118 Nicknames For Charles

Naomi Olasehinde
Mar 30, 2023 By Naomi Olasehinde
Originally Published on Mar 28, 2023
Edited by Ashima Jain
Curious young boy in dandelion field

Nicknames are not just easy to pronounce but fun, cute, and silly - the best way to shower love on your favorite person in an adorable way.

Going by the dictionary, it is a humorous and familiar name given to people instead of using their real names. There are no rules or regulations when it comes to deciding nicknames.

However, it is better not to give any such nicknames that can become more embarrassing than loving, especially when you are selecting a nickname for your child. Do not give any nickname that may appear cute and funny to you but make your child the target of silly jokes.

The same goes for your friends as well. Chances are less that they will appreciate such nicknames.

The best way to choose a nickname is by considering the personality traits (of course, the good ones!) of the person you are naming.

Nicknames also should not be too common else they will lose their charm. Also, you can use the name of your friend's favorite celebrities or the short forms of the names but be aware not to become cliched.

The name Charles became extremely famous in France due to the popularity of Charles The Great888, also known as Charmeleon. The name is of French origin, derived from the old English word 'ceorl' meaning 'a free man'. This name is also popular among Germans. There are several famous kings, counts, and dukes bearing this name.

Today, Charles is also used for girls. Below are some fun, unique, and exciting nicknames for Charles that you, your friend, or your baby will simply adore.

Cool Nicknames For Charles

Charles, though is a very old and popular name, can have cool nicknames like Cholly. Here are a few suggestions for you to nickname your Charles in a cool and trendy way while considering his nature and personality.

  • Carlie- One of the famous nicknames for Charles.
  • Carson Karl- If Charles has the charm of an old-Western person, Carson Karl will be a nice nickname for him.
  • Cary- If Charles is pleasant, handsome, and admired, here is a cute nickname for him - Cary.
  • Cha Cha- A perfect nickname to suit the playful and fun nature of your friend is Cha Cha.
  • Chabby Charles- If your friend is cute and chubby at the same time, why not call him Chabby Charles.
  • Charlee- Just an aberration of the name Charles that sounds cute.
  • Charles Hardy- If Charles is ambitious and has a knack for politics, why not call him Charles Hardy?
  • Charley Chilly- Is Charles always prone to catching a cold? Here is a cute and funny nickname for him: Charley Chilly.
  • Charlie Brown- If Charles resembles Charlie Brown of Peanuts, a comic, why not call him the same?
  • Charlie Charley- A cute rhyming nickname for Charles.
  • Charlie Chopper- If Charlie has amazing cooking and chopping skills, Charlie Chopper suits him.
  • Charley Marley- A cute nickname for a Charles who loves music, especially those created by Bob Marley.
  • Charlil- If your friend has a strong and sturdy appearance, you can nickname him Charlil.
  • Charly Boy- A fun way to call your best friend Charles - Charly Boy.
  • Charming Charley- If Charles has a charming nature, why not call him Charming Charley.
  • Chase Charlie- If Charles is highly ambitious and is always chasing his goals, Chase Charlie is for him.
  • Chazy Chaz- A cute nickname for Charles, meaning free man, is Chazy Chaz.
  • Cheeto Chick- For Charles, who is young and a fan of Cheetos, a cheese-flavored cornmeal snack item.
  • Charlie Bukowski- A nickname derived from the name of the prolific writer Charles Bukowski.
  • Charlito- If your Charles is of Spanish or Portuguese origin, doesn't Charlito sound cute and stylish?
  • Charlie Doo Doo- If you are planning a nickname for your little Charles, how about Charlie Doo Doo? You can also make it short - Charlie Doo.
  • Carl E- If you are planning a nickname for your friend Charles who is a tough-looking and sturdy man, you can go with Carl E. You will find several American personalities with this name, like Carl E Douglas, a lawyer, and Carl E Heiles, an astrophysicist.
  • Chazzy Char- If Charles is competitive as well as charming, here is a perfect nickname for him: Chazzy Char.
  • Cholly- Cholly is a perfect nickname for a sweet and manly Charles.
  • Chu-Chu- A cute nickname for Charles if he/she is of Korean or Chinese origin.
  • Chuck- Though it sounds cute, it is still a mystery how Chuck became one of the nicknames for Charles. But Chuck does sound cute, doesn't it?
  • Chuck Chaa- Charles of Chinese origin having a mysterious appeal can have the nickname Chuck Chaa.
  • Clay Casey- If Charles is easy-going but alert and watchful, Clay Casey suits him/her.
  • Sir Charles- If the Charles in your group is serious and often speaks serious stuff, you can call him Sir Charles.

