Do Male Cats Spray After Being Neutered? Tips To Prevent Them

Devangana Rathore
Mar 25, 2023 By Devangana Rathore
Originally Published on Nov 16, 2021
Edited by Jacob Fitzbright
Fact-checked by Sakshi Raturi
Russian Blue Cat.

Cats are great animals that make excellent pets.

But they, like horses, dogs, birds, and other farm animals, have their own unpleasant peculiarities that must be addressed as soon as they appear. Let's look into what they are!

One of these distressing behaviors is spraying their pee on carpets and furniture, and yes, even a neutered cat can partake in this irritating practice. Unneutered male cats may squirt urine on furniture, walls, and other surfaces in a hormone-fueled attempt to establish their territory, as most cat lovers are familiar.

However, many pet parents are astonished when male cats that have been neutered sprayed display the same unpleasant behavior. Is your purrfect companion spraying urine all over your house? Read on to find out what to do!

If you love cats and dogs and other pets, then you should definitely take a look at some of our other articles such as how to show your cat you love them, and how to calm a cat down.

Do male cats spray after being neutered?

Spraying is a cat's way to mark its territory, similar to how some dogs indicate their territory with urine. Cats mark the places they inhabit or visit in a variety of ways.

Scent glands on the cheeks, feet, tail, and face, as well as urine, are used by cats to mark territory. When a cat sprays, it will back up to a stationary object.

Once the male cat's testicles are removed, cats that have been neutered are immune to testicular cancer. They also have little inclination to participate in hostile behavior with other cats or other animals. Because of these factors, it's been projected that neutered male cats live up to 40% longer than unmodified male kitties.

When cats hit sexual maturity, they spray for many reasons, and neutering a cat generally solves the problem. Spraying usually begins around the age of six to seven months for most cats.

Male cats start spraying between the ages of four to five months when they attain sexual maturity. While neutering a cat may not immediately stop him from spraying, it will greatly reduce the problem. A female cat may benefit from spaying as well.

How long does it take for cat urine to stop smelling so foul after neutering? Within 24-48 hours of neutering, a cat's testosterone levels drop dramatically.

Therefore, cat urine odor should be hardly discernible or gone in a week following neutering, allowing for some variance in how fast this occurs and residues of cat urine that may have been clinging to the urinary system of a cat.

What does male cat spray stink like?  When you have an unneutered male cat, there is an obvious odor. He's announcing to all the females that he's ready and available to go with this harsh, ammonia-like odor. It's emanating from his urine, skin, and any spraying he might be doing.

Why do male cats spray after being neutered?

So, why do neutered male and female cats spray? Cats may spray due to underlying medical ailments, litter box issues, or stress, the latter being the most typical reason.

The most common behavior issue among cat owners is uncontrolled urination. In addition, kitty stress can be caused by new pets, new people, or even modifications in your home, like decorating.

Cats do spraying for a myriad of purposes. The most important reason, however, is to utilize urine marks to interact with other cats.

Felines achieve this by spraying a deluge of pee on a horizontal surface, whereas both males and females can spray a small amount of urine upon vertical surfaces. If you possess multiple cats, the cat may be scared of being disturbed while doing his business; therefore, he sprays wherever he can.

Cat parents must think like cats to comprehend and stop this behavior. The key point for cat owners to grasp is that your cat does not believe their urine smells bad.

Cats enjoy spraying because it makes them feel better. The spraying cat may be seen backing towards the area, quivering its tail, and releasing urine with little crouching. Urine spraying might happen near windows or doors, especially if your cat is afraid of the outside.

Your cat's instinct to a stray cat, for example, would be to establish its dominance. This could be due to the arrival of a new cat in your house or the existence of stray cats in your backyard.

If he's an indoor cat and observes them through the doors and windows, he'll spray both to make sure the other cats recognize your house as his territory.

It goes without saying that most cats' urine splashing is due to their failure to be spayed. Remember that, just like adults, the age at which a kitten achieves sexual maturity varies.

Other medical issues that may be causing the cat's spray include a urinary infection, feline leukemia virus, hyperthyroidism, and liver disease. If you've rescued an older cat, you can still neuter it, which will usually stop the spraying behavior.

How to stop male cats from spraying after being neutered?

An animal behavior specialist can assess your cat's problem and assist you in developing a treatment plan.

Male kitties who have not been neutered are the most prone to indulge in this highly unwanted habit. However, only a small number of neutered males or even fewer spayed females can spray.

Feathers, balls, fake mice, and reward dispensers are examples of toys that will provide your cat with activity and cognitive concentration. Cat furniture is an excellent place for cats to hide, climb, and rest away from the din of a busy household.

Cat furniture and toys are available at pet shops and veterinary clinics, and staff can assist you in making informed decisions. When a cat isn't feeling well or is stressed, they may spray pee, especially if they have a urinary tract infection, diabetes, kidney problems, or thyroid problems.

These medical issues can lead the cat to urinate outside the container due to pain.

If a cat is spraying, the first step is to take them to the veterinarian to rule out any medical problems. If a medical ailment causes your cat's indoor splashing, you should consult your veterinarian immediately.

