Fun Cesky Terrier Facts For Kids

Oluniyi Akande
Jan 14, 2023 By Oluniyi Akande
Originally Published on Aug 05, 2021
Edited by Monisha Kochhar
Fact-checked by Deeti Gupta
Cesky terrier facts about a cute and adorable dog species who are popularly known as the bohemian terrier.

The Cesky Terrier is also known as the bohemian terrier and originated in the Czech Republic. Cesky is pronounced as 'chess-kee' which means Czech and was first bred by Frantisek Horak who was a geneticist in the 20th-century Czech Republic.

Horak created the Cesky by creating a cross between a Scottish terrier and a Sealyham terrier.

The Cesky terriers are one breed that is a hunting dog chasing out rats and pests from farms as well as having a personality that is fit to be an obedient and loyal companion to a family. They have a lean bodies with graceful movements making them unique in their own ways.

Although they originated in the Czech republic they are seen in different parts of the world now including the United States where they were first seen around the 1980s and finally admitted into the American Kennel Club (AKC) in the year 2011.

The AKC popularity ranks the dog as 185 of 197. These terrier breeds are a perfect pet companion to any family and love to participate in dog sports.

In this article, we will take a look at some interesting information as well as facts on the dog whose head is shaped like a long blunt wedge!

If you like this then please visit Snorkie and Newfoundland dog facts too.

Cesky Terrier Interesting Facts

What type of animal is a Cesky Terrier?

The Cesky terrier is a type of dog that is smart and lively in nature were once farm dogs and now are kept as pet dogs.

What class of animal does a Cesky Terrier belong to?

Cesky terriers belong to the class of mammal species and are purebred dogs. Cesky terrier colors are gray-blue, light coffee brown, and charcoal.

How many Cesky Terriers are there in the world?

The exact number of Cesky terriers in the world are unknown however, the AKC lists that there exist 30 types of terrier dog breeds. Since they were introduced in later years in America there are just about 600 dogs of this particular type living in America according to the AKC.

Hence if you are in America and spot one of these unique beings you are quite a lucky person.

Most terriers tend to look similar to each other although there are certain differences in each which makes them unique in their own ways. The United Kennel Club (UKC) lists 44 types of terriers.

Where does a Cesky Terrier live?

A Cesky terrier lives in a house with owners, in rescue groups, pet shops as well as with a Cesky Terrier breeder. They love to stay around kids.

Compared to the others breeds of terriers these ones are comparatively laid back and tenacious at work. Terriers are accommodative towards other pet dogs in or around the house as well as moderately accommodative of cats if trained.

What is a Cesky Terrier's habitat?

Bohemian terriers have minimum exercise requirements since they are relatively small dogs hence they are apartment friendly.

They don't mind being left alone however leaving them alone for long periods of time is not ideal. Apart from this, you can find them living in a house, in rescue groups, and in a pet shop.

As a pet, they are happy to live indoors or outdoors so long as they are provided with a good environment to live in and their basic accommodation needs are met, such as a place to rest, eat, and exercise.

Who do Cesky Terriers live with?

A Cesky terrier lives with their own and with people i.e. their owners or along with a terrier breeder.

They are friendly, loving, and loyal companions who are happy to cuddle and easy to train. They are also active dogs and are good at participating in events or sports activities. They love to dig just like other terrier breeds so if you have a garden in your home ensure you keep an eye on them.

How long does a Cesky Terrier live?

The average lifespan of the terrier is 12-15 years. As per the Guinness world records, the oldest terrier breed that lived was a Jack Russell terrier reaching the age of 20 years in the year 2014.  

How do they reproduce?

These dogs were first bred by Frantisek Horak by mixing two terrier breeds together. The Cesky terriers are purebred and reproduce like other dog species.

Breeders are better aware of this process. They give birth to puppies post-mating.

The male and female Cesky terrier do appear similar in appearance but have different reproductive functions. Females give birth to two to six puppies per litter. Through the gestation period, the female might experience some discomfort and if you own a female it's advisable to ensure regular visits to the vet or a professional in the field.

While choosing to adopt it's best to adopt a puppy and train it as it grows up. Pet dogs are usually castrated unless they are intended to be used as a breeding dog.

What is their conservation status?

The Cesky terrier dog species is considered as a Not Evaluated species by the International Union For Conservation Of Nature (IUCN).

Cesky Terrier Fun Facts

What do Cesky Terriers look like?

