Fun Blue-winged Parrotlet Facts For Kids

Oluniyi Akande
Jan 10, 2023 By Oluniyi Akande
Originally Published on Aug 06, 2021
Edited by Isobel Murphy
One of the most interesting blue-winged parrotlet facts is they are named for their blue wing coverts.

The blue-winged parrotlet is a species of parrot that is mainly spread throughout the Amazon River Basin in the central and northern parts of South America. They are included in the 'parrotlets' family since they are known as pocket parrots.

This is a term used to describe parrots of very small stature that are between 4.5-5 in (11.4-12.7 cm) in size.

This species avoids dense forests and prefers open habitats and light woodlands. This parrot species lives at altitudes lower than 3,900 ft (1,200 m).

They are known for feeding on a variety of food such as fruits, seeds, flowers, as well as grass. Blue-winged parrotlets are wild birds but they also tend to do well in a cage or in captivity.

Therefore, this parrot species is widely taken as house pets.

They have a lot of endearing qualities as pets, they are very playful once they've adapted to their humans, they mimic words in a mumbled fashion, and even snuggle up next to people. The blue-winged parrotlet is classified as a species of Least Concern by the IUCN since it shows a stable population trend.

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Blue-Winged Parrotlet Interesting Facts

What type of animal is a blue-winged parrotlet?

The blue-winged parrotlet (Forpus xanthopterygius) species is a type of bird.

What class of animal does a blue-winged parrotlet belong to?

The blue-winged parrotlet species belongs to the Aves class of animals

How many blue-winged parrotlets are there in the world?

The exact number of blue-winged parrotlets in the world is unknown, this may be due to the fact that they are kept as pets frequently.

Where does a blue-winged parrotlet live?

Blue-winged parrotlet birds and their subspecies live in the savannahs and woodlands of South America in the countries of Brazil, Peru, Bolivia, and Argentina. They are mainly found in the Amazon River Basin.

What is a blue-winged parrotlet's habitat?

Blue-winged parrotlet birds like to inhabit lowlands and edges of tropical forests in their geographic range. They also like to inhabit riparian woodlands, palm groves, scrublands, and pastures. They don't favor dense forests, or elevations more than 3,900 ft (1,200 m).

Who do blue-winged parrotlets live with?

These blue-winged parrotlets are very social birds. They feed live in groups of two to 12 parrotlets, but it is not uncommon to observe flocks of 20-50 parrotlets all living together.

How long does a blue-winged parrotlet live?

A blue-winged parrotlet bird may live for 20-30 years.

How do they reproduce?

The blue-winged parrotlet bird reproduces by mating, and this usually takes place from May to August, with the female laying between three and seven eggs.

What is their conservation status?

The conservation status of the blue-winged parrotlet bird according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature is currently Least Concern.

Blue-Winged Parrotlet Fun Facts

What do blue-winged parrotlets look like?

Blue-winged parrotlets are 4.5-5 in (11.4-12.7 cm) long and weigh 1 oz (28 g). Their body can be said to have an overall olive green color.

The beaks and feet of blue-winged parrotlets are a light peach color. The eyes of the blue-winged parrotlet are a dark brown with some bright green surrounding them and blue-winged parrotlets are sexually dimorphic.

The wing coverts of the male blue-winged parrotlet, specifically the underwing, primary, and secondary coverts can be said to be purple-blue.

They also have a patch on their rump that is a bright blue color. Females, on the other hand, lack any blue markings on their rump and also have foreheads that are yellow-green in color.

Like most parrots, the blue-winged parrotlet exhibits something called zygodactyly, which means that they have two front-facing toes and two back-facing toes. The young juveniles resemble adults and have a green rump, and male juveniles have blue markings on their coverts mixed in with their primary green plumage.


How cute are they?

Blue-winged parrotlets are the smallest, most adorable creatures from the green parrot family. They are a beautiful olive green color, with their identifying blue mark sitting like a jewel on their wings.

They have dark brown eyes that have a bright green outline and they are really popular as pets. They are not great at mimicking human speech but it is nevertheless hilarious when they try to repeat words.

