120+ Best Ethiopian Names With Meanings

Georgia Stone
Dec 12, 2023 By Georgia Stone
Originally Published on Nov 04, 2020
Newborn baby with curly hair sleeping.

Choosing a baby name is a big deal and you want to ensure you get it right.

A baby name that carries a good meaning is crucial for this. You want to choose a beautiful name for your little bundle of joy to carry with them forever.

Just like Icelandic, Somali and Arabic naming conventions, there are no family names in Ethiopia. A baby name is given at birth which is the personal name.

This is followed by the father’s first name and, sometimes, the grandfather’s first name just to differentiate different people in the same generation with the same name. These aren’t middle or last names, they’re merely differentiators. Married women also don’t change their names because the second name in Ethiopia is not technically a surname.

Names given at birth are often inspired by Arabic, African, Ethiopian, and Biblical origins. Names given at birth are usually based on Biblical characters, situations existing at birth, or conventional names from different languages or ethnicities in Ethiopia.

Most names, however, are Amharic names from the Bible or otherwise, since this is the official language in Ethiopia and the one that is most standardized.

It’s common for nicknames to be used to show love or intimacy and switching back to using someone’s personal name after having used their nickname can be taken to mean that something is amiss in the relationship.

Whether you’re interested in popular names or one that is more rare, our list can give you the inspiration you need. You may also want to consider checking out our article on African boy names and Ethiopian last names for more ideas and inspiration.

Popular Ethiopian Names

Want to pick an Ethiopian name that’s already popular? Choose one from this list.

1. Abal, this name of Amharic biblical origin means ‘serves the king.’

2. Abale Kristos, is among the common Ethiopian names for boys meaning ‘member of Christ.’ It is pronounced Abalä Krïstos.

3. Abaynesh, this is an Ethiopian name of Amharic origin that means ‘you are the Nile.’ It is pronounced as AbbayNäš.

4. Abeba, this is a popular Ethiopian name of Amharic origin that means ‘flower.’ It is pronounced as Abäba.

5. Abebawerk, this is an Ethiopian name of Amharic origin that means ‘flower of gold.’ It is pronounced as Abäbawärk’.  

6. Abeje, this is an Ethiopian name of Amharic origin that means ‘he was well prepared.’ It is pronounced as Abäjjä.

7. Abel, a popular biblical male name meaning ‘breath of air.’

8. Aberash, this is an Ethiopian name of Amharic origin that means ‘shining.’ It is pronounced as Abärraš.

9. Abere, an Ethiopian name of Amharic origin that means ‘one who collaborates.’ Pronounced as Abbärä.

10. Abez, this is an Ethiopian name among the Amharic Bible names that means ‘City of Issachar.’ It is pronounced as Abäz.

11. Abreham, a biblical reference to Abraham. Pronounced as Abrïham.

12. Abrehit, this is an Ethiopian name of Amharic origin that means ‘she has made it light.’

13. Adanech, this is a popular Ethiopian name of Amharic origin that means ‘one who rescued.’ It is pronounced as Adanäč.

14. Adey, this is an Ethiopian name of Amharic origin that refers to an Ethiopian daisy or Meskel flower. It is pronounced as Adäy.

15. Amara, of African, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin origin, meaning ‘eternal paradise.’ Pronounced ah MAH rah.

16. Bekele, this popular name of African origin means ‘he has grown or he has become a man.’ It is pronounced as beh KEH leh.

17. Belaynesh, meaning ‘you’re on top.’ Pronounced BälayNäš.  

18. Berihun, this name of African origin means ‘let him guide us.’ It is pronounced as ber EE hun.

19. Eleazar, name meaning ‘assistant of God.’  

20. Emmanuel, biblical name meaning ‘God is with us.’ Pronounced Amanuél.

21. Gedlu, this name of Amharic origin means ‘chronicler.’ It is pronounced as Gädle.

22. Gemaneh, this name of Amharic origin means ‘you are open-handed and generous.’ It is pronounced as Gämanäh.

23. Geteye, an African origin name meaning ‘my God, my master.’ It is pronounced as GEHT-EY.    

24. Girma, a name of African origin meaning ‘majesty.’ Pronounced as GAR ma.

25. Hagos, a popular name of African origin meaning ‘joy.’

26. Hakim, a name of Arabic origin meaning ‘insightful or wise.’ Pronounced as hah KEEM.

27. Halima, a Muslim, African name meaning ‘humane or gentle,’ in reference to Prophet Muhammad’s nurse.  

28. Jember, a name that means ‘sunset.’

29. Mekonnen, a name that means ‘honorable.’

30. Nahome, a popular Ethiopian name for boys that means ‘compassionate.’

31. Negasi, this is one of the Ethiopian boy names of African origin that means ‘royalty.’ It is pronounced as nuh GAH see.

32. Nesanet, a popular Ethiopian name of Amharic origin for boys that means ‘freedom.’

33. Ruphal, a popular name meaning ‘God has healed,’ pronounced as Rafa’él.

34. Yelekal, a name meaning ‘he excels.’ Pronounced as Yïlïlk’al.

35. Zenabu, a popular Ethiopian name for boys meaning ‘the rain.’  

Ethiopian Girl Names

Looking for Ethiopian names for girls? Why not choose one of these?

