30+ Wyatt Earp Quotes To Transport You To The Wild West

Georgia Stone
Dec 12, 2023 By Georgia Stone
Originally Published on Jan 11, 2021
'Wyatt Earp' and 'Tombstone' are two popular movies made on the life of Wyatt Earp

Wyatt Earp was a farm boy from Iowa who later became a feared deputy marshal and gunman.

There have been two movies made that are based on the real life of lawman and gambler Wyatt Earp. These films are called 'Wyatt Earp' and 'Tombstone'.

The 'Wyatt Earp' movie is about the life of farm boy and gambler Wyatt Earp, who later gets into a dispute in the city of Tombstone in Arizona. The feud developed into the famous O.K.

Corral gunfight. We have gathered the most famous quotes from 'Wyatt Earp' for you to explore (look out for the famous line, starting: "fast is fine, but accuracy is final"). These famous Wyatt Earp quotes are from the movies that are inspired by his real life.

Gunfight 'Wyatt Earp' Quotes

Being a gunman and lawman, Wyatt Earp is most famous for his involvement in the O.K. Corral gunfight. Inspired by the incident of the gunfight, the film 'Wyatt Earp' has lots of quotable lines surrounding the violent clashes between characters. Find them here, including the iconic line: "Fast is fine, but accuracy is final".

1. "The most important lesson I learned ... was that the winner of a gunplay usually was the one who took his time."

- Wyatt Earp, 'Wyatt Earp'.

2. "No wise man ever took a handgun to a gunfight."

- Wyatt Earp, 'Wyatt Earp'.

3. "My mama always told me never put off till tomorrow people you can kill today."

-Doc Holliday, 'Wyatt Earp'.

4. "Fast is fine, but accuracy is final. In a gun fight... You need to take your time in a hurry."

- Wyatt Earp, 'Wyatt Earp'.

Famous 'Wyatt Earp' Movie Quotes

Wyatt Earp started his life working as a farm boy but her later became a famous gambler, gunman and a Deputy Marshal in Tombstone, Arizona. In the movie of his life, Doc Holliday (played by Dennis Quaid) was one of Wyatt Earp's friends.

Wyatt and Holliday were actually very close and best friends in real life too. Along with these Wyatt Earp quotes, you will also find some famous 'Wyatt Earp' Doc Holliday quotes and real Doc Holliday quotes to entertain you.

5. "My name is Wyatt Earp! It all ends now!"

- Wyatt Earp, 'Wyatt Earp'.

6. "Mister, I've been in a really bad mood for the last few years, so I'd appreciate it if you'd just leave me alone."

- Wyatt Earp, 'Wyatt Earp'.

7. "That nothing's so sacred as honor and nothing's so loyal as love."

- Wyatt Earp, 'Wyatt Earp'.

8. "Nothing counts so much as blood. The rest are just strangers."

- Wyatt Earp, 'Wyatt Earp'.

9. "Destiny is that which we are drawn towards and fate is that which we run into."

- Wyatt Earp, 'Wyatt Earp'.

10. "Morgan Earp: I say that we just kill 'em all.

Doc Holliday: You know, Morg. Wyatt is my friend, but I believe that I'm beginning to love you."

- 'Wyatt Earp'.

11. "You take on a job, you finish it. Any man who can't be depended on steady, ain't worth the trouble of having around."

-Nicholas Earp, 'Wyatt Earp'.

12. "Wyatt Earp? I've heard that name before. Don't know where, but it wasn't good."

-Doc Holliday, 'Wyatt Earp'.

13. "You'd be doing me a favor if you called me Wyatt or Earp, but not both."

- Wyatt Earp, 'Wyatt Earp'.

14. "Dave Rudabaugh is an ignorant scoundrel! I disapprove of his very existence."

-Doc Holliday, 'Wyatt Earp'.

15. "Wyatt Earp: Wyatt, you're still a marshal around here, aren't you?

Doc Holliday: Sure. But now he's gonna be a marshal and an outlaw. Best of both worlds, son."

