121 Galaxy Names To Get Lost In Space

Joan Agie
Jan 15, 2024 By Joan Agie
Originally Published on Jun 16, 2022
Fact-checked by Pratiti Nath
List of galaxy-related names will feature Guardians of the Galaxy names and galaxy names for boys.

A galaxy is a massive collection of gas, dust particles, and billions of stars and solar systems.

Like the entire space, gravity holds a galaxy together. The home galaxy of Earth, the Milky Way, which is visible from the northern hemisphere has a large black hole in the center.

When you look up at the stars at night, you see other stars in this galaxy. You can even see the dusty bands of the Milky Way across the sky if it's really dark.

There are three types of galaxies: ellipticals, spirals, and irregulars. Spirals have circular symmetry, a bright nucleus surrounded by a thin outer disc, and a superimposed spiral structure.

They are classified into two types: normal spirals and barred spirals. Normal spirals have arms that radiate from the nucleus, whereas barred spirals have a bright linear feature called a bar that straddles the nucleus, with the arms unwinding from the bar's ends.

A spiral galaxy's nucleus is a sharp-peaked area of smooth texture that can be quite small or, in some cases, can make up the majority of the galaxy. They have no discernible symmetry or central nucleus, and they are generally bluer in color than spiral galaxies' arms and discs.

Elliptical galaxies are elliptical. They usually have a much higher proportion of older stars than spiral galaxies.

If you are someone fascinated by concepts like galaxy, solar system, and other space-related things and want your pet or child's name to be influenced by these? Here is a list of 121 galaxy-inspired names for your loved ones.

There are many galaxy-inspired cool names such as Leo, Taurus, Atlas, Titan, Adhara, Alf, or the cosmic names such as Orion, Luna, Andromeda, Comet, Nova, and many other words that are waiting just for you to find them and pick them for your loved ones.

Galaxy names refer to the names of the Planets, galaxies, and the Roman and Greek gods such as Helios, who are considered the gods and goddesses of the heavens.

The universe is huge. It would take a modern jet more than a million years to reach the nearest star to the sun. Traveling at the speed of light, it would take a million years to cross our Milky Way galaxy alone.

There are more stars in the universe than grains of sand on all the beaches on Earth.

The universe has no center point and is constantly getting bigger every second.

Because the moon has no atmosphere, it has no wind to erode the surface and no water to wash away the footprints. Therefore the footprints of the Apollo astronauts, space prints, rover prints will be there for millions of years.

Astronomers have found a massive cloud that holds 140 trillion times the mass of water in the Earth's ocean. It is the largest discovery of water ever found.

Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system with an average surface temperature of around 842 F (450 C).

The sun accounts for 99% of the mass in our solar system, with a mass of around three million  times that of Earth.

There are approximately three trillion trees on Earth and approximately 100-400 billion stars in the galaxy. Venus takes 243 Earth days to complete its day.

There is a planet twice the size of Earth made of diamonds. The 'super-earth', also known as the 55 Cancri e, is most likely made of graphite and diamond.

One of the major sources for galaxy names in Greek mythology. Read on to find out the perfect name from Greek mythology for boys and girls.

Galaxy Name For Girls

Want a galaxy-inspired name for your baby girl? A name full of meanings and galactic meaning? Here is a list of galaxy-inspired names for girls!

Adhara ( Greek origin), meaning 'the second brightest star in the Canis constellation,' is a good name for girls.

Aelia ( Greek origin), meaning 'sun,' is a very beautiful name.

Amalthea ( Greek origin), meaning 'a moon of Jupiter' or, according to Greek mythology, 'a nymph who nursed the infant, Zeus.'

Andromeda (Greek origin), meaning 'an Ethiopian princess,' was was rescued from the sacrifice of prince Perseus.

Ariel (Greek origin), meaning 'a moon of Uranus,' is a very beautiful name.

Ascella (Greek origin), meaning 'third brightest start in Sagittarius constellation.'

Astra (Greek origin), meaning 'star,' is a very cute name.

Aurora (Latin origin), meaning 'dawn,' is also the goddess of dawn.

Bianca (Greek origin), meaning 'moon of Uranus,' also means white in Italian.

Calypso (Greek origin), meaning 'moon of Saturn,' is a unique name.

Celeste (Italian origin), meaning 'heavenly,' also means of the sky.'

Chanda (Hindu origin), meaning 'goddess of the moon,' is a beautiful name.

Cordelia (Greek origin), meaning 'moon of the Uranus.'

Diana (Roman origin), meaning 'goddess of the moon, childbirth, hunting, and forests'.

Elara (Greek origin), meaning 'moon of Jupiter.'

Halley (Greek origin), meaning 'comet,' is a very pretty name.

