37 Pregnancy Facts: Things You Should Be Aware of In Time

Rajnandini Roychoudhury
Sep 08, 2022 By Rajnandini Roychoudhury
Originally Published on Mar 28, 2022
Edited by Rhea Nischal
Pregnancy facts are quite informative to women. Learn some here at Kidadl!

Pregnancy begins with the fertilization and implantation of the egg.

It takes an average of nine months for the development of the fetus. Symptoms start to appear after two to three weeks of fertilization.

Pregnancy comes with a large number of significant changes in the mother as well as the fetus. With each passing day of gestation, remarkable fetal developments take place, which can be observed by undergoing an ultrasound test.

Let's dive in to find out some interesting pregnancy facts!

Signs And Symptoms

The signs and symptoms of pregnancy vary with each trimester and change with the developing fetus. Also, the symptoms depend on the physiology of the women.

Irregular Or Missed Menstruation: The first sign to look for if you're not sure if you're pregnant is a missed menstruation.This sign, however, may be deceptive because a missed or irregular menstrual cycle can occur due to a variety of factors such as lifestyle changes, medication, and genetic factors.

Swollen Or Tender Breasts: Sore and sensitive breasts are signs of pregnancy as the body prepares the mammary glands for milk production during this period.

Nausea: The feeling of vomiting and nausea, especially in the early mornings, take place during the initial days of pregnancy in pregnant women.

Increased Urination: As the blood pressure increases, the kidneys tend to process more fluid, which is stored in the urinary bladder. This raises the urge of urinating. Also, in the final weeks of gestation, the developing fetus in the womb exerts pressure on the urinary bladder of the mother, which also causes the need to frequently urinate.

Because of the pregnancy hormones, fatigue, mood swings, and heightened sense occur in pregnant women.

Bloating: Bloating takes place in a pregnant woman in the initial days and also in the days before the baby is born.

Constipation: It is also common due to the slowing down of metabolism and intake of iron.

Cramps: Mild uterine cramping occurs in early pregnancy.

Spotting: Light spotting, also called implantation bleeding, is a very common sign noticed in pregnant women. It is due to the embedding of the fertilized egg in the endometrium.

Other Signs: Food aversions and nasal congestion, which are also commonly seen in pregnant women.

Timeline And Physiology

There are three trimesters in pregnancy. Significant fetal changes take place in each passing week until the parturition takes place. The timeline of pregnancy and the distinct physiological changes observed in the developing embryo are discussed below.

The time of pregnancy is measured from the last menstrual period (LMP) of the mother till the end of pregnancy (EOP).

During the first two weeks of pregnancy, the egg is fertilized in the ampullary-isthmic junction of the fallopian tube by the sperms. Only one sperm, which has the best motility and structure, is able to fertilize the ovum.

At the end of fertilization, the formation of the zygote takes place by the fusion of the genetic materials. This marks the beginning of pregnancy.

The fertilized egg starts diving and moving towards the uterus. Once it reaches the uterus, implantation occurs, when the zygote embeds itself in the wall of the uterus (endometrium). It typically takes about three to four days to reach the uterus. The formation of the amniotic fluid also takes place around this time, when the baby is growing.

After 5 weeks of the embryonic stage, the major internal organs begin to develop.

A primitive circulatory system with a feeble heartbeat forms along with the development of the umbilical cord and the limb buds.

During weeks seven to eight, the heart, webbed toes, and fingers are fully formed.

During weeks 9-10, the external sex organs are fully formed with the disappearance of the tail and growth of the toes, fingers.

During weeks 11-12, the fetus can be measured from the head to its buttocks, also called crown-rump length (CRL). Hair growth is also seen. All the major internal and external organs are formed and the fetus starts to make spontaneous movements.

A full-term pregnancy is known to last for about 40 weeks, after which parturition takes place. A hormone which called oxytocin plays an important role in gestation and parturition.

Diagnosis And Management

The diagnosis and management of a healthy pregnancy are stated below.

During pregnancy, the brain sends a signal to the placenta to produce a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG). It can be detected in the urine and blood of a pregnant woman.

Pregnancy detection kits are available worldwide that help in detecting the HCG from a urine sample.

