60 Ho-Ho-Hilarious Christmas Puns And Jokes For Kids

Rachel Garner
Dec 12, 2023 By Rachel Garner
Originally Published on Sep 24, 2020
Fact-checked by Monisha Kochhar
Christmas tree decorated with gifts in house interior

Christmas really is the most pun-derful time of the year.

Looking to broaden your jokes and puns in time for Christmas? Or perhaps you just love a good old funny Christmas joke?

Either way, we've got you sorted! Holiday season humour is sure to be a big hit amongst the family, so take a look at our 60 jokes below and see if you can get the family ho-ho-ho-ing!

Whether you end up with a laugh or a groan, the hilarious (and occasionally cheesy) jokes and puns below are a great way to spread the Christmas cheer.

Christmas Knock Knock Jokes

Who doesn't like knock-knock jokes? We've rounded up our favourite jokes relating to Christmas and the holidays that will make yule laugh out loud!

1.Knock Knock.

Who's there?


Mary who?

Mary Christmas!


2.Knock knock

Who’s there?


Honda who?

Honda first day of Christmas my true love sent to me!


3.Knock Knock.

Who's there?


Holly who?

Holly-days are here once again!


4.Knock Knock!

Who's there?


Santa who?

Wait... Why am I at the front door? I'm supposed to come down the chimney!


5.Knock knock!

Who’s there?


Coal who?

Coal me when Santa’s on his way.


6.Knock Knock.

Who's there?


Ivana who?

Ivana go see Santa


7.Knock knock!

Who’s there?


Avery who?

Avery merry Christmas to you!


8.Knock knock!

Who’s there?


Noah who?

Noah any good Christmas jokes?


9.Knock Knock!

Who's there?


Doughnut who?

Doughnut open your present until Christmas day!


10.Knock knock!

Who’s there?

Interrupting Santa.


Ho ho ho, Merry Christmas!


11.Knock knock!

Who’s there?


Olive who?

Olive Christmas, what about you?


12.Knock Knock.

Who's there?


Snow who?

Snow time to be playing games!

Puns About Christmas

Whether you're planning to write out a funny Christmas card or just want to improve on your puns for Christmas, we've got plenty. From Santa puns to general Christmas puns, take a look below and see if you can get the family giggling!

13. If you're really lucky, Santa Claus will grace you with his presents this Christmas.

14. You'd better make sure you don't leave the fire burning all night on Christmas Eve, you don't want to wake up to a Krisp Kringle!

15. Oh deer, Christmas is really coming about quickly this year.

16. These funny Christmas puns really are tree-mendous!

17. I'm really pining for a Christmas tree to brighten up the place!

18. The North Pole creates all of its own goods. It's really elf-sufficient!

19. Did you hear about the elf that ran away? He's a real rebel without a Claus!

20. Christmas is the best time of the year to get up to snow good!

21. Have your elf a merry little Christmas...

22. Let's take a Christmas elf-ie!

23. One Christmas tree ornament turned to the other and said, "I really like hanging with you"!

24. This Christmas, we're going to need plenty of hand santa-tizer!

25. Did you see that sheep? It's a real baa humbug!

26. Your decorations look tree-mendous.

27. Have snow fear, Christmas is here!

28. You deserve a round of santa-pplause!

29. I love you from your head all the way to your mistletoes!

30. Eggnog is really not all it's cracked up to be!

31. Santa has the final sleigh on which present you're getting.

32. Make it rein.

33. What do you call someone who can't stop talking about last Christmas? Santa-mental!

34. What's the weather looking like for Christmas Eve? Rain, dear.

35. What did Mrs. Claus say to Santa Claus when she saw this year's Christmas tree? You could Spruce it up a little!

36. What do Santa's little helpers love to eat for dinner in the North Pole? Elf-abet soup!

37. What is the best Christmas present to receive? A broken drum - you really can't beat it!

38. How does Santa keep all of his holiday season memories? On his North Pole-aroid!

39. What do you get if you cross Santa Claus with a duck? A Christmas quacker.

40. What song does Beyonce sing at Christmas? Sleigh my name.

41. What is the best way to get drunk at Christmas? With Christmas spirits.

42. What happens when Santa gets stuck in the chimney? He gets claus-trophobic!

43. Love at frost sight!

44. How rude-olf of you.

45. When's the best time for Santa Claus to come? Any time, duh!

46. What do you call Santa's little helpers?  Subordinate clauses!

47. Do you know what your parent's favorite Christmas carol is? Silent night!

48. What should you give your parents at Christmas?A list of all the presents you want this year!

49. Why aren't turkeys hungry during the holidays? Because they're already stuffed.

50. How did the reindeer know it was going to rain? Because Rudolph the red-knows-rain, deer!

51. What does Santa do when the reindeer drive too fast? Hold on for deer life.

Christmas Question And Answer Jokes

One of the best way of making someone laugh is by asking them a question they think they know the answer to - and then flipping it over with a cheeky pun!

