The Rasbora kalochroma (clown rasbora), is a diurnal fish (active during the day) that is a member of the family Cyprinidae, and the genus Rasbora. It is a ray-finned fish that is small in size, very sociable and is commonly kept as a pet in an aquarium.
It has a variety of common names, like, clown barb, big-spot rasbora, iridescent rasbora, red barb, and redember rasbora. The clown rasbora is a fish that possesses distinct patterns varying upon location. Generally, they are pink-red colored and exhibit two characteristic dark spots on their body.
Males of this species are spectacular and display bright colors to catch females' attention. Interestingly, they often get aggressive while fighting for attention.
The clown rasbora has a length range of 2.3-4 in (6-10 cm). These beautiful fish are indigenous to the Malay Peninsula, Borneo, and Sumatra in Indonesia in Southeast Asia where they can be spotted easily swimming at shallow depths. These small creatures inhabit soft, acidic rivers and forest peat swamps.
These fish make interesting pets as well. The clown rasbora is a calm fish that feels less anxious when it lives with a school of fish. To know more about these wonderful fish, you must read on!
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Clown Rasbora Interesting Facts
What type of animal is a clown rasbora?
The clown rasbora is a fish of a peaceful nature that is usually kept in groups of fish, known as schools. They belong to the family Cyprinidae. Their diet comprises mainly invertebrates, feeding upon daphnia, bloodworm, and artemia. These fish are quite admired as pets and are very common in the aquarium trade in Asia.
What class of animal does a clown rasbora belong to?
The Rasbora kalochroma (clown rasbora) belongs to the class Actinopterygii.
How many clown rasboras are there in the world?
The population of this species of ray-finned fish hasn't been evaluated yet. However, we do know that they are not under any serious threat and that their reproduction rate is fast. They are widespread across Asia.
Where does a clown rasbora live?
The clown rasbora's natural habitats are forest streams which are heavily stained with tannins. They can be found in blackwater rivers and streams.
They have impressive adaptability and can tolerate various water conditions. Their origin is in the Malay Peninsula, the Greater Sunda Islands of Borneo, and Sumatra in Indonesia in Southeast Asia. They can be found in abundant numbers here.
What is a clown rasbora's habitat?
These fish inhabit blackwater streams, rivers, and peat swamp forests where they can be spotted swimming at shallow depths of 6 ft (1.8 m).
Who do clown rasboras live with?
This fish prefers to live in a school of its species as this makes it comfortable and less anxious, just like the neon tetra.
How long does a clown rasbora live?
The clown rasbora, Rasbora kalochroma, has a lifespan of three to five years, just like the corncrake bird.
How do they reproduce?
The clown rasbora, (Rasbora kalochroma), fish species shows no parental care towards its fry. They are egg-scatterers and spawn (release eggs) continuously.
In captivity, if their tank is densely planted, the water is filtered with a mature sponge filter and is acidic, and the fish are well-fed, they will begin breeding. Breeding can even be induced by creating fake rain with cold water at the top of the tank.
To direct the flow towards the length of the tank, a power filter can be installed. Feeding of the pair with live foods is also recommended.
A separate mature breeding tank that is scarce of natural light and is shallow will be required if the maximum yield is wanted.
Adults are known to eat their eggs as well as their fry; so eggs must be separated from the adults by installing a mesh, pebbles, or plants at the bottom of the tank so that the eggs can be protected.
The incubation period of these eggs is determined by the temperature. Normally, it takes 24-48 hours.
What is their conservation status?
Their conservation status is Least Concern as per the IUCN's Red List of Endangered Species.
Clown Rasbora Fun Facts
What do clown rasboras look like?
The clown rasbora, Rasbora kalochroma, is pink-red colored and exhibits a dark spot on the midsection of the side, in the middle of the dorsal and anal fin, as well as another dark spot which is located at the back of the gill cover.
There are also some fish of this species that have a row of spots connecting these two dark spots.
They have toothless jaws and do not have a stomach.
Females are sturdy and are bigger than male adults. Male adults have a slim body that is vibrantly colored.

*Please note that this is an image of a Sarawak rasbora, not a clown rasbora. If you have an image of a clown rasbora, please let us know at
How cute are they?
These little creatures are quite cute. They are vibrantly colored, especially males. They make excellent pets, and it's mesmerizing to watch them.
How do they communicate?
Not much is known about how these fish communicate with each other. However, we do know that males fight for a female's attention and can become quite aggressive. They exhibit dazzling colors to lure a female.
How big is a clown rasbora?
This species' length range is 2.3-4 in (6-10 cm) and they can become the same size as the emerald catfish. They are bigger than the harlequin rasbora who only grows up to 2 in (5 cm). It's the same size as a cory catfish.
How fast can a clown rasbora swim?
The speed of clown rasboras has not been evaluated yet. However, they are known to be quite lively and are a fast-moving fish species.
How much does a clown rasbora weigh?
The weight of these rasbora fish is not yet known. However, we do know that the silver rasbora species weigh up to 0.13 oz (3.6 g).
What are the male and female names of the species?
Males and females do not have specific names.
What would you call a baby clown rasbora?
A baby Rasbora kalochroma fish can be called a fry.
What do they eat?
Their diet comprises mainly invertebrates including worms, daphnia, bloodworm, and artemia. They are also fed high-quality frozen foods in an aquarium. They are preyed upon by big fish and birds.
Are they dangerous?
No, they are not at all dangerous. They are quite sociable and peaceful.
Would they make a good pet?
They are a great fit for an aquarium and would make wonderful pets. They are quite gregarious and love the company of others that are of similar nature and size.
Did you know...
Clown rasboras inhabit waters that have a very low pH of just four.
Are rasboras hardy fish?
A hardy fish can easily adapt to an aquarium's setting. Rasboras are highly adaptable to an aquarium environment as long as their requirements are fulfilled, so yes they are hardy fish.
How many rasboras should be kept together?
The ratio of males to females in groups of these clowns should be 1:2. There must be 12 fish in the aquarium so that they aren't nervous and have enough company.
A harlequin rasbora fish can live with almost any non-predatory fish, and so they can live with clown rasboras easily. Clown rasboras require a big size aquarium as they are fast-swimmers and are quite active.
The typical size for the aquarium should be 48 x 18 x 18 in (122 x 46 x 46 cm). Direct sunlight doesn't work for these creatures, thus, they prefer an aquarium to have low light.
The decor of the aquarium must be similar to that of their natural habitat, comprising twigs, leaves, and rockwork. The water in the aquarium should be acidic soft water.
Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! Learn more about some other fish from our longhorn cowfish facts and skate fish facts pages.
You can even occupy yourself at home by coloring in one of our free printable clown rasbora coloring pages.