124 Farm Animals Names All Kids Need To Know!

Oluniyi Akande
Feb 16, 2024 By Oluniyi Akande
Originally Published on Jan 09, 2023
Edited by Lara Simpson
Fact-checked by Spandana Kantam
The list of farm animals' names would include species raised for meat, milk, wool, leather, and other products.

Kids love animals and love to spend time with their pets.

Kids feel comfortable with farm animals and enjoy their leisure time with cute domestic animals. If you are searching for some farm animal names all kids need to know, then the farm animals list mentioned below will certainly pique your interest.

No need to worry about what to name your animal or what to call it because you will be getting a list of recent farm animals whose contents you will surely like. Read on for the names of popular farm animals species types.

Baby Farm Animals Names

Children should be aware of different farm animal names such as dogs, cats, hens, and many more. They should not just know domestic animals but also the names of the babies of these farm animals. Below is a list of baby farm animals' names from which you can know about various farm animals and their respective babies' names too.

Cub (Irish, English, and Norse origin) is a young bear, lion, tiger, and all other wild animals, which is generally considered a male name. A wild name for your farm animals list.

Foal (Old English origin) is a young horse, mule, or any related animal. It is a cute baby horse name. The father is called a stallion and the mother is called a mare.

Chick (Middle English origin) is a young fowl. It is one of the adorable baby animal name examples for a chicken. Chicken is the baby of a hen and a cock. A name you would love to include on your farm animals list. Chicken is usually reared for meat and eggs.

Calf (Old English and German origin) is a young cow. It is the baby of a cow and a bull and its plural form are calves.

Kid (German, Old Norse, and Middle English origin) is a young goat or baby goat. It is the baby of a goat. The mother goat is called a nanny or doe and the father goat is called a billy or buck. They are raised for their milk and meat.

Piglet (Old English origin) is a young pig or baby pig. It is the baby of a pig that is also a farm animal. The mother pig is called a sow and the father pig is called a boar. They are mainly raised for meat. A must-have name on the list of farm animals.

Lamb (Middle English origin) is a baby sheep. It is the baby of a sheep. Sheep species are mainly raised for fleece which later becomes wool. The father sheep is a ram, and the mother sheep is an ewe.

Puppy (Old French origin) is a young dog or baby dog. It is the baby of a dog. Dogs are the most trustworthy and loyal farm animals. Hence, they are usually kept for safeguarding the house. The father is called a dog and the mother is called a bitch.

Duckling (Middle Engish origin) is a young duck. It is the baby of a duck. The father is called a drake and the mother is called a duck. Ducks are also raised for meat and eggs.

Kitten (Middle English and Old French origin) is a baby cat as it is a baby of a cat. A must-include name on your farm animals list.

Bunny (American origin) is a baby rabbit. It is the young one of a rabbit which is also a farm animal.

Gosling (Middle English origin) is a baby of a goose. It is the young one of a goose. A unique name for your farm animals list.

Joey (Australian origin) is a young kangaroo. It is the baby of a kangaroo. A must-have name in the farm animals list.

Fawn (Latin, Old French, and Middle English origin) is a baby deer. The male deer is called a stag, and the female deer is called a hind.

Poults (Greek and Turkish origin) is a baby of a turkey. The father turkey is called a tom, and the mother turkey is called a hen.

Larvae (Latin origin) are the offspring of a bee. It is the young one of a bee that has been derived from larva. A bee is mainly raised for collecting honey.

Squab (Scandinavian origin) is a young bird as it is the offspring of a dove.

Fry (Old Norse origin) is a seed as it is the young one of a fish.

Scientific Names Of Farm Animals

Farm animals, birds, trees, and even humans have scientific names. The scientific name combines the genus and species names of the respective animal or bird. Below is a list of farm animals and scientific names for different sets of farm animals and birds. The contents below will help you know more about your animals.

Canis lupus (Latin origin) is the scientific name of a dog, which is a farm animal.

Felis catus (Latin origin) is the scientific name of a cat. It is a scientific name proposed by Carl Linnaeus.

Equus ferus caballus (American origin) is the scientific name of a horse, a farm animal.

Ovis aries (European origin) is the scientific name for sheep, a farm animal raised for wool and called sheep. A great name for the farm animals list.

Capra aegagrus hircus is the scientific name of a goat, a farm animal raised for meat and milk.

