50+ Welcome To Night Vale Quotes By Episode For All Podcast-Loving Teens

Georgia Stone
Dec 12, 2023 By Georgia Stone
Originally Published on Feb 15, 2021
'Welcome To Night Vale' is best for teens.

Are you a die-hard fan of 'Welcome To Night Vale' just like us?                                                    

'Welcome To Night Vale' started as a podcast and is now a popular novel too. Created by Joseph Fink and Jeffrey Cranor, with new and exciting stories happening every episode, 'Welcome To Night Vale' has become one of the most popular podcasts in the US.

'Welcome To Night Vale' is all about the fictional town of Night Vale, it reports on the strange events that take place here. You will find the best 'Welcome To Night Vale' quotes here, those who loved our Vine quotes and quotes about storytelling will love these too!

Funny Quotes on 'Welcome To Night Vale'

'Welcome To Night Vale' writers come up with the funniest lines that leave us laughing, clutching our bellies, and gasping for air. They make better, the imperfections in our reality.

1."'Okay!' shouted a man in a nearby booth at a stain on his tie. In the kitchen, another man, in a floral apron and a hairnet, nodded at a tub of soaking dishes 'yep,' he said. People often found themselves assenting to inanimate objects in the moonlight all-nite."

- 'Welcome To Night Vale'.

2."Librarians are hideous creatures of unimaginable power. And even if you could imagine their power, it would be illegal."

- 'Welcome To Night Vale'.

3."In terms of tacos, she was doing fine."

- 'Welcome To Night Vale'.

4."'The search for truth takes us to dangerous places,' said old woman Josie. 'Often it takes us to that most dangerous place: the library.'"

- 'Welcome To Night Vale'.

5."And now a brief public service announcement. Alligators: can they kill your children? Yes."

- 'Welcome To Night Vale'.

6.“If you say guns kill people one more time, I will shoot you with a gun, and you will, coincidentally, die.”

- 'Welcome To Night Vale'.

7."In the old days, there weren’t all these satellites recording our every move. We had government agents in vans to do that sort of thing."

- 'Welcome To Night Vale'.

8."In space, they can hear you scream, and they would like for you to please stop. It’s almost 10pm, okay?"

- 'Welcome To Night Vale'.

9.“Monday would like you to leave it alone. It’s not its fault that you are emotionally unprepared for your professional lives.”

- 'Welcome To Night Vale'.

'Welcome To Night Vale' Inspirational Quotes

We all know that 'Welcome To Night Vale' is a lot more than just fun. They have also inspired us with many of their quotations. Here are some great 'Welcome To Night Vale' quotes for you to read that will inspire you.

10."Comfort was the answer to all life’s problems. It didn’t solve them, but it made them more distant for a bit as they quietly worsened."

- 'Welcome To Night Vale'.

11.“The present tense of regret is indecision.”

- 'Welcome To Night Vale'.

12."All the beauty in the world was made in the oppressive limitations of time and death and impermanence."

- 'Welcome To Night Vale'.

13."Are we living a life that is safe from harm? Of course not... but that's not the right question. The right question is: Are we living a life that is worth the harm?"

- 'Welcome To Night Vale'.

14."We must be willing to face great challenges in order to achieve great things."

- 'Welcome To Night Vale'.

15."And while the future is fast coming for you, it always flinches first and settles in as the gentle present."

- 'Welcome To Night Vale'.

16."The past is gone, and cannot harm you anymore."

- 'Welcome To Night Vale'.

17."Confused? At a loss for what to do? Wow, sounds like you're human."

- 'Welcome To Night Vale'.

18."And if you’re ever feeling lonely just look at the moon. someone, somewhere, is looking right at it too."

- 'Welcome To Night Vale'.

19."You may not live through it. And if you do, the you that lived through it will not be the same you that lived before it. In that sense, you will definitely not exist after, and I’m sorry."

-Old Woman Josie, 'Welcome To Night Vale'.

20."... And then the glow cloud moves on. And you move on. And the event is behind you."

- 'Welcome To Night Vale'.

21."You say your life is unraveling. Your life cannot unravel. Your life is your life. You haven’t lost it. It’s just different now."

- 'Welcome To Night Vale'.

22."We wake up, we move on. No state is our state forever. All is fleeting.

- 'Welcome To Night Vale'.

23."Nothing can be fully understood to be 'real.' Any description of the world we give is simply the world we experience – which is to say, a narrative we force onto whatever horror or void lies behind the scrim of our perception.

- 'Welcome To Night Vale'.

24."You should relax more. It’s not that there’s nothing coming to get you, there’s everything coming to get you… but relax anyway, just on principle. "

- 'Welcome To Night Vale'.

25."Thank you for your interest in a life free of pain. We are not accepting applications at this time. Please try again, and again, and again, and again, and again..."

-Welcome to Night Vale.