The general appearance of the Cesky terrier cannot go unnoticed. These dogs are longer in length and shorter in height. Cesky terriers have a long silky coat which is usually in shades of gray, light coffee brown in color, charcoal to platinum.

They have natural drop ears and a small tail. Their face has slightly wavy facial hair which makes them look a bit continental and sporty.

Their eyes are usually dark brown or dark in color and are armed with a friendly expression. They are fluffy dogs and a wonderful companion. Given that they look similar to other terrier breeds you will require a keen eye to spot the Cesky terrier.

How cute are they?

The Cesky terrier is a cute and short dog with an energy level that is perfectly fit for a family. They bark actively and need exercise from time to time. Kids would certainly fall in love with these soft and fluffy beings. They are accommodating being small in shape and size making them a cute dog to be around.  

How do they communicate?

These dogs primarily communicate via barking. Cesky terrier dogs are dogs who bark as need be. With ample training, they learn to follow commands from their owners and other family members too.

For first-time pet owners, this dog breed is an excellent choice. They can learn to adjust and accommodate. If you are not familiar with training a dog to understand commands, you could consult a professional in the field.

How big is a Cesky Terrier?

Cesky terriers are 10-13 in tall which is three times bigger than Pomeranians who are 7-12 in tall. Some breeds of Pomeranians are taller than other breeds but they are classified as one of the smallest species of dog breeds.

How fast can a Cesky Terrier run?

Cesky terriers are small dogs with short legs so they won't be able to run at a fast pace, but they are active dogs and love to play and engage in hunting activities as well as certain sports activities. These dogs should not be overly exerted and need a balance in both activities as well as resting time.

How much does a Cesky Terrier weigh?

Cesky terriers weigh 14-24 lb, but this can depend on the health of your particular dog. Cesky terrier puppies weigh less initially and gain weight over time.

These dogs have a habit of eating more so their diet needs to be regulated constantly. This can be monitored by maintaining a healthy diet as well as a minimum level of exercise like going on walks.

What are their male and female names of the species?

A male is referred to as a Cesky terrier dog while a female is referred to as a bitch. It's not necessary to address them as such though, you can just refer to them as a dog. If and when adopted as a pet, when they are addressed by a particular name they respond to that as well.  

What would you call a baby Cesky Terrier?

A Cesky terrier puppy is referred to as a puppy itself. Puppies can be named once adopted as a pet and respond to names called by their owners from then on. When born they are not born with hair and develop it over time.

What do they eat?

Cesky terriers have a tendency to eat a lot if not controlled and this can severely affect their health. They need food a maximum of twice a day.

They primarily feed on high-quality dog food throughout all stages of their life. They eat foods similar to other dogs but providing them with better care only requires feeding them a balanced diet with equal proportions of proteins, calcium, and other nutrients.

Calcium is specifically required for puppies since at this point in time their teeth and bones develop. A good option to provide this dog with is unsweetened yogurt.

This can be mixed with other food items the dog eats. If they do leave food then you can just mix new food into the same and continue to feed them.

Are they hypoallergenic?

Yes, they are hypoallergenic in nature. They adjust well to people who have allergies as long as they are taken care of.

Cesky dogs do not shed a lot as long as grooming is done from time to time to ensure they don't get sick or develop an infection for example, in their ears.

Other health complications for this dog include cataracts, neurological issues, and others depending on their diet (weight and overall health) and environment (exercise and general) as well. Regular health examinations could include a cardiac exam, patella evaluation as well as dentition exam.

Would they make a good pet?

Yes! Adopting a Cesky terrier would cost approximately $1500-$2500 excluding medical expenses and other yearly examinations and their dietary requirements.

You can buy them from Cesky terrier breeders, pet shops, or even rescue groups or clubs. Given their history they still have instincts of hunting and being a guard dog they have a tendency to dig deep so it's essential to keep an eye on them in gardens and such.

Cesky terrier dog is easy to train.

They are quick learners and they are not as hyperactive as other pet dog breeds and have a more laid-back attitude. They require a medium amount of exercise and activity, given that they are dwarf breed and their energy level is relatively low.

The Cesky terrier requires weekly grooming for their soft, long, and silky coat as well as personal examinations and regular visits to the vet to ensure they are in proper health. Correct grooming is one where their coat is clipped enough to emphasize their long and slim impression.

Taking the time to examine their ears, feet, soft coat and other parts of the body is essential to ensure that they don't develop infections.

Trimming of nails and brushing their teeth is also essential from time to time. Since they are a playful dog breed, it's likely for their soft coat to get dirty and to develop an infection in their ears multiple times.

