Fronted Adverbials (KS2) Made Easy For Parentslanguage

Megan Wynne
Dec 12, 2023 By Megan Wynne
Originally Published on Aug 04, 2020
Girl sat at desk writing in a notebook and looking at a tablet.

We use fronted adverbials all the time without even knowing it. It's ingrained in the way we speak and write, the tough part is figuring out the technicalities.

When teaching children the intricate rules of the English language things can get very confusing very quickly. With the help of this guide fronted adverbials you can avoid headaches and confidently help your child to learn how to use fronted adverbials.

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What Is An Adverbial?

An adverbial is a word that gives more information about the action or description in a sentence. It can describe how something happens or in what way.

Generally they build upon the "who, what, where, when, why and how" constructs that are already in place in a piece of writing. This creates specific details within the language that's already being used and overall enriches the communication, making a clearer image of the story for readers to understand.

They are a really useful tool when doing creative writing.

Understanding how they are used can take a bit of time but with patience and a clear mind you will see that they are not as complicated as they seem. Here are a few examples so you can identify what an adverbial looks like.

They can be an adverb, a word that describes a verb. For example;"slowly", "happily", "greedily".

They also come in short phrases, ie "over there", "earlier today", "very pleased".

Fronted adverbials are adverbials placed at the beginning of a sentence. There are five categories that fronted adverbials can fall under; Time, Frequency, Place, Manner and Degree. These headings make it easier for teaching  children to recognise which words are fronted adverbials and how they can be used. Let's go through them together and use examples:


Fronted adverbials in this category refer to moments, describing when something will happen/has happened. These adverbials can be about a specific date or any general moment. As long as it gives information about the "when", then it belongs under the heading of time.

"Yesterday we had pizza for dinner."

"Next year we are going on holidays."

"All of a sudden it started to rain."


This category of fronted adverbials tells us how often something will happen/has happened. These kinds of fronted adverbials can also be numerical, telling us how many of something there is or what order something has happened in.

They are used in a similar way to the time heading however these adverbials refer to the amount of times the action has or hasn't occurred, not necessarily telling us the "when".

"Sometimes they go to the park after school."

"Every day the children do their homework."

"Never before has she seen a tiger."

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These fronted adverbials describe where the events of the sentence are happening. It can be a named place like countries and cities, for example "In London", or it could simply refer to "over there".

If you are giving directions a fronted adverbial could sound like "upstairs", or "under the bed". It could be as specific or general as you like, if it reveals more about the "where" of a sentence, then it belongs under the heading of Place.

"In the distance they could see a rainbow."

"On the farm you will meet a lot of animals."

"Next to the shop they met their friends."


The fronted adverbials in this category are technically the same as adverbs, they are used to describe in what way something occurred. They can be one word or more often appear as a short phrase with multiple words.

"Without a sound, the dancers moved across the stage."

"Excitedly, the dog wagged his tail."

"Cool as a cucumber, she walked away."


This kind of fronted adverbial is reveals to what degree something has happened, in an emotional sense. It describes in what way the events of the sentence were carried out.

They do the same job as adverbs but the fronted adverbial method of these descriptions usually come in small phrases. This can be tricky to explain but given the following adverbial examples it's easier to understand how they are used.

"Completely confident, she made her presentation."

"Somewhat confused, they decided to keep going."

"With great care, the children prepared the meal."

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Hopefully after reading this guide the fronted adverbials seem less daunting and more accessible for both you and your child. If you wanted to further this teaching with some homework, try getting your child to do a simple sentence building exercise.

Write a list of adverbials and ask your child to place them in the correct category, from then you can use them to write simple sentences as shown in the examples above.

There are also plenty of worksheets with varying difficulty that deal with this topic online. Some of them ask to underline the fronted adverbials, some get you to place them in the correct syntax order and others will have you create your own phrases.

You can search for one online, print it out and go through it together. With patience and reassurance your children will be adverbial experts in no time!

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Written by Megan Wynne

Bachelor's degree specializing in Art

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Megan WynneBachelor's degree specializing in Art

Dublin resident Megan is a lover of all things artistic. She's currently pursuing a degree in Art and enjoys experimenting with photography and painting. When she's not in the darkroom or the studio, you can find her enjoying the newest films at the cinema. She also loves spending quality time with her two younger sisters and discovering new things to do in the city.

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