52. What does Santa say when he gets ill? Oh oh no.

53. What's the difference between the normal alphabets and the Christmas alphabets? Well, the Christmas alphabet has Noel!

54. Why does Santa go down the chimney on Christmas Eve? It soots him!

55. What dessert can you not trust at Christmas? Mince spies!

56. Why did the elf keep all of the Christmas presents? He was so elf-ish.

57. What did the dog name his Christmas song? Daschund through the snow.

58. Why do mummies like Christmas so much?Because of all the wrapping!

59. What would happen if you ate all of the decorations on the Christmas tree? Tinsel-itis!

60. What do you call a kid who doesn't believe in Santa Claus? A rebel without a Claus!

61. Why was the little boy so cold on Christmas morning? Because it was Decembrrrrr!

62. How does a sheep say Merry Christmas? Fleece Navidad!

63. What comes at the end of Christmas Day? The letter “Y!”

64. What do you get when you combine a Christmas tree with an iPad? A pineapple!

65. What happened to the thief who stole a Christmas calendar? He got 12 months.

66. In what year does New Year’s Day come before Christmas? EVERY year!

67. How do sheep wish each other happy holidays? Merry Christmas to ewe.

68. What do you get when Santa becomes a detective? Santa CLUES!

69. What is an elf’s favorite sport? North-pole vaulting.

70. How does a snowman lose weight? He waits for the weather to get warmer!

71. What does Mrs. Claus say to Santa when there are clouds in the sky? It looks like rain, deer.

72. What did one snowman say to the other snowman? Do you smell carrots?

73. What do snowmen take when the sun gets too hot? A chill pill.

74. What should you give your parents at Christmas? A list of what you want.

75. What does Jack Frost like best about school? Snow and tell.

76. Who delivers Christmas presents to elephants? Elephanta Claus.

77. How does Rudolph know when Christmas is coming? He refers to his calen-deer.

78. What kind of ball doesn’t bounce? A snowball.

79. What did one snowman say another snowman? You’re cool.

80. What falls at the North Pole and never gets hurt? Snow!

81. What kind of photos do elves take? Elfies!

82. Who delivers presents to baby sharks at Christmas? Santa Jaws!

83. What does the Grinch do with a baseball bat? Hits a gnome and runs.

84. What do fish sing during the holidays? Christmas corals.

85. What is a Christmas tree’s favorite candy? Ornamints.

86. What did Santa do when he went speed dating? He pulled a cracker!

87. What do you call a kid who doesn’t believe in Santa?A rebel without a Claus.

88. Where do polar bears vote? The North Poll!

89. What’s Santa’s favorite snack food? Crisp Pringles.

90. What do you get if you cross Santa with a duck? A Christmas Quacker!

91. Why does Scrooge love reindeer so much? Because every single buck is dear to him!

92. How do you help someone who’s lost their Christmas spirit? Nurse them back to elf.

93. What do snowmen wear on their heads? Ice caps!

94. What did Adam say the day before Christmas? “It’s Christmas, Eve!”

95. What do you call an elf wearing ear muffs? Anything you want. He can’t hear you!

96. What nationality is Santa Claus? North Polish.

97. What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire? Frostbite!

98. What do the elves call it when Father Christmas claps his hands at the end of a play? Santapplause!

99. What do you say to Santa when he's taking attendance at school? Present.

100. Why are Comet, Cupid, and Donner, and always wet? Because they are rain deer.

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Written by Rachel Garner

Bachelor of Arts specializing in Journalism

Rachel Garner picture

Rachel GarnerBachelor of Arts specializing in Journalism

Growing up in Switzerland, Rachel developed a love for exploring new places and trying new foods. She has a Bachelor's degree in Journalism from the University of the Arts London. She currently resides in Northwest London and enjoys discovering trendy spots around the city. Rachel is also passionate about planning fun activities for her family, particularly her little cousins. When she has some downtime, she can be found indulging in hobbies such as attending concerts, baking, or visiting her family in Essex. Her love for travel takes her beyond the UK, where she meticulously plans and researches each adventure before setting off to explore new places across Europe and beyond.

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Fact-checked by Monisha Kochhar

Bachelor of Arts Hons specializing in Modern Languages (French and Spanish)

Monisha Kochhar picture

Monisha KochharBachelor of Arts Hons specializing in Modern Languages (French and Spanish)

A Modern Languages graduate from the University College London, Monisha with a passion for travel and exploring different cultures. She is fluent in French and Spanish and is currently learning Hindi. Monisha enjoys discovering new foods and is an avid sports fan, following soccer and Formula 1. In her spare time, she enjoys playing tennis and watching TV shows.

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