Top 105+ Best Avatar Names

Georgia Stone
Dec 12, 2023 By Georgia Stone
Originally Published on Nov 18, 2020
Anime fans portray characters

Why Avatar Names?

The Avatar franchise is one of the most popular today animated series today. The American animated TV series 'Avatar: The Last Airbender' aired between February 2005 and July 2008.

'The Legend Of Korra', the American sequel to the previous show, aired between April 2012 and December 2014. This world is a fictional one where some characters can control the elements of nature: water, air, fire, or earth.

Only the Avatar can control all four elements and maintain the world's balance.

The 'Avatar: The Last Airbender' franchise received critical acclaim and turned out to be a success due to its well-crafted characters, cultural references, themes, and humor. The show also touches upon some serious issues that should be addressed in youth entertainment.

Some of the many issues the series deals with through a depiction of the lives of 'Avatar: The Last Airbender' characters include gender, race, war, totalitarianism, free choice, and genocide. These characters have unique names and stories.

What Parents Should Know

'Avatar: The Last Bender' is an animated TV series that aired on Nickelodeon for three seasons.

The series was highly rated and acclaimed. It won an Emmy award, a Kids' Choice award, a Genesis award, a Peabody award, and five Annie awards.

The series blends the Asian influence into a western world. It infuses Chinese martial arts and elemental manipulation as the main pillars of the story.

This series gives kids an insight into the Asian world, history, and practices.

It showcases several positive themes, such as honesty, friendship, forgiveness, and family.

Adults and kids can watch and enjoy this series, making it an excellent family show.

What To Discuss With Kids

The Avatar series provides knowledge about the four elements of this world - fire, water, earth, and air.

It is a funny, smart, and thoughtful show which revolves around how a bender uses the elements for good purposes.

The show exists because of a documentary about Ernest Shackleton and was originally set in a futuristic world.

Dalai Lama was the inspiration for Monk Gyatso’s name, and Toph was almost a male character.

Avatar Names For Boys

1. Aang: The series' primary Airbender protagonist. Rescued by Katara and Sokka, Aang learns to control the elements of fire, water, and earth, in addition to air, and defeats the Lord of the Fire Nation.

2. Afiko: An airbender from the Southern Air Temple, who is called 'The Betrayer'.

3. Aiwei: A fugitive of the Earth Kingdom and a truth seer.

4. Amon: Leader of the Equalists revolutionary group who wants to rid the world of benders.

5. Arnook: The Northern Water tribe's chief towards the end of the Hundred Year War.

6. Azulon: Sozin's son who ruled the Fire Nation for most of the Hundred Year War.

7. Baatar: Suyin Bei Fong's husband and an architect who created the Zaofu metal city.

8. Bato: Southern Water Tribe member and Hakoda's close friend.

9. Bolin: An earthbender and Mako's younger brother.

10. Boma: Guardian to Avatar Yangchen, who accompanied her to official duties on the nun's instruction of the Western Air Temple.

11. Bujing: The Fire Nation army's High General, known for his ruthlessness and efficient battlefield strategies.

12. Bumi: The firstborn of Aang and Katara and the only nonbender who learned air-bending skills.

13. Butakha: He owns the Pro-bending Arena in Republic City and is the director of the Pro-Bending League.

14. Cam: The front desk manager of the Republic City's Four Elements Hotel.

15. Chaejin: Belongs to the Fire Nation and is the leader of the Saowon Clan.

16. Chaeryu: The Fire Nation ruler who preceded Fire Lord Zoryu.

17. Chan: A resident of Ember Island and son of Fire Nation Admiral Chan.

18. Chey: Disciple of Jeong Jeong and an explosives expert. He was only the second person who deserted the Fire Nation army and managed to live.

19. Chin: Called 'Chin The Great' in Chin Village, he was an earthbending warlord who wanted to defeat the 46th Earth King. He successfully launched a conquest of the Earth Kingdom.

20. Chit Sang: He was a prisoner at the Fire Nation's Boiling Rock prison. He maintained that he was innocent and had been falsely accused of the crime he was convicted for.

21. Chong: A simple-minded and easy-going nomad who traversed the world with his wife, Lily, telling stories and playing blissful songs. He helped Avatar Aang and his friends reach Omashu by telling them about the Cave Of Two Lovers.

22. Chow: A fruit merchant from the Earth Kingdom belonging to the Lower Ring of Ba Sing Se. He is San's brother and Mako and Bolin's uncle.

23. Chung: A phonograph vendor in the Triple Treat Triad territorial region of Republic City. He pays a protection fee so that he does not encounter hostility when the gang visits the area.

