110 Amazon Names For Your Little Agile Warrior

Akinwalere Olaleye
Jan 15, 2024 By Akinwalere Olaleye
Originally Published on Jun 15, 2022
Edited by Ashima Jain
Fact-checked by Pratiti Nath
A number of ancient Amazon names find their roots in a famous story, culture of Asia, or are inspired by historical men and women.

Whether it be Amazon women's names or Amazon rainforest plants' names, the meaning goes much beyond what it may first appear.

Over the course of time, the history and culture of Amazon have inspired various names for men and women across different segments of society. You can find a number of names whose founder or origin is not known.

Amazon Women Names

In Greek mythology, the Amazons were a mythological organization or race of female warriors, many of whom even have a temple dedicated to them. The majority of them are only mentioned in passing in one or two sources, either as Penthesilea's Trojan War comrades or as being murdered by Heracles during his 12 labors.

Agave (Greek Origin), meaning ‘illustrious, noble’, was an amazon warrior who was killed in a battle. 

Alcippe (Greek Origin), meaning ‘daughter of Ares’, was a virgin Amazon who resolved to keep her virginity. Heracles murdered her during her eighth labor.

Alke (Greek Origin) means ‘prowess, courage’, and is called an important figure from the ancient world.

Antiope (Greek origin) had been severely injured and was unable to defend herself against Theseus and his men. Knowing this, Molpadia used arrows (others claim a spear) to assassinate the queen, sparing her from the Athenian king's enslavement. The claim regarding arrows is not confirmed.

Asteria (Greek Origin), meaning ‘of the stars’, was the ninth Amazon killed by Heracles when he came for Hippolyte's girdle.

Celaeno ( (Greek Origin), meaning of thr word is ‘the dark one’, was an Amazon. She was killed by Heracles whilst he was undertaking the ninth labor.

Creusa (Greek Origin), meaning ‘princess’, was an Amazon spearwoman.

Deianira (Greek Origin), meaning ‘man-destroyer’, is an Amazon killed by Heracles during his quest for the girdle of Hippolyta.

Dioxippe (Latin Origin) means ‘an Amazon’, was a mother and powerful woman who is well known in Asia.

Eriboea (Greek Origin), meaning ‘wife of Aloeus’, was one of the Amazons. 

Euryale (Greek origin) means ‘far-roaming’ and is a common name from the ancient world.

Glauce (Greek Origin) means ‘blue-gray’ and is a common name for the daughter of god.

Hippolyta (Greek Origin) is another word for 'horse' and an important name in history. The name of her son was Hippolytus.

Lysippe (Greek Origin), meaning ‘an Amazon', was the Amazon mother of the river god Tanais.

Melanippe (Greek Origin), meaning ‘black mare’, was an Amazon and daughter of Ares, sister of Hippolyta, Penthesilea, and Antiope. Melanippe served for many years.

Menippe (Greek Origin), meaning ‘the courageous mare’, was a member of the Amazons. 

Molpadia (Greek origin), meaning ‘divine song’, was an Amazon from the Ama tribe who is reported to have battled for both Antiope and Orithyia. A popular female name that exudes power.

Mytilene (Greek Origin) was Myrina's Amazonian sister. A popular female name that exudes power.

Tecmessa (Greek origin), meaning ‘just’, was one of the Amazons killed by Heracles in his quest for the girdle of Hippolyte.

Theseus (Greek origin), meaning 'death song', is the name of a warrior queen who served in the army and attacked the enemies. 

Xanthe (Greek Origin), meaning ‘blond-haired’, was amongst the known Amazons.

Xanthippe (Greek Origin), meaning ‘yellow horse’, is a popular female name full of power.

Amazon Tribe Names

Many indigenous tribes still survive in the Amazon rainforest, some of which are considered 'uncontacted' – a groups that continues to strive to live by nature's principles alone.

Akawaio are people from Roraima, Guyana, and Venezuela. They belong to the Ingarikó and Kapon tribes, which are closely connected.

Akuntsu (also commonly known as Akuntsu or Akunsu) is a Brazilian indigenous tribe that lives in Rondônia.

Amahuaca is a group of indigenous people from Peru and Brazil who live in the southeastern Amazon Basin.

Aparai, sometimes known as the Apalai, is a Brazilian indigenous group that inhabits the states of Amapá and Pará.

Apiacá is a Brazilian indigenous tribe that inhabits northern Mato Grosso near the Pará border.

Arara, also known as the Arara do Pará, is a Brazilian indigenous tribe living in the state of Pará.

Araweté (also Arawate, Araueté, or Bde) is a Brazilian indigenous people. They are horticulturists who are local to the state of Pará.

Awá is a Brazilian indigenous tribe. 

Baniwas are South American Indians who speak the Baniwa language, which is part of the Maipurean (Arawak) family of languages. 

Catauxi is a South American Indian tribe from the Purus River area of Brazil.

Dâw are a Brazilian indigenous people. They live in the Amazon rainforest on the right bank of the Rio Negro, in a location known as Alto Rio Negro.

