48 Tunnel Vision Quotes

Joan Agie
Sep 29, 2023 By Joan Agie
Originally Published on Jul 28, 2022
These tunnel vision quotes can help you explore other opportunities and inspire you to work hard.

Tunnel vision is often associated with connotations such as being too focused or single-minded.

Peripheral vision refers to the ability to see objects and movements out of the corner of the eye. It gives a perspective of what is happening in the environment around you.

If you consider the big picture, this can be seen as the perspective of a creative person in most industries. While chasing the same opportunities may be comfortable, it is always better to widen the search.

A person can be considered to have tunnel vision if they only consider a part of the problem and tend to overlook the other parts. Here is the best collection of tunnel vision quotes that will inspire you to take action and fulfill your dreams.

Best Tunnel Vision Quotes

Sometimes, life can get in the way and discourage you from reaching your dreams. When you have a goal that you’re working toward, it’s important to keep your eye on the prize with these tunnel vision quotes.

“She often had to remind herself that she couldn’t do everything alone. She wasn’t always the best person for the job. Sometimes she got tunnel vision and forgot about what other people needed.”

- Rick Riordan.

“Drivers don’t always see the (flashing) lights. You can’t get tunnel vision. You’ve got to look everywhere, even when your adrenaline is going.”

- Sixto Rodriguez.

“My tunnel vision allows me to have a longer workday than most writers. I’m thankful for that.”

- Joshua Mohr.

“Sometimes our tunnel vision is limited to what we see outside our window. Until racial injustice becomes personal then I don’t think it moves us in our gut.”

-Shane Claiborne.

“The main thing is to win. You just try to keep your tunnel vision on to get the team the win.”

-Jennie Finch.

“Learn to see the big picture. Often times we get tunnel vision and lose sight of the big picture and what we’re really trying to accomplish.”

-Robert Cheeke.

“When you have your passion, you never even think about other things. It’s tunnel vision. You go until you get it.”

-Nicola Peltz.

“People who get trapped in the tunnel vision of making money think that is all there is to life.”

-Felix Dennis.

“Panic causes tunnel vision. Calm acceptance of danger allows us to more easily assess the situation and see the options.”

-Simon Sinek.

“Great theories are expansive; failures mire us in dogmatism and tunnel vision.”

- Stephen Jay Gould.

“Demanding historical (or scientific) veracity as a prerequisite for truth is another kind of tunnel vision. To do so is to mistake poetry for prose.”

-Charles Kimball.

“I have tunnel vision. I go out and try to get better each and every day.”

-Matt Cassel.

“I was single-minded and I had tunnel vision. Now it’s time for a change.”

-Evelyn Ashford.

"It’s tricky to ask a filmmaker to explain his own work; usually we’re the least qualified to make sense of what we’ve done, unfortunately, because of the tunnel vision required to create anything over four years."

-Stephen Gaghan.

"A lot of times when I ran, to be honest, I didn’t know where I was in the race. So I always was looking up at the scoreboard to say, ‘Just call my name to see where I am,’ because I tried to have such tunnel vision not to distract myself."

-Gail Devers.

"Extreme visual clarity, tunnel vision, diminished sound, and the sense that time is slowing down. This is how the human body reacts to extreme stress."

-Malcolm Gladwell.

"Stress makes us prone to tunnel vision, less likely to take in the information we need. Anxiety makes us more risk-averse than we would be regularly and more deferential."

-Noreena Hertz.

"Research has shown that time pressure leads to tunnel vision and that people think more creatively when they are calm, unhurried, and free from stress and distractions. We all know this from experience."

-Carl Honore.

"When I put my nose in a glass, it’s like tunnel vision. I move into another world, where everything around me is just gone, and every bit of mental energy is focused on that wine."

- Robert M. Parker, Jr.

“At a certain point, I became a kind of musician that has tunnel vision about jazz. I only listened to jazz and classical music.”

-Herbie Hancock.

“Six feet deep is the incision in my heart, that barless prison. Discolours all with tunnel vision….Sunsetter.”

- 'Cradle of Flith'.

Famous Tunnel Vision Quotes

For some people, tunnel vision quotes can be a source of inspiration and motivation. Enhance your life's vision with these famous tunnel vision quotes.

