25+ Tank Nicknames

Sakshi Raturi
Feb 16, 2024 By Sakshi Raturi
Originally Published on Mar 28, 2023
Edited by Rutvij Joshi
25+ Tank Nicknames
Photo by Gabriel Lenca on Unsplash

World of Tanks is a multiplayer online game created by Wargaming, a Belarusian company.

This game features 20th-century combat vehicles. The game is built on a freemium business model, meaning participants can play the game for free, but they have to pay a fee to avail of the premium features.

The World of Tanks has five types of vehicles: self-propelled artillery, tank destroyers, heavy, medium, and light. Over 600 armored vehicles from Czechoslovakia, China, Britain, the United States, the Soviet Union, Sweden, Poland, Japan, Germany, Italy, and France are in the game. Each tank has a different impulse value that makes them unique.

Fans, players, and members of the community have nicknamed most of these tanks and vehicles depending on their size, features, power, abilities, and shape. While some of these names are funny, some have been deduced from the original name itself.

The main aim is to assign simple nicknames to these tanks that are easy to remember or pronounce and give an idea about the tank.

Cool Tank Nicknames

Check out these cool nicknames for Tank that your friend will love.

  • Bath Tub- A cool and funny nickname.
  • Hulk- If he is bulky like the hulk.
  • Cheeto- It means brave. Perfect for someone who loves taking risks.
  • The Mutant- The M2A6E1 tank is nicknamed The Mutant. These tanks grabbed the limelight after being put on sale for the first time in the past six years. This tank got the nickname, The Mutant, due to its enormous turret that makes it look like it has a mutated head.
  • Pancake- Pancake is the nickname for the medium tank named Object 416 Soviet. This tank got the nickname Pancake because of its extremely low profile.
  • Batmobile- The 'Bat.-Châtillon 25 t' medium tank has two nicknames - Bat-Chat or Batmobile. Both these nicknames are based on the tank's name itself. Since 'Bat.-Châtillon 25 t' is a tad difficult to say, people refer to simple terms.

Best Tank Nicknames

Check out the best Tank nicknames.

  • Zoom Turtle/ Doom Turtle- These two nicknames belong to the American T95 tank destroyer. The T95 in World of Tanks' original version was known for its heavy armor and turtle-slow speed of movement. This invited the name Doom Turtle. Later, the T95 tank's movement speed was given a push, and it acquired another name - Zoom Turtle.
  • Waffle- The Waffentrager Auf E 100 was named the Waffle. It was a German tank destroyer. Later, the tank was removed from the game and replaced with the Grille 15. Waffle got the name from its original name. Many players are rooting for its return to the World of Tanks.
  • PB08 Crusher
  • Hydra IS-6
  • Duck- The AMX 40 was nicknamed Duck because of its shape. Duck is a well-known nickname among the World of Tanks community. It even created a spoof video containing an Earth-inspired funny planet as the AMX 40's natural habitat. Players have also taken the name to the next level by designing their rubber-based duck skins for the tank.
  • Flak Bus/ Flak Toaster/ Toaster: German Panzer Selbstfahrlafette IVc has the nicknames Flak Bus, Flak Toaster, or Toaster. Flak is the German phrase for the word 'anti-aircraft'. The World of Tanks community granted the name Flak Bus, Toaster, or Flak Toaster to the Pz. Sfl. IVc, the tank has a box-like shape that vaguely resembles a toaster or bus.

Unique Tank Nicknames

Check out these unique Tank nicknames.

  • Spicy Tank- The German Spähpanzer SP 1. C tank earned the nickname from the letters of the second half of the original name.
  • Turanasaurus-The 'Turán III prototípus' Premium tank got the funny nickname Turanasaurus. This tank is a Hungarian prototype.
  • Cockroach- The 'German E 25 Premium tank destroyer' got this nickname due to its cockroach-like appearance and knack for survival.
  • Mighty Behemoth VK 168.01 (P)- It is a new German Premium VK 168.01 (P). It is massive and heavily armored.
  • Torment
  • LDQ6 Beast

Funny Tank Nicknames

Check out these funny Tank nicknames.

  • Perseverance
  • Mini Maus- Mini Maus is the nickname of one of the rarest tanks in the World of Tanks 'Pz community. Kpfw. 38H 735 (f)'. The Mini Maus was selected as the nickname for this tank considering its all-around impressive armor like the Maus.
  • Death Star- The 'FV215B 183' is given this nickname for its powerful gun that may not destroy planets but surely appears to be doing so sometimes.
  • TM-02 Khan-jali- The Khanjali tank is a modern light tank having a build similar to the Rhino tank. It has a stealthy body, and its shape and overall purpose is based on the 'PL-01 Polish light tank'.
  • OY75 Gurkha
  • Send UDES- This nickname is given to a Swedish tank, 'UDES 03'. This may not appear to be a proper nickname, but this is what it is.
  • HMS Togboat- This is the nickname of the 'TOG II'. This tank is also called 'landship' or 'land yacht'. This tank is ship-like, and players also got an opportunity to sail in their temporary Tog Boat mode available for 2016's April Fools’ Day.
  • Easy 8/ E8- The 'M4A3E8 American medium tank' has multiple nicknames like the Easy 8 or E8. This tank is a better and faster version of the regular M4 Sherman. This particular nickname also helps to differentiate it from the M4A3E2 Sherman Jumbo.

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Written by Sakshi Raturi

Postgraduate Diploma in Management

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Sakshi RaturiPostgraduate Diploma in Management

Sakshi has experience in marketing strategy, social media planning, and recruiting industry experts for capstone projects, she has displayed a commitment to enhancing their skills and knowledge. She has won multiple awards, including a Certificate of Appreciation for Creative Writing and a Certificate of Merit for Immaculate Turut, and is always seeking new opportunities to grow and develop.

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