Hupda (also spelled Hup, Hupd'äh, or Hpd'h) is an Amazonian indigenous tribe from Brazil and Colombia. They communicate in Hup.

Jamamad are a Brazilian indigenous people who inhabit the states of Acre and Amazonas.

Juruna, also known as the Yudjá, is a Brazilian Indigenous people.

Kawahiva are an uncontacted tribe of Indians who live in the Amazon rainforest of Brazil. They have survived several genocides.

Kayapo are Brazilian indigenous people who live in the states of Pará and Mato Grosso, near the Xingu River and its tributaries, south of the Amazon River.

Korubo are a Brazilian indigenous tribe living in the lower Vale do Javari in the western Amazon Basin.

Kulina is a Brazilian and Peruvian indigenous ethnicity.

Matis, also known as Matsë in their native language, is a Brazilian indigenous group. 

Matsés, also known as the Mayoruna, are a Peruvian and Brazilian Amazonian indigenous tribe.

Munduruku are Brazilian indigenous people that live in the Amazon River region. They are also known as Mundurucu, Wuy Jugu, or BMJ.

The Witoto (also Huitoto or Uitota) are Colombian and Peruvian indigenous people who live in southeastern Colombia and northern Peru.

Ticuna is a Brazilian (36,000), Colombian (6,000), and Peruvian indigenous group (7,000). 

Yanomami, is a tribe of around 35,000 indigenous people who dwell in 200–250 settlements along the Venezuela-Brazil border in the Amazon rainforest.

Amazon Region Names

Here are some of the popular Amazon region names.

Amanã Sustainable Development Reserve (Brazil) is a part of the Central Amazon Conservation Complex that is also open to river-bound exploration. 

Bolivia is a great place for an Amazonian adventure, with Rio Ibare and the Ro Mamoré offering a better view of the rainforest.

Brazil is the first country that springs to mind when considering a journey to the Amazon, with 60% of the Amazon Rainforest distributed across the western and central regions of the country.

Cachoeira de Iracema Waterfall is home to thundering waterfalls that cascade down, forming awe-inspiring pools below, deep within the Brazilian rainforest.

Colombia, the Amazon makes up more than a third of Colombia. It is still the country's least explored region. 

Ecuador is another fantastic place to begin your journey into the heart of the Amazon. It is incredibly diverse and breathtakingly beautiful. 

Guyana is bordered in the south by the Amazon jungle.

Jau National Park (Brazil) is one of Amazonia's largest national parks, protecting the entire Rio Jau watershed. 

Madidi National Park is a Bolivian national park located in the upper Amazon river basin.

Manu National Park (Peru) is another protected area that is a part of a larger complex of preserves.

Mercado Adolpho Lisboa is located on the Rio Negro riverbanks in Brazil and will please people who are fascinated by European architecture. 

Pacaya Samiria National Reserve is a great place to explore what it feels like to be enveloped in a jungle canopy at the Pacaya Samiria National Reserve in Peru. 

Pacaya-Samiria National Reserve (Peru) is another completely stunning ecotourism site in the Peruvian Amazon. 

Palácio Rio Negro is the last thing you'd expect to see amid the mysterious Amazon. 

Peru, the land of the llamas, is home to a big portion of the Amazon.

Plaza de Armas de Iquitos is an excellent place for animal watching through Amazon's villages. 

Sandoval Lake is a lake in Peru that is located near the city of Puerto Maldonado and is a part of the Madre de Dios Amazon basin.

Suriname, Amazon Rainforest runs through Suriname's southern half.

Tambopata National Reserve is a great place to learn about Amazonian plant life. 

Teatro Amazonas is a Brazilian opera venue in Manaus, Brazil's Amazon rainforest.

Yasuni National Park (Ecuador) is a national park that competes with the other Amazonian parks and preserves. 

Yasuni National Park and Biosphere Reserve is home to a large number of amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals, as well as plant life, and is named as the world's most ecologically varied site. 

Amazon Warrior Names

There were many strong women who ruled the Steppes. Here are some of the most important Amazons you should be familiar with.

Aello (Greek Origin), meaning ‘whirlwind’, is a great name for a mighty warrior queen famous across the world as one of the brave warriors.

Antianara (Greek Origin) is an ancient Greek warrior queen famous for her prowess in battle.

Bremusa (Greek Origin), meaning 'raging female', is mentioned in various history-related stories in the society of Europe.

Clete (Greek Origin), meaning 'the invoked', was a classical warrior queen who attacked cities during battle.

Deinomache (Greek Origin), meaning ‘strings together spoils’, was a mighty woman from ancient Greek world.

Derinoe (Greek Origin) is a name that has become famous over the course of time.

Echephyle (Greek Origin), meaning 'chief defender', was a warrior queen and mother who was always ready for a battle.

Euryleia (Greek Origin), 'woman wanderer', is a famous name for a woman who was ready to attack in warlike situations.

Lampedo (Greek Origin), meaning ‘burning torch’, was a queen of the Amazons, with her sister Lampedo (the flaming flame) as her co-ruler.

Lykopis (Greek Origin), meaning 'she-wolf’, is an ancient warrior queen who was not afraid of death.