Helia (Greek origin), meaning 'one of the helipads, the daughter of the god Helios.'

Hilal (Turkish origin), meaning 'crescent moon.'

Juliet (Greek origin), meaning 'moon of Uranus,' is a very pretty name.

Larissa (Greek origin), meaning 'moon of Neptune.' Neptune is the last planet in the solar system, so this is a truly distinct name.

Leda (Greek origin), meaning 'moon of Jupiter,' is a very short name.

Libra (Greek origin), meaning 'constellation,' is shaped like measuring scales.

Luna (Italian origin), meaning 'moon' or 'goddess of the moon.'

Lyra (Greek origin), meaning 'constellation containing the Vega start.'

Miranda (Greek origin), meaning 'moon of Uranus.'

Nashira (Greek origin), meaning 'brightest start in the Capitorius constellation.'

Ophelia (Greek origin), meaning 'moon of Uranus.'

Pandora (Greek origin), meaning 'moon of Saturn,' is a beautiful name.

Phoebe (Greek origin), meaning 'moon of Saturn,' is a very popular name.

Portia (Greek origin), meaning 'moon of Uranus.'

Stella (Italian origin), meaning 'star,' is a very graceful name.

Galaxy Names For Boys

These names are unique and meaningful, and it is a good idea to name your baby boy with one of these names.

Alioth (Arabic origin), meaning 'traditional name of start Epsilon.'

Altair (Latin origin), meaning 'star in Aquila constellation.'

Apollo (Greek origin), meaning 'god of the sun,' is a good name for boys.

Arche (Greek origin), meaning 'moon of Jupiter.'

Aries (Greek origin), meaning 'constellation.'

Astrophel (Greek origin), meaning 'star lover.'

Aten (Egyptian origin), meaning 'god of the sun,' is a good name for boys.

Atlas (Greek origin), meaning 'a titan punished by Zeus to support the heaven on his shoulders.' A great name for a baby as strong as the son of Zeus.

Castor (English origin), meaning 'a Gemini star,' is a good name for boys. A name inspired by the Gemini constellation visible in the night sky.

Cielo (Italian origin), meaning 'sky.' It can be one of the galaxy names for dogs.

Cosmo (English origin), meaning 'universe.'

Cosmos (English origin), meaning 'universe.'

Cupid (Roman origin), meaning 'son of Venus.'

Deimos (Greek origin), meaning 'moon of Mars.'

Izar (Basque origin), meaning 'star,' is a good name for boys.

Jupiter (Latin origin), meaning 'the largest gas giant.'

Kuiper (Dutch origin), meaning 'belt of asteroids.'

Leo (Latin origin), meaning 'constellation,' is a good name for boys.

Mars (Roman origin), meaning 'third planet.'

Mercury (Roman origin), meaning 'first planet from the sun.'

Oberon (Germanic origin), meaning 'moon of Uranus.'

Orion (Greek origin), meaning 'Greek hunter.'

Perseus (Greek origin), meaning 'constellation,' is a good name for boys.

Phoenix (Greek origin), meaning 'a creature consumed by fire and rising every 500 years on its own.'

Pluto (Roman origin), meaning 'a dwarf planet.'

Rigel (Arabic origin), meaning 'star that is the left foot of Orion constellation.'

Sirius (Greek origin), meaning 'bright start in canis major,' is a good name for boys.

Sol (English origin), meaning 'sun.'

Taurus (Latin origin), meaning 'constellation of the zodiac.'

Titan (Greek origin), meaning 'largest moon of Saturn,' is a good name for boys.

Galaxy Names For Dogs

How cute would it be to name your dog by a galactic name! It would be so cool and unique to name your dog by these galaxy-inspired names!

Adhara (Arabic origin), meaning 'virgin,' is a good name for your pet.

Alf (Greek origin), meaning 'the first letter of the Greek alphabet,' is a short version of Alpha, a good name for your pet.

Algol (Arabic origin), meaning 'an early high-level computer programming language devised to carry out scientific calculations.'

Antares (Greek origin), meaning 'rival to ares.'

Antila (Finnish origin) is named after Phantom island.

Apus (Greek origin), meaning 'bird of paradise,' is a famous name for your pet.

Aquila (Greek origin), meaning 'sharp-eyed man.'

Canopus (Greek origin), meaning 'golden earth.'

Carina (Italian origin), meaning 'beloved,' is a good name for your pet.

Cordelia (English origin), meaning 'daughter of the sea god.'

Cosmos (Greek origin), meaning 'decency or beauty.' Is a perfect name for a baby boy.

Cressida (Greek origin), meaning 'gold,' is a famous name for your pet.

Cupid (Latin origin), meaning 'passionate desire,' is a good name for your pet.

Draco (Latin origin), meaning 'dragon or serpent.'