Equus africanus asinus (African origin) is the scientific name of a donkey. A donkey is also a farm animal. A donkey is used for multiple requirements.

In some countries, people consume donkey meat or donkey milk. Many people also use a donkey to carry goods while traveling. Donkey is a distinctive name for farm animals list; adopting a donkey can be an interesting experience.

Bos taurus (Indian origin) is the scientific name of a cow, a farm animal that provides milk to humans.

Panthera tigris (Asian origin) is the scientific name of a tiger, a wild animal.

Felis leo (African and Indian origin) is the scientific name of a lion, a wild animal.

Cervidae (Latin origin) is the scientific name of a deer, also a wild animal.

Gallus gallus domesticus (Asian origin) is the scientific name of a chicken, a bird that gives eggs and meat. Chickens make for popular farm animals and are raised for eggs and meat. Chicken meat and chicken eggs are consumed widely across the world. Most cuisines use chicken eggs to prepare egg dishes.

Anas (Latin origin) is the scientific name of a duck. A duck is a bird that is also raised for meat and eggs. Pictures of a wild duck would compel you to include the name on your farm animals list.

Sus scrofa domesticus (American origin) is a pig's scientific name, an animal usually raised for meat.

Meleagris gallopavo domesticus (Greek and Turkish origin) is the scientific name of turkeys. Also a type of guinea fowl called a turkey.

Apis mellifera (Latin origin) is the scientific name for a honey bee. A bee is a flying insect that provide honey to humans. Bee plays a very important role in pollination too.

Zenaida macroura (American origin) is the scientific name of a dove. Dove is a bird that shares the family with pigeons. Dove is a symbol of peace across the world. You can certainly use the name duck on your farm animals list.

Oryctolagus cuniculus (Greek origin) is the scientific name for rabbits.

Osteichthyes (Latin origin) is the scientific name for bony fish, another farm animal.

Chondrichthyes (Latin origin) is the scientific name for cartilaginous fish, another fish group.

Babalus bubalis (Asian origin) is the scientific name of buffalo, also a farm animal.

Camelus dromedaries (Arabic origin) is the scientific name for an Arabian camel. A camel is mostly found in the desert.

Bubo virginianus (American and Latin origin) is the scientific name of the great horned owl, also called a tiger owl.

Columba livia (Latin and Greek origin) is the scientific name of the pigeon, and shares a family name with the dove.

Farm Animals Family Names

Every family has its own name, but for humans, the family name is the surname. Similarly, animals also have their family names. The different farm animals have different family names. Here is a farm animals list that will help you know about various family names of farm animals.

Cattle-Bovidae (Old Norse, Latin, and Old English origin) are domesticated bovine farm animals, the family name for cows and bulls. The male cows are called bulls, and the female cows are called cows. The male offspring cows are called bull calves, and the female cow offspring are called heifer calves.

Chicken-Phasianidae (Old English and Latin origin) are domesticated birds, the family name of hens and cocks. The male chicken is called a cockerel or rooster, and the female chicken is called a hen.

The offspring of a chicken is called a chick, and when the young chicken grows, it is called a pullet. Chickens are popular examples of farm animals and must feature on your farm animals list.

Duck-Anatidae (Old English origin) are birds that live in water with webbed feet, which is the family name of ducks. The male ducks are called drakes, and the female ducks are called ducks. The offspring of ducks are called ducklings.

Geese-Anatidae (Latin and Old English origin) are domesticated, web-footed swimming birds, which is the family name of the goose. The female is called goose, and the male is called gander. The offspring is called a gosling.

Goats-Bovidae (Old Norse, Latin, and Old English origin) are domesticated bovine farm animals, which is also the family name of goats. The male goat is called a billy goat and the female goat is called a nanny goat. The young one of goat is called a kid.

Guineafowls-Numididae (African origin) are domesticated birds kept for eating and producing eggs, which is the family name of guinea fowls. The male is called a cockbird, and the female is called a hen. The offspring hatched from eggs is called a keet.

Horse-Equidae (Latin origin) are domesticated, odd-toed, hoofed mammals, a family name for a horse. The male horse is called a stallion, and the female horse is called a mare. The horse's offspring is called a foal, and the young male horse is called a colt. A horse is a popular inclusion in a farm animals list

Pigs-Suidae (Latin origin) are wild and domestic animals, which is the common name for a pig. The male pigs are called boars and the female pigs are called sows. The young ones are called piglets.