Myrina (Latin origin), meaning ‘an Amazon’, was another powerful Amazon that is mentioned in Egyptian tales.

Okypous (Greek Origin) is a name that most women of the world know about.

Orithyia (Greek origin), meaning ‘women raging in the mountains', was the Amazon queen, ruling with her sister Antiope and possibly died during the battle.

Pantariste (Greek Origin) is a queen who was always ready with her soldiers for warlike situations.

Penthesilea (Greek origin), meaning ‘mournful grip’, was one of the most well-known Amazon queens, a warrior equal to any of her Greek adversaries. It is said that Achilles fell in love with her dead body after she died. Achilles smacked and killed anyone who objected.

Philippis (Greek Origin), meaning 'woman who loves horses', is a common name among Asian and Egyptian art lovers.

Prothoe (Greek Origin), meaning 'first in might', is a name that is famous among Greeks.

Pyrgo Mache (Greek Origin), meaning 'fiery warrior', is a classical name of a queen who was always ready for a fight.

Telepyleia (Greek Origin), meaning 'far sailing', is a common name among Asian literature lovers.

Thalestris (Greek Origin) means ‘the despoiler’. She was a famous warrior queen known for her role in the battle. 

Thraso (Greek Origin), meaning 'confidence', is a name that is mentioned in the literature and art of Greeks.

Amazon Rainforest Names

Here are some of the most important Amazon rainforest names.

Amazonian Tapir, you might mistake tapirs for a wild pig or something akin to anteaters at first appearance. Tapirs are most closely related to horses and rhinos in reality. 

Black-capped Squirrel Monkey, the Peruvian, Brazilian, and Bolivian Amazon is home to the black-capped squirrel monkey. 

Bromelia (Bromeliaceae) is a tree species whose vibrant colors make them easy to spot. 

Cacao (Theobroma Cacao) is also the foundation for everyone's favorite guilty pleasure, chocolate.

Capybara are docile rodents that resemble enormous guinea pigs. 

Coffee Plant (Coffea arabica) is a tree that flourishes in Peru's, Brazil's, and Ecuador's tropical woods. 

Giant River Otter, the Amazon's huge river otters, are the largest otters on the planet. 

Giant Water Lily (Victoria Amazonica) is home to some of the most remarkable plants, including giant water lilies. 

Harpy Eagle is known for its piercing eyes and sharp beak. 

Heliconia (Heliconia Latispatha) isone of the abundant and colorful jungle plants found in the treetop canopy. 

Jaguar, cheetah spots are to Africa's plains what jaguar spots are to South America's rainforest. Many tourists count their lucky stars in anticipation of visiting this iconic jungle landmark as you can't spot them soon enough. 

Macaw is a bird whose feathers have a variety of colors, the most frequent of which are red, yellow, green, and blue.

Paradise Tanager is a regular sight in Amazonian rainforests.

Passionflower (Passiflora edulis) is a flower that blooms high in the jungle canopy.

Potoo Bird is a bird that provides a fresh perspective on camouflage.

Puma is a true forest wonder. Fierce is an apt phrase to describe these rainforest cats, given their sleek physique and predatory habits. If you see a puma in the wild, consider yourself quite fortunate. 

Royal Flycatcher is a bird that possesses a stunning crest that it exhibits when threatened or attempting to woo a mate.

Rubber Tree (Hevea brasiliensis) is among the most economically important plants in the Amazon. 

Sloth, Perezosos, which means 'lazy' in Spanish, is how locals refer to sloths. The Amazon is home to both two- and three-toed sloths.

Spangled Cotinga is a species that lives in the canopy and lacks the ability to create sounds, unlike other birds on this list. If you are planning a trip soon, add it to your list.

Toucan is a species best known for huge, typically brightly colored beaks.

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https://www.survivalinternational.org/about/amazontribes#:~:text=The Amazon is the world'soutsiders for almost 500 years.


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Written by Akinwalere Olaleye

Bachelor of Arts specializing in English Literature

Akinwalere Olaleye picture

Akinwalere OlaleyeBachelor of Arts specializing in English Literature

As a highly motivated, detail-oriented, and energetic individual, Olaleye's expertise lies in administrative and management operations. With extensive knowledge as an Editor and Communications Analyst, Olaleye excels in editing, writing, and media relations. Her commitment to upholding professional ethics and driving organizational growth sets her apart. She has a bachelor's degree in English Literature from the University of Benin, Edo State. 

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Fact-checked by Pratiti Nath

Bachelor of Science specializing in Microbiology, Masters of Science specializing in Biotechnology

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Pratiti NathBachelor of Science specializing in Microbiology, Masters of Science specializing in Biotechnology

A Master's in Biotechnology from Presidency University and a Bachelor's in Microbiology from Calcutta University. Pratiti holds expertise in writing science and healthcare articles, and their inputs and feedback help writers create insightful content. They have interests in heritage, history, and climate change issues and have written articles for various websites across multiple subjects. Their experience also includes working with eco-friendly startups and climate-related NGOs.

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