Best Nicknames For Charles

Some nicknames for Charles are classic, they have been in use for ages and still have not lost their charm. Here is a list of those nicknames for Charles.

  • Arlo- It is an old English name for your friend Charles if he is mentally and physically tough.
  • Arly- If Charles has a charming personality, Arly fits the bill.
  • Cal- It is simple and sweet; no brainstorming is required.
  • Cale- If bravery defines your friend, call him Cale. It means brave and is of Hebrew origin.
  • Chad- A mature nickname for your friend Charles. Chad has its roots traced to the Anglo-Saxons.
  • Chad Carlton- If Charles in your group wears the hat of a protector and is gentle, diplomatic, and intuitive, Chad Carlton can be his nickname.
  • Chakson- If your friend is always excited about every little thing in life, Chakson is the nickname for him.
  • Chaps- If your friend is of sweet and jovial nature, this one is for him.
  • Charl- For a Charles with assertive nature.
  • Charley- Adorable but mature to suit your friend's nature.
  • Charlie Buk- If your friend is a bookworm, you can call them Charlie Buk.
  • Charles IV- If Charles is admired by all for being fair and handsome, why not give him the name of a ruler having gained fame for the same criteria - Charles IV of France.
  • Charleson- This nickname for Charles is of French origin.
  • Charles The Good- It is simple, but best defines a Charles with a good heart.
  • Charley Jolly- If Charles is always happy and jolly, this nickname is for him.
  • Chase- A perfect nickname for Charles who is an ardent fan of drama.
  • Chuck Bass
  • C Scotty- For a Charles who is disciplined and trustworthy. Derived from the name of Charlie Scott, ex-chief intelligence of George Washington.
  • Chaz- Infuse some style and funk into the name if that's what is your friend's personality and call him Chaz.
  • Chazzy- If Charles is ambitious and always energetic, Chazzy suits him.
  • Chip- For a Charles who is of heavy build.
  • Chorly- For the free-spirited Charles.
  • Chucky- If Charles has a sense of humor to die for, call him Chucky.
  • Harl- This nickname for Charles has its roots in English origins.
  • Karl- For Charles for being the man that he is.
  • Karly- It means free man; a German version of Charles.
  • Karel- A Swedish, Slovene, Icelandic, Dutch, Danish, Czech, Finnish, and Norwegian form of Charles is Karel.
  • Les- For Charles, who is quiet and gentle, Les is the nickname.
  • Princes Charles- If Charles behaves royally, he needs to have a royal nickname.
  • Prince Of Wales- In reference to the eldest son of Elizabeth II, Prince Charles.

Unique Nicknames For Charles

When it is about nicknaming your friend or child, you are the boss. Go crazy or unique while naming them. After all, who does not want some unique name that they can boast about? Want some ideas? Below are 30 such unique nicknames for Charles.

  • Big Daddy C- For Charles who is mature and often acts like a fatherly figure
  • Carl- Just twist Karl to give Charles a unique nickname.
  • Carolus- Having roots in Medieval Latin, this nickname is for a free and strong Charles.
  • Caryl- If Charles is a bubbly character filled with joy, Caryl suits her.
  • Chaddy- For the strong-willed and independent Charles.
  • Chappie- A nice nickname for Charles, the chap.
  • Char- If the Charlie in your life is your support system, Char suits him.
  • Chara- If Charles has been brought into your life happiness, nickname him Chara.
  • Char Coal- For a Charles who has strong instincts, is intelligent, and graceful.
  • Char-icky- Another nickname for Charles if you do not like him weird or icky. Suits him, right?
  • Charles Chaplin- For a Charles who is religious.
  • Charley Bark- Inspired by the name of Charles Barkley, a basketball player, for your friend Charles if he is a fan of sports, especially basketball.
  • Charley Choco- For Charles with chocolate looks.
  • Charley Lolly- For a Charles who is always sweet and has a pleasant nature.
  • Char-licky- If the Charles you know is a total sweetheart who is always there for you, grace him with the nickname Char-licky.
  • Charloman- If your friend is easy-going and hardly loses his tamper, Charloman is for him.
  • Charlow- Charlow for Charles if he is a cheerful charmer.
  • Charlton- It is an old English nickname for Charles when he is a man of eccentric nature.
  • Chazzy Jazzy- If Charles is a fan of jazz or knows the smooth moves of jazz, Chazzy Jazzy is the perfect nickname for him.
  • Chug Char- If Charles becomes too noisy after gulping in alcohol, this nickname is perfect for him.
  • Gnarly Charlie- If Charles is a difficult person to deal with, Gnarly Charlie suits him.
  • Karolik- This nickname means Roman Catholic.
  • King C- If Charles behaves like the king, has a royal aura, then he/she would love being called King C.
  • Lee- For the Charles, who is always protective about you or a common friend of the group and has a dignified personality.
  • Lil Carlie- If Charles is your little munchkin, Lil Carlie sounds adorable for him/her.
  • Lord Charles- For one who is a true gentleman and behaves with sophistication.
  • Pretty Boy Charles- For a Charles for extraordinarily attractive physical characteristics.
  • Saint Charles- For a Charles with a pure and intriguing vibe.
  • Xarles- Unique but relatable to the name Charles.