Urinary tract infections and kidney disease are serious conditions; therefore, make an appointment as soon as possible. Some cats spray to get people's attention. Spend some time each day caressing and socializing with your cat in a pleasant manner.

Tips For Stopping Male Cats From Spraying After Being Neutered

What is the best way to encourage a cat to stop spraying inside the house? Determine whether your cat is spraying and urinating inappropriately. Inappropriate urination could be a behavioral or medical issue, while spraying is mostly behavioral.

As a result, if you notice your cat spraying, consider the strain in his life. Cats spray urine throughout your home when there aren't enough litter boxes available, which is common in multi-cat families.

As a general rule, each cat must have at least one litter box plus one. You'll require three boxes if you own two cats.

Having many litter boxes guarantees that each cat has constant access to one. You'll also want to make sure that each floor of your house has at least one litter box and that all cats have easy access to the bins.

If the problem stems from domestic social relations, it may be vital to determine which cats don't get along with one another. Put these kitties in their own rooms, with their own litter boxes and bed spots.

When cats don't like the kind of litter, they may begin to defecate outside the box. Older cats can struggle from illnesses such as arthritis, which can make utilizing litter boxes having high sides extremely painful.

Change the styles of boxes you have to resolve any litter box issues and avoid dealing with a cat spraying odor in your home. Consider boxes with shallow edges for older cats to enable accessing them easier.

If the cat is spraying pee just beyond the box owing to its small size, you should increase the capacity of the litter box you use. Some kitties prefer litter boxes that are covered, while others do not.

Established both types of litter boxes for your cat to see which one he prefers to find the ideal litter box for him.

The height of your cat's snout to the tip of its tail, adding another fifty percent, is the optimal size for a litter box. Non-hooded boxes are preferred by many cats.

If you don't completely clear away the urine, a cat spraying stench is not only uncomfortable for you, but it also draws your cat back to the area where he sprayed previously.

Apply a non-ammonia-based disinfectant on solid surfaces since the aroma of ammonia can be mistaken for cat urine, luring the cat back to the location to urinate. You don't want to use a filthy restroom, and your cat doesn't either.

As a result, it's recommended to use compact litter for your cat's litter box so that you can sweep away urine and feces daily to maintain the box as tidy as feasible for your furry friend.

Use an enzyme cleaner for upholstery, fabrics, and carpeting that penetrates the fibers and removes the urine and odor. Another option is to use home treatments for cat spraying, such as making a textile and furniture cleaner with three parts acetic and one part water that also removes urine odors.

Finally, suppose you wouldn't have the time to sweep your cat's litter box regularly, consider upgrading to an automated litter box. This ensures that your cat has a fresh litter box to use on a routine basis.

Cat urine marking is occasionally a territorial act. When your feline friend observes nearby kitties through a window, it may begin establishing his territory by splashing urine around the house. Your feline is spraying urine to let outdoor cats know that your house is his territory. Pheromones are used by cats to define their territory and feel protected.

Competition between pets over territory and food is one of the most common reasons for a neutered cat spraying urine throughout your home. If you have many cats, the cat may be spraying since it feels threatened by another cat.

The neutered cat spraying could be feeling intimidated by other cats or pets and is marking his territory with pee to make himself feel comfortable.

Provide plenty of options for your cat to help reduce pet rivalry. There must be enough space among your cat as well as the other animal for your cat not to sense the other's scent.

Put carpeted shelves on the wall to give your cat a place to hide when annoyed by other pets, particularly dogs. Cat trees are a great way to make sure your kitties have enough low and high places to play!

One cat may be bullying or tormenting another cat without your knowledge. A threat to another cat is nothing more than a gaze.

We don't see it, yet it's an act of assault. Set up multiple sleeping locations, water and food bowls, and litter boxes to fix the problem so that the cats don't have to compete for space. The happiness and health of your cat are vital! Whatever path you take, keep in mind that being a pet parent necessitates patience.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for do male cats spray after being neutered then why not take a look at cat scratching ears, or Persian cat facts.

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Written by Devangana Rathore

Bachelor of Arts specializing in English Language, Master of Philosophy

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Devangana RathoreBachelor of Arts specializing in English Language, Master of Philosophy

Devangana is a highly accomplished content writer and a deep thinker with a Master's degree in Philosophy from Trinity College, Dublin. With a wealth of experience in copywriting, she has worked with The Career Coach in Dublin and is constantly looking to enhance her skills through online courses from some of the world's leading universities. Devangana has a strong background in computer science and is also an accomplished editor and social media manager. Her leadership skills were honed during her time as the literacy society president and student president at the University of Delhi.

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Fact-checked by Sakshi Raturi

Postgraduate Diploma in Management

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Sakshi RaturiPostgraduate Diploma in Management

Sakshi has experience in marketing strategy, social media planning, and recruiting industry experts for capstone projects, she has displayed a commitment to enhancing their skills and knowledge. She has won multiple awards, including a Certificate of Appreciation for Creative Writing and a Certificate of Merit for Immaculate Turut, and is always seeking new opportunities to grow and develop.

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