Fun Wannanosaurus Facts For Kids

Anusuya Mukherjee
Nov 29, 2022 By Anusuya Mukherjee
Originally Published on Nov 18, 2021
Wannanosaurus facts are interesting for people of all ages.

The Wannanosaurus' common name is the Wannan lizard. Hou Lian-Hai discovered remains of this species in a small region of China now known by the name Anhui.

These fossils state that the species of this genus belonged to the Cretaceous era, which existed almost 80 million years ago. Even though the detailed physical description of these dinosaurs of the Wannanosaurus genus is unknown, they are distinctively famous in the dinosaur fanbase for their skulls. Why?

Based on fossils found, it was clear that these animals had flat skulls, which made them fascinating. The analysis of these fossil studies suggests that they had strong lower legs and used their strength and flat heads during confrontation and combats.

This dinosaur belonged to the Pachycephalosauridae family of animals. There were a few debates about it being a herbivore or a carnivore. Significant research finally added this species to the herbivore category, which is still debatable; hence, they are also considered omnivores.

Read on to know more about the Wannanosaurus species discovered by Hou Lian-Hai. If you want to search for more similar insightful topics, check out our articles about the Homalocephale and the Heterodontosaurus.

Wannanosaurus Interesting Facts

How do you pronounce Wannanosaurus?

The Wannanosaurus is part of the Dinosauria clade, the Ornithischia order, and is a Pachycephalosauria family member. The Wannanosaurus name can be pronounced wan-nan-oh-sore-us.

What type of dinosaur was a Wannanosaurus?

The Wannanosaurus dinosaur classification states that this animal was basal, meaning a primitive, Pachycephalosaurian dinosaur type. These dinosaurs belonged to the Campanian age during the upper Cretaceous period, which counts to almost 80 million years back.

In which geological period did the Wannanosaurus roam the Earth?

The Wannanosaurus of the Pachycephalosauria family was known to have lived almost 80 million years ago. The geological period of this species' existence is known to have revolved around the Campanian age during the upper Cretaceous period.

This can be defined by search results found in the Xiaoyan formation in Anhui, China. Hou Lian-Hai was the person who described this dinosaur named Wannanosaurus in the year 1977.

When did the Wannanosaurus become extinct?

The Wannanosaurus skeleton search results helped state that this animal of the Dinosauria clade and Ornithischia order lived between 83 million to 73 million years ago. Hence, it is assumed that this primitive Dinosauria member of the classification of the Ornithischia order, the Wannanosaurus genus, and the Pachycephalosauria family became extinct approximately 80 million years ago.

Where did a Wannanosaurus live?

The Wannanosaurus lizard species with a flat skull had its remains found in regions of China. These remains belonged to the Cretaceous period and were found in Anhui regions of China.

What was a Wannanosaurus' habitat?

The Wannanosaurus diet consisted mainly of herbivore items and a few insects. Hence, their favorable habitat may have revolved around low-lying plants, and coastal and upland areas where this species from the animal kingdom could roam freely and forage without obstacles.

Who did a Wannanosaurus live with?

All the animal kingdom dinosaurs were known to have lived in a small or large group or a herd based on its classification.

How long did a Wannanosaurus live?

As these animals existed millions of years ago, the exact research data of the Wannanosaurus lifespan is unknown.

How did they reproduce?

Even though it is known that this primitive species was egg-laying, as a member of the Dinosauria, Ornithischia, Pachycephalosauria, and Wannanosaurus genus family of classification, the information about their reproduction process is incomplete.

Wannanosaurus Fun Facts

What did a Wannanosaurus look like?

Information found about the Wannanosaurus dinosaur is incomplete. Its few bone remains and the flat skull helped paleontologists create a basic appearance of this species.

It is known that this species had a flat skull. The length of this dinosaur belonging to the Dinosauria clade and the Ornithischia order of Pachycephalosauria species is said to have been medium. These dinosaurs had around six vertebrae, and Wannanosaurus legs made for a strong lower body that helped them with a better grip.

