Otters are extremely cute animals who live in freshwater.
The most common types of otters are Eurasian otters, scientifically called Lutra lutra. Baby otters are called pups and kittens.
It is important to note that an otter might not be the perfect pet. They are not meant to stay captive and will be happier living in a natural environment with other otters.
They can also be very territorial, and whilst they do not kill humans, they may attack if they or their young feel threatened.
Therefore, if you wish to name an otter it might be best to adopt one in a zoo or in the wild instead (or simply find a soft toy otter)!
In this article, we have provided a list of more than 150 super cute otter names you'll love. If you like this list, you can check out other articles from Kidadl, like this list of cute calico cat names for your kitten or these brilliant black dog names for your puppy.
Famous Otter Names
If you want to name your otter after a famous name, here is a list of cute names for otters you should check out.
1. Baby Butter, a famous Disney character who is happy and jovial.
2. Blekker, a female otter in the fantasy novel ‘Taggerung’.
3. Bula, a female otterfrom the novel ‘Mossflower’.
4. Chab, the name of an otter character in fantasy novel ‘High Rhulain’.
5. Churk, a scholarly otter in the fantasy novel ‘Triss’.
6. Daddo, an otter from the ‘The Legend Of Luke’ novel series.
7. Daxter, the lead character of ‘Jak And Daxter’ video game series.
8. Deyna, a competent warrior otter in the fantasy novel ‘Taggerung’.
9. Ed, an otter who is best friends with Mr’ Whiskers in the series ‘Brandy & Mr. Whiskers’.
10. Emmet, a singer in the ‘Emmet Otter’s Jug-Band Christmas’.
11. Gil, a young female otter in ‘The Rogue Crew’, part of the ‘Redwall’ series.
12. Heartwood, the name of an otter character in the novel ‘Outcast Of Redwall’.
13. Keyla, a slave otter in the ‘Redwall’ series.
14. Kite the Slayer, a young and bloodthirsty sea otter maid in ‘The Rogue Crew’.
15. Lottie, the name of a character from the book ‘Return To The Hundred Acre Wood’.
16. Marigold, a female otter from the novel ‘Martian The Warrior’.
17. Marlene, a female otter character in the 'Madagascar' franchise.
18. Mask, a male otter in the ‘Mossflower’ series.
19. Memsy, an otter maid in the novel ‘High Rhulain’.
20. Mr. Otterton, a character from the Oscar-winning film ‘Zootopia’.
21. Mrs. Otterton, another character from the movie ‘Zootopia’.
22. Opal Otter, another Otter character in Disney that appears in the show ‘PB & J’.
23. Oswald, a member of the Juggling Otters in the novel ‘A Redwall Winter’s Tale’.
24. Otto, the mascot of 2020 Winter Paralympics.
25. Peanut Otter,another famous Disney otter.
26. Reedtail, the name of an otter warrior in the novel ‘Outcast Of Redwall’.
27. Riverjack, the name of an otter character in the fantasy novel ‘The Great Redwall Feast’.
28. Root, a river otter in the ‘Mossflower’ novel.
29. Rumbol, an otter character in the novel ‘Triss’.
30. Runa Wildlough, a female otter from ‘High Rhulain’ fantasy novel.
31. Rushcutter, an otter character in ‘Pearls Of Lutra’ fantasy novel.
32. Scrimmo, a young otter in the novel ‘Outcast Of Redwall’.
33. Shad, a male otter gatekeeper in ‘The Long Patrol’ novel series.
34. Shoredog, a male sea otter from the novel ‘Loamhedge’.
35. Skipper, name of the leader of the Mossflower Woods otters in the novel ‘Mossflower Woods’.
36. Sleeve, a young otter maid in the novel ‘Triss’.
37. Smudger, the name of an otter character in ‘High Rhulain’.
38. Sork, an old female sea otter in the novel ‘Loamhedge’.
39. Spraydog, an otter character in the novel ‘Lord Brocktree’.
40. Spring, a young female otter maid from the ‘Mossflower’ novel.
41. Streamer, a young male otter in the fantasy novel ‘Mossflower’.
42. Stugg, a young inquisitive otter from the ‘Loamhedge’ novel.
43. Swash, a female otter in the fantasy novel ‘Taggerung’.
44. Tarka, a character from the novel ‘Tarka The Otter’.
45. Terry, an otter character in the animation series from Disney, ‘Yin Yang & Yo’.
46. Varon, the name of an otter in the fantasy novel ‘Doomwyte’.
47. Warthorn, an otter from the ‘Mossflower’ series.
48. Whulky, the name of an otter character in ‘High Rhulain’.

Funny Otter Names
If you want a funny and unconventional name for your otter, here are a few ideas of good otter names.