“I guess when you’re young you have tunnel vision.”

-Lemmy Kilmister.

“I liked to watch the expression on the fighter’s face change when you connected with him. You know when you connect in the right spot. It’s like a tunnel vision.”

-Gerry Cooney.

“Sometimes the tide is just out. But it always comes back in again. In times of severe distress, we tend to get tunnel vision and think this feeling will last forever. It will not.”

- Jewel.

“The problem with unfilled dreams is that they give us tunnel vision. We focus on ourselves, and that can be a depressing and discouraging place to look.”

-Donna VanLiere.

“My tunnel vision work ethic is very hard to come by, I believe. I have had an unwavering faith in myself and my career for as long as I can remember.”


“Maintaining concentration depends on what I call tunnel vision; nothing else in the world exists but the catcher’s target, the hitter, and my perfect delivery.”

-Nolan Ryan.

“I tend to have a kind of tunnel vision when I’m looking at an individual piece.”

-Edward Norton.

“I just kind of do my thing with sort of tunnel vision for the story and my role and how it fits together.”

-Lin Shaye.

“There is always a light at the end of the tunnel but it's not about what you find at the end it's what you find on the path there.”

-Anastasia Wild.

“It seems like we can’t experience reality no matter how hard we try. Because illusion is always waiting at the end of the tunnel.”

-Mwanandeke Kindembo.

“To be a tennis champion, you have to be inflexible. You have to be stubborn. You have to be arrogant. You have to be selfish and self-absorbed. Kind of tunnel vision almost.”

-Chris Evert.

“It’s that one thing that you’re passionate about, that you end up developing tunnel vision for and everything else tends to fall by the wayside. Passion is appealing and universal.”

-Johnny Galecki.

“We often engage the defense mechanism of tunnel vision, just to keep ourselves focused on our daily lives. This makes us terribly jaded in our perception of what is really around us.”

-Vera Nazarian.

“When your child is sick, you have tunnel vision.”

-Nick Cassavetes.

"I got that tunnel vision for you. I only see you!"

-Justin Timberlake.

“I read every book about Buster Keaton and Chaplin to see how they worked – it’s all about dedication, tunnel vision, the pursuit of perfection, getting the gag right.”

-Paul Merton.

Inspirational Tunnel Vision Quotes

(These tunnel vision quotes can take you through the obstacles in life.)

These tunnel vision quotes on focus can help keep you focused on your goals and maintain your motivation. You can gain a perspective and see a different game that has the same opportunities but with a better result.

“Living brave is scary, but sometimes a little tunnel vision is just the thing we need to find the courage to live with boldness.”


“We move through the world with a kind of tunnel vision that prevents us from enjoying what is in front of us.”

-Tara Brach.

“Think about only one thing and you’re in a tunnel. Think about everything and you’re on an open stretch of road.”

--Anthony T. Hincks.

“Self-confidence will eliminate the need for approval and your tunnel vision will soon diminish. It is very bright outside and it's waiting for you.”

-Michael Sotelo.

“Maintaining concentration depends on what I call tunnel vision; nothing else in the world exists but the catcher’s target, the hitter, and my perfect delivery.”

-Nolay Ryan.

“Pressure isn’t a bad word. It’s a great word. It gives you tunnel vision and lets you focus on the task at hand.”

Robert Esche.

“Reading can break us out of the tunnel vision of the narrow specialty and lead us into many intriguing and important avenues of thought.”

-Gene Edward Veith Jr.

"There’s a point where you make that decision to do it, and there’s no going back. After that it's just total focus, tunnel vision. Boom. You light the wick and you go."


*Do you know where this quote originated? Please let us know at hello@kidadl.com

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Written by Joan Agie

Bachelor of Science specializing in Human Anatomy

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Joan AgieBachelor of Science specializing in Human Anatomy

With 3+ years of research and content writing experience across several niches, especially on education, technology, and business topics. Joan holds a Bachelor’s degree in Human Anatomy from the Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria, and has worked as a researcher and writer for organizations across Nigeria, the US, the UK, and Germany. Joan enjoys meditation, watching movies, and learning new languages in her free time.

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