Looking for the perfect name that means misfortune for your next character? Get ready to journey through a list of names that tell stories of unlucky fates and certain troubles. These names are filled with myths, rich traditions, and deep history.
Whether they come from stories about Greek gods, Roman goddesses, or Celtic legends, pick the best name for your characters in stories, movies, or video games who need a mysterious and poetic touch. Choosing the right name can shape a character's identity, especially if their story is risky or sure to end sadly.
When picking names linked to bad luck, you're moving between fascinatingly dark and cursed names. This list is perfect for writers and creators making stories about characters who face tough challenges or for anyone looking for a name with a unique, cool edge.
Greek Names That Mean Misfortune

Names from Greek myths often come with stories of heroes and gods, but also tales of betrayal and sadness. They can also show the unexpected changes in luck given by Greek gods, like Zeus, who sometimes gave humans difficult challenges.
1. Acheron (Greek origin): Archeron is a name that signifies the 'river of sorrow'.
2. Achlys (Greek origin): Achlys is the personification of misery and sadness in Greek mythology, she is also known as an ancient Greek goddess of death, misery, and sadness.
3. Aite (Greek origin): Aite was the goddess of misfortune, ruin, mischief, and delusion in Greek mythology.
4. Atropos (Greek origin): It is a name that means 'inflexible' or 'unalterable'. In the old poem 'The Shield Of Heracles', Atropos is mentioned as the oldest and tiniest of the three fates.
5. Desdemona (Greek origin): The name Desdemona conveys the meaning 'ill-fated' or 'unlucky'.
6. Draco (Greek origin): Draco is a name that denotes 'dragon' or 'serpent' and is often associated with evil and misfortune.
7. Eris (Greek origin): Eris means 'strife' or 'discord'. Eris was the Greek goddess known for discord and strife. Her Roman name is Discordia.
8. Gorgo (Greek origin): Gorgo means 'dreadful', 'terrible', or 'fierce'.
9. Gorgophone (Greek origin): The name Gorgophone means 'Gorgon Slayer'. In Greek mythology, Gorgophone was a queen who ruled over Messenia and Sparta. Her name honors her father, Perseus, known for slaying Medusa.
10. Hades (Greek origin): Hades means 'unseen' and is related to the god of the underworld.
11. Hecate (Greek origin): This name means 'not a good omen'. Hecate was the Greek goddess of witchcraft.
12. Keres (Greek origin): Keres means 'doom' or 'death'. Keres were the goddesses associated with death.
13. Lamia (Greek origin): The name originates from the Greek word 'Laimos' meaning 'throat', hinting at her notorious reputation as a 'child killer'.
14. Lysanias (Greek origin): The name Lysanias conveys 'grief', 'sorrow', 'distress', or 'trouble'.
15. Medea (Greek origin): It is a name that means 'cunning', associated with a mythological princess who was the daughter of King Aeëtes of Colchis and who murdered her children.
16. Oizys (Greek origin): Oizys represents the Greek personification of suffering and anguish. Oizys was the goddess of misery, anxiety, and depression in Greek mythology.
17. Persephone (Greek origin): Persephone is a name that conveys the 'bringer of death', Persephone was the daughter of the Greek gods Zeus and Demeter.
18. Phobos (Greek origin): It is a Greek name that means 'fear' or 'fright'. Phobos is the god and symbol of fear and panic in Greek mythology.
19. Thanatos (Greek origin): Thanatosis a name rooted in Greek myth and represents the personification of death.
Names From Different Origins That Mean Misfortune