24. Dairin: The Fire Nation chancellor during Fire Lord Zoryu's reign. He played the role of Head Palace Historian during this time and was one of the earliest Avatar scholars.

25. Daw: A regular shoemaker of Republic City who found out about his airbending skills after the 171 AG Harmonic Convergence. He then studied under Tenzin.

26. Desna: Chief Unalaq's son and successive leader of the Nothern Water Tribe. Avatar Korra's cousin.

27. Ding: The tiny Fire Nation village resident is the only one who escaped the moon monster that would capture anyone venturing into the woods during a full moon.

28. Dock / Xu / Bushi: A citizen of the Fire Nation who ended up splitting his personality because of dysfunction caused by drinking toxin-laden water from the Jang Hui River. One of the minor but most interesting characters in the show.

29. Due: A native waterbender of the Earth Kingdom's Foggy Swamp tribe.

30. Fat: A swordsman and butler to Piandao. He also trained Piandao's students.

31. Feng: A pet shop owner in Republic City.

32. Fong: A remarkable earthbender and highly ranked officer in the Earth Kingdom Army known for his out-of-the-ordinary tactics and aggressive strategy.

33. Fung: A loyal Order Of The White Lotus member whose flower shop was used as the secret meeting place for the group.

34. Ganbat: The bison rustlers' leader who would trap calves near the Northern Air Temple.

35. Gansu: A farmer in the Earth kingdom.

36. Ghashiun: Sandbender tribe member residing in the Si Wong Desert. Sha-Mo and Yulduz's son.

37. Ghazan: A master earthbender and Red Lotus member who tried to kidnap Avatar Korra and was put under criminal custody by Order Of The White Lotus.

38. Gilak: Warrior of the Southern Water Tribe who aided Hakoda in the fight against the Fire Nation in the Hundred Year War.

39. Gombo: The motorized Earth Kingdom gang leader who opposed Earth Queen Hou-Ting's rule.

40. Gommu: One of the nomads residing in Republic City who used to work as a telegraph operator.

41. Gow: Commander of a tiny soldiers' group in the Earth Kingdom village.

42. Guan: During Kuvira's rule, he was the leader of the southern forces of the Earth Empire.

43. Gun: One of the most noteworthy royalists of the Earth Kingdom after the fall of the monarchy and Ba Sing Se's Grand Secretariat.

44. Guo: An acupuncturist and alternative medicine specialist living in Zaofu.

45. Guri: Constable Sung's son, born just before the Hundred Year War ended.

46. Gyatso: Father figure, guardian, and mentor to Avatar Aang prior to the Hundred Year War. As per Avatar Aang, he was part of the Council of Elders and is considered the world's greatest airbender of his time.

47. Hahn: A Nothern Water Tribe soldier focused on the Hundred Year War.

48. Hakoda: Father of Sokka and Katara and Chief of the Southern Water Tribe.

49. Ham Ghao: A gossipmonger among the Sun Warriors.

50. Hark: Earthbender and father of Avatar Kyoshi.

51. Haru: Teenage earthbender who joined Hakoda's forces to invade the Fire Nation.

52. Hasook: A waterbender from Republic City.

53. Hiroshi: Earthbender renowned for his earth tunneling technique, and Genji, his rock dragon.

54. Hiryu: Waterbender from the Northern Water Tribe.

55. Huu: Native waterbending master of the Earth Kingdom's Foggy Swamp tribe and the tribe's wisest member.

56. Jet: Leader of the Freedom Fighters who antagonizes soldiers of the Fire Nation.

57. Kunyo: A firebending teacher who was Zuko and Azula's master initially and then went on to run Master Kunyo's Firebending Dojo.

58. Kuon: A farmer from the Earth Kingdom who started developing airbending skills after the Harmonic Convergence.

59. Kuvira: Metalbender and leader of the Earth kingdom.

60. Kuzon: Aang's Fire Nation friend before the Hundred Year War.

61. Mako: A firebender and orphan who grew up on the Republic City streets.

62. Ozai: The Fire Nation's ruler during the last years of the Hundred Year War.

63. Pao: Pao Family Tea House owner in Ba Sing Se.

64. Roku: The Avatar incarnation before Aang. He serves as a mentor to Aang many times in the series.

65. Sokka: Katara's brother and warrior from the Southern Water tribe who joins Aang in his quest to defeat the Lord of the Fire Nation. Sokka is a real name that means 'to inquire'.

66. Sozin: The genocidal Fire Nation leader.

67. Tarrlok: The last Nothern Water Tribe representative serving on the United Republic Council.

68. Tenzin: Katara and Aang's youngest child and the oldest airbending master alive from among 'The Legend Of Korra' characters.

