76 Nazgul Names For The Bravest Lord Of The Rings Fans

Anusuya Mukherjee
Jan 15, 2024 By Anusuya Mukherjee
Originally Published on Jun 14, 2022
Edited by Ashima Jain
Fact-checked by Naman Khanna
Nine Nazgûl names will tell you about the black riders who were sent to hunt for the ring of power.

If you have read the epic novels written by J.R.R. Tolkien, then you must be familiar with the quest of the dark lord Sauron to find the one ring.

In order to complete his quest, he sent out nine riders. These nine riders were on black horses to Shire and return to Mordor before the war of the ring.

The Nazgul were mortal men and great lords from the Númenórean race for whom Sauron created the nine rings. The nine Nazgul later transform into fell riders who attacked Frodo for the ring while he was going for the Bucklebury Ferry to reach the Prancing Pony at Bree.

These great lords then attacked Frodo at the Weathertop where he was saved by Aragorn.

Later, to get the ring, Sauron decided to attack Gondor directly, where the Witch King of Angmar led Sauron's forces in the war of the ring. The witch-king is killed separately during the war, while the other eight Nazgûl died separately. Finally, Sauron is also destroyed after the One Ring ends up in the fires of Mount Doom.

If you are a fan of Peter Jackson's on-screen adaptation of Tolkien's greatest story, then the information on the nine Nazgul names will certainly intrigue you. Read on to know more about the Witch-King of Angmar, and the other fell riders from 'Lord of the Rings'.

Nazgul Dragon Names

There are various Nazgul dragons in 'The Lord of the Rings'. It is very interesting to know more about them. Go through the following list of Nazgul dragon names and understand more about them.

Ancalagon is the most powerful dragon ever to exist since the dawn of time in Middle Earth, and it is the chief of the winged dragons of the war of wrath. It was the greatest dragon ever.

Glaurung is known as the father of dragons, and he was the first dragon ever seen in the middle of the earth.

Gondoln’s Fire-Drakes, also known as Uroloki in Quenya, are supremely mighty creatures and can bring down entire cities by themselves.

Scatha is a wingless dragon dating from the time of Morgoth. The scathe was killed around two millennia into the Third Age by Fram, who eventually gave rise to the Rohirrim of Rohan. 

Smaug is the last dragon in Nazgul. It is the main antagonist of 'The Hobbit'. Its fire breathing skills are second only to his penchant for gold and violence.

The Great Cold Drake is one of the few ice-based dragons in middle-earth history, and they first appeared in the war against the Grey mountain dwarves. 

The Winged Dragons of the war of wrath are other powerful warriors who fight in the war of wrath between the vast military forces of Morgoth and the host sent by the Valar to deliver middle earth from its horrifying tyrant.

Wyvern is a legendary dragon in Nazgul that has two legs instead of four, and they are bipedal.

Mortal Names Of The Nazgul

There are various mortal characters in Nazgul. Go through the following list of mortal names of the Nazguland and understand more about them.

Adunaphel the quiet is a unique mortal name of the Nazgul.

Akhorahil The Blind Sorcerer is another unique mortal name of the Nazgul.

Aragorn is the fictional character and main protagonist in J.R.R. Tolkien’s 'The Lord of the Rings'.

Bombadil is the oldest living being in middle earth as per Tolkien’s letters.

Dunedain is the descendants of the Numenoreans who came east to middle earth.

Dwar of Waw is another mortal name of the Nazgul called Dwar of Waw.

Elendil is another mortal character in the Nazgul.

Elrond is another mortal character in the Nazgul.

Frodo is another mortal and one of the protagonists in 'The Lord of the Rings'.

Galadriel is another mortal character who, along with Gandalf and Elrond, has the three Elvish Rings of Power.

Gandalf is another mortal name in Nazgul.

Hoarmurath of Dir is a famous mortal name of the Nazgul.

Isildur is another mortal character who became a Nazgul.

Ji Indur Dawndeath is one of the famous mortal names of the Nazgul.

Legolas is a famous character who has Sindarin nobility in Nazgul.

Ren the Unclean is one of the mortal names of the Nazgul.

Sauron is another mortal name who recovered the seven rings from information provided by Celibrimbor.

Tauriel is a mortal character who was banished from Mirkwood by Thranduil.

The Witch King is famously known as the Black Numenorean prince Er-Murazor. He is also known as the black captain or the Lord of the Nazgûl and is shown wearing the iron crown while leading Sauron's forces in the Return of the King.

Thranduil is another mortal character who has Sindarin nobility in Nazgul.

Tom is another oldest character in the Nazgul.

Treebeard is another mortal name in the Nazgul.

Uvatha The Horseman is another mortal name of the Nazgul.

Nazgul Horse Names

There are various Nazgul horses in 'The Lord of the Rings'. Check out the following list of Nazgul horse names and understand more about them.

Arod (Old English origin), meaning ‘swift’, was a grey-white horse given to Legolas by the riders of Rohan.

Arroch was the horse owned by Hurin Thalion.

Asfaloth was a quick horse with an energetic and steady pace. His color was white.

Bill was another pony bought by Frodo Baggins and his companions in Bree. They fled the Shire on their way to Rivendell.

Bumpkin was one of the five ponies possessed by Merry Brandybuck. Merry Brandybuck made them ready at Crickhollow for the Hobbits to use on their journey.

Fatty Lumpkin was a pony ridden by Tom Bombadil. Fatty Lumpkin belongs to Tom, but he often rode him and was often left to wander free in the wilderness.

Felarof was another intelligent horse like any human. He was the first of the Mearas and could understand the speech of men.