Funny Nicknames For Charles

Nicknames are supposed to be fun, otherwise, what's their purpose? True that Charles is an old name having connections to kings and rulers, but you can find a funny nickname for your friend or acquaintance with the name Charles like Chuckie or Churls.

If needed, do not make it public, simple right? Here is a list of several such funny nicknames.

  • Angel Charlie- For a Charles who has an angel-like personality or someone who is very dear can be lovingly called Angel Charlie.
  • Babbs- For Charles, who is a geek. The nickname is derived from the name of an English polymath, Charles Babbage.
  • Baddie Charley- For Charles, who is popular for being the 'bad boy'.
  • Cash- Is Charles wealthy? Why not call him Cash?
  • Chaa- A funny nickname for your friend Charles.
  • Charles Dicky- For a shy and genius Charles, in reference to the famous author Charles Dickens.
  • Charley Chuddle- If Charles enjoys hugs and cuddles, Charley Chuddle is for him.
  • Charley Chuggie- For Charles, who does not like to part ways with a bottle of alcohol.
  • Charley
  • Charley Smiley- A Charles who never let go of his smile.
  • Charley The G- If Charles has become a popular figure, Charley The G is for him.
  • Charlie Cheesecake- If Charles is a fan of sweets and cheese, this nickname perfectly defines his love for desserts. It is also a cute name for a sweet person.
  • Charlie Choker- Want to name your mischievous friend Charles? Charlie Choker is fun.
  • Charlie Sheen- If Charles is a fan of Charlie Sheen or resembles any of the characters portrayed by the actor, you have one nickname ready for him.
  • Charlow Carlo- Is the Charles you know of tough nature? Then you can name him Charlow Carlo. While Carlo is of Italian origin, meaning tough-natured, just add Charlow for fun.
  • Chariffic- If Charles is of terrific personality, Chariffic fits the bill.
  • Charmz- If Charles is famous among ladies, Charmz will be a perfect nickname for him.
  • Chary- Just because Charles is always serious, that does not mean you cannot give him a funny nickname like Charry.
  • Charmander- For a Pokémon fan, this nickname is perfect.
  • Chas- Charles is masculine, so it is Chas for him.
  • Chazzy Deep- It's smart, attractive, and funny. If your friend is one, then you have a nickname ready for him.
  • Chazzy Doodle- If Charles is absent-minded, does silly things, or ends up in awkward situations, how about nicknaming his Chazzy Doodle? It's funny; Charles won't be upset upon being called Chazzy Doodle in the public.
  • Chuckie- Are you scared of Charles because of his personality or appearance? You can use Chuckie to refer to him, but it better not be in his presence!
  • Churls- If Charles is a nobleman, Churls is the perfect nickname for him.
  • C-Man- If Charlie Man is too long for you, just call Charles C-Man.
  • Darwin- If Charles eats, sleeps, and breathes science, then he will be happy to have the nickname, Darwin.
  • Peanuts- In connection to Peanut Comic having the character Charlie Brown, a nickname for Charles with a lovable personality.
  • The Prince- If Charles is full of grace, give him a royal nickname that he cannot help but brag about.
  • Trickie Charley- If Charles is always crafty, call him Trickie Charley.
  • Up-Chuck- If Charles is always wasted, here is a comical nickname for Charles.

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Written by Naomi Olasehinde

Bachelor of Science specializing in Psychology

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Naomi OlasehindeBachelor of Science specializing in Psychology

With a background as a news broadcaster and presenter, Noami has great research skills which have been honed over the years in previous roles. Holding a Bachelor of Science in Psychology from the Federal University, Oye-Ekiti, she was also vice president of a charity that helps impoverished students while at school.

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