Ultrasonography is the most accurate method of diagnosis of pregnancy and is performed by a healthcare professional.

Sometimes, a physical examination of the pregnant woman is conducted by the healthcare professional.

The medical history of the pregnant woman is asked by the doctors to help them with pregnancy management.

In the case of abnormal or ectopic pregnancies, the pregnancy is terminated in the first trimester only.

Physicians also take a detailed note of the history of conceptions and tubal surgery that pregnant women have undergone.

Complications And Diseases In Pregnancy

Various complications and diseases can take place during pregnancy and also while babies are being born. The most commonly known complication experienced by pregnant women is given below.

High blood pressure, especially during the third trimester

Gestational diabetes is seen in women who have high blood pressure.

Miscarriage in women can take place, especially in teen pregnancy or in women over the age of 35.

Infections like urinary tract infections and bacterial vaginosis are very common.

There is a risk of hepatitis B and influenza in the early stages.

The incidence of acidity with spicy foods.

Preeclampsia, or damage to vital organs like the liver and kidney, can take place in expectant mothers.

An increased risk of anemia or low RBC count in the mother is a common complication.

Preterm labor can occur before the 37th week of pregnancy.

Placenta previa is another condition where the placenta covers the cervix, which blocks normal delivery of the babies.


What is the weirdest thing about pregnancy?

The weirdest thing about pregnancy is the feeling of clogginess, even though there are no signs or symptoms of coughing or cold. This is mainly because the mucous membranes swell up as a result of increased blood flow and a high hormonal rate.

What do first-time moms need to know about pregnancy?

First-time moms should know that being happy during pregnancy is extremely crucial for the developing fetus. Taking plenty of naps with regular exercise, binging on your favorite food, and going shopping are some of the things that can make pregnant moms happy. A birth plan should be made beforehand to provide the newborn with all the necessary items.

How soon can you take a pregnancy test?

Pregnancy is marked by the rise of a hormone called Human Chorionic Gonadotrohphic (HCG) hormone in the blood. This can be detected only after successful fertilization of the ovum. It is, therefore, best to wait to take the pregnancy test until a week or two after missing the last menstrual cycle.

When to take a pregnancy test?

Positive pregnancy results are obtained with the increase in HCG hormone in the blood, which you can only detect after a week or two of the last missed menstrual cycle. Early pregnancy can also be detected by some of the very sensitive pregnancy tests available.

What is a chemical pregnancy?

A chemical pregnancy is known to be an early miscarriage that usually occurs within the first five weeks of pregnancy, mainly due to chromosomal problems with the zygote or hormonal issues. In such cases, the zygote forms and implantation takes place as well. However, the development of the fetus stops in the initial stages. This results in miscarriage.

When do pregnancy symptoms start?

Pregnancy symptoms start after two to three weeks of fertilization in the ampullary-isthmic junction of the fallopian tube.

How many weeks is a full term pregnancy?

A full-term pregnancy is known to last for about 40 weeks, which is 280 days to be exact.

When does nausea start in pregnancy?

Nausea typically starts in the sixth week of pregnancy. Some women can also experience morning sickness as early as the second week of pregnancy.

How much weight is gained during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, a woman can gain weight of up to 35 lb (16 kg). Weight gain depends on the body mass index of women.

When does ectopic pregnancy pain start?

Symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy, including pain, start between the fourth and 12th weeks of gestation.

How many trimesters are there in a pregnancy?

There are three trimesters in pregnancy.

How many ultrasounds during pregnancy?

At least two ultrasounds are required during pregnancy, the first one being taken in the first trimester when the due date is confirmed, and the second taking place at about 18-22 weeks when the sex and normal anatomy of the baby are checked.

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Written by Rajnandini Roychoudhury

Bachelor of Arts specializing in English, Master of Arts specializing in English

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Rajnandini RoychoudhuryBachelor of Arts specializing in English, Master of Arts specializing in English

With a Master of Arts in English, Rajnandini has pursued her passion for the arts and has become an experienced content writer. She has worked with companies such as Writer's Zone and has had her writing skills recognized by publications such as The Telegraph. Rajnandini is also trilingual and enjoys various hobbies such as music, movies, travel, philanthropy, writing her blog, and reading classic British literature. 

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