Their behavior towards humans is very affectionate, even snuggling up with them on the couch! They are very active and cute birds who like interacting with humans and this makes them all the more adorable!

How do they communicate?

Blue-winged parrotlets communicate via calls and sounds. They call high-pitched, penetrative, and sad screeches that sound like 'sheet' and 'zeet'. They also twitter and chatter while in groups. Their overall noise levels are very low and if blue-winged parrotlet pets are also known to repeat simple words.

How big is a blue-winged parrotlet?

Blue-winged parrotlets are 4.5-5 in (11.4-12.7 cm) in size, which makes them two times smaller than Senegal parrots, and three times smaller than mealy parrots.

How fast can a blue-winged parrotlet fly?

According to their species profile, the blue-winged parrotlet in flight may achieve speeds of 25-40 mph (40-65 kph).

How much does a blue-winged parrotlet weigh?

Blue-winged parrotlets usually weigh 1 oz (28 g).

What are the male and female names of the species?

Males and females of the blue-winged parrotlet species are called 'cocks' and 'hens' respectively.

What would you call a baby blue-winged parrotlet?

Baby blue-winged parrotlets are called 'chicks'. These are arguable the cutest blue-winged parrotlets that you can find!

What do they eat?

Blue-winged parrotlets are herbivores who eat cecropia and ficus fruits, mikania and capulin seeds, flowers of ragweeds, yellow lapacho, and marcgravia plants. They may also sometimes eat green grass.

Are they poisonous?

No, blue-winged parrotlets are not poisonous.

Would they make a good pet?

Blue-winged parrotlets are very popular pets. Their calls are soft and they can even mimic a few words in a cartoonish manner. Once they're comfortable with their humans, they like to be petted on their beaks, heads, and backs.

These parrots are very sociable pets, they are not difficult to feed, and they love playing and interacting with humans. They also like cuddling up to humans. Parrotlets typically cost between $100-$300, but specific or varying color mutations may even cost around $600.

Did you know...

Thick-billed parrots are another parrot species that can live for close to 30 years. They may live for the same time or longer than blue-winged parrotlets, who live for 20-30 years.

The most immediate cousins of the blue-winged parrotlets are the larger Amazon parrots, whom they closely resemble.

Blue-winged parrotlets belong to the genus Forpus which consists of nine species, all are parrotlets native to Central, South, and Latin America.

What's special about blue-winged parrotlets?

Being parrotlets, they are one of the smallest parrots. Females don't have the blue colors that males do on their wings, so they are sometimes compared to and mistaken for green rumped parrotlets.

These birds are very gregarious and thrive both in the wild and in domestic settings. They live in large flocks in the wild, and when they are kept in owner's homes, they need roomy cages. They are endlessly goofy and affectionate while interacting with their human owners.

What are the different types of blue-winged parrotlets?

There are two basic subspecies of the blue-winged parrotlet: Salvadori's blue-winged parrotlet, and Hellmayr's blue-winged parrotlet. Salvadori's blue-winged parrotlets (F. x. flavescens) (male and female) are both pale, and the male's underparts, cheeks, and forehead are more of a yellow-green color.

They are prominent in Peru and Bolivia. Hellmayr's blue-winged parrotlets males and females are also paler and are slightly more yellow-green. They live in northeastern Brazil.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! Learn more about some other birds from our Amazon parrot facts and  blue-winged teal fun facts pages.

You can occupy yourself at home by coloring in one of our free printable Blue-Winged Parrotlet coloring pages.

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Written by Oluniyi Akande

Doctorate specializing in Veterinary Medicine

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Oluniyi AkandeDoctorate specializing in Veterinary Medicine

With an accomplished background as a Veterinarian, SEO content writer, and public speaker, Oluniyi brings a wealth of skills and experience to his work. Holding a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree from the University of Ibadan, he provides exceptional consulting services to pet owners, animal farms, and agricultural establishments. Oluniyi's impressive writing career spans over five years, during which he has produced over 5000 high-quality short- and long-form pieces of content. His versatility shines through as he tackles a diverse array of topics, including pets, real estate, sports, games, technology, landscaping, healthcare, cosmetics, personal loans, debt management, construction, and agriculture.

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