26.“Be proud of your place in the cosmos. It is small, and yet it is. How unlikely!”

- 'Welcome To Night Vale'.

27.“Dare to dream. Seriously. We dare you. Do it. It’ll be fine. Promise.”

- 'Welcome To Night Vale'.

28."Believe in yourself. You are an ancient, absent god, discussed only rarely by literary scholars. So if you don't believe, no one will."

- 'Welcome To Night Vale'.

Beautiful 'Welcome To Night Vale' Quotes About Self-Acceptance

In its own beautiful way,'Welcome To Night Vale' has taught us to accept and love our imperfect selves as we are. Here are some beautiful self-love quotes for you!

29.“She didn’t have a good reason for most of what she did. Mostly, she went by what seemed right in the moment, and justified it to herself later, and in this way she was no different than anyone else she knew.”

- 'Welcome To Night Vale'.

30."She understood the world and her place in it. She understood nothing. The world and her place in it were nothing and she understood that."

- 'Welcome To Night Vale'.

31.“Worry less about the person you once were. Or the person you dream you someday will be. Worry about the person you are now. Or don’t even worry! Just be that person."

- 'Welcome To Night Vale'.

32."There’s no sense in going through life presuming awful things about people you do not know."

- 'Welcome To Night Vale'.

33."People are beautiful when they do beautiful things."

- 'Welcome To Night Vale'.

34.“Perfection is not real. Perfection is not human. Carlos is not perfect- no, even better- he is imperfect. Everything about him, and us, and all of this is imperfect."

- 'Welcome To Night Vale'.

35."Mostly we don’t get destroyed… Mostly we destroy ourselves.

- 'Welcome To Night Vale'.

36."You are fragile, and blind, and wanting, and stepping alone into the great darkness of the future. "

- 'Welcome To Night Vale'.

37. "Fear is a reasonable response to life. "

- 'Welcome To Night Vale'.

38."Stop looking for me, and find yourself! "

- 'Welcome To Night Vale'.

39. "... all of this is imperfect. And those imperfections in our reality are the seams and cracks into which our out-sized love can seep and pool."

- 'Welcome To Night Vale'.

Tweet Worthy Quotes From 'Welcome To Night Vale'

Although all of the beautiful 'Welcome To Night Vale' quotations are absolutely tweet-worthy, we have picked the best of them for you to impress your followers. Get tweeting!

40."Science was meant to be hard. After all, what was science but a bunch of bored human beings trying to challenge themselves when faith became too easy."

- 'Welcome To Night Vale'.

41. "Death is only the end if you assume the story is about you."

- 'Welcome To Night Vale'.

42."Your existence is not impossible, but it's also not very likely."

- 'Welcome To Night Vale'.

43."People who grow older think they are so wise... Like time means anything at all."

- 'Welcome To Night Vale'.

44."To be remembered is, I think, a basic human right."

- 'Welcome To Night Vale'.

45."We clutch teddy bears first, then dolls, then sports jerseys, and automobiles with hand-sewn leather and excellent gas mileage. As if that were something permanent.

- 'Welcome To Night Vale'.

46. "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a sudden and baffling urge to walk a thousand miles straight, nonstop. "

- 'Welcome To Night Vale'.

47."Sleep is confusing. Dreams are baffling. The concept of transitioning from one perceived reality to another is a tolerated madness.

- 'Welcome To Night Vale'.

48.“Whisper a dangerous secret to someone you care about. Now they have the power to destroy you, but they won’t. That’s what love is.”

- 'Welcome To Night Vale'.

Spooky Quotes From 'Welcome To Night Vale'

The Night Vale city has given us a number of horrifying memories. These are some of the best 'Welcome To Night Vale' quotes that are also spooky!

49."At home by yourself tonight? Just look closely in the background of any mirror. You are most certainly not alone. "

- 'Welcome To Night Vale'.

50."Eat your heart out. Bite your tongue. Chew on your skin. Swallow your eyes. Taste your ears. Feast upon your endocrine system."

- 'Welcome To Night Vale'.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotes for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for 'Welcome To Night Vale' quotes, then why not take a look at these welcome quotes, Twitter quotes and funny TV quotes for more?

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Written by Georgia Stone

Bachelor of Arts specializing in French with Film Studies, Bachelor of Arts (Year Abroad) specializing in Literature, History, Language, Media, and Art

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Georgia StoneBachelor of Arts specializing in French with Film Studies, Bachelor of Arts (Year Abroad) specializing in Literature, History, Language, Media, and Art

Georgia is an experienced Content Manager with a degree in French and Film Studies from King's College London and Bachelors degree from Université Paris-Sorbonne. Her passion for exploring the world and experiencing different cultures was sparked during her childhood in Switzerland and her year abroad in Paris. In her spare time, Georgia enjoys using London's excellent travel connections to explore further afield.

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