Drake (English origin), meaning 'snake or dragon.'

Dreyer (Scandinavian origin), meaning 'turner of wood or bone.'

Elara (Greek origin), meaning 'cheerful or happy.'

Galileo (Latin origin), meaning 'of Galilee,' is a region in northern Israel.

Helene (Greek origin), meaning 'shining light'.

Janus (Latin origin), meaning 'the Roman god of gateway, Time.'

Kepler (Greek origin), meaning 'maker of hoods,' is a good name for your pet.

Lacey (English origin), meaning 'cheerful or unbridled,' is a good name for your pet.

Orion (Greek origin), meaning 'boundary or limit.'

Polaris (Greek origin), meaning 'polar start.' A famous name dedicated to the north star.

Quasar (Arabic origin), meaning 'meteorite.'

Rhea (Greek origin), meaning 'flowering stream.'

Rigel (Greek origin), meaning 'the left leg'.

Roche (Irish origin), meaning 'someone who lived by a rocky outrage.'

Titania (Greek origin), meaning 'giant,' is a good name for your pet.

Tyson (Greek origin), meaning 'high spirited,' is a good name for your pet.

Cool Galaxy Names

Just for you, here is a list of some cool galaxy names from the 51 local galaxies discovered to date! Some galaxies are spiral-shaped, with curved arms that resemble a pinwheel. Other galaxies are shaped like ovals.

They're known as elliptical galaxies. Some galaxies aren't spirals or ovals, as well. The stars emit the light we see from each of these galaxies.

Andromeda galaxy (Greek origin), meaning 'leader of men.' Andromeda is the closest galaxy to the Milky Way.

Antennae galaxies (Greek origin), meaning 'sail yard,' is similar to insect Antennae.

Backward galaxy ( English origin) appears to rotate backward.

Black eye galaxy (English origin) is also known as an evil eye.

Bode's galaxy (Greek origin), meaning 'messenger,' is named after John Elert Bode.

Butterfly galaxies (English origin) looks like a butterfly.

Cartwheel galaxy (English origin) looks like a spoked cartwheel.

Cigar galaxy (Greek origin) looks like a cigar in shape.

Circinus galaxy (Greek origin), meaning 'compass.'

Coma pinwheel galaxy (Greek origin) resembles the pinwheel galaxy.

Comet galaxy (Greek origin) has a very unusual appearance.

Cosmos Redshift 7 (Greek origin) is one of the brightest galaxies.

Eye of Sauron (Greek origin) resembles the eye of Sauron from Lord of Rings.

Fireworks galaxy (English origin) has a very bright and spotty appearance.

Hoag's object (Greek origin), meaning 'prudent person,' is named after Art Hoag.

Hockey stick galaxies (Greek origin) resemble a hockey stick.

Large Magellanic cloud (Greek origin) is named after Ferdinand Megallan.

Lindsay-Shapley ring (Greek origin) is named after Eric Lindsay.

Malin 1 (Greek origin), meaning 'strong warrior,' is named after David Malin.

Mayall's Object (Greek origin) is named after Nicholas Mayall.

Medusa merger (Greek origin), meaning 'guardian,' belongs to the Ursa Major constellation.

Mice Galaxies (English origin) are similar to a mouse.

Milky Way (English origin) consists of the sun and the solar system.

Needle Galaxy (English origin) has a slender appearance.

Sculptor Dwarf Galaxy (Greek origin) is a satellite of the milky way.

Sculptor Galaxy (Greek origin) is also called the silver coin galaxy.

Small Magellanic Cloud (Greek origin) belongs to the Tucuna constellation.

Sombrero Galaxy (Greek origin), meaning 'shadower.'

Sunflower Galaxy (English origin) looks like a sunflower.

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Written by Joan Agie

Bachelor of Science specializing in Human Anatomy

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Joan AgieBachelor of Science specializing in Human Anatomy

With 3+ years of research and content writing experience across several niches, especially on education, technology, and business topics. Joan holds a Bachelor’s degree in Human Anatomy from the Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria, and has worked as a researcher and writer for organizations across Nigeria, the US, the UK, and Germany. Joan enjoys meditation, watching movies, and learning new languages in her free time.

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Fact-checked by Pratiti Nath

Bachelor of Science specializing in Microbiology, Masters of Science specializing in Biotechnology

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Pratiti NathBachelor of Science specializing in Microbiology, Masters of Science specializing in Biotechnology

A Master's in Biotechnology from Presidency University and a Bachelor's in Microbiology from Calcutta University. Pratiti holds expertise in writing science and healthcare articles, and their inputs and feedback help writers create insightful content. They have interests in heritage, history, and climate change issues and have written articles for various websites across multiple subjects. Their experience also includes working with eco-friendly startups and climate-related NGOs.

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