36. Aameena, this name is of Arabic origin and means ‘safe or safety.’ It is pronounced as ah MEEN ah.  

37. Abigail, this is a common Ethiopian name of Amharic origin that means ‘father’s joy’ from the Hebrew Biblical text.

38. Abebech, this is an Ethiopian name of Amharic origin that means ‘she has flowered or matured.’ It is pronounced as Abbäbäč.

39. Aishah, Arabic origin, meaning ‘prosperous.’ Pronounced ah-EE-shah. Reference to the youngest wife of Prophet Muhammad.  

40. Amira, this is one of the Ethiopian orthodox Bible names of Amharic origin meaning ‘a princess.’  

41. Banchi Amlak, meaning ‘by your God.’

42. Bedelwa, meaning ‘with her luck.’ Pronounced Bäddelwa.

43. Behati, this name popularized by supermodel Behati Prinsloo is the African version of Beatrice. It means ‘the one who brings joy.’

44. Berknesh, Amharic origin, the name means ‘you are precious.’ Pronounced Bïrk’Näš.

45. Berta, of African, German, Latin origin. Pronounced BEHRT tah, means ‘to persevere or have strength.’  

46. Bezunesh, Amharic origin, the name means ‘you are abundant.’ Pronounced BïzuNäš.

47. Debab, a name meaning ‘excitement.’

48. Desta, a common name for girls meaning ‘happiness or joy.’ Pronounced as Dästa.

49. Dinha, meaning ‘vindication.’

50. Eddel, a name meaning ‘luck.’ Pronounced as Ïddel.  

51. Eden, a beautiful name meaning ‘promise,’ refers to the Garden of Eden. Pronounced as Édän.

52. Emnet, a name meaning ‘faith.’ Pronounced as Ïmnät.

53. Enku, this is an Ethiopian name of Amharic origin that means ‘a precious stone.’ It is pronounced as Ïnk’u.

54. Faizah, a name of Arabic and African origin. It means ‘victorious’ and is pronounced as Fah jah.

55. Gabra, popular choice among Ethiopian baby names for girls. It is of African origin and means ‘gift of offering.’ It is pronounced as GAH bra.

56. Helina, a name of Amharic origin. It means ‘intelligence or understanding.’ Pronounced as Hïllina.  

57. Heloisa, this is a common Ethiopian name of German and French origin that means ‘a world-renowned warrior.’

58. Kiya, a name meaning ‘comfort.’ Pronounced as ky uh.

59. Konjit, a name that means ‘beautiful.’

60. Lelt, a name meaning ‘a princess.’ Pronounced as Lï’elt.

61. Liya, a name of Hebrew origin. It means ‘one who is with God.’ It is considered to be a variant of the name Lily.  

62. Marjani, a beautiful name of Arabic origin that means ‘coral.’

63. Mazaa, means ‘aroma’ and is associated with the fragrance of the yellow daisy flower that’s commonly found in Ethiopia. It is pronounced as mah-zah.

64. Rekik, a beautiful name among Ethiopian baby names meaning ‘pure’, pronounced as Räk’ik’.

65. Senalat, this is an Ethiopian name that means ‘one who is filled with joy’ or ‘happy’.  

66. Tenagne, a name of African origin that means ‘gold.’ Pronounced as ta NON ya.

67. Winta, of African origin, the name means ‘wish’ or ‘memory’ in Tigrigna, which is one of the languages in Ethiopia.

68. Wubit, a name of Amharic origin that means ‘gorgeous.’ Pronounced Wïbit.

69. Zeenat, a name of Arabic origin that means ‘decoration’ or ‘beauty.’

70. Zeina, meaning ‘good news.’

Ethiopian Boy Names

Looking for Ethiopian baby boy names for your little one? Take your pick from one of these.

71. Afework, a name of African origin that means ‘one who only speaks pleasant things.’

72. Alimayu, a name that means ‘in God’s honor.’

73. Amare, a name of African origin that’s popular in Ethiopia. It means ‘handsome or good looking’ and is pronounced as AM ar eh.

74. Bahere Selase, Amharic origin, the name means ‘sea of the Trinity.’ Pronounced Bahïrä Slase.

75. Barack, this is a name of Arabic origin that means ‘one who is blessed by God.’

76. Baraki, a common name for boys meaning ‘one who blesses.’

77. Bayissa, meaning ‘inspiration.’

78. Beca, meaning ‘comprehending God.’

79. Begosew, a popular boy's name meaning ‘a good person.’ Pronounced Bäggosäw.

80. Berhanu, this is one of the Ethiopian boy names of African origin meaning ‘light form him.’ It is pronounced as ber HAN oo.  