While training the Cesky terrier dog ensure to include positive reinforcements but in a controlled amount to train them better. When trained from a young age they are likely to adapt better.

They have a fun and friendly personality and are an excellent companion to all people. The Cesky terrier is sure to give you a wonderful experience as an owner and are loyal companions to experienced owners.

Cesky terriers are less stubborn as compared to other species of terriers. They also have a strong sense of smell hence it's ideal to keep them on a leash else there is a chance for them to run off following their noses.

The leash will help identify them in case they get lost as well. These dogs are sure to chase away pests like rats out of the vicinity of the area they reside in.

Did you know...

The Cesky terrier dog is a popular dog breed and has been recognized as a national dog breed as well. These dogs have featured on postage stamps in the Czech Republic as well as on media platforms like television and others. The Planet of Sogs show even released a special on the Cesky terrier dog breed.

The foundation stock service recorded the Cesky terrier dog breed since 1996. These popular breeds have been recognized by other organizations as well like the AKC and the UKC as well as the terrier group designation.

Author Kristin Petrie has written a book titled 'Cesky Terriers' giving a detailed account of all information related to this breed of species. The book does not contain mere information alone but also has a pictorial representation of them which makes it equally interesting for children and adults to read.

Various other texts have been written on terrier breeds which are a good option to refer to before you consider adopting and make the right choice as to which breed of terrier is the perfect one for you.

Airedale terriers are ranked as the best among the terrier group to own and although the Cesky terrier doesn't come in the top five they are an equally playful, fun, and loyal dog breed.  An added advantage is that they are less likely to harm strangers i.e. they are non-aggressive as compared to various other breeds.  

The history of the Cesky Terrier

The Cesky terrier dog originated in the Czech Republic and is also known as the bohemian terrier.

Cesky is pronounced as 'chess-kee' which means Czech and was first bred by Frantisek Horak who was a geneticist in the 20th-century Czech republic.

Horak created the Cesky by creating a cross between a Scottish terrier and a Sealyham terrier. The Cesky terrier is a  popular breed of dogs that have sustained through the times of war and have become popular dogs not just in the Czech Republic but also in other parts of the world like the United States.

The terrier dog is a popular choice of dog breed that owners choose to adopt primarily due to their accommodative nature and are excellent companions to all.

What is good about the Cesky terrier?

Cesky terriers or the bohemian terrier dogs are cooperative dogs and have the capacity to hunt independently which made them unique and adorable to be with, given their small size. They are an excellent companion to people of all ages and with training, they become your best buddy.

Their weight may vary from 14-24 lb, life expectancy is 10-15 years, and are longer in length as compared to height which is of short stature.

They are intelligent and the first competitor in many dog sports and have agility. They have a silky coat which is usually seen in shades of gray, charcoal, and other colors, which requires regular grooming to maintain their health.

They are popular breeds and so you will find at least one breed of terrier in every shelter, pet shop, clubs, or rescue groups you visit. The appearance the Cesky terrier breed possesses cannot go unnoticed.

If you're considering adopting a terrier this is definitely one dog that you should consider.

They work well with experienced owners but also first-time owners if you give them adequate care and attention. There will never be a dull moment with these wonderful companions.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! Learn more about some other mammals including Airedale Terrier, or Pyrenean Mastiff.

You can even occupy yourself at home by drawing one on our cesky terrier coloring pages.

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Written by Oluniyi Akande

Doctorate specializing in Veterinary Medicine

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Oluniyi AkandeDoctorate specializing in Veterinary Medicine

With an accomplished background as a Veterinarian, SEO content writer, and public speaker, Oluniyi brings a wealth of skills and experience to his work. Holding a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree from the University of Ibadan, he provides exceptional consulting services to pet owners, animal farms, and agricultural establishments. Oluniyi's impressive writing career spans over five years, during which he has produced over 5000 high-quality short- and long-form pieces of content. His versatility shines through as he tackles a diverse array of topics, including pets, real estate, sports, games, technology, landscaping, healthcare, cosmetics, personal loans, debt management, construction, and agriculture.

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Fact-checked by Deeti Gupta

Bachelor of Arts specializing in English Literature

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Deeti GuptaBachelor of Arts specializing in English Literature

A detail-oriented fact-checker with a research-oriented approach. Devika has a passion for creative writing, she has been published on multiple digital publishing platforms and editorials before joining the Kidadl team. Currently pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature from St.Xavier's College, Deeti has won several accolades and writing competitions throughout her academic career.

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