The Cuban Solenodon or scientifically known as Solenodon cubanus is an animal of Cuba. The species is also known as 'Almiqui' in Cuba. It belongs to the Solenodon family and the Hispaniolan Solenodon or scientifically known as the Solenodon Paradoxus family. These species have been considered extinct during the past centuries at various times.
German naturalist Wilhelm Peters was the person to discover Cuban Solenodon in 1861. However, studies say that the fossils were found 30 million years ago in North America, but their home range is currently in Cuba's islands.
The Solenodon appearance is similar to a rat. This Cuban Solenodon has a large snout with small eyes and a blackish-brown color with a white coat. Though snakes and birds are their predators, their burrows protect them from being caught, and not to that mention toxic saliva is their best defense mechanism.
We hope you enjoyed knowing the interesting facts about this rare species. You may also like knowing about these articles gundi and elephant shrew.
Cuban Solenodon Interesting Facts
What type of animal is a Cuban Solenodon?
The Cuban Solenodon are venomous mammals, insectivorous, nocturnal, and a part of the Solenodontidae family. The Solenodon species is a mammal found only on Cuba and Hispaniola islands. Solenodons have a short body, stocky legs, and the skin has a goat-like odor. The elongate snout has tiny eyes, with long feet and a naked tail.
What class of animal does a Cuban Solenodon belong to?
Cuban Solenodon is a mammalian group belonging to Cuba and Hispaniola islands. Cuban animals are very poisonous mammals.
How many Cuban Solenodons are there in the world?
In 1907, the Cuban Solenodon extinction came to an end as they were re-discovered in 1982. There are significantly fewer Cuban Solenodons left in the world, however.
The exact figure is still unknown. Solenodon is not yet extinct; it is still an endangered species because it only breeds at a single litter rate.
The leading cause behind this is that the reproductive rates are small and infrequent, with females giving birth to the young ones per year. As these species are becoming rare day by day, we must think of preserving this species to not let them vanish from this world.
Where does a Cuban Solenodon live?
Thirty years ago, the Cuban Solenodon was found in North America, and in the present, they are only found in the islands of Cuba. Solenodons likes to live with their family in forests, caves, and burrows.
What is a Cuban Solenodon's habitat?
Most Cuban Solenodons depend on forest habitat. These species spend their day hiding in hollow trees or burrows to protect themselves from other predators. At night they come out for food. They love to live in dense wet forests, hollow trees, or burrows.
Who do Cuban Solenodons live with?
The Cuban Solenodon is believed to be a social animal. This species likes to stay with several animals living together in the same burrow.
How long does a Cuban Solenodon live?
The Cuban Solenodon is expected to live for a minimum of up to 6.5 years. The maximum longevity of this species is unknown and more research is necessary.
How do they reproduce?
Cuban Solenodons have low reproductive rates of 1-2 litter per year. Like any other mammals, the Solenodon Cubanus also reproduce their young ones by mating.
The male Solenodon will mate with the female Solenodon and then separate. These female and male species are not found together again, the young stay with their mothers for several days. The male Solenodon does not take care of the young ones.
What is their conservation status?
The conservation status of the Cuban Solenodon is Endangered. However, the total population is unknown. The Cuban Solenodon is not yet extinct; this species still exist, but these mammals are rarely found. The main threat is due to the low litter rate and deforestation.
Cuban Solenodon Fun Facts
What do Cuban Solenodons look like?
Cuban Solendons are rodent type animals that look a bit rat-like, they are fairly small with a pointy snout, small eyes and brown fur.

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How cute are they?
The Cuban Solenodons are cute with small eyes, plump shrews with long snouts, with a naked tail. Coat color varies from deep reddish-brown to blackish. They can be considered cute, although some people are not keen on rats, so they may not find the Cuban Solenodon cute.
How do they communicate?
Solenodons communicate with twitters, chirps, squeaks, squeals, and clicks when they feel threatened. Adult Solenodons communicate with open mouths.
How big is a Cuban Solenodon?
The Cuban Solenodon length from nose to tail measures 16 -22 inches (40-55 cm) long. They look like large rats.
How fast can a Cuban Solenodon run?
The species are easily targeted by predators, such as dogs, cats, and mongooses. So to protect themselves from these creatures, they have to run fast. You must be surprised to know that a Solenodon uses only their toes to run. However, it amazingly runs quite fast.
How much does a Cuban Solenodon weigh?
A newborn Solenodon can weigh up to 0.9 lb, whereas a grown-up Solenodon weighs up to around 1.8 lb.
What are their male and female names of the species?
The male and the female Cuban Solenodon do not have a specific name. The female Solenodon plays a vital role in caring for their young ones. The male Solenodon does not take care of their young ones. The male meets the female Solenodon during the time of mating only.
What would you call a baby Cuban Solenodon?
The young Cuban Solenodon is known as babies, these babies, after they are born, stay with their mothers until they are independent.
What do they eat?
Solenodons are insectivorous mammals and these species belong to the family Solenodontidae. They come out of their burrows, rocks, and hollow logs at night to prey on insects, worms, small animals using their venom to kill them, and sometimes they obtain the food by rooting the ground with their snouts, fruits, and leaves.
Do they bite?
Cuban Solenodon is a venomous mammal. Solenodons defend themselves through venomous bites. These species are unique as they inject venom with their teeth. The Cuban Solenodon venom is found beneath its lower incisors. General depression, breathing difficulty, paralysis are the Cuban Solenodon poisoning symptoms.
Would they make a good pet?
Positively this species plays a vital role as predators of invertebrates that may act as pests. There is no adverse effect of this species on humans unless they harm while biting for self-defense.
Did you know...
Solenodon species are close to extinct mainly because the mongoose and humans use this species to kill the rodents and snakes in their native islands.
Solenodons have a great sense of smell, hearing, and touch but have poor vision.
How venomous is a Solenodon?
The Solenodon is unique among mammals as they have venomous bites. Solenodons conquer their prey by injecting them with venom, and the venom is delivered from the saliva by using their unique grooves in their lower incisors. The venom also protects itself from other animals like rats and dogs.
Cuban Solenodon vs. Hispaniolan Solenodon
The Solenodon Cubanus and the Solenodon Paradoxus are the only two living species left from the Solenodon family. These two living species of Solenodon are animals native to Cuba and Hispaniola. Let us see some facts about Cuban Solenodon and Hispaniolan Solenodon.
The Cuban Solenodon species are from Cuba, and in Hispaniolan, Solenodon species are from Haitian.
The Cuban Solenodons and the Hispaniolan Solenodons eat rotten logs, fruits and a mainly large part of their food consists of insects and worms.
The Cuban Solenodons and the Hispaniolan Solenodons are nocturnal animals. They hide in burrows and caves in the daytime and come out in the night for food. Both species are venomous mammals. They both hunt their prey by injecting venom.
They make a sound like a pig or bird when they are scared.
The Cuban Solenodon natural habitat is found in wet forests and brush country whereas the Hispaniolan Solenodon is found on Hispaniola islands.
These Solenodons lived more than five years in captivity. The Hispaniolan Solenodons lived for 11 years in captivity.
Cuban Solenodon and Hispaniolan Solenodons are the rarest animals on earth, which is not good news We must do something to save them from disappearing from this world.
Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! Learn more about some other mammals including Chinese hamster, or agouti.
You can even occupy yourself at home by drawing one on our cuban solenodon coloring pages.