Sheep-Bovidae (Old Norse, Latin, and Old English origin) are domesticated bovine farm animals, also the sheep's family name. The male sheep is called a ram and the female sheep is called a ewe. The offspring of sheep are called lambs.

Turkeys-Phasianidae or Meleagrididae (Greek and Turkish origin) are the Turkish guinea fowls, which is the family name of turkeys. The male turkeys are called tom and the female turkeys are called hens. The young turkeys are called poults.

Donkeys-Equidae (Latin origin) are domesticated, odd-toed, hoofed mammals, the family name for donkeys. The donkeys are also a part of the horse family.

Bees-Apidae (Latin origin) are flying insects, the family name for honey bees, who are mainly raised for honey.

Doves-Columbidae (Greek origin) are compact-bodied short-legged birds, the family name of doves.

Rabbits-Leporids (Latin origin) are those resembling hare, which is the family name of rabbits.

Pet Names For Farm Animals

The pet names of farm animals are often cute. Children adore animals a lot and hence, find cute names for these cute species. The main farm animals are cows, dogs, bees, pigs, donkeys, chickens, goats, sheep, and many more. Here is a list that will help you select the best and most cute name for your pets. 

Pan (Greek and Indian origin), meaning 'all' or 'shepherd', is a cute name for a pet animal farm.

Ramley (Scottish origin), meaning 'island of garlic', is a funny name to name your pet animals.

Snowy (English origin), meaning 'filled with frozen rain', is an adorable and common name for pet animals farm.

Cloud (American origin), meaning 'visible vapor, nebula', is a gender-neutral pet name for a dog.

Daisy (Old English origin), meaning 'day's eye', is a sweet name for cattle.

Milky (African origin and English origin), meaning 'success and resembling milk', is a unique name for farm animals.

Smokey (English origin), meaning 'smoke colored', would be a beautiful pet name for a dog. 

Shadow (English origin), meaning 'shade from the sun', would be a gender-neutral animal name.

Brownie (Canadian origin), meaning 'good person with a loving heart', would be a popular pet name for a dog.

Sandy (English origin), meaning 'defender of man', a beautiful name for cattle.

Cocoa (American origin), meaning 'powdered chocolate', is a sweet gender-neutral name.

Cuddles (Scottish origin), meaning 'donkey', a cute pet name for animals and a donkey.

Fuzzy (German origin), meaning 'curly-haired', a beautiful name for cattle.

Fluffy (American origin), meaning 'fun-loving', is an adorable and common pet name for a dog.

Faun (Old French origin), meaning 'young deer', a nice name for farm animals or deer.

Finn (Irish origin), meaning 'fair' or 'white', is an amazing pet name for farm animals.

Ralph (British origin), meaning 'fierce one', a powerful name for male animals.

Herbert (German origin), meaning 'bright' or 'shiny', is a wonderful pet name for a duck.

Floyd (Welsh origin), meaning 'gray' or 'gray-haired', is a common animal pet name.

Phoenix (Greek origin), meaning 'red-purple', is one of the best names for animals.

Turbo (Latin origin), meaning 'a whorl or spinning object', a decent name for animals.

Ray (French and Hebrew origin), meaning 'King' in French and 'little lamb' in Hebrew, is a popular pet name for a cow.

Milo (German origin), meaning 'soft-hearted', a sweet name for a camel.

Oliver (Old Norse origin), meaning 'ancestor's descendent', is a beautiful name for a cow.

Calvin (Latin origin), meaning 'bald', is a cute and funny pet name for a cow.

Gary (English origin), meaning 'spear rule', is a wonderful name for domestic animals.

Toby (English origin), meaning 'God is good', is a recent pet name for domestic animals like a turkey.

Barry (Irish origin), meaning 'fair headed', is a unique name for pet animals like a rabbit.

Gordie (Scottish origin), meaning 'from Gordon', is a sweet name for a cat.

Goldie (English origin), meaning 'made of gold', is one of the beautiful names for animals like a cow. 

Dixie (Latin origin), meaning 'I have spoken', is an adorable pet cat name.

Doris (Greek origin), meaning 'gift of the ocean', is a cute name for domestic animals like a rabbit.

Millie (German and English origin), meaning 'gentle strength and strong in work', is a powerful name for domestic animals like horses.

Gabby (French origin), meaning 'God is my strength', is a blessed name for pet animals like a cat or cow.