69. Tho: A native waterbender of the Earth Kingdom's Foggy Swamp tribe and a close friend of Due.

70. Tonraq: Chief of the Southern Water tribe from 'The Legend Of Korra'.

71. Unalaq: The first and only Dark Avatar and Tonraq's younger brother.

72. Wan: Name of the first Avatar who persevered to bring balance between humanity and the spirits.

73. Wu: The Earth Kingdom's 54th sovereign from the Hou-Ting dynasty.

74. Xin Fu: The host and promoter of the Earth Rumble, an underground earthbending tournament.

75. Xu Ping An: Leader to the Yellow Necks, an army responsible for destroying the Earth Kingdom in the latter part of the fourth century BG.

76. Zaheer: Red Lotus leader and martial arts expert.

77. Zei: A professor and Ba Sing Se University's head of the Department Of Anthropology.

78. Zhao: An admiral of the Fire Nation who is the main rival of Zuko and in pursuit of Aang.

79. Zuko: Originally the series' main antagonist, who later becomes the tragic hero. He rejects the Fire Nation but is ultimately made Fire Lord and ends the war.

Avatar Names For Girls

80. Analay: A unique bender specializing in shadowbending.

81. Aoma: Earthbender and daughter of Yokoya, the village captain.

82. Asami Sato: Industrialist, businesswoman, and engineer who fought against the Equalists, although her father, Hiroshi Sato, worked with the Equalists.

83. Ashuna: Katara and Sokka's acquaintance and a Southern Water Tribe resident.

84. Atuat: A doctor and master healer from the Northern Water tribe.

85. Azula: The antagonist in the series' last two seasons. She is a firebender who lacks empathy and has a cruel temperament.

86. Chio: A skilled origami artist and resident of the Maizu village who gained confidence in her ability to inspire others through her art, thanks to Katara.

87. Elua: Confidant who served Ursa and Prince Ozai in the Fire Nation.

88. Eska: Chief Unalaq's daughter and successive leader of the Nothern Water Tribe. Avatar Korra's cousin.

89. Ginger: An actress working for Varrick.

90. Giya: A waterfront village resident trained by Suki in defensive combat after meeting her at Seashell San's House Of Shells.

91. Hama: Master of waterbending from the Southern Water Tribe.

92. Hei-Ran: Firebending teacher of Avatar Kuruk.

93. Hei-Won: Co-founder of the Official Avatar Aang Fan Club and one of the earliest Air Acolytes.

94. Jinora: She is the granddaughter of Avatar Aang and Katara and the youngest airbending master.

95. Katara: The name of the last waterbender from the Southern Water Tribe who teaches Aang waterbending. 

96. Korra: The Avatar incarnation from 'The Legend Of Korra' show who succeeds Avatar Aang.

97. Kya: The only daughter and waterbending child of Katara and Avatar Aang.

98. Lin Bei Fong: Daughter of Toph Bei Fong and the Republic City Police Department's Chief of Police.

99. Mai: Lover of Zuko, she is an expert at light weaponry.

100. Pema: An Air Acolyte and Tenzin's wife.

101. Suki: She is the leader of the Kyoshi Warriors and a skilled fighter.

102. Suyin Bei Fong: Founder as well as the leader of Zaofu, she is Toph Bei Fong's daughter.

103. Toph Bei Fong: She is a blind controller of the earth who teaches Aang earthbending and invents metalbending.

104. Ty Lee: She accompanies Azula and Mai to capture the Avatar, Zuko, and Iroh.

105. Xing Ying: Founder and president of the Yu Dao Avatar Aang Official Fan Club chapter. She was the first of the Air Acolytes, having been taught the Air Nomads' ways by Avatar Aang.

106. Yue: She is the daughter of the Northern Water Tribe's Chief, Arnook.

107. Zirin: Joined the Fire Warriors after being released from a mental health facility by Azula.

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Written by Georgia Stone

Bachelor of Arts specializing in French with Film Studies, Bachelor of Arts (Year Abroad) specializing in Literature, History, Language, Media, and Art

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Georgia StoneBachelor of Arts specializing in French with Film Studies, Bachelor of Arts (Year Abroad) specializing in Literature, History, Language, Media, and Art

Georgia is an experienced Content Manager with a degree in French and Film Studies from King's College London and Bachelors degree from Université Paris-Sorbonne. Her passion for exploring the world and experiencing different cultures was sparked during her childhood in Switzerland and her year abroad in Paris. In her spare time, Georgia enjoys using London's excellent travel connections to explore further afield.

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