These legs were further connected to two strong arms. Even though the color and details of this dinosaur species of the Wannanosaurus genus aren't known, the upper flat skull was its distinctive feature.

The Wannanosaurus appearance focuses on flat skulls with substantial lower parts of the body.

How many bones did a Wannanosaurus have?

It is found that the bones, especially the flat skull and legs of this Ornithischia order dinosaur, were strong. Unfortunately, there isn't any report found about the approximate number of bones that this primitive Dinosauria Ornithischia order member had.

How did they communicate?

The Wannanosaurus family classification and other details about this dinosaur were found with the help of its remains. These Wannanosaurus fossils do not help us in understanding its communication modes. Hence, there aren't any records found about their communication techniques.

How big was a Wannanosaurus?

The Wannanosaurus size is a tricky topic as remains found were of the femur and had a length of just 3.1 in (8 cm).

Based on the length of the femur, researchers from Anhui and across the globe suggested that the average length of this species may have gone up to 39.4 in (100 cm) with a height of up to 23.6 in (60 cm).

This member of the Pachycephalosauria family dinosaur species was almost the size of the Compsognathus dinosaur.

How fast could a Wannanosaurus move?

The Wannanosaurus or the Wannan lizard had strong lower legs. It has been assumed that this species might have used its front limbs while foraging but couldn't run as much due to the asymmetrical body. Hence, it is clear that these primitive animals from the Dinosauria clade and the Ornithischia order weren't fast moving dinosaurs.

How much did a Wannanosaurus weigh?

The Wannanosaurus dinosaur had an average weight of up to 10 lb (4.5 kg).

What were male and female names of the species?

The Wannanosaurus or the Wannan lizard is a gender-neutral name. Both the male and the female of this species would be named the same.

What would you call a baby Wannanosaurus?

A baby Wannanosaurus can be named a hatchling or a juvenile.

What did they eat?

The Wannanosaurus is named and categorized as a herbivore animal. Based on the search of this primitive animal's remains, one could say that this dinosaur focused mainly on plant matter with a rare consumption of small insects and stenchy mollusk. This is why many times, the species is called a herbivore as well as an omnivore.

How aggressive were they?

Fossils and remains found of this dinosaur from the Cretaceous period state that they had flat skulls. This skull shape may be a result of their aggressive behaviors wherein they might've used their upper skull during combat. Even though this might be an assumption, remains do count as proof for the same.

Did you know...

The Wannanosaurus name is known from 80 million years ago. This Wannanosaurus genus dinosaur named as the Wannan lizard was earlier considered as a part of the Homalocephalidae family.

How would a Wannanosaurus get its food?

The Wannanosaurus was a herbivore and fed on plant matter and fruits available in low-lying regions. These regions mainly focused on Anhui, China, the place of its occurrence.

What animals attacked the Wannanosaurus, or what animals did it attack?

There is not enough information to know of any aggressive behaviors of this dinosaur of the Wannanosaurus genus, of the Pachycephalosauria family classification. The only reference is to its skull shape which helps in understanding that this dinosaur named the Wannan lizard might've had solid bones and would've engaged in combats using flat skulls.

The information about which type of dinosaurs they attacked or were attacked by is unknown.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly dinosaur facts for everyone to discover! Learn more about some other creatures by reading our Abrosaurus facts or our Haplocanthosaurus facts for kids.

You can even occupy yourself at home by coloring in one of our free printable dinosaur-eating coloring pages.

Both images by Jack Mayer Wood

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Written by Anusuya Mukherjee

Bachelor of Arts and Law specializing in Political Science and Intellectual Property Rights

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Anusuya MukherjeeBachelor of Arts and Law specializing in Political Science and Intellectual Property Rights

With a wealth of international experience spanning Europe, Africa, North America, and the Middle East, Anusuya brings a unique perspective to her work as a Content Assistant and Content Updating Coordinator. She holds a law degree from India and has practiced law in India and Kuwait. Anusuya is a fan of rap music and enjoys a good cup of coffee in her free time. Currently, she is working on her novel, "Mr. Ivory Merchant".

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