about passing on.
28. "Si sta come d'autunno sugli alberi le foglie."
(We are as in autumn on branches the leaves.)
- Giuseppe Ungaretti, 'Soldati'.
29. "Tra le rossastre nubi stormi d’uccelli neri, com’esuli pensieri, nel vespero migrar."
(Among the reddish clouds flocks of blackbirds as exiled thoughts, in the twilight migrating.)
- Giosuè Carducci, 'San Martino'.
30. "Stato che sia, dentro covile o cuna,
È funesto a chi nasce il dì natale."
(To that creature, being born,
Its birthday is a day to mourn.)
- Giacomo Leopardi.
31. "Lo giorno se n'andava, e l'aere bruno
toglieva li animai che sono in terra
da le fatiche loro."
(Day was departing, and the embrowned air
Released the animals that are on earth
From their fatigues.)
- Dante Alighieri.
Funny Italian Quotes
Here are hilarious Italian quotes that have a sarcastic touch to them:
32. "Tornate all'antico e sarà un progresso."
(Let us turn to the past: that will be progress.)
- Giuseppe Verdi.
33. "E non le sembra già questa un'opinione?"
(Refusing to have an opinion is a way of having one, isn't it?)
- Luigi Pirandello.
34. "A cognoscer bene la natura de' popoli bisogna esser Principe, ed a cognoscer bene quella de' Principi conviene essere popolare."
(To understand the nature of the people it needs to be a prince, and to understand that of princes it needs to be of the people.)
- Niccolò Machiavelli, 'Il Principe'.
Quotes About Italy
Here are some quotes about Italy, these are in English translation but most talk about Italy and its culture.
"For historical reasons – centuries spent as the subjects of warring city-states with the rule of law often taking a back seat to power politics and family loyalties – many Italians, especially those from points south, have little respect for the law and, seemingly, little understanding of its purpose, which is that of setting the boundaries for civil cohabitation."
- Sari Gilbert.
36. "An Italian is self-assured because he is excitable and easily forgets himself and other people. "
- Leo Tolstoy.
Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotes for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for Italian quotes then why not take a look at wanderlust quotes, or [taco quotes].