49. Airhead
50. Balboa, named after the Spanish explorer.
51. Bizzy
52. Bouncy
53. Bunny
54. Dancer
55. Dora, referring to ‘Dora The Explorer’.
56. Dude, one of the coolest baby otter names.
57. Fitch, an unusual and interesting name for an otter.
58. Fluffer
59. Frisky
60. Gandalf
61. Gozer
62. Harry Otter, an otter name inspired by the ‘Harry Potter’ franchise.
63. Hoosie
64. Hulk
65. Jack, named after ‘Captain Jack Sparrow’.
66. Logan, named after Logan from 'X-Men'.
67. Lulu
68. Marco
69. Missy
70. Moses
71. Naughty
72. Noodles, one of the food-based names for a sea otter.
73. Phantom
74. Pickle, one of the cute pet otter names.
75. Pinky
76. Po
77. Polo
78. Pounce
79. Professor X
80. Rocky, a name inspired by the character in the American boxing drama movies of the same name.
81. Rogue, another 'X-Men' name for your otter.
82. Roller, one of the endearing female otter names.
83. Scooby, the name of an otter inspired by the character from ‘Scooby-Doo’ series.
84. Scrappy
85. Sniffer, one of the most adorable sea otter names.
86. Sniper
87. Squishy
88. Tarzan, a fun name for your otter pup.
89. Tugger
90. Vito, an adorable name for your otters' babies.
91. Winnie
92. Zero
93. Zohan
94. Zorro

Girl Otter Names
If you have adopted a female otter and have no idea what to call her, explore this list of good names for otters!
95. Abby
96. Bella, one of the beautiful names for baby otters.
97. Brownie
98. Claire
99. Daisy, a flower-based name for your otter babies.
100. Ellie, meaning “light” is an adorable female otter name.
101. Emily, a fun baby otter name.
102. Girly, an interesting name for a baby otter.
103. Ivy
104. Jeeva
105. Jellybean
106. Jewel
107. Kelly
108. Lilly
109. Lola
110. Luna
111. Mimi, a pet name you can use for your baby otter.
112. Molly,
113. Olie
114. Olivia, a beautiful name for your baby otter.
115. Oreo
116. Pearly
117. Puppy, among the most interesting names for a baby otter.
118. Rosa, meaning “rose” is among the most beautiful names of otters.
119. Rose
120. Ruby
121. Stacey
Boy Otter Names
Have you just adopted a male otter and are confused about what to name them? Here is a list of good names for an otter to help you.
122. Andy
123. Baby, an adorable name.
124. Bennett
125. Benny, a delightful name for your pet best friend.
126. Bubbles, a cute and fun name for your otter.
127. Buddy, a cool and fun name for an otter.
128. Donald
129. Fatty
130. Fitch
131. Gidget
132. Max, a simple and sweet name.
133. Mickey, an otter name based on the famous Disney character.
134. Mr. Little, an adorable name.
135. Mr. Small
136. Munchkin, a fun name for an otter.
137. Neptune
138. Peanut
139. Prince, a perfect name for your royal otter.
140. Roo, a cute and adorable name for your otter.
141. Rover, a cool name.
142. Sam
143. Sami, a short and sweet name you can use for your otter.
144. Simon
145. Snicker
146. Speedy, a popular name for an otter.
147. Splash
148. Teddy, a cute and fun name for an otter.
149. Tiny
150. Toby
151. Tucker
Kidadl has many names articles that can inspire your next character. If you love these ideas for otter names, why not take a look at something different like this list of hilariously cute cat pun names or the best literary cat names?