Firefoot was a horse of Rohan who was ridden by Eomer. Firefoot bore Eomer and Gimli from Edoras to Helm’s Deep prior to the Battle of the Hornburg.

Hasufel (Old English origin), meaning ‘grey coat’, was a horse gifted by Eomer to Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli when Eomer’s company encountered them while pursuing the Uruk-hai. 

Nahar is a name inspired by Naechaerra,  which was one of the horses of the  Orome.  It was Nahar’s cry that reminded Orome about the presence of Quendi.

Rochallor was one of the powerful horses of Fingolfin. The king came to the gates of Angband upon the back of Rochallor.

Roheryn means 'lady’s horse' in Sindarin. Roheryn was another powerful horse who played an important role in the war of the ring. 

Shadowfaz was a powerful horse of the leader of the Mearas. He was a gray stallion who had the ability to recognize human communication.

Snowmane was the foal of Lightfoot. He was a great white horse.

Stybba was another pony gifted by King Theoden to Merry Brandybuck. He is a small, shaggy, and grey-colored pony. 

Trivia is another grey Andalusian stallion possessed by Arwen.

Windfola was a gray steed of Eowyn. Eowyn disguised as Dernhelm and rode to the battle of the Pelennor Fields on Windfola.

Nazgul Mount Names

There are various Nazgul mountains in 'The Lord of the Rings'. Go through the following list of Nazgul mount names and understand more about them.

Alan Lee is one of the famous mountains in Nazgul.

Aman Lanc, meaning ‘bald hill’, was one of the famous mountains in which Dol Guldur was built. Dol Guldur was also known as the Hill of Dark Sorcery. It was Sauron’s stronghold and base of operations while he was secretly regaining his power as The Necromancer.

Blue Mountains were a mountain range situated in the far west of Eriador. It is also known as Ered Luin or Ered Lindon.

Erebor, meaning ‘the lonely mountain’, is the aim of the protagonists in 'The Hobbit'.

Ghost Mountain is another famous mountain famous for ghosts in Nazgul.

Grey Mountains were a large mountain range in middle earth located to the north of Rhovanion. It is also known as Ered Mithrin.

Minas Morgul was a city famous as the Tower of the Moon. Minas Morgul was the twin city of Minas Tirith.

Misty Mountains is the place where the final fight of an epic instance takes place.

Mount Chimborazo is situated in the middle of the earth.

Mount Doom is another mountain in Nazgul on which Sauron is on.

Sematary is another higher region in Nazgul.

Nazgul King Names

There are numerous Nazgul kings in 'The Lord of the Rings'. Check out the following list of Nazgul king names and understand more about them.

Khamul was the Lord of the Fasterlings. He was known as Khamul the Black Easterling.

Tainted was one of the  Nazgul kings. He has the particular ability to destroy things in nature. The greenery in nature will destruct by his mere presence, and animals will lose their energy.  His mere presence is poison to life, honor, and hope.

The Bane of Rhun was once an Easterling king and the recipient of Sakhla.

The Betrayer was a mighty Nazgul king.

The Black Blade of Lebennin was once a Numenorean king and was the recipient of Sapthan which means ‘Foolstone’.

The Cursed Rider is an Easterling king and the recipient of Sakhla, which is meant for the cruel one. He was the lieutenant of Dol Goldur in Black Easterling.

The Dark Marshall was another powerful Nazgul king. 

The Dwimmerlaik is one of the Nazguls who has various secrets. The Dwimmerlaik is a man whom Nazguls feared as he knows everything about the stories of the past. 

The Foresaken Reaver was once a Southron king and the recipient of Khant, which means ‘pain giver’.

The Gloom of Nurn was once a Numenorean king and was the recipient of Nitir, which means ‘terror’s sting’.

The Grim Southron was once a king of the Southron people and was the recipient of Juru, which means ‘herald of mourning’.

The High Sorcerer of Harad was once a king of Southron and was the recipient of Mebat, which means ‘mirth eater’.

The Knight of Umbar was a powerful Numenorean king. He once ruled the Southlands.

The Shadow Lord is another unnamed Nazgul who can transform into different forms depending on the player’s choice. 

The Undying, who was the fifth of the Nazgul, was also known as the Blind Sorcerer and the Gloom of Nurn.

The Witch King of Angmar was the chief of the Nazgul and was the king of Angmar and Sauron’s great captain. He was nearly indestructible, a terrifying warrior and a cunning strategist.

The Woe of Khand, also known as the Reaver of Khand, was an Easterling king and was the recipient of Adash.

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https://dragons.fandom.com/wiki/Fellbeast#:~:text=Fellbeasts are monstrous wyvern-like their good-aligned counterparts.

http://tolkiengateway.net/wiki/Nazgûl#:~:text=All the Nazgûl are namedand The Knight of Umbar.


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Written by Anusuya Mukherjee

Bachelor of Arts and Law specializing in Political Science and Intellectual Property Rights

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Anusuya MukherjeeBachelor of Arts and Law specializing in Political Science and Intellectual Property Rights

With a wealth of international experience spanning Europe, Africa, North America, and the Middle East, Anusuya brings a unique perspective to her work as a Content Assistant and Content Updating Coordinator. She holds a law degree from India and has practiced law in India and Kuwait. Anusuya is a fan of rap music and enjoys a good cup of coffee in her free time. Currently, she is working on her novel, "Mr. Ivory Merchant".

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Fact-checked by Naman Khanna

Bachelor of Arts specializing in English Literature

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Naman KhannaBachelor of Arts specializing in English Literature

An English literature graduate from Delhi University, Naman's broad interests include mathematics, science, and social science. With his knowledge and expertise in multiple subjects, he is an asset to our fact-checking team. Naman is set to pursue his postgraduate degree in English literature soon.

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