The world is a place that is brimming with hope in every nook and cranny.
Something can be perceived as wrong and something is right. It is all about our individual perspectives.
When you're feeling down, it can be tough to keep a positive outlook on life. Sometimes, all you need is a reminder that things will eventually get better. That's where upside-down quotes help. These provide a bit of encouragement when you're struggling. They can also inspire you to stay positive even when things are tough.
One thing you have to remember is that someday this upside-down world will be turned the right side up. While your instinct can provide some warning signs, it would be a wise thought to try to see the truth and fill our lives with hope.
These motivational upside-down quotes can help you realize that heaven is on Earth. Here is a reminder that there is absolutely nothing but happiness around you!
Famous Upside Down Quotes
If you're looking for some upside-down quotes, here are some of the most famous ones.
"You make me smile, you make me laugh, you are the one who cheers me up. When I am down you pick me up and when I frown you turn it upside down."
-Sarahi Gonzalez.
"The loss of a loved one turns our life upside down. Our world as we knew it has changed and those changes require that we in turn adjust to a new 'normal'."
"The secret of success in any relationship lies in turning one alphabet upside down, 'ME' to be turned into 'WE'."
-Keren Zhims.
"My friends make me happy. They know just how to take any situation or any problem I'm having and turn it upside down."
“All it takes is a second and your whole life can get turned upside down.”
– Jodi Picoult.
“I like to turn things upside down, to watch pictures and situations from another perspective.”
– Ursus Wehrli.
“Look at everything upside down. Take absolutely nothing for granted.”
– Dick Francis.
“The world of the commodity is a world upside-down, which bases itself not upon life but upon the transformation of life into work.”
– 'The Book Of Pleasures', Raoul Vaneigem.
“When everything gets turned upside down, it only leads to better quality stuff.”
– John Krasinski.
“Love sometimes wants to do us a great favor: hold us upside down and shake all the nonsense out.”
– Hafez.
“I guess I’ve always lived upside down when I want things I can’t have.”
– Tom Waits.
“Just go on dancing with me like this forever and I’ll never tire. We’ll scrape our shoe on the stars and hang upside down from the moon.”
– 'The Long Walk', Stephen King.
“When nothing makes sense and the world seems upside down, listen to your heart, it will never lie about your true feelings.”
-Leon Brown.
“The whole world turns upside down in ten years, but you turn upside down with it.”
-Spider Robinson.
"The worse a situation becomes the less it takes to turn it around, the bigger the upside."
-George Soros.
Thought-Provoking Upside Down Quotes

These funny upside-down quotes can provide valuable insights into the world around us. Move through life the right way with these funny upside down quotes.
"Life's a funny thing, the minute you think you've got everything figured, something comes along and turns it all upside down."
- Zayn Malik, December 27, 2011, @zaynmalik.
"Everything seems to have been turned upside-down, but in a good way."
-Mark Roberts.
"No, I didn't work it out upside down, I never turned it around."
-H R Giger.
"I wear a necklace, cause I wanna know when I'm upside down."
-Mitch Hedberg.
"Sometimes it was tough doing take after take upside down! I did a lot of that sort of thing."
-John Astin.
"Auto racing is boring except when a car is going at least 172 miles per hour upside down."
-Dave Barry.
"Readers probably haven't heard much about it yet, but they will. Quantum technology turns ordinary reality upside down."
-Michael Crichton.
"The sound principle of a topsy-turvy lifestyle in the framework of an upside-down world order has stood every test."
-Karl Kraus.
"Passion is what makes life interesting, what ignites our soul, drives our curiosity, fuels our love and carries our friendship, stimulates our intellect, and pushes our limit…. A passion for life is contagious and uplifting. Passion cuts both ways…. Those that make you feel on top of the world are equally able to turn it upside down."
- Jon Krakauer.
Famous Upside Down Quotes
These upside-down quotes can be a great way to get a different viewpoint on things. These upside-down quotes are a fun way to get your friends to think about things from a different angle.
"The truth of the matter is that the whole world has already been turned upside-down by the work of Jesus Christ."
-Dietrich Bonhoeffer.
"Someday this upside-down world will be turned right side up, and nothing in all eternity will turn it back again. If we are wise, we will spend our brief lives on earth positioning ourselves for the turn."
- Russ Crosson
"In seven days God had created the Earth. In a single day mankind had turned it upside down."
- Kristina McMorris.
"I like to turn things upside-down, to watch pictures and situations from another perspective."
-Ursus Wehrli
"I spend a lot of time upside down. It increases the blood flow to the brain, so it really helps your creativity."
-Daphne Guinness.
"They say that a kingdom is like a pyramid: the king on top and the people below. But in this country, it's upside down."
-Bhumibol Adulyadej.
"Why not touch things that we hate and turn them upside down and inside out?"
-Alber Elbaz.
"Upside Down is a fantasy love story. It's about love at first sight - when you just fall in love instantly and will battle any obstacle to be with that girl."
-Jim Sturgess.
"The world that we all knew before, could wake up in feeling safe... now it seems that everything has been turned upside down."
-Tori Amos.
"Becoming a mother has turned my world upside down, but in a really good way - it's the best."
-Katherine Kelly.
"We Abolition Women are turning the world upside down."
-Angelina Grimke.
"Live Aid turned our world upside down."
-John Deacon.
"In rock stardom there's an absolute economic upside to self-destruction."
-Courtney Love.
"There is no better news, than the fact that Jesus can actually turn a life upside down and save it."
-Cliff Richard.
"Changing our attitude to being upside down can give us a valuable new perspective."
"Turning something upside-down elicits a reversal of content and pointing a steeple into the ground directs it to hell as opposed to heaven."
- Dennis Oppenheim
Upside Down Quotes For Instagram
These upside-down quotes for Instagram can provide positive reinforcement during tough times. These upside-down quotes can be a source of inspiration when you need a little reminder to stay positive.
"Yes, you can lose somebody overnight, yes, your whole life can be turned upside down. Life is short. It can come and go like a feather in the wind."
-Shania Twain.
"The world is wrong side up. It needs to be turned upside down in order to be right side up."
-Billy Sunday.
"Turning popular opinion upside down does not make an original."
-Franz Grillparzer.
"I'm always trying to turn things upside down and see if they look any better."
-Tibor Kalman.
"It's a good thing to turn your mind upside down now and then, like an hour-glass, to let the particles run the other way."
-Christopher Morley.
"Some of us aren't meant to belong. Some of us have to turn the world upside down and shake the hell out of it until we make our own place in it."
-Elizabeth Lowell.
"Learning about ourselves is rather inconvenient because it turns the world we live in upside down."
-Peter Kingsley.
"All it takes is a second and your whole life can get turned upside down."
-Jodi Picoult.
"Learn to see things backwards, inside out, and upside down."
-John Heider.
"Newman's first law: It is useless to put on your brakes when you're upside down."
-Paul Newman.
"You can see many smiles everyday but you can never know whose world is actually upside down."
"The business is so upside down now. It's not just about the bling-bling."
- Tim Reid.
"MOM turned upside down spells WOW! Mom you were the best!"
-Rick Sutter.
"You broke me, you broke my heart, you broke everything! You turned my world upside down and inside out, BUT I know it was worth it for that one moment of love we had, it's a shame it went bad....."
“Like a fool, I fell in love with you, Turned my whole world upside down”
-Eric Clapton.
"You can see many smiles every day, but you can never know whose world is actually upside down."
*Do you know where this quote originated? Please let us know at