Lola (Spanish origin), meaning 'sorrows', is a cute name for domestic animals like horses.

Polly (English and Irish origin), meaning 'star of the sea', is a special name for pet animals.

Barbie (Ancient Greek), meaning 'foreign woman', is one of the beautiful name types for pet animals like a rabbit or a bee.

Linda (Spanish origin), meaning 'pretty', is a unique name for pet animals like live horses.

Betsy (English origin), meaning 'God is my oath', is a blessed name for domestic animals like cat or dove.

Nora (Latin origin), meaning 'honor', is a wonderful name for pet animals like rabbits.

Jean (English origin), meaning 'God is gracious', is one of the blessed names for domestic animals like horses.

Star (English origin), 'like a star', is a special name for domestic animals like a rabbit you want to see live with you.

Sally (Hebrew origin), meaning 'princess', is a unique name for domestic animals like rabbits.

Jasmine (Persian origin), meaning 'gift from God', is a blessed name for domestic animals you want to see and learn more about.

Ruby (French and Latin origin), meaning 'deep red precious stone', is a precious name for domestic animals.

Gwen (Welsh origin), meaning 'white, holy', is a rare name for pet animals.

Windy (American origin), meaning 'state of strong winds', is a unique name example for domestic animals.

Sky (Scandinavian origin), meaning 'atmosphere seen from the Earth', is an adorable animal name.

Spot (American origin), meaning 'a mark', is a recent name example for domestic animals you love to learn more about.

Swifty (English origin), meaning 'one who is fast', is a beautiful name for domestic animals.

Sunny (British origin), meaning 'happy' or 'cheerful', is a popular animal name.

Cookie (American origin), meaning 'sweet biscuit', is a sweet and common name for pet animals.

Almond (Old English origin), meaning 'noble protection', is a beautiful domestication name for domestic animals.

Acorn (Mexican origin), meaning 'a nut', is an adorable recent name for poultry animals you love over the years.

Hershey (German origin), meaning 'dweller at the sign of the red deer', is a unique name for domestic animals or deer.

Waffles (English origin), meaning 'cute and cuddly', is a beautiful name for domestic animals.

Spook (Dutch origin), meaning 'ghost', is a wonderful name for pet animals.

Feta (Italian origin), meaning 'slice', is a cute name for poultry animals.

Jerky (Quechua origin), meaning 'dried flesh', is a unique domestication name for domestic animals.

Satyr (Greek origin), meaning 'wild animal', is a rare name type for domestic animals for the last several years.

Binky (English origin), meaning 'field of beans', is a cool domestication name for pet animals.

Sparky (Latin origin), meaning 'to scatter', is a fancier name for pet animals.

Niblet (Middle English origin), meaning 'nose', is an exceptional name for domestic animals over the last few years.

Charlie (English origin), meaning 'free man', is a unique name for pet animals.

Ande (Greek origin), meaning 'manly' or 'virile', is a rare name for domestic animals.

Rocky (Italian and German origin), meaning 'rest', is a popular animal name form type.

Dike (Greek origin), meaning 'justice', is a special pet animal name form suitable for a fish.

Alps (Latin origin), meaning 'white', is a common domestication name form for animals like a fish or turkey.

Thunder (French origin), meaning 'one who sheared', is a unique name form for animals.

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Written by Oluniyi Akande

Doctorate specializing in Veterinary Medicine

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Oluniyi AkandeDoctorate specializing in Veterinary Medicine

With an accomplished background as a Veterinarian, SEO content writer, and public speaker, Oluniyi brings a wealth of skills and experience to his work. Holding a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree from the University of Ibadan, he provides exceptional consulting services to pet owners, animal farms, and agricultural establishments. Oluniyi's impressive writing career spans over five years, during which he has produced over 5000 high-quality short- and long-form pieces of content. His versatility shines through as he tackles a diverse array of topics, including pets, real estate, sports, games, technology, landscaping, healthcare, cosmetics, personal loans, debt management, construction, and agriculture.

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Fact-checked by Spandana Kantam

Bachelor of Arts specializing in Political Science and Sociology

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Spandana KantamBachelor of Arts specializing in Political Science and Sociology

Spandana holds a Bachelor's degree in Political Science from Acharya Nagarjuna University. She has a passion for writing and enjoys reading crime and thriller novels while listening to RnB music in her free time.

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