59 Cool Weavile Nicknames

Joan Agie
Feb 16, 2024 By Joan Agie
Originally Published on Aug 21, 2022
Edited by Krishna Thankey
Fact-checked by Mohammed Balquam
Old Pokedex toy from Pokemon - Nicknames

Any person who is a fan of the world of Pokemon knows all about the Weavile.

The best nature of Weavile is his jolly nature. The best Weavile move-set are swords dance, throat chop, triple axle, and poison jab; it is better for Weavile to become ice types.

Look through the following list containing some of the nice Weavile nicknames and pick the best one as per your wish! Find the coolest and most unique nicknames for Weavile from the collection of names listed below.

Weavile Pun Nickname

There are people who like puns and nicknames of Weaviles. Here is a list of some really cool and funny Weavile nicknames that you can choose from as per your wish.

  • Anubis - meaning 'to decay,' is a good nickname for Weavile.
  • Arkham Knight - is a fantastic nickname for Weavile as it suggests an alias used by two supervillains appearing in DC Comics media.
  • Black Ice - meaning 'a nearly transparent film of ice on a dark surface that is difficult to see,' is a wonderful nickname for Weavile.
  • Cold Cut - meaning 'devoid of any generosity,' is a suitable nickname for Weavile.
  • Freezie- E - is a good nickname for Weavile.
  • Jason Todd - is a cool nickname for Weavile as it suggests a fictional antihero appearing in American comic books.
  • Kreuger - meaning 'innkeeper,' is a cool nickname for Weavile.
  • Miracles - meaning 'divine act,' is a good nickname for Weavile.
  • Pluto - meaning 'the Greek God of the underworld,' is a wonderful nickname for Weavile.
  • Red Hood - is a good nickname for Weavile, and it suggests an alias used by multiple characters appearing in comic books in America.
  • Seth - meaning 'Appointed or placed,' is a suitable nickname for Weavile.
  • Shadow - meaning 'shade from the sun,' is the best nickname for Weavile.

Funny Weavile nicknames

Weavile is a dark or ice-type Pokémon introduced in Generation IV. Here is a list of funny Weavile nicknames with beautiful words that you will surely like!

  • Fjord - meaning 'a passage in the sea,' is one of the funny nicknames for Weavile.
  • Frosty - meaning 'one who is cool,' is a cool nickname for Weavile.
  • Glaze - meaning 'to furnish,' is a suitable nickname for Weavile.
  • Koga - meaning 'cold river,' is a nice nickname for Weavile.
  • Moroz - meaning 'frost,' is one of the good nicknames for Weavile.
  • Shinobi - meaning 'to steal away or to hide,' is a nice nickname for Weavile.
  • Skeet - meaning 'shoot,' is a wonderful nickname for Weavile.
  • Sleet - meaning 'partially melted snow,' is a good nickname for Weavile.
  • Snowpiercer - meaning 'one who breaks snow,' is a good nickname for Weavile.
  • Whiteclaw - is a funny nickname for Weavile.
  • Wier - is a nice nickname for Weavile.

Shiny Weavile nicknames

Weavile represents a weasel-like Pokémon. The major features of this Pokémon are black with red feathers, two red tail feathers on their backsides, crown-like appendages on their heads, and a red collar around their necks.

Shiny Weavile has its body pink in color, and they have yellow feathers and accents. Some words are so attractive that they will create beautiful nicknames for Weavile. Here is a list of shiny Weavile nicknames which you will surely like!