From names that invoke the presence of evil spirits to those steeped in negative connotations, this selection spans cultures and languages, touching on the ominous and the unlucky. Here, a Latin word might whisper tales of doom, while a name of African origin could echo the lament of ancestral spirits.
20. Acheros (Latin origin): This name represents the 'river of sorrow'.
21. Aeron (Welsh and Celtic origin): Aeron is rooted in Celtic mythology and is associated with the god of battle and slaughter.
22. Ajal (Arabic origin): Ajal captures the essence of the 'dying hour' or 'hour of death'.
23. Anubis (Egyptian origin): The name 'Anubis' is that of the Egyptian god of death and mummification. It is derived from the Greek version of the Egyptian 'Anpu' meaning 'to decay'.
24. Barret (English origin): It is an English surname that means 'Strife'.
25. Cearo (Anglo-Saxon origin): Cearo conveys the meaning of 'sorrow'.
26. Cessair (Irish origin): Cessair is a name from Irish mythology that means 'affliction' or 'sorrow'.
27. Devland (Irish origin): Devland signifies 'misfortune'.
28. Deirdre (Irish Gaelic origin): It is a name that means 'sorrowful' or 'broken-hearted'.
29. Dolores (Spanish origin): Dolores reflects 'sorrows' or 'pain'.
30. Hel (Norse origin): It is a name associated with the goddess of the underworld.
31. Jela (Swahili origin): It is a name that means 'father who suffered during birth'.
32. Jezebel (Hebrew origin): The name Jezebel implies being 'unexalted' or 'not exalted'.
33. Lilith (Hebrew origin): It is a name that means 'of the night', 'night monster', or 'night demon'.
34. Lorelei (German origin): The name Lorelei conveys the meaning 'enchantress' or 'alluring' and is associated with a siren luring men to their deaths.
35. Mabuz (Arthurian origin): Mabuz signifies 'ruler of death castle'.
36. Malleville (Latin origin): Malleville is a name that means 'bad town' and originates from the Latin elements malum meaning 'bad' and villa meaning 'country house', painting a picture of a 'country house marked by misfortune or negativity'.
37. Mallory (Old French origin): The name Mallory conveys the meaning 'bad luck' or 'unlucky'.
38. Mara (Hebrew and Sanskrit origin): The name Mara signifies 'bitter' or 'sorrow'.
39. Morana (Slavic origin): Morana translates to 'death', 'illness', or 'plague'.
40. Morrigan (Celtic origin): It is a name that means 'great queen' or 'phantom queen', and is associated with the Irish goddess of war or eternal warfare.
41. Mort (Old French origin): It is a name derived from the old French word that signifies 'death'.
42. Mortimer (Norman origin): Mortimer echoes the concept of the 'dead sea'.
43. Nefas (Latin origin): This name carries the meaning of 'sin' or 'wrong'.
44. Nekane (Basque origin): Nekane translates to 'sorrows'.
45. Nemesis (Greek origin): The name Nemesis signifies 'vengeance'.
46. Nerezza (Italian origin): Nerezza translates to 'darkness'.
47. Rue (Old English origin): It is a name that means 'to regret'.
48. Tristan (Celtic origin): Tristan carries the meaning of 'sadness'.
49. Wraith (Scottish origin): It is a name said to be rooted in Scottish origin, although its actual origin is uncertain, and is said to mean 'a visible spirit'.
50. Yamaraja (Sanskrit origin): It is a name that is associated with the god of death.
Names That Mean Chaos And Destruction

In the world of names, some stand out for their connections to chaos and destruction, echoing the untamed powers that shake and disturb. These names, often rooted in mythology or coming from words with dark meanings, capture the spirit of turmoil. Among them, you'll find something that whispers of ancient battles or embodies the fury of the elements.
51. Abaddon (Hebrew Origin): It is a name that symbolizes 'destruction' or 'angel of the bottomless pit'.
52. Angra Mainyu (Persian origin): It is a name that means 'destructive spirit' and is associated with the evil spirit according to the dualistic belief system of Zoroastrianism.
53. Aella (Greek origin): This name means 'whirlwind' and is associated with sudden destruction.
54. Apep (Egyptian origin): It is a name rooted in Egyptian mythology and associated with the Egyptian demon of chaos, darkness, and destruction.
55. Apollyon (Greek origin): Apollyon echoes the concept of 'destruction' or 'to destroy'.
56. Bellona (Latin origin): It is a name associated with the Roman goddess of war, destruction, and conquest.
57. Kazimir (Slavic origin): Kazimir signifies 'destroyer of peace'.
58. Khaos (Greek origin): It is a name that means 'chaos' and is associated with the Greek goddess of chaos.
59. Loki (Norse Origin): It is a name that means 'lock' and is associated with the Norse god of mischief and chaos in Norse mythology.
60. Kali (Indian origin): It is a name that means the 'black one' and is associated with the Hindu goddess that represents destruction.
61. Nyx (Greek origin): It is a Greek name that signifies 'night'. In myths, Nyx comes from Chaos and is a very ancient goddess who represents the night.
62. Sekhmet (Egyptian origin): Sekhmet translates to 'she who is powerful' or 'powerful' and is linked to the goddess of war in Egyptian mythology, known for destroying the enemies of the sun god.
63. Sephtis (Persian origin): The name Sephtis signifies 'eternal death'.
Can I use names that mean misfortune for my gaming characters?
Names that mean misfortune can add a layer of depth and intrigue to your gaming characters. They can help establish a persona that is rich in backstory and complexity, setting the stage for a character's journey through adversity in the gaming universe.
Can I give my child a name that means misfortune?
While you have the freedom to name your child as you wish, it is generally advised to consider the implications of giving a child a name that carries negative meanings or connotations of misfortune.
Names have significant psychological and social impacts, and as such, choosing a name with a more positive inference might serve your child better in their life journey.
How do names that imply misfortune enrich storytelling?
Names imbued with the essence of misfortune often carry a wealth of narrative potential, providing a direct reference to the conflicts and challenges a character may face. Such names can deepen the audience's emotional connection to the character's plight and their journey toward resolution or downfall.
Are there any cultural implications to consider when choosing a name that means misfortune?
Yes, it's important to be mindful of cultural connotations when selecting a name that means misfortune. Some names may be tied to specific historical events, cultural beliefs, or superstitions that could affect how they are perceived and should be chosen with care, especially if they are used outside their culture of origin.
When creating stories or picking names that reflect a character's challenging path, using names from various cultures like Greek, Latin, American, Hebrew, or Irish can add depth and complexity. These names, rich in history and different meanings, are perfect for crafting fictional characters but might not be the best choice for baby names due to their serious tones.
They evoke tales of ancient tragedy, chaos, and the beauty of different languages. Understanding these names' meanings allows writers to create unforgettable and engaging characters, whether they're heroes facing tough battles or characters constantly encountering bad luck.
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