- 'Wyatt Earp'.

16. "Wyatt Earp: Not everyone who knows you hates you, Doc.

Doc Holliday: I know it's not always easy being my friend, but I'll be there when you need me."

- 'Wyatt Earp'.

17. "Shooting at a man who is returning the compliment means going into action with the greatest speed of which a man's muscles are capable, but mentally unflustered by an urge to hurry or the need for complicated nervous and muscular actions which trick shooting involves."

- Wyatt Earp, 'Wyatt Earp'.

Tombstone Quotes

'Tombstone' was another popular movie made on the life of Wyatt Earp. Wyatt Earp had two younger brothers named Virgil Earp and Morgan Earp.

The film depicted the story of these two best friends and brothers and the real events of their lives. We have listed some of the best Tombstone quotes Wyatt Earp for your greater knowledge here, enjoy!

18. "Morgan Earp: It said that a lot of people, when they die, they see this light. Like in a tunnel. They say it's the light leadin' you to heaven.

Wyatt Earp: Really? Well, what about hell? They got a sign there or what?"

- 'Tombstone'.

19. "You know, Ed, if I thought you weren't my friend, I just don't think I could bear it."

- Doc Holliday, 'Tombstone'.

20. "Evidently, Mr. Ringo's an educated man. Now I really hate him."

- Doc Holliday, 'Tombstone'.

21. "You gonna do somethin'? or are you just gonna stand there and bleed?"

- Wyatt Earp, 'Tombstone'.

22. "There's no normal life there's just life. Now get on with it."

- Doc Holliday, 'Tombstone'.

22. "Maybe Poker’s just not your game, Ike. I know – let’s have a spelling contest!"

- Doc Holliday, 'Tombstone'.

23. "Look at all the stars. You look up and you think, 'God made all this and he remembered to make a little speck like me'. It's kind of flattering, really."

-Morgan Earp, 'Tombstone'.

24. "Tell em the law’s coming. You tell em I’m coming, and hell’s coming with me!"

-Wyatt Earp, 'Tombstone'.

25. "Why Johnny Ringo, you look like somebody just walked over your grave."

- Doc Holliday, 'Tombstone'.

26. "Why Ed does this mean we're not friends anymore?"

- Doc Holliday, 'Tombstone'.

27. "You called down the thunder, well now you’ve got it."

-Wyatt Earp, 'Tombstone'.

28. "Johnny, I apologize. I forgot you were there. You may go now."

- Doc Holliday, 'Tombstone'.

29. "Florentino: He talkin' loco... crazy... somethin' about a sick horse comin' to get us.

Johnny Ringo: That's not what he said, you ignorant wretch. Your Spanish is worse than your English."

- 'Tombstone'.

30. "Remember what I said about people seein' a bright light before they die? It ain't true. I can't see a damn thing."

- Morgan Earp, 'Tombstone'.

31. "I have nothing left, nothing to give you, I have no pride, no dignity, no money, I don't even know how we'll make a living, but I promise I'll love you the rest of your life."

- Wyatt Earp, 'Tombstone'.

32. "You die first, get it? Your friends might get me in a rush, but not before I make your head into a canoe, you understand me?"

- Wyatt Earp, 'Tombstone'.

33. "It would appear that the strain was more than he could bear."

- Doc Holliday, 'Tombstone'.

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Written by Georgia Stone

Bachelor of Arts specializing in French with Film Studies, Bachelor of Arts (Year Abroad) specializing in Literature, History, Language, Media, and Art

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Georgia StoneBachelor of Arts specializing in French with Film Studies, Bachelor of Arts (Year Abroad) specializing in Literature, History, Language, Media, and Art

Georgia is an experienced Content Manager with a degree in French and Film Studies from King's College London and Bachelors degree from Université Paris-Sorbonne. Her passion for exploring the world and experiencing different cultures was sparked during her childhood in Switzerland and her year abroad in Paris. In her spare time, Georgia enjoys using London's excellent travel connections to explore further afield.

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