  • Agama - meaning 'tradition,' is a nice nickname for Weavile.
  • Akuto - meaning 'a person who disturbs the order of society or a group of people who commit wrongdoing', is a nice nickname for Weavile.
  • Boreas - meaning 'the Greek God of the north wind,' is a fantastic nickname for Weavile.
  • Chill - meaning 'relax,' is a good nickname for Weavile.
  • Cirque - meaning 'archaic: circus,' is a good nickname for Weavile.
  • Droog - meaning 'freedom lover, playful and friendly,' is a good nickname for Weavile.
  • Hakuho - meaning 'grand champion,' is a suitable nickname for Weavile.
  • Nibuna - meaning 'Perfect,' is a fantastic nickname for Weavile.
  • Pierre - meaning 'rock,' is a good nickname for Weavile.
  • Rime - meaning 'to compose,' is a cool nickname for Weavile.
  • Santaclaws - is a good nickname for Weavile.
  • Sengira - is another suitable nickname for Weavile.
  • Shredder - meaning 'a snowboarder,' is a nice nickname for Weavile.
  • Snibunna - is a cute nickname for Weavile.
  • Supercool - meaning 'swank,' is a nice nickname for Weavile.
  • Tramell - meaning 'friend,' is a nice nickname for Weavile.
  • Wellington - meaning 'from the wealthy estate,' is a nice nickname for Weavile.
  • Wells - meaning 'spring,' is a cool nickname for Weavile.
  • Wesson - is a fantastic nickname for Weavile.

Female Weavile Nicknames

There are differences between male and female Weavile. Males' ear feathers are bigger than females. Some persons will like female Weavile more than male Weavile. Here is a list of female Weavile nicknames so that you can choose the best one as per your wish.

  • Amoret - meaning 'the little one who is loved by all and is inspired to lead' is a nice nickname for female Weavile.
  • Beira - meaning 'the mother to all the gods and goddesses in the Celtic mythology of Scotland' is a wonderful nickname for female Weavile.
  • Britva - meaning' exalted one,' is a good nickname for female Weavile.
  • Cirque - meaning 'archaic: circus,' is a nice nickname for Weavile.
  • Dimoret - is a good nickname for female Weavile.
  • Gelo - meaning 'frost,' is a cool nickname for female Weavile.
  • Katana - meaning' honorable or sword,' is a fantastic female nickname for Weavile.
  • Manyula - is a nice nickname for female Weavile.
  • Moroz - meaning 'frost,' is a suitable nickname for female Weavile.
  • Naomi - meaning 'pleasantness,' is a good nickname for female Weavile.
  • Nukatak - is a cool nickname for female Weavile.
  • Nunatak - meaning 'a hill or mountain completely surrounded by glacial ice' is a nice nickname for female Weavile.
  • Sennyu - is another nice nickname for female Weavile.
  • Skathi - meaning' harm, damage,' is the best female nickname for Weavile.
  • Tsurara - meaning 'beautiful,' is a nice nickname for female Weavile.
  • Twili - meaning 'powerful, perfectionist, and capable,' is a nice nickname for female Weavile.
  • Yukionna - meaning 'snow woman,' is a perfect nickname for female Weavile.

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https://www.ranker.com/list/best-weavile-names/ranker-pokemon#:~:text=Sure funny nicknames like Frostyfor a Pokémon like Weavile.







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Written by Joan Agie

Bachelor of Science specializing in Human Anatomy

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Joan AgieBachelor of Science specializing in Human Anatomy

With 3+ years of research and content writing experience across several niches, especially on education, technology, and business topics. Joan holds a Bachelor’s degree in Human Anatomy from the Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria, and has worked as a researcher and writer for organizations across Nigeria, the US, the UK, and Germany. Joan enjoys meditation, watching movies, and learning new languages in her free time.

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Fact-checked by Mohammed Balquam

Bachelor of Computer Science, Computer and Information Sciences, and Support Services

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Mohammed BalquamBachelor of Computer Science, Computer and Information Sciences, and Support Services

With a background in transcription proofreading and communications roles at Amazon, Mohammed brings his research skills and a keen eye for detail to his work as a fact-checker at Kidadl. Alongside his professional pursuits, he is also pursuing a degree in Computer Science and Supportive Services from Sir Sayyed College of Arts, Commerce & Science.

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