81. Chelota, the name means ‘ability’. Pronounced as Čelota.

82. Chemere, this Ethiopian name means ‘one who has the ability to increase.’ It is pronounced as Č’ämmärä.

83. Cherenet, this Ethiopian name means ‘kindness.’ It is pronounced as Čärïnnät.

84. Chinua, this popular Ethiopian boys name is derived from the word Ibo, which means ‘blessings of God.’ The name is pronounced as CHIN-you-ah.

85. Daniachew, the name means ‘one who arbitrates’ and is pronounced as DAAN iy AACHHH UW. It is of African origin.

86. Daniel, in Ethiopia, a name meaning ‘God is my judge.’ Pronounced as Danï’él.

87. Dawit, the name is a form of David and is of African or Hebrew origin. It means ‘beloved’ and is pronounced as DAH weet.

88. Defar, meaning ‘bold.’ Pronounced Däffar.

89. Derebe, meaning ‘one who surpasses all expectations.’ Pronounced as Därrïbé.

90. Djimon, this is an Ethiopian name of African origin that means ‘powerful blood.’ It is pronounced as Jee-mahn.

91. Dula, meaning ‘King.’ Pronounced Dulla.

92. Ebenezer, in Amharic, this name means ‘with the help of God.’ From the Hebrew origin, this means ‘stone of help.’

93. Freaulai, meaning ‘ahead of everyone.’

94. Gyasi, this is a name of Egyptian origin that means ‘wonderful baby.’

95. Iskinder, a name of African and Greek origin that means ‘defending men.’ Pronounced as is KEEN der and is a form of Alexander.  

96. Kaleb, meaning ‘the devoted one.’ Pronounced K’aläab.

97. Kedus, name meaning ‘saint or sacred.’ Pronounced as K’ïddus.

98. Kelile, a name of African origin that means ‘my safety.’

99. Kokeb, name meaning ‘a star.’ Pronounced as Kokäb.  

100. Salim, a name of African origin that means ‘peace.’

101. Tenen, this is one of the Ethiopian boy names of African origin that means ‘born on Monday.’

Unique Ethiopian Names

Want a meaningful name that isn’t already popular? Pick one from among these Ethiopian baby names.

102. Achamyalesh, this is an Ethiopian name of Amharic origin that means ‘you are everything.’ It is pronounced as Aččamm-Yälläš.

103. Aemero Selase, of Amharic origin, means ‘Mind of the Trinity,’ pronounced A’ïmïro Sïllase.

104. Alemewerk, this is an Ethiopian name of Amharic origin that means ‘a golden world.’ It is pronounced as Alämäwärk’.

105. Amakelech, this is an Ethiopian name of Amharic origin that means ‘bridge between two families.’ It is pronounced as Amakkäläč.  

106. Amde Amlak, meaning ‘pillar of God,’ pronounced Amdä Amlak.

107. Befikadu, meaning ‘by his will or permission.’ Pronounced as Bäfäk’adu.

108. Denkenesh, this means ‘you are astonishing or wonderful.’  Pronounced as Denk’Näš.  

109. Elshaday, a beautiful biblical name among Ethiopian girls' names meaning ‘we trust in the almighty God.’  

110. Ewnet, this is an Ethiopian name of Amharic origin that means ‘truth.’ It is pronounced as Ewnät.

111. Fekade amlak, this is an Ethiopian name of Amharic origin that means ‘will of God.’ It is pronounced as Fäk’adä Amlak.  

112. Fekre Kristos, this is an Ethiopian name of Amharic origin that means ‘love of Christ.’ It is pronounced as Fïk’rä Krïstos.

113. Habtamu, the name means ‘a rich and wealthy person.’

114. Haddis, a name meaning ‘new.’

115. Henok, a unique Amharic origin name that means ‘experienced.’ Pronounced Enoch.  

116. Hunegna, a unique Amharic origin name that means ‘trustworthy or reliable.’ Pronounced as Hunäñña.

117. Ife, a unique name meaning ‘love.’

118. Kalkidan, a unique name meaning ‘word of the Covenant.’  

119. Kebre Werk, a unique name meaning ‘a golden glory,’ pronounced as Kïbrä Wärk’.

120. Lemlem, this is a unique name for girls meaning ‘blossom,’ pronounced as Lämläm.

121. Tsigereda, this is a unique name for girls meaning ‘rose.’  

Kidadl has lots of great names articles to inspire you. If you liked our suggestions for Ethiopian names then why not take a look at something different like these African last names or these Egyptian girl names.

Third image credit: Nick Fox / Shutterstock.com

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Written by Georgia Stone

Bachelor of Arts specializing in French with Film Studies, Bachelor of Arts (Year Abroad) specializing in Literature, History, Language, Media, and Art

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Georgia StoneBachelor of Arts specializing in French with Film Studies, Bachelor of Arts (Year Abroad) specializing in Literature, History, Language, Media, and Art

Georgia is an experienced Content Manager with a degree in French and Film Studies from King's College London and Bachelors degree from Université Paris-Sorbonne. Her passion for exploring the world and experiencing different cultures was sparked during her childhood in Switzerland and her year abroad in Paris. In her spare time, Georgia enjoys using London's excellent travel connections to explore further afield.

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