50+ Insurance Jokes And Puns That Are Sure To Get A Laugh

Martha Martins
Dec 12, 2023 By Martha Martins
Originally Published on Jan 06, 2021
Edited by Monisha Kochhar
Home House Life Car Protection

Looking for a way to lighten the mood at the dinner table? Or perhaps you want to share a chuckle with a friend who's navigating the maze of insurance.

This collection of insurance jokes and puns is sure to get a giggle or two. Insurance is not all forms and fine print.

It's like a superhero swooping in to save the day when you face a financial hiccup, like an accident or unexpected health hiccups, and like having a safety net that catches you, helping you bounce back into action. It is also crucial to keeping our loved ones safe and sound.

Whether you're sharing these jokes with your kids or swapping laughs with friends, these insurance-themed zingers are perfect for any occasion. From life insurance jests that brim with humor to punny insurance quips that'll tickle your funny bone, there's an avalanche of amusement in store.

Insurance Jokes

If you're looking to liven up a family gathering or just someone in need of a good chuckle, these jokes will turn the often-dull topic of insurance into a joyride. These quips are bound to bring a smile to your face. These funny insurance quotes aren't just for kicks; they're your ticket to a laugh-out-loud moment.

1. Why did the insurance agency deny the high wire artist insurance? Because of her outstanding balance.

2. What's the similarity between a raincoat and insurance? You're never really covered as much as you think.

3. Why does a person who lies a lot not get insurance? Because of too much lie-ability.

4. Why was the policy so happy on its 20th work anniversary? It had finally gotten tenure.

5. What did the doctor tell the chocolate after looking at his insurance policies? He said, "Laughter is the very best medicine, but it seems that your insurance only covers your Snickers and Laffy Taffy."

6. What would you call it if you saw an insurance commercial that showed flying cars and metal cities? I guess it would be Progressive.

7. Why did the passenger get happy when she read the fortune cookie that she had bought at the airport? Because her fortune cookie read, "Today’s investment is going to pay big dividends!”

8. What happened when a man put a "Please steal me" bumper stick sign on his car in the hopes he would get insurance? Someone stole his bumper sticker and left the car.

9. What did Fleetwood Mac get insurance for? They got it for landslides.

10. What kind of insurance would the Transformers need? Life insurance and car insurance.

11. What kind of insurance do the florists cover? The wife insurance.

12. Why do salmon not need any health insurance? That's because they all get cured for free.

13. Why wasn't the man worried about the safety of his online insurance account? Because he really wouldn't hate it if someone tried to pay his insurance.

14. What did the older gentleman say when a young woman almost bumped her cart into his at Walmart and said sorry to him? He said, "Oh, it's absolutely okay, my dear. I have car-t insurance!"

15. Why couldn’t the talented baker get any insurance? Because she was a high whisk customer.

16. What was the first thing that the food truck owner did when she got insurance? She sought out a nom-nom-inee.

17. Why doesn't Santa provide any health insurance to his little workers? They are all s-elf employed.

18. What kind of health insurance do Halloween monsters need? Medi-scare.

19. Have you heard? All my friends opted for State Farm Insurance. I decided to go with the Flo.

20. My friend says insurance is just a waiting game. He's right. I've been waiting for years, and I still don't get the joke!

Funny Life Insurance Agent Jokes

Tickle your funny bone with some hilarious insurance agent jokes. These delightful one-liners and zingers about insurance agents are just the ticket to filling your daily laughter quota. But it's not only about the giggles; insurance folks could even pick up a few catchy one-liners to lighten up their day. Get ready to laugh out loud!

21. What is the one thing insurance agents can't ever sell to a ghoul? Life insurance.

22. How many actuaries would it take to change one light bulb? Depends on how many it took last year.

23. If the founding fathers of America were life insurance agents, on which page would they sign important papers? The declaration page.

24. What kind of chocolate do insurance agents love? Premium chocolates.

25. What do sheet metal ducts care about the most when it comes to insurance? The de-duct-ible.

26. What was the wife's response when the husband mentioned pet insurance? She replied, "What would that in-tail?"

27. What did the cars' insurance agent reply when a man asked him why their anti-fire premium was $200 and their anti-theft premium was $150, yet their anti-fire and anti-theft policies were only $50? The agent replied, "That's because nobody would ever really steal a burnt car".

28. Why did the agent decide to sell life insurance to explosive manufacturers? Because he was sure that it was going to be a booming business.

Insurance Salesman Jokes

Who would've thought an insurance sales rep could be a goldmine for giggles? These rib-tickling jokes are guaranteed to brighten up your day. If you happen to be in the insurance sector, these delightful, witty, and funny jokes might just become your new secret weapon for breaking the ice.

29. Yesterday, a life insurance salesman was sitting beside me at the Death Metal concert. Yes, and through it all, he offered me cover and protection.

30. What happened when an insurance agent and her husband were driving to a friend's house and suddenly the brakes failed? She told the husband, "Brace yourself and try to maybe hit something cheap."

31. What did the insurance salesman say when a man asked whether he would get any insurance if a volcano near his house erupted? The agent assured him that he would be covered.

32. What is the perfect name for a life insurance salesman? Justin Case.

33. What retirement policy did the young man have? If he paid his premiums faithfully, then in the coming years, his insurance salesman could retire happily forever.

34. What did the turtle tell the insurance salesman? It said, "No, I don't want to buy life insurance. I'm already covered".

Insurance Company Jokes

Even insurance companies can be a source of knee-slapping humor. Here is a collection of chuckle-worthy insurance company jokes that will have you chortling in no time. And who knows? They might just give you a fresh perspective on having your own insurance. 

35. What insurance company should one go for if they ever get into any car accident in Machu Picchu? Peru-dential.

36. What would be a perfect name for an insurance company that caters to flower businesses? 'Oopsie Daisies'.

37. What medical insurance company did Tommy Wiseau go to? That's, oh Highmark.

38. My insurance company insisted on treating their clients as their friends. Guess, they really believe in Allianz!

39. Why did the insurance agent get an award? Because the insurance company paid him a premium.

Hilarious Insurance Puns

It's time to sprinkle a dash of wordplay into the world of insurance with some hilariously pun-tastic jokes. From lively life insurance puns bursting with humor to clever insurance quips that'll make you giggle, these aren't just any old jokes. They're a celebration of the lighter side of life, even when it comes to something as serious as insurance.

40. My application for tornado insurance at my campsite was constantly rejected. The authorities told me that if the tent gets blown away, then the campsite won't be covered.

41. All candle manufacturing companies get waxident insurance! 

42. My father was trying to find a good dental insurance policy. But he couldn't. Exhausted, he said, "It's impossible; it's like pulling teeth".

43. Batman gave a new name to his life insurance policies. He now calls them 'The Dark Knight Returns'.

44. The tourist was given full payment for the damages endured during his trip! Well, these Travelers have got everything covered!

45. I bought some new glasses for $120 and after insurance, it became $145. My friend said, "Well, that's gross". 

46. The best car insurance that any snake can get is fully cobrahensive! 

47. My brother is a life insurance salesman. While sending life insurance policy emails to his clients, he ends his emails by saying, "Jack, your agent for life".

48. I was surprised that my insurance agency was offering me a trip to Switzerland on the completion of my 10-year anniversary with them. Well, this company makes Zu-rich.

49. At college, I had to write a paper on insurance and needed to write many in-text citations. So I decided to get a quote for it.

50. My sister told me that she was skeptical about vision insurance. I told her to at least look into it.

51. Once, a man hurt his hand to claim his insurance. People go to strange lengths for just a handout.

52. I recently got health insurance, and then I remembered that I have an ingrown toenail that is not covered. Now I wonder if I have to foot the bill.

53. The fisherman was angry when his fishing boat capsized and the fish swam away. To add to his rues, the insurance agency refused payment, claiming it was an act of cod.

54. One day, my family and I went to a picnic, and a black bear was spotted roaming near our car. I asked my dad if the car insurance policy covered bear attacks. He just said, "No, I have bear minimum insurance".

55. I asked my insurance salesman if the new life insurance policy that I was getting was going to cover any harm or losses from hail storms. He replied, "Yes, it would". I exclaimed, "Hail the company!"

55. The man was reluctant to go to the pool despite having life insurance. He said, "Those are high-risk pools. I won't go there unless there is a minimum of two lifeguards". 

56. My sister decided to buy a couple of insurance on her 45th birthday. The insurance was expensive and not needed, I guess she's going through a MetLife crisis! 

57. The flood policy caught everyone's eye in the newspaper. They were literally flooding all the lines.

58. My brother opened an insurance agency that specifically covered earthquake and fire damage. He named it 'Shake n Bake'.


Who knew navigating the serious seas of insurance could be such a hoot? Humor has a way of making even the most daunting topics a little more approachable.

It doesn't matter if you're an insurance veteran or just starting to dip your toes in, these jokes and puns are here to bring a smile to your face. Spread the cheer by sharing a laugh with a friend or trying a joke out at your next family gathering. After all, laughter is the best policy!

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Written by Martha Martins

Bachelor of Arts specializing in Linguistics

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Martha MartinsBachelor of Arts specializing in Linguistics

Martha is a full-time creative writer, content strategist, and aspiring screenwriter who communicates complex thoughts and ideas effectively. She has completed her Bachelor's in Linguistics from Nasarawa State University. As an enthusiast of public relations and communication, Martha is well-prepared to substantially impact your organization as your next content writer and strategist. Her dedication to her craft and commitment to delivering high-quality work enables her to